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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. So I looked through all the old zines, web sites, books and this forum. There really isn't much on Axe Hall. I mean what BG worshipper wouldn't want to go on a pilgrimage from Nochet to Axe Hall? All we know is its on top this 2,000' high plateau with some vegetation, trollkin and black sand swirling around. Does anyone have some good info or a link to an article with more?
  2. Oops, thought they were immortal wizards... wait, Rikard isn't a wizard just a noble, as you said... Maybe partly the reason the Bandori were not molested by the Lunars? Like a PC Vingan, Larnsting riding a dragon with red hair glistening in the morning sun?
  3. You are a brutal overlord! Yes, I'll make myself king... But wait, if Rikard isn't a Talar wouldn't the Esvulari welcome one from the south with open arms as the "Talar" did try to move north or at least did so up to the Bandori areas?
  4. Chainmail and kite shields, what's not to like! Ok we'll change it to cow taxes, stolen virgins, press-ganged sons, whatever reason, its to set up Rikard as a noble with little thought for Orlanthi and there use besides being a serf. I think there was even a sword hunt he conducted in one old fan zine and so we may throw that in there as well... Wittenberg's Castle Church, I'll have it that Gwydion nails his protest of Rikard's policies on the Cathedral at Mt. Passant!? What fun! (I know it doesn't look like that in bronze age Glorantha but it could be adjusted to be more Mediterranean? What do the Aeolian temples/shrines look like on the Plateau and in say Nochet? (new thread...) As stated above, cow taxes, stolen virgins, press-ganged sons... avoid the wyters, guardians and spirits, simple enough. Thank you again everyone.
  5. Enough said, love it. So we'll stay away from sea-going trade and say each city would negotiate trade deals for whatever they send to Nochet, not really worried about what is traded just that the deal is made as it links Nochet via trade to a city on the Plateau. It'd be the same for most of the smaller cities along the cost, we wanted to use Rollo and his 2 masted barge to carry goods to-from the Plateau to Nochet. Trade Talk 12 p.13 (one of my favorite issues)
  6. We looked at that and decided that the rural Orlanthi who may/may not be Aeolians would be the ones relieved of their golden idols for the most part... we got this from Trade Talk 05 p.13. Gwydion is declared outlaw after protesting a royal decree (assumed to be made by Rikard) to remove all pagan ornaments from Invisible God churches. (YGMV) This pits some of the Aeolians along with the disgruntled Orlanthi and any remaining Storm Bulls in the mountains against the forces of Rikard. Maybe its only a few hundred but they likely join forces with Broyan against Rikard possibly? Regardless Rikard invaded (GtG p.240) which could be paralleled with the Nazis moving into Czechoslovakia or something similar, Rikard is an usurper. Sure some Czech were German but did they all want the Nazis there, did some object or flee? Sure they did. We can easily see where some Aeolians that have objected, were slighted or that had been close to their neighbor-Orlanthi objected and even revolted... Of course we'll have to work on it a bit more but it's shaping up nicely as a hybrid of the GtG and old zines which we cherish as Gloranthian Dogma!? LOL Our RQ group from the 90's... mostly me for now but with some old timer input from afar. Not shifting, still thinking Rikard takes pagan idols, especially from rural areas, basically looting. Also Orlanthi from Sartar who'll work for a Meldek are not religious high rollers, they'll basically be bandits. Those true Orlanthi patrons would be at Whitewall or somehow engaging the Lunars in or on the fringes of Sartar. He grows his forces from 1615 and when the time is right "Invades" to fill the power vacuum, makes the decree to loot the pagan idols, etc. and continues to grow with the loot, if not how did he obtain so many mercenaries to fight the Lunars... yes filling in some blanks and still have not read everything related on line. Just over double that: Heortland... 