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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I suppose Mr. Brightspear, Light Captain of Yelmalio, being allied with the Durulz and sworn against Delecti, would fit right in along with the Lismelder quite nicely. He might even be a Humakti at some point in his life... see clip below, I think its from a Hero Quest or Upland Marsh article, sorry I didn't note the source when I clipped it last year... Also there is a hamlet named Better Harvest which I assume is somewhere along the stream, possibly where the red arrow is which is noted in RQ Adventures 01 Escape From Duckland. There are seven country bumpkins armed with long spears and soft leather led by Doloric Hempstead, a veteran of the Templars. I suppose these guys and Mr. Kilgorn along with Better Harvest might be tied into a campaign that has the Marsh and the Lismelder in it? Hueymakt Deathdrake - Druulz God of Death & War Humakti Ducks, also in RQ Adventures 01. We have an Elmali Acolyte want to be based in Backford and are making ties to there via a file rotation that wants to learn to fight chaos. Its set up now that Mr. Brightspear is married to the sister of the Bishop of Backford. Non canon of course but works for us.
  2. In the Gods War, Humakt lost his original sword and needed replacements, so Inginew made them for him. Inginew’s father was Gustbran the Smith, but Inginew specialized and so surpassed even his father. He made many famous blades: the Diamond Blade; the first sword forged from iron, called Uz-Cleaver; Mazta’s Invisible Sword; the Wind Sword; and many others. Initiates first learn metallurgy and basic weapon crafting then may learn to use the Death Rune to enchant swords. Besides the Windsword the Air’s weapon. Made of tempered iron, it has a Truestone bound into the hilt... These don't show up in the Well of Daliath. Who is able to locate them or hypothesize why are they sitting on some dead king's chest, impaled in stone or being wielded currently by some hero want-to-be? I see that Mazta is noted as an (air spirit) possibly its made from some sort of form set air but then why would Ingenew have made it, possibly he could use any material to to create a weapon? Beat Pot has a cleaver but surely its not the Uz-Cleaver? The Diamond Blade, maybe a lycanthrope dinosaur in Dorastor has it? We all know where the Windsword is but what of the others?
  3. Picked it up today as well. I think it'll take 2-4 weeks to get to me in printed format. Worth the wait I am sure.
  4. I need to learn how one to run before buying 10... I love that they are Hero Quest sessions in the Rune Quest actual campaigns. It'd be nice to have a full list of known Hero Quests as it would for all the scenarios out there... I have started to generate a list, including all the old zines, again just scenarios but its 1000's of pages, maybe when I retire... Location, approximate year and season, difficulty factor, antagonists, plot hooks, repercussions, good prequel scenarios, good follow up scenarios. For example the good old Greenbrass scenario, Apple Lane, Rainbow mounds, Escape From Duckland, etc. every time I go to sort out a sequence of events I run into many more great scenarios I failed to link/tie in... White text spoiler follows as edit (sorry about that) I am sure it's out there somewhere, a comprehensive list of all scenarios and only scenarios?
  5. Maybe they trade with Monsieur Delecti while running back and forth through their tunnels connecting Heortland and the Clanking Ruins? Rocky Horror maybe, Delecti does have some beautiful vampiric girlfriends right and they want lingerie right? Clanking ruins make me think of machinery, leads to motors, gears and submarine equipment. I can't help myself from thinking of Operation Petticoat, the pink submarine and the garter... Do dwarves do drag? Maybe female dwarves wear various lingerie... are there rubber trees in Glorantha? Female dwarves wearing turreted headgear in fabulous lingerie? This is like the flamingo gorilla sporpionman. Note the cannons on the hat in the last clip. It was found in Forang Farosh's closet in Tink. We know he has trade agreements with the dwarves but what is changing hands?
  6. If you could work a scenario(s) into it where the bog waters a purified, Yamsur's head is found and reattached and he is brought back, I'd buy that one. The thread Prax and the thousand questions had a good bit of ideas in it. (sorry this has gotten off topic)
  7. Via LOTR movies... I am suggesting, never saw Elven Quest... maybe making fun of LOTR's?
  8. HQ scenerois. Dragon's Eye with scenarios would be really nice. Disappointing but maybe scenarios being published between other items would placate some old time players? I also picked up Mr. Phipp's book.
  9. Since we are so programed to think of dwarves as real world Irish or Scottish it might be more interesting to have then more exotic, like Mongolian, etc. at least for me... maybe Polynesian? And do they like mustard and raw onion sandwiches? Also there is a big misconception as to dwarf canned food, it isn't actually eaten from the can directly but rather deposited into boiling water and mixed with roof vegetables and tender goat meat and what not. Its concentrated curry paste, beef stew or white cream stew based on local flavor... That being said they'll trade root type foods, carrots, yams, daikon, onions and they especially like mushrooms which they grow as well as any dark elf that's been cooked? Dwarves are actually into canning all types of foods and are great gardeners contrary to what has been said.
  10. So Brygga gets her head shaved and is sold at Pimper Block as well? She wasn't working against the Lunars, she was making as much profit as she could, a true collaborator. Probably even turned over some good Orlanthi to Sor Eel for profit? I wonder if any of the prisoners who make it to be sold at Pimpers Block to the morokanth and then passed to Gagix where they become reborn? Would Jotoran not be scarry to been encountered as a scorpionman or what about this greaseball and his girlfriend as scorpionmen...
