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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Crazy, I found the write-up for Ingenew: TotRM 15 p. 55, while looking for a better map of the Krjalki Bog... funny. So he's a half god, a demigod, it helps ease the thought that his weapons are not so powerful or maybe less so in the hands of a normal human... funny that a certain god knocked him out and so he was forced to serve him and so learned his smithing skills. Good stuff.
  2. Are you hinting that some of those Dorastor scenarios you wrote have interesting scenario climaxes with big, rude, ugly, disgusting things?
  3. Cracked me up 30 years ago and still does:
  4. Oh, I understood that, sorry if I was/am confusing. Thought it'd be cool to rebuild Seolinthur while cleansing the Bog... but where is his head and how to rebuild it. Maybe the chaos dwarves in the Tunneled Hills are hiding information on this and the Bog is being polluted with something similar to the God Learner shell-boat-island thingy that spews out as black tarish waste ichor. TotRM 10 Storms in the Deep Only the Sun Domers know how to combat this via there relation with the Zola Fel and the Cleansed One subcult? Maybe there is a library in the Alda-Chur Sun Dome with some obscure info on this?
  5. This is really good stuff for me, can't wait to get your book in the mail. Thanks!
  6. I assumed you get it all back when you return to Glorantha?! So you use it on the god/hero plane and then get it back like magic points once you are back...
  7. Its from TotRM 05, those old zines, RQ Adventures, etc. are really good stuff, can't help but go back to them. Giant green elf brians falling from the sky...
  8. Some sort of real-world god-learner project going on... and someone has one in their yard. I am sure dwarves would kill and steal for this iron jolanti which they would claim was made by them. Yes they would also say that their paten was infringed upon when this copper fabric smoking jacket was shown on the runway so they'd kill or steal that as well.
  9. I felt this to be true but it was listed as just speculation... noted in the Your Dumbest Theory thread: So there you have it, from Land of Doom, you can get parts of the Unbreakable Sword and that of Nysalor's body. Speaking Wheel (Orta is sitting on Speaking Wheel) knows where the rest of the parts of Nysalor's body are and if you bring them all to the Dwarves they will reassemble him without the egg shell and vines... Nysalorankenstein (my daughter was reading Frankenstein for school when I wrote that several weeks back) I agree, how would a god kill a true dragon or something like the Bat with a sword that on a critical does 32 max damage 2d6 x 2 even with 100d6 damage bonus? (What would a god's damage bonus be?) to exceed armor and hp on the Bat's chest you'd need about 100d6 and a critical with a standard 2HD sword... felt the same but was too chicken to say that... I still like the general idea though. Iron swords (made in Gondolin) do double to trolls and elves, quadruple if blessed to do double damage...
  10. If you could find this place via Hero Quest and come away with your Super Bowl Ring a PC might have some greatly enhanced archery skills... without having to have delt with the whole live elf bow process? Who knows YGWV. Being poisoned by your own bow sounds a bit rough!?
  11. I was reading about the Green Bows in Tarsh in Flames, I think they are also in Armies, and am wondering why there isn't something like that developed for Yelmalian archers in Sartar? Sun County in Prax doesn't seem to like elves much... Since the whole Elmal/Yelmaoilan issue was sorted out in the 1580's why wasn't something developed earlier for Yelmalians who are closely linked to Elven cultures besides these Green Bow people? Maybe its something PC's could develop in Sartar and the Heortland as who wouldn't want a personalized bow with a spirit bound into it?
  12. We are still using RQ2-3 stuff and love it. All the new stuff just keeps adding more flavor and depth. Agree, Hero Quests should be acid-trip strange and is a perfect analogy though I've not enjoyed that in my life, yet... I suppose the Persistence of Memory and a few other of Dail's or Escher's paintings could be possible visual enhancements, melting landscapes, giant green elf brians falling from the sky... make it all the more bizarre. Curious if the hero points mechanic was ever spelled out more clearly than in the Bill Keys article Alebard's Quest in TotRM 05? I'll have Soltakss' book in a few weeks and see how it goes. Thank you all for pushing us to the edge of integrating Hero Quests into our game, it's been many years in the coming.
  13. They are Godlearner constructs or from that time. Maybe dwarves also have stuffed animals and wear them as clothing? I am still laughing at this Mr. West.
  14. 200% agree, if I am following you, if forged by Ingenew, the swords would likely take possession of any non-hero level mortal who touches them IMO. I think that was the premise of the Elric of Melnibone's sword, Stormbringer or something like that. These swords would have a will most certainly more powerful than your average mortal? So you get the Windsword and after that epic quest, then a PC would need to Hero Quest to truly unlock its powers...
  15. Do tell! I should set up a contest as to where these swords are - who has them. Uz-Cleaver, the Diamond Blade or the Unbreakable Sword Besides under Otra's bum...
  16. Whatever happened to 1 point of will per 3 points of power and another for each 50% and 100% in each of the base cults skills, another for each cult membership, prient or rune lord status, Londra had 28 on Alebard's Quest...
  17. I am a little slow, as you might guess, my middle name is quick, it would be difficult to find, invisible and all... thanks for explaining. 🙂 Surprised the Wind Sword and Mazta's Sword were crafted by the son of a god but are not more powerful? I suppose in the hands of a deity, like the snakepipe, the powers are enhanced?
  18. LOL I feel that way now, I dropped about $350 yesterday on all Glorantha items from the JC, I have to wait 2-4 weeks to get it all... it'll be like Christmas in May for me. (I'll not cheat and open the PDF's, they are for future.) Nothing like a good old fashion book or magazine with post-it notes sticking out all over! Love the new material and thanks everyone for this forum!
  19. With fabulous makeup! (Eddie Izzard of course.)
  20. I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that simple, as when I went on the Well of Daliath "Mazta" didn't show. Also I saw "Mazoo's Tooth" in my Plunder hard copy but no "Mazta" there either. I'd appreciate you showing me how you might search for it Akhor so I know better for future? Uz-Cleaver, the Diamond Blade or the Unbreakable Sword? Thank you!
  21. I couldn't put it into a spoiler when I went back in but the first time I tried to edit I couldn't get it to spoiler format. Thank you for all the listings, I have most of the old school stuff, zines and all. Some of the newer material I am more selective and lean toward printable stuff. Like the HQ Book.
  22. Was looking for Mazta's Invisible Sword not Invisible Sword. Lots of good stuff in Plunder.
  23. Seems like I'll need to get it printed with holes punched for a 3 ring binder!
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