628,000 GtG. He made himself king and so the question is would all the 10-20k troops suddenly say "he's are man" and pin a medal on him? Not all of them like him as noted above (YGWV) again he's a usurper. We are using Gwydion which I hope is included in the upcoming Heortland Book (I thought Jaja was working on one) as the Caprati were included in the Nochet publication! Gwydion (not canon of course) is declared outlaw and it all works out. I'd say half that would fight if all of them agreed to him being king. They still need to garrison, protect from the Print, Jab Hills and of course can't leave the coasts unprotected and what about the troops massing south of the border? Some troops need to be there to check invasion plans... others to skirmish with Bryon Evidently there were not enough troops deployed there as there was still an invasion from there as well. IIRC only the bandori were left alone by the Lunars, they I may not have that right... so maybe the Aoelian/Orlanthi/Storm Bull dissidents in the Storm Walk Mts. number no more than 1-2,000 they need to reckoned with as Rikard's forces are divided or so I believe they would be? Possibly he only loots the temples of the areas not giving him support? Per discussions above and comments made by Mr. Metcalph it wouldn't be much/most it'd be the unsupportive dissidents. I do like the illustration, what is the title? This is fine and works for me... and so am saying only a small group of dissidents are hiding up in the hills/mountains. GtG p.249 Few of the Orlanthi favored the foreign conqueror... and so this gives good evidence that there was some rebellion against Rikard... not unlike Sartar. In my Glorantha the Aeolians were benevolent administrators up until 1617 or so when things began to crumble. Steps in Rikard, declears Orlanthi serfs (non canon) and wants to purify the Malkioni temples at the urging of the De Tumerine Bishop in Nochet. (all non canon but have so much potential for subplots with one of the PC's being a Caprati and 2 other PC's raised in an orphanage sponsored by Bishop Gwydion who is in 1618 declared outlaw. Trade Talk 05 p.15. yes again non canon but if someone writes him into a future publication well then... I really appreciate all the input here, canon or not lots to think about.
  7. Forget Pavis its what the Campaign needs... but you are correct the idea to justify the character makes it all the better in the end. Actually, Pavis gets to rekindle a love affair from years bygone? LOL we didn't think on it too seriously. I mean who doesn't like a CHA 22+ Dyard with the name Redwood? (got that from somewhere didn't make it up) was thinking a tall, attractive, intelligent half elf with higher than normal POW would be a great if not aloof PC. Doesn't want to away from Pavis too long... but is restless and wants to see the world. We have always played typical, how you roll them nobody characters, with no funds and no backing from local or foreign powers. We were thinking to try some characters that were a good bit above the norm for stats for this campaign. Noting that we have 2 Agimori, a Bear Walker, an amazon, a half elf as part of the party. The justification for Pavis being one of the parents gives a certain degree of access a regular street urchin would not have. Of course the being an actual daughter of Pavis will have what we feel to be some great role play antics as things begin to reveal themselves. These relations will need to be discovered and nurtured to be of value. its possible the PC will never actually know the character is actually Pavis' daughter. We are not that far yet. As we are starting these characters with little but trimmed cultural abilities we will need to work our way through the formative years... some physical attributes will need to be trained and or the characters might have to grow into their rolled stats. We'll take some cues from the Valley of Plenty and Six Seasons and see where that takes us much closer to character generation from a young age into young adulthood. We are still working out the details as to where actually any cult initiation happen... I think the shapechange to troll would be fun as both and illusion and a physical change depending on amount of magic energy spent, keep the same size, get a little smaller or larger, maybe take on the racial attributes, anything eaten, darksense... etc. that's something we will use... Thank you all.
  8. Per the GtG p.129 Moving deeper into Ralios, Arkat and his army found that many barbarian nations and non-humans had embraced the cult. Since non-humans were uncommon in Seshnela and Brithos, the invaders called the forces arrayed against them the League of Monsters, using the word krjalki to describe their nonhuman enemies as a single group. Simple enough, will run with that! Simple enough to limit it to grain coming from the Heortland Plateau so not a game breaker in the least. Might have been but is listed as M24 p.187 Women, even horali wives, are not permitted entry. Not a big deal, YGMV, assuming warrior and or high ranking women would be permitted. We'll play it that way as we don't want to be in cahoots with the Lunars...