  11. Or Mr. Helsdon's hat, what fashionista dwarf wouldn't want that!?
  12. The armring, silver dancer, Feldici device, the Celestial Engine, ring of Ocless or Rockmolder's ax...
  13. It said she was born earlier but still a Sword at 15.... I'll find it. She was a prodigy.
  14. I thought he's splendidly like all chopped up... died at Earthfall? Hard to talk to if they are dead and headless... are Yamsur and Golden Bow siblings? Was it Mr. Phipp who had a campaign the bring back Genert was it? That would be epic.
  15. I see this now, thanks. Agreed, it says qualify us to be in... so yes a warrior society. What does being a Golden bow get you besides recognition? Any spells or abilities? Rainbow Bridge anyone? In Smoking Ruins it says cannot contact Golden Bow directly and so is some sort of deity? Seems like a being, a shaman path and a warrior society... Also says Grazer Four Gifts Clan forms the core of the Golden Bow Spirit Society (an elite Grazer Cavalry troop)... Mr. Svensson how about a cult write up for this as well? Smoking Ruins says marking are different than Yelmic ones... could be another Yelmalio - Elmal type issue to vet?
  16. I thought so but found it interesting that Grazers would be excited enmasse at becoming shamans per the Sky Ship scenario?
  17. He's not in the Well of Daliath either. Whenever I am looking for something I'll check 10 sources, not find what I am looking for but see 3-4 other interesting things and go down a rabbit hole so I have 5-6 different PDF's open and 4-5 books on the coffee table... Too funny.
  18. So Londra was an initiate at like age 12 and even a Sword by like age 15. Curious what is the youngest age anyone has let their PC's be initiates?
  19. I am reading the Sky Ship and its possible link to being a Golden Bow. I had read it was a shamanistic path somewhere but am thinking like Elmal it has its own cult write up somewhere as well? Is it just another rendition of the small sun but based in the Grazelands? As Hipster noted - Jardan is the Grazelander's little sun? Please forgive my ignorance but who, what why where when and how related to Golden Bow? Is Golden Bow in the new books?
  20. From the House Campaign, thought of interest: Alwine, finding the thought of enslavement unpalatable, asked if he could duel for his freedom. To his surprise, the foreigners agreed, but that if he lost he was bound to their service for as long as they decreed. Unfortunately, Alwine Hrale died of wounds sustained in the duel, leaving the Wooden Sword without a cook. Then the dinosaur attacked her again, and bit her in half again. As it swung to the attack, Naimless cast Sever Spirit at it and slew it but it still chomped her. This time she used her own POW and sprang back to life, but she was weak and her POW was 3. (back then Humakti could come back to life) Bagtrap was a Sartar tribesman who had been a part of the Temple of the Wooden Sword during its heyday, and at first seemed a notable warrior. But after the temple attacked the Isle of the Dead and failed, Bagtrap had acted stranger and stranger, sometimes showing the greatest lack of discretion. Eaten by Bronze Dragon. Bagtrap's Trail/Pass - what year was it named 1617? 1618? note upper right corner of map clip below... From Wyrm's Footnotes 12: SKIRMISH AT THE WIND TEMPLE - The next morning they went to the Sazdorf tribe, and there received (was spelled wrong in 1981 zine - spellcheck wasn't as slick!?) a most welcome greeting from the trolls. In the temple of the Wooden Sword they met the 'old man' who had given them the sword, and who explained that he was there to temporarily offer his body (in rotation) to the spirits of the three warriors slain in the founding of the temple. He explained that he had been preaching to the trolls who would listen, and that many were prepared to convert themselves to the worship of Humakt. I wonder who the three warriors were? Also note Asborn Fourborn was only twice born at this time...
  21. I am also delighted (positive) that we are having a Gloranthian Renaissance (positive) and can't wait for the following, some more than others which have had less material published on them, let's get the cult books out (market any way you might think of) so the juicy stuff may follow: The Dragon Pass Campaign - sort of like Pendragon Boy King Heroquesting Sourcebook Upland Marsh (manuscript complete, art commissioning and editing underway) Holy Country (which might just be called Masters of Luck and Death) Grazelands sourcebook Heortland & Hendrikland sourcebook The Dragons Eye - details Temple of the Sun (sourcebook for Sun Dome County in Dragon Pass) Culbrea book - by some of the Beer With Teeth crew Esrolia (expanded version of Nochet) book Kralorela sourcebook Inquiry minds want to know more!
  22. That's what I was looking for, just being near it could trigger a Hero Quest. Suspecting if the eye was regained it would be even more so on the other side... Thanks again Jaja.
  23. 1613 - 7/5/2 - REDBIRD LEAVES: Having received word of his mission to the south Redbird immediately packs up and leaves town. Right on his tail are Lunar troops, intercepted the message and sent after him. Unknown to him he just misses the Humakti party heading for Snake Pipe Hollow. (House Campaign) What town would he have been in, Alda-Chur or maybe Alone? He was next in Crabtown... just curious. Also as also wondering if the Halfbird managed to get its eye back (becoming more powerful spiritually I imagine) and had befriended the PC's how much of the mundane plane would actually be on the hero plane as to possessions, buildings, living animals, plants and whatnot? Would the movement back and forth be made a bit easier or somewhat translucent if you were in close proximity to the Halfbird and it was willing to share its etherealness with you? Would you be shielded from enemies at all if you were on the other-side physically?
  24. The Pavis Mint? 😜 If there is potential for hard copy print when might we see it? Best wishes Mr. Tomson!
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