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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I'd recommend he have a villa of sorts connected via tunnels to the Dwarven tunnels? Maybe the cavern opens up like in You Only Live Twice? Maybe it's in the Puzzle Canal!? (that might be weird) For me he's a sorcerer supreme (looks like Cumberbatch) who tinkers and could even teleport between God Forgot and the Rubble but of course no one knows about this ability or where the homing circles are nor how to use them. IIRC the scenario Wet & Wild in Seapolis (TotRM 17 p.14) has some portable folding homing circles that he could have and use that he carries around with him? He probably has somewhere to fly in and out of that is secret... well maybe he's Batman and not Dr. Strange? It would be good to have him there from say 1600 or before but that's me, though I don't know when he appears in Pavis in your mind... He landed in God Forgot in 1560 so there is plenty of time for him to scout the Rubble and find a vacation home. Maybe he hires adventurers to find and clean out a place but rather they discover him... Actually and even better he could be the Man Who Walked With Pavis from VOL 01 p.52? Turn that into a scenario, does he time travel? Maybe he sends the PC's to retrieve his flying device that he crash landed in the mountains above Dorastor Land of Doom p.104. He likes Dwarves or so I assume, there is one in his workshop with a tin leg? Did you look at the Rough Guide to Pavis City? It has great info on the year 894 environs... wait, you wrote that?! Maybe he finds the subterranean levels of the Central Wizard's Tower to his liking? (#59 p.34) There are some troll squatters and he either has them driven out and or hires them as guards of sorts? Maybe he's actually a closet Black Arkati and is the half brother of Urvantan from Smoking Ruins and yes of course there is a gate like in Urvantan's Tower... this would make him be more sociable with trolls I am guessing? If the Central Wizard's Tower is to hot of an area and he isn't an Arkati and doesn't wish to study them then he'd be in the ruins of the tower on Magician's Hill maybe? As it's not noted where he's from it could be his ancestors were in Pavis and when it was in its heyday, he was out east for a bit and moved to God's Forgot just before the opening? There are 1000's of possibilities here.
  2. So Salor Ford is near the ruined EWF's city and it's rumored to hide the Blue Sky Shield of Renvald Meldekbane which is possibly buried underneath. These ruins at the south end of the Lakes were once an important EWF commercial hub with it being the start of the Intan Trail - a route across the Clavandal Ridges used during the early EWF period that runs through the Dendrogi Pass to Intan, and on to Banjarn. I saw it was called the Tongue of the Dragon and if so why? Anyone know what the "Process barracks of the Right to Left Hand" is as its mentioned... Also noted that Hannand was at the end of the lake but there doesn't seem to be a lake near there just the River. Anyone detailed these runis?
  3. Would be really well received if the old scribbled character sheets were available, old maps, the house campaign is great but would love to see a panel of old players get interviewed about the early games. Would be really fun to listen to audience questions... Likely whoever ran Bagtrap was either just bored with the character, was a superfluous one or thought divine intervention would save them? The old RQ glory days...
  4. Does anyone have more information on Bagtrap? I am seeing where he was adventurer in Tarkala's Band in Pavis but also was a member of the Temple of the Wooden Sword. Is it the same character? When traveling to Balazar he jumped into the Bronze Dragon's mouth, had seemingly gone insane after the defeat of the Temple at the Isle of the Dead in the Marsh? He was a Sartar tribesman and may have been from Londros household but that was noted as doubtful... In Earth Season in 1617 while traveling with Jon Mith's caravan he jumped into a Bronze dragon's mouth and so now the path is called Bagtrap’s Trail. (Wyrms High Pass - another thread) From the Stafford House Campaign it notes: Bagtrap – Bronze Dragon’s Mouth
  5. Was reading they are demigods so they'd likely have much more magnitude in magical capabilities than a human or so I am guessing and so is what we'll run with. Our PC who ends up being a Larnsting won't self-actualize until after Belintar is gone. Still trying to figure what their powers would be but then again they sort of just "will" something to happen so that is going to take some time to sort out... I had read that comic several times and still am seeing things new. Is there a writeup of footnotes somewhere for it!?
  6. So in the Sartar Companion p.75 there is a detailed section on the Stormwalkers and the Old Wind Temple. The Four Sacred Breaths are discussed but I'd like to know if anyone converted these to Rune Quest? Calm Breath - is this like a combination protection spell against magic, spirits and demons? Storm Breath - is this like a strength, vior and fanaticism spell cast at once? Healing Breath - similar to a heal wound? No Breath - would this be like a divination spell I am guessing these powers are automatic for the Stormwalkers but would cost magic points? Also would the Larnsting automatically be initiated/welcomed into the Stormwalkers? Not related but does anyone see similar character traits between Londra and say Muriah?