  9. I am always trumped by not looking in the GtG. LOL
  10. We are looking for reasons the Caprati do not like trolls. We are not saying they do so but wish to create this dislike if they do not. Maybe they just don't like nonhumans? Would that include Agimori or they human enough? Besides that trolls are suspected when a caravan gets raided going north from Karse to Sartar what else might be a reason the Caprati do not like trolls? Is the family against them traditionally out west and so they brought their dislike with them when coming east? In the Beyond the Building Wall the statement that they'd hire nonhumans as a last resort gives the impression they are not liking trolls... or non humans at all. Based on non canon Tales 13 the Du Tumerine were outbid for the grain monopoly in Nochet by the Caprati in about 1603 (perfect for our campaign). Its different than what is posted in the Nochet book but the Caprati getting the grain monopoly in or about 1603 is better for us. (YGWV) Also regarding the Sword and Shield. Women, even horali wives, are not permitted entry. What if the daughter of a Caprati who was a commander of a heavy cavalry company of Aoelians from the Plateau came into Notchet. If she and her retinue walked in would the Sword and Shield owners not make exception? Seems strange to me that any establishment wouldn't allow a woman in or around in Nochet... if she were dressed in typical men's garb maybe they'd let her in? Assuming the Caprati are sided with the Red Earth faction how are they impacted when the Lunars are driven out of Nochet or does that not affect them or the Du Tumerine?
  11. So we have several items needing some input: What would the stat lines be for the daughter of Pavis and a Pavis garden Dyard? Wasn't Pavis a half elf? For now we just averaged the two parents to find something reasonable and tweaked slightly to make the character as the PC envisioned. If a human has a shapechange human to troll spell how would their stats change if at all, would they be the same and just look like a troll? Along the sma eline would they gain any darksence ability or would it be just appearance? Say human and minotaur have a child (yes with lots of fertility magic) would the stats be an average of the two races? I imagine you could sway towards either of the parents in any situation or even invoke some old recessive gene to bring out a characteristic trait desired for MGF. Think about it, wouldn't a baby minotaur be cute with dimples?
  12. So we are looking for reasons the Caprati do not like trolls. We are not saying they do so but wish to create this dislike if they do not. Maybe they just don't like nonhumans? Would that include Agimori or they human enough? Besides they are blamed when any caravan gets raided going north from Karse to Sartar what else might be a reason the Caprati? Is the family against them traditionally out west and so they brought their dislike with them when coming east? Also in the Beyond the Building Wall the statement that they'd hire nonhumans as a last resort gives the impression they are not liking trolls...
  13. I'll add that there is a really nice article in Trade Talk 12 p.13 Saronil Whiteteeth in Holy Country. Rollo a Golden Tongue takes the Sage to Nochet on a circuitous route close to Vent where he trades booze for salt/salted fish, I don't recall but its got a lot of potential plot hooks, Uroxi fishing salmon from the Syphon, good stuff. And now that the Nochet guide is out you have loads of hooks taking you to and from there. Rollo seems to be a good NPC to have related to trade and Mr. Whiteteeth for knowledge temple stuff.
  14. He brought an "enlarged company" of knights with him which from 1615 to 1619 grew in size or so we suppose over those years as sides are chosen due to the power vacuum and with exiles from Sartar. One thing not asked was when is he first reported in the Holy Country, Trade Talk 05 shows him with his Seshnegi knights being sent the Praxian Marches of Heortland in 1615 via Nochet... where was he based from say 1615 before the power vacuum... So he and his company goes to the Marches, (not canon but again gives him a starting point) guessing to be Knight Fort but not sure as it could be Exile Stead as well? At Knight Fort He grows his company further with exiled Sartaites and then comes back to the Plateau when the time is right to set up New Malkionwal. He does care about filling his coffers to fund New Malkionwal... and to that point we like the idea that Rikard begins confiscating "pagan" idols, etc. made of gold, silver, gems, thus being able to hire more mercenaries, likely some displaced Sartarites and anyone who is roaming or not wishing to be left out. Really what are Orlanthi serfs doing with all that money anyway? Ricard's "enlarged company" of knights is about 100 plus their squires/attendants, whatever with hired mercenaries under their command they could easily total 1,500. If he continued to add to his numbers from 1615 to 1617 when he seizes control. GtG 1617 (7/46): The Governor of Heortland dies performing a ritual, resulting in civil strife. Malkioni adventurers invade. We are guessing they come from the Marches? So he proclaims himself “King of Malkonwal” with the Esvularings backing him. He defeated the rebellious Uroxi Bullmen of the Footprint and a series of indecisive skirmishes are fought with Broyan. In 1619 Lunars and than battles with them, as I understood, having great losses on both sides, so he must have had a formidable force, easily enough to ride into smaller town and even larger one's, enter temples and confiscate such valuable items. If he didn't have a few thousand how did he manage to fight all those battles? Anyone guess as to the size of the forces that skirmished on the Plateau prior to the Lunas arriving? I had to add this... after hearing he destroyed his crown...
