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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I didn't know any of that... good stuff! So it's good for killing, growing and feeding pigs.
  2. I have a desire to place and old keep and dungeon at this location even it says in RQA 06 that its a dozen cave mouths line the south wall of this narrow valley. The entrances lead to a moderate size underground complex of unknown origin. GtG - Troll Ruins: These ruins in the Stinking Forest are the remains of a troll stronghold destroyed by war between the Elder Races. Has anyone detailed troll vampires or had ideas on how to better develop the Troll Ruins?
  3. LOL, I personally don't like potatoes most of the time and could care less if they are in anyone's Glorantha. Was just curious why Joerg thought Dark Elves would infect them... or any other root vegetables if they do. Starting to not like Dark Elves. They may have a chaos taint...
  4. Why would they infect them and what would the infection do to the potato, reduce growth or spoil them in some way? Wouldn't hindering growth be against the norms for an elf?
  5. IIRC, the dwarves of Pavis had golems that helped with collecting night soil. Does anyone recall what book/zine this was in? What did they do with the night soil and in other large cities near dwarf settlements could they not be encouraged to conduct the same collection? It might have been quasi-god learner magic that synthesized edible steaks from feces... No wonder people get sick from dwarf food? What is it called when dwarves have plumber's butt? https://sg.news.yahoo.com/japan-scientist-synthesizes-meat-human-feces-060312069.html#:~:text=Solution%3F,on proteins from human excrement. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nadiaarumugam/2011/07/08/meat-made-from-human-feces-hoax-or-japans-best-new-invention/
  6. Wasn't there a Hero Quest with sheep that has steel wool or something? Do the dwarves use that to make mithril?
  7. Sound somehow like a book my daughter read a several years ago... dwarves seem to make golems in a way.
  8. keep going back to this somehow. LOL
  9. They seem to get along well enough in Pavis, wait wasn't Pavis like half elven and his BFF was/is a dwarf?
  10. I didn't find much either but the tidbits were what in the past helped generate some great gaming. The Great Drain p.154 There are rumors of secret tunnels leading from the basement to the dwarf-made sewer system. p.201 (Gimpy's always a hotbed of sedition and underworld nefarious schemes!) I must also be recalling Sanctuary... easy enough to adlib based on the info there... The Sewers of Sanctuary, Game Master's Book p.65. The Maze, Hellhounds and sewers, what's not to like... what nestalgia. Zalbar, Bourne, Ouag, Razkuli, and Arman... is that Jason Bourne? I forgot Mr. Perrin help with that...
  11. After dozens of page-turns through the HQ Pavis: Gateway to Adventure I never noticed the illustration of the Faceless Statue Fighting Waha!? p.30 (thank you Jaja and Mr. Brandi for sending me there) Pavis controlled a stone golem that kicked Waha's bottom.
  12. Just thinking, would Dwarves grow mushrooms or would they trade for them with the elves and trollkin at the Munchrooms? Also made me wonder why dwarves were not also an option for assistance in that scenario as if dwarves say, love pickled mushrooms and their supply was being threatened by some trolls, well then...
  13. Still looking for old links to the sewers of Pavis? Anyone? I know I saw them, maybe a Hero Quest book? I recall chasing Broo from New Pavis they were smuggling or something for the Lunars in tunnels but lost track of where? It wasn't anything to do with the Devil's Playground tunnels... If you know and thank you!
  14. Counted dozens of cranes in the mangroves north of Key Largo over Christmas... yes smaller but the bigger ones would eat larger fish in deeper water maybe, not sure about bloodbirds though?
  15. If the city was sacked it may have been not rebuilt fully and or never had stone walls? Might have been a combo with some stone and a wooden parapet like the Arola in Spain (I think that's what the illustration is below)? Just curious as to everyone's thoughts... thanks!
  16. Found it, it's so new I forgot. A small farm community tends this abandoned estate and lands. See A Rough Landing in Book 4: Adventures (pages 5–23). Something like Red Cow works but was thinking as it had been built and sacked a few times possibly the foundations and or part of the walls were stone?
  17. I have and know the others but will look at Mernyr's... ty!
  18. I'll get that when its out for sure (hard copy Vol. 3 on its way with Nochet book) but there were older publications with maps beneath Pavis, IIRC, I just hoped to look at them in the meantime.
  19. What year was it first built and if multiple reeditions were erected, why were they not on top of each other (due to the same need for a water source) or was it rebuilt in some seemingly better defensive location, thus the need to relocate it, not far for the water source? If it were burned did all the inhabitants die, were carried off or did they conduct a fighting retreat as the ton burned? Was it originally a watch tower and is it currently somewhat circular now, possibly like an Orlanth rune? Are the walls a wooden palisade or are they of stone? Assuming its a hilltop fort of sorts and it usually supports 750-1000 persons what is a currently detailed Sartarite city that it might be compared to? What would it be like in the year 1600? We'll assume a natural spring or underground aquifer with enough flow to support that many people and several hundred cattle and horses? Is it maybe a head or tail of a sleeping Serpent of old? Do they use heavy crossbows in lieu of short ranged self bows the pigmy's on impalas use on the ramparts assuming there are some defensive walkways? Being there are horses there would there not be an Elmali shrine there as well?
  20. Reading in the hard copy of Vol 02 about the connection to the old Pavis sewer system from the Real City... does anyone recall the sources of the sewers and tunnels under the city? Sewers, Dwarf tunnels, Chaos tunnels, thief tunnels, etc, etc. I recall the City of Sanctuary had overall layouts as doe Nochet... where are the best plans/maps of those under Pavis if you know of them?
  21. I don't disagree but was imagining waterways moving through the marshes near Keystone and Landwall maybe like the mangroves in Florida with a few larger rock outcroppings or cap sandstone rock formation. When will the Heartland book be out?! Can't wait. (My hard copy of Nochet shipped... ty for that.)
  22. Where along the Heortland coast might we see settlements like this? (Kopanyi Thailand) I assume numerous ones by say Seapolis but what about the western coast of the Heortland Plateau and or the islands Joerg detailed earlier? Would the areas by Keystone and Landwall have some of this?
  23. Sorry, my mistake, I've not been there but would like to go, to both, just looking at old castles. Both are somewhat coastal... Good catch Stephan. Was looking at Jalance (hopefully below is correct) must have been mislabeled and or included as "castle". Similar but the outer wall of Xivert seems closer to Dykene (in the earlier photo)? Thanks!
  24. She's likely the smallest of Rune Lords... you'd ever see, being smaller than a small trollkin? Hresht made a thread which has all sorts of back story links in it if you are interested. She seems more or less retired in current game time...
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