  7. I actually saw these some time ago but with a quick search I didn't see them. I love the dead duck and the one with the rhino horn if that is what it is! This is perfect.
  8. I love the old RQ 03 Cormac's Saga, he is hit with a disease spirit of some sort and changes from a warrior type to a shaman after loosing strength... p.13 in the Magic Book is where it starts. All sorts of great connections to Elmal and Runegate. Even one of the tavern owners used to be part of the Temple of the Wooden Sword. The Emali are where it's at, not those prude Yelmalions... extensive Runegate material in the Sartar Companion. I think they are the same book but like a 2 page difference if any at all besides the cover or adds at the back?
  9. Surprised the larger tusks(?) aren't at more of an upward angle... Still curious as to an illustration showing a troll in a plate hement/full helm.
  10. One of our players suggested taking a troll's skull of a size larger than the human wishing to wear it as a helmet. I am trying to figure out how said troll skull cast in bronze could be made into a helmet or say a helmet stylized to look as a troll skull rather than the actual skull? If stylized tusks were added to the helmet in the 2nd clip it'd looked a bit more troll like? If the snout is shortened too much it might look more like a tusker than a troll? Of course the Agimori wearing it are size 20-22 so they already look a bit trollish in size but if we were to say cast a stylised helmet could they pass for trolls at a distance in low lighting... I did some bronze casting in High School, still have a burn scar on a finger from that cool experience... am thinking the helmet might be more fierce than the greek hoplite helm or an earl Medieval period conical helmet. Do Gloranthians actually cast bronze? Is anyone able to reference a troll wearing a helmet related to Rune Quest as I cannot find one, just curious. I see most troll stats as trolls wearing armor on their heads but they obviously are style conscientious and refuse to wear them for portraits?
  11. Say the sun hits the valley very brightly everyday at a certain time and there is an Elmali shrine that lines up on the sunbeams... maybe her desire to be Elmali justifies her desire to ride and travel, horses might lead to Runegate and or other places where horses are prevalent? Its so open you could have them do anything. Use the game rules as guidelines and let the characters develop as the PC wishes, don't force them to initiate if the choices are not what they really want, travel with a caravan and go somewhere there are choices they like or add them. The whole point of Rune Quest was to not be stuck to a class of character or a certain type of magic, all PC's can learn if they go find a teacher or if the GM gives them potential paths to lead them to what they are looking for. I suppose this is why I am not a fan of playing healer PC's!
  12. Brains, innards, goo, acid, tar, bubblin crude, it's all good!
  13. I always assumed Spinning Wheel was the midwife and would likely go with that, Mr. Swordsharp is just along for the ride as a protector. If we ever make it to the Cradle or Barran's Vomitter (we are starting in 1600) the PC's may Hero Quest in both scenarios. Who knows one of the PC's may be a descendant of Spinning Wheel and so will have a nice bond with the Giants already. Possibly Orta will communicate directly with said PC when on the Rone Sword Quest and ask that they help with Cradle's protection when it comes. We have already set it up that the PC's meet Three Chop, Urrrggh and the rest of the Wooden Sword Gang so they may even be with them on the Wounding of Arroin Quest... New idea, She'll come back from hell and take on Cacodemon from the Eternal Battle with the PC's and dissolve it as part of the cure - healing of the Wastes. We didn't sort that out yet and it'll be years away... Maybe her name is Naijo-ta or something a combo of Gonn and Naajia (saved, liberated - got this on line).
  14. Or it just seeped down an existing hole? The stairwell to hell... was and still is there and its not blocked just hidden somehow? Maybe sometimes hellspawn finds its way to the top of the Shadow Plateau via the stairwell and that is what pilgrims are charged with taking care of? Who knows maybe if certain HQ rituals are conducted the stairs do go up or down... similar to Sun County p.126 The Stairway leads up to the heavens and down to the underworld... easy peasy Hero Quest entrance? (Its funny to note that at that time there were no HQ rules...) Better yet maybe Mr. Bunan Flea will be hanging around to great the PC's? Its like getting a little gold star in kindergarten. I really love how you guys unintentionally link all the old good stuff magically.