  15. The lead PC whom is the daughter of a Caprati and the Erol of Backford is set to take over as things settle down, she is a Larnsting, not completely sure how this will work but she has a birthmark... She'll end up leading the Company of the Dragon, of course she has red hair and will end up riding in on a dragon that roasts Gagix which will increase her popularity and help her unite the various province/regions/clans of the Heortland Plateau as one New Malkonwal when things cool off after Gagix or so we are thinking but this is a long term campaign which will take several years...
  16. Naimless had troll lovers, didn't she, what if she had a half-trollkin baby, not the same but why would she risk it? What would the result be, not that its directly related but she was at Tourney Altar with some trolls... so it was in Prax, kinda sorta. The INT would be potentially 3 less for a minotaur but surely potentially lower if it were a heardman? It'd be a risk but broo don't actually care about the results of their mating/their offspring most of the time do they... No horns on the Morokanth, if that matters. Do we have actual cases of Morokanth-human offspring?
  17. No disappointment, I never liked Rikard, just curious what drove him from his homeland, What's going on in Rinland and Tiskos and with his family say 1600-1605 as if the PC's were to meet him before he travels east there could be some good plot building for future... maybe they meet him and see his pompous demeaning attitude and side against him early on only to see him come to the Heortland, exile some of their own family and steal the holy of holies from their temples!? Wonderful foreshadowing especially if they are in or near Istakax or the Sun Dome to its northeast... maybe the sword Trollbiter surfaces, maybe the characters do a scenario similar to Growing Pains... Not an inspiration but an antagonist... its good campaign material. Thank you Mr. Richard. Again some of his writing in the 90's only strengthened our resolve that Rune Quest was the best, canon or not, its strength was that it was always open to personal interpretation.
  18. Don't like them, who does and Morcanth as well. Seems like the long way but avoids scorpionmen I suppose... in yellow. Following the path upslope along the Minthus reminds me of what might be some streams/rivers flowing down from Long's Peak in the Rockies... but only up to 9-10,000' rather than a 14er.
  19. GtG: Once king, Rikard defeated a rebellion by the Uroxi Bullmen of the Footprint and he and Broyan fought a series of indecisive skirmishes. For those that didn't go with Broyan I am guessing they go over Storm Walk to Exile Stead. The likely path is at the lowest pass over the mountain taking them about where the red line is in the clip below taking them up to about 6,500' to cross over which isn't too bad some blizzards likely in winter and so there is probably a steading with an inn somewhere along the way. It's about 60 miles from Backford to Exile Stead. They will progress up the south side of the Bullflood as the Jab Hills would be too dangerous especially when they migrated out en masse? What shrines would likely be at Exile Stead? Possibly Odayla due to the woods to the north, Orlanth, Ernalda, maybe Elmal or Yemalio? Storm Bull for sure.
  20. You forgot our favorite champion of orphans (YGMV) and protector of Aeolian rights, Gwydion of Sklar. It was noted by Joerg IIRC, again not canon, that he went with Sir Gerard de Montampein to the Council and that Montampein might have been Rikard's companion from childhood, I'll have to look again at that... Another add from that article is that Rikard and the du Tumerine's don't like the Aeolians or at least steal their pagan ornamentation from the shrines... this along with other things sends Gwydion to the hills for a bit... This is all great stuff for us. (I wonder if he's wearing one of those plastic samurai haircut caps the Japanese comedians wear?)
  21. I like that, never heard before. YGWV, I love Joerg's article which we gamed for several years in the 90's. We'll will keep Ironeye as the one who turns Rikard over to the Lunars even not canon. I read this when I received it but didn't know Uther was Rikard, makes sense now after changing his name. PHARAOH’S GAZETTE - rereading now, good stuff in there... Just like Cormac the Pict but he escapes... maybe Rikard will as well and reappear down the road in our campaign in 5 real life years!?
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