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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Strange enough found this when looking at Nysalor stuff in Land of Doom.
  2. Not sure that it is meaningful but Ethilrist met Mr. Auroch in Hell. (from Land of Doom p.17)
  3. They don't use silver, afraid it will tarnish, they are secretly supporting a bunch of Thanatari, a sort of subculture for the Sun Dome. Recall the movie Porky's, I think that had some of the same ideas where the righteous high-ranking townsfolk were actually the most immoral. They ran down the street in their underwear with feathers on them or something... sound like what the Sun Domers would do to people they can't understand or don't care to try to... we have some modern day real world situations like this, not the silver tarnish part but then again maybe some people would cause silver to tarnish if they touched it? Can't stop laughing...
  4. Is there a good source for a sample of Hero Quest play recorded on YouTube? Also why not rebuild Nysalor, the PC's may actually be rebuilding Arkat IIRC? These faces could all be the same just at different times of the same life:
  5. I wonder what happen to his blood, seeped into the earth, did it crystalize, burn like acid? What would its properties be? Who might have some as Arkat was too exhausted to actually gather Nysalor's blood... he could barely walk out of the place (Where was it again?). Just maybe a really large crystal somewhere powered Nysalor... and still does just sayin. (Isn't this a dumb but cool theory?!) All the PC's have to do is get Orta to stand up and take Speaking Wheel from under where his butt was and they'll be richly rewarded by trolls?! What's the catch here?
  6. We love illumination, always will. We don't like creating disease, spreading it secretly, killing 1,000's and then suddenly appearing - claiming to have a cure via a new bright god... sounds a lot like the plague mother... This is nice and would like to run a Hero Quest that directly apposes it, somehow. Honestly, never played Hero Quest. Does anyone know of a YouTube link that records a session that uses hero points, etc. I'd love to watch or even listen if its only a recording. it never "Dawned" on me until just now to ask this Forum!? mfbrandi - Vines, webs, shells, what is it all meaning and who for sure...
  7. I have it, forgot that one, again! Skimmed it, Serternas the Bright, Malerkot the Red, Tarchnal the Eagle, Bradangus the Bright, etc. they are all dudes. Mr. B suggested women controlled the military, Light Lady in charge... who is this woman at the Sartar Sun Dome? Also what year is the article in WF 15 based in Gloranthian time? 1625?
  8. I do want ideas for the other parts/pieces as to where they were placed. We can rebuild him, we have the technology. Maybe the Dwarves actually built Nysalor.
  9. For the game show, Glorantha in Jeopardy of course - Sun Wheel Dancer Trivia for $200, Jim.
  10. Where is the most info on the Sartar Sun Dome, bits and pieces in several old Zines but where are the best sources? (Please, please don't sat the upcoming Sartar book!?)
  11. Epsom salts on a slug? Wait, maybe this should be on the Alchemy Thread!?
  12. I keeps becoming relevant. Orta is sitting on Nysalor's mouth, Speaking Wheel. Where are the other parts hidden and where/what year would one of Arkat's minions have met Orta to give him Speaking Wheel in their inanimate form? Why weren't the parts of Nysalor thrown into the void? There are a few entrances to the void documented on Glorantha IIRC.
  13. Funny, I was looking at this guy last night, he needs a light!
  14. Our Backford campaign has 2 of 8 in the Yelmalio/Elmal mess one is a woman and the other a male Agimori, we'll see how that plays out in Prax especially if they are independent of the chauvinistic males at the Praxian Sun Dome and are able to kick their ass (eventually) even though only acolyte status!?
  15. So the underlaying theme of Yelmalian misogyny is the fact that the guys a worshiping a woman? All the more reason to not like women advancing in the ranks, especially higher levels! I would like to know Kargzant's Hill of Gold myth as well as Mr. B., suppose no issue with male, female, etc. taking the lead role in any Hero Quest... how is the Kargzant myth different than the Yemalioan one, is there one form Elmal as well? Lightfore?
  16. Funny, I was looking at that image on line yesterday. I've seen it in the GtG but didn't realize/see that it was Stormwalk in the background. Thanks again Jaja.
  17. RHW, are you sure its not another cult altogether?
  18. What and where is there more on Torvald? I liked having the Book of Wyrms and one of the Bishops carrying it around hitting himself in his head while chanting... RHW, I'll save this assuming one of the PC's develops alchemy skills, thanks. This could be anything, a wand a stone, a Gold Wheel Dancer, etc. or so I like that it could be, maybe an allied spirit or even a sorcerer's familiar? The Torvald Fragments are the source of Lhankor Mhy sorcery Write up Page Year Runes Personal Glyph Notes Cults of Glorantha Preview 294 2019 Torvald Fragments RuneQuest Glorantha 389 2018 Torvald Fragments HeroQuest… from the Well.
  19. Are there lavender fields in Prax? Almost like a Darkwalk Spell, blend-in is total... honestly I do like the cloak idea and the encampments on the large creatures, kind of like Peterson's Campaign with the giant wagons in Pamelta?
  20. Only when summoned? Then they possess elements like a spirit would be bound in an object or to a place no?
  21. I wonder if these come from ground dragon skeleton, decomposed mummy cloth, ancient asbestos (whatever that might be) or mold spores from under the Bat's wings, hehehe.
  22. I am good with letting PC's find ingredients or at least research for them at the LM Libraries? Climbing distant mountains to find strange fruit which makes you high can be fun!?
  23. I see it and was wondering why one was so needle like but not the other, the scale of these features, the mountains, the 3000' Shadow Plateau, etc, make Glorantha look so different than what we pictured years ago, much more abrupt/severe. Are there any illustrations of the Stormwalk Mountains?
  24. So if they were female (were some female or could they be either or asexual) and were treated as objects by the misogynistic Solar Pantheon I could see them slowly turning inward and transforming into rigid objects over the years... Still laughing at Speaking Wheel being under Ota's butt for a couple hundred years.
  25. Is this a thought or did you read it somewhere Mr. Biles? I'd like to read more on that.
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