  15. I haven't played it yet. only read bits an pieces but the Valley of Plenty release has a lot of pre-initiation scenarios which go into detail on character development which could be role played, added to any campaign with some tweaking. Hoping someone chimes in with more detail how those events added to their champaign. I am hoping for and dreading this to happen at the same time, worried I'd not be ready (not as sharp as I was) when the old gang is finally assembled and ready to get started again. Glad for you to get your campaign going!
  16. I'll go with Balrog... IIRC the sound of it in itself from the LotR was pretty intense!
  17. Not canon but still interesting, Tamara Three Chops ends up being the bouncer at Geo’s Runegate Inn. (Sartar Companion p.62) Is there any more on their history?
  18. I know this is old but I like the sound of it. What would releasing Oakfed look like? More like Surt, a Blorog perhaps or is there a description or illustration somewhere?
  19. Hard copy of Volume 01 in hand... when is the next one born into hardcover!?
  20. Reading online: Queens cannot create a new colony alone: You'll need a nuc or bee package to start a colony, both of which include a queen. However, there are some circumstances where you may need to order a queen, rather than a nuc or package. So where do we get our queen bee in Glorantha and how much would it cost? Maybe we could arrange a deal with the Wasp's Nest to get wasps and have them make some honey though not nearly as promising... The amount of honey that the Mexican honey wasp makes is minimal compared to a honeybee. However, it is edible by humans and tastes like maple syrup. (still no word on the Into the Wasps Nest but still hoping to get a copy) How far north would one see the citrus crop Mr. Sten noted in another thread being at Monros: This city, named after a Second Age king, is located at the junction of two important roads and a ferry across the Lyksos River. A rich sanctuary of the goddess Ernalda and her warrior daughter Vinga is outside the city walls, surrounded by citrus orchards. Wondering about orange marmalade and would they use use sugar beats to sweeten it as sugar doesn't seem to be prevalent?
  21. So there are pits with the organics from the OOO's decomposing body along with the sands from the pulverized palace of black glass. Both work for me. What is interesting to note that when you pan to the north and slightly west of the La Brea Tarpits in LA, you'll see a very nice Orlanth Rune in the park... maybe, just maybe I am looking at this Glorantha stuff a little too much. In fact last weekend was an arts fair and I walked up and asked one of the artists why he had a dragonewt rune on his painting... actually I didn't but asked what it represented and was of course disappointed it wasn't related to dragonewts.
  22. I think this is right, his body made the organics that somehow changed to Gloranthian tar... The connection to the Underworld, steam, vents, piping made by dwarves or natural, the brine being pumped or forced by gases/steam something like geothermal geysers at say Yellowstone fit nicely. Sounds fitting quite trollish as well. From the the Satar Companion p.38 and related to the discussion, its the Earth Temple building: The Copper House is magically guarded by the great copper serpents that coil around it and by the copper sows atop its thatched roof. Axe-wielding initiates of the dread goddess Babeester Gor and four bound nakasas physically defend the building and prevent intruders from entering. Non-canon likely but this could be part Bab Temple and part brewery or have some out buildings similar, pipes and vents, steam green patina sides and roof with pigs and nakasas to boot?
  23. There seems to be a strong parallel with the GWD's being able to transmute into objects with a spirit and the Silver Statue as it transformed refreshing the Dwarvish construct/whatever it was? Maybe it became the Dwarvish wyter of the mansion it restored? I want to think the Silver Statue has some sort of spirit as well, it's not just a machine. From the Sartar Companion: It carries within it the power to bring magical creation and return ‘life’ to deceased Dwarves and Mostali. It's more than just a machine, its seems more spiritually capable than a GWD when I think on it based on the Sartar Companion description of abilities. I'd argue more after looking at this that the GWD's may have been created by Mostal and Lokarnos together? Also from the Sartar Companion: Our workforce is nearly restored to full capacity and our project has attained fifty four seventieths completion and for this we thank you. It's not as quirky-fun as your An Encounter with a Dwarf writeup Jaja but it makes an attempt.
  24. Of course, I see it as possible the way you explain it now! 3D helps a lot. Mr. Scott referenced the maps earlier. It'd be great to have a large on for a wall hanging! Marinated pork loin with Korean Hoisin Sauce and garlic slowly grilled is quite nice.. I think the maps are great, but I'd not get much more detailed beyond say that which is explained in the Sea Cave scenario. High, low and medium tides... something simple. Curious the min max on the tides in feet or meters. More so the idea of what the tides would do at say Nochet, Sklar, Karse and Leskos... Don't like Waertagi or Shan Chan.
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