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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I hadn't known that but an Acolyte making rounds on holy days makes sense. Would the Lunars do that as well, having nefarious thoughts (in their mind) on conducting a mobile shrine raid behind enemy lines, so to speak!
  2. Whoa, "old timer" LOL I guess being in high school in the 80's makes me old? I do have the best/fondest memories of "all night dungeon crawls" - always being torn between the kegger with the cheerleaders and the basement beers with Doritos! When I looked at the Companion cover I hadn't notice some of the goofiness of it. Humor of kicking a trollkin off the side of the mountain versus the horror of being killed and eaten by their larger cousins! Can't stop laughing...
  3. Sorry I missed that, I am getting older, not old yet but getting there and missed the small print! Reminds me of some other portable shines like in Indian Jones movies... or those in Spain or Japan (armor versus fundoshi) that are paraded in the streets. I can totally relate but can't see them being on a dungeon crawl no matter how portable... but a sword or other weapon? It is very cool! Thanks again. (Should I not be clipping items? If so I'll stop and my apologies!)
  4. I posted it directly so it is as shown. Cheers.
  5. I have seen this picture and will spend this whole next weekend scrolling through 1000's of pages looking for it! Its like the shrines in Spain or Japan (armor versus fundoshi) being paraded through the streets on holy days! It would be tough taking this through a dungeon crawl for sure!
  6. I have it so it'll be fun to review this evening. Thank again!
  7. From Arcane Lore where would this temple be and does anyone have more info: Betimagor Uzbane Orlanthi War God dedicated to destroying Uz (trolls). • Manifestation. 3 • Strength. 3/11 • Powers. Truesword Feat (W3), Armor Friends Feat (W3), Heal In Combat Feat (W3), Find Trolls Talent, See in Darkness Talent, Set Troll Afire Spell, Sword and shield Combat Skill (W2) • Worshippers. 800 • Location. Temple in southern Sartar. • Secrets. Make sure souls go to Orlanth even when captured and killed by trolls • Connections: Orlanth Pantheon, one of the Thunder Brothers
  8. Similar to the Temple of the Wooden Sword or the say the Golden Sword (This is the sacred sword of the temple and will in and of itself serve as a holy place for attracting spirits for anyone). Are there examples of mobile Orlanthi holy spots/shrines/temples? What about for other Lightbringer Cults? There was talk that Mr. Stafford regretted (I recall) that the Wooden Sword was introduced into the House Campaign but I have always loved the storyline of the and am curious if there are other mentions of similar items/devices? Thanks everyone for any input.
  9. Thank you Mr. Brooke, I forgot how good that issue was!
  10. Is this a sub-cult or is there a write up somewhere with detail? Also is there a Vingan derivative? Is Desemborth Orlanth was posted by g33k but I didn't see where to find more. Desemborth = Thief was noted by JustAnotherVingan from Thunder Rebels. Wouldn't Dark Walk be part of this aspect? (sorry if this was detailed previously...)
  11. Its the right direction for my tastes. I must admit that the Tradetalk 05 material by Mr. Baumgartner on the Holy Country as well as that of Tradetalk 12 on the Heortland by Mr. Galeotti and Mr. Stafford appeal more to me than the Bronze-Age settings discussed. Our Glorantha is early chain and kite shields. Go West!
  12. Uther / Uhtred sounds good to me but isn't Richard the Gloranthian entry for Mr. Richard? I actually like Richard better than Uther...
  13. Because his retinue was small, Rikard needed to use diplomatic skills to maintain that support, and married the daughter of a leading Aeolian noble family, and encouraged his retainers to do the same. Mr. Richard - Well of Daliath So who did he and his retainers marry? Do we know any names, places, are the Aeolian noble families detailed anywhere?
  14. Mr. Bagman, late in saying so but I appreciate the link to Mr. Richard's posts and have reviewed extensively!
  15. In the Backford thread we discussed it at length. I have the original boxed set and its in good shape. Some really good times in the mid 80's, I recall the Hell Hounds chasing our characters... can't recall what our PC's had done... fun times!
  16. I can work it like that, nuances are important. Will need to think on it a bit...
  17. I recall an EWF vampire crypt somewhere in Prax but then again maybe the location was one of those TBD. The PC's are asked to go clear it out to get EWF manuscripts or artifacts... The PC's meet the Scholarly Wyrm early on, they are sent to Tink as a courier from Nochet. Its coming together.
  18. Right, the Duke is later per the official timeline, could adjust a little but I like even better that the PC's could end up meeting the famous Agimori, Ankubi and help him break up a hazia ring, could even link to Sog Ruins and him saving some children assuming that date is sort of open? Then they would know Ankubi before RQA3. The plot ties are great. As I recall, Sog ruins isn't developed and so its intruding to use. As for Monkey Ruins I'll review and see what's posted, I recall some plot links there but not sure where... The smugglers are actually under the direction of a Krjalk elf? Any chance for them to be in the Uncertain Woods directing the whole hazia ring... maybe just maybe they are working under Gagix but are in disguise?
  19. Made me think there are some unscrupulous baboons dealing hazia to March Fort via Monkey ruins from Sun County. Why go through Pavis isn't way out of the way? There must be some smugglers running from the river delta to Casino Town and Refuge? This could easily go all the way up to the highest level officials. They want their cut...
  20. As it would, all things Glorantha fit perfectly. Overgrown elven ruins inhabited by illuminated sentient gorillas... random images help me visualize as always. Thanks a bunch! Beasts, food, timber, metals... all good for trade, maybe some hazia thrown in to boot?
  21. Checked the Smoking Ruins and the PP & Other Stories. I didn't recall the Encounter section of the Wind Temple area... The Ruin on the Stream scenario from Peg Plateau will fit nicely as well I am sure. We could have the PC's run into the Scholar first in Jelenkev then later Nochet and finally near the Wind Temple at a much later date or even as something that he requests in advance and meets them their to assist with some research? When the PC's are in Nochet they can run through Getting of Wisdom which will be fun I am sure. Any thoughts on the Scholar Wyrm, Windwhistler, Eyes-Shut and Forang Forash all having a conference in Sartar? Has anyone run something like that in their campaigns? Possibly they have all been researching something and want to put their notes together? The topics could be the Smoking Ruins, some EWF's item, the Gold Wheel Dancers...? So the Kralori PC happens to be the official recipient of 22nd Complaint and is tasked with submitting it in person to Godunya!? Thoughts and again sorry in advance for not having the Smoking Ruins material in my head but there is so much great material on Glorantha!
  22. Other than his companion and the cook with them when they make pumpkin pie are there other named characters who are close to Ethilrist that could be good associated NPC adds? I suppose any of the older Mr. Stafford documents may have material/articles in them on Ethilrist. I'll keep looking. Thanks again!
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