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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. If so all the better reason for a Lodrilian or Yelmali to be an armorer/blacksmith/leather worker in case they happen upon a Hoolar and wish to be an apprentice? Keep the food and metal coming... Maybe they would be able to determine if Piku had any distant relation to Hoolar's (are any in Genertela?) and or even quest/hero quest for an actual 3rd eye? How could that be related to the 3 faces? (Wait wouldn't come off as being chaotic!?) Baboon, wizard, nice guy in a pub (sorry first thing I thought of was cover of Thieves' World...) I suppose if PC's were in a heap of trouble the south continent is a good distance away to escape to. Also there must be a wizard who looks like Dr. Strange in the south! How do Hoolars, blacksmiths, wizards with a 3rd eye (God Learners?) and Piku relate...
  2. Seeing is believing? Go two days past the water wyrm's neck and you will find the port...
  3. Found this interesting from Peterson's Campaign: We asked the man to draw us a map, but he seemed confused as to why he should draw a map. We convinced him to do so, and he pulled out a large board, covered with strange symbols and began to copy from it. The map he produced was utterly incomprehensible. There was no scale, and no absolute directions. All directions were relative, generally parallel to the spine of an island. Landmarks abounded, some only visible at low tide.
  4. Is there a list of Trickster Shrines, a travel log of sorts? Possibly they are near most tribal gathering points or near towns of say 2000+ (but likely at the outskirts?)
  5. Maybe they are like Maidstone Archer or more likely Great Troll size with 4 arms. I'll go with that for now. I'll likely make them a bit smarter than a Cave Troll, but there is a description that the helmet and the chest are rivetted together? I have Peterson's Doc, its where I was asking from. Cheers and thank you all!
  6. LOL, this all helps explain why we've not had trickster PC's.
  7. It had three faces, three legs, and four arms. It was also laughing with a loud, low voice. We recognized it as a hoolar. Hoolars are supposed to be the first intelligent beings that Lodril and Eurmal tried to create. Now they are extremely rare. Immortal but not Chaotic, they are known for their skills at the forge. Gorgops (small city): This city on an island in the Mabyla delta is surrounded by high cyclopean stone walls built by hoolars during the Second Age as part of a now-forgotten bargain. Huge, half-legendary beings in Pamaltela. They were the first of the Created Races of Pamaltela. They were made using Yanmorla's clay and the heat of the Bomonoi But they did not have much in the way of minds. They possess three faces, two legs and four arms, and are fantastically strong (though peaceful), though not too bright. They can make enchanted objects. They can be found anywhere in Pamaltela except in the marshes, but are so rare that generations may pass without a single sighting. They built the city of Gorgops in the Imperial Age Any written stats someone might link?
  8. Would Pamaltelian Basmoli be kaki in color on the plains and darker like a panther in the jungles? What about those from Prax?
  9. I'll have to double think the PC, could be loads of fun but afraid it will upset the rest of the group... maybe to start each session stating that this particular PC is "special" but how to bind/join the trickster PC to the rest of the group in lieu of them just letting the trickster die most of the time?
  10. Maybe a Trickster could be a member of another cult to gain common diving spells?
  11. As we'll be RQ3 unless they make acolyte that's not the case for most. Eurmali would be but it doesn't seem that they have standard rune spells? Besides the G of Glorantha Book is there an Eurmaili cult write up?
  12. There would be some sort of shrine at the Sun Dome. Obviously there a temple in Notchet but its a ways off. In the Backford Aeolian Campaign there was a good amount of Lodri discussion as well but more focused on the Print, a bit south. There was also mention of Agmori pilgrims traveling through to Vent from Prax which I thought was interesting. "Every Volcano is a Holy Place to Lodril and would have a Temple of some sort. Similarly, Caladra & Aurelian would have temples at most Volcanoes. Beneath the Shadow Plateau is another Holy Place for the Lodril Cult, and the Trolls would have a Temple to Lodril the Servant, or Lodril in Chains, but it probably isn't a Great Temple. The Footprint is another Holy Place to Lodril, being where the Sky Spear thrust itself into Krarsht. I doubt if there is a Temple there, though." Are there any active volcanoes in Sartar?
  13. Good to avoid, appreciate advice.
  14. KoS p.92, Rostand the Speaker...
  15. If boggles are near would it not suggest a trickster shrine? This interplay lasted for awhile during which some other boggles dragged away Jaranx and his llama. After more meaningless dialogue we discovered where they had taken him.
  16. Deadeye the Death-Finder: If a trickster or Humakti stays the night there and lives (which is rare), they get the Deadeye, which kills people they look at. Would this be like sever spirit?
  17. Some good material there Mr. Brandi. Thanks! He even created a ruling family by mating with himself, and they became respected in those lands! What a jokester he was! At the end the gods became angry and alarmed, and destroyed the whole region where he had taken over. That is why Slontos sank beneath the waves.
  18. Yes and was to be hidden.. sorry!
  19. I have never been in a campagin with the trickster as a PC and for that matter they have always been at the periphery in any campaign. I have many questions and hope to find out more via links and reading. Is there a list that shows Eurmal sources? Are there any mainstream 1600-1625 Eurmali that are adventurer types might travel with a PC group and not be an outcast or loner? Eurmal teaching men to speak to dragons- if so where and when? Eurmal Great Temple in Slontos - where is it or would it have been, has it been roughly located on any map? The God Learners had a Great Temple to Eurmal, where they collected every single RuneSpell that Eurmal taught and made them available to all the Eurmali in the Great Temple in Slontos. Where is there a cult write up besides in the Gods of Gloranth book and is there some source for the possible full list of spells? ...which may have sunk under the weight of Trickster magical abuses, when they obtained access to the full range of Eurmal's divine spells. How deep is it below the surface, are there some spaces which still have air, who are the inhabitants? "Still populated by the descendants of the original Eurmali." There were some adventures at the Plateau of States I recall reading where boggles were doing crazy stuff and even a giant boggle? Does anyone recall where is is in print? Eurmal (or his son Yomat) is a promethean thief of fire and other civilizatory achievements from the gods, possibly including the secret of iron working for the Third Eye Blue people. All "mostali" are cargo cultists. Yomat = Humakt. IIRC, iron was created to “carry death”. Yomat–Humakt is the friend of men because he brought death to the world. (Humakt “inherited” death from Eurmal, and perhaps that is as seriously as one needs to take Eurmal’s begetting Yomat.) Are there associate gods and subcults that give skills and or spells such as Mostal, Humakt and or Thief gods? Where actually is Slontos University and is there any plan of it? Is there a Clown College in Thanor? Is there any source on it? An illuminated Trickster is surely a follower of Eurmal the destroyer, Eurmal the world wrecker, who kept stealing death and passing it around for laughs - Eurmal before he got scared of all the vengeful victims relentlessly pursuing him, and ran to Orlanth for help. What sources for the destroyer or world wrecker are there if any? Eurmali temple in Pavis - wasn't there a trickster write up in a fanzine that had a reapearing trickster temple in the rubble? Anyone recall what zine it was in?
  20. There was also input as to him beginning his journeys north about 1600 so I'll run with that. Still curious about the timing of the flight to Rich Post and other dates. Thanks!
  21. Self-dismemberment is a core Arkat capability: Did Arkat use some Heorquest version of Eurmal abilities to dismember Nysalor resulting in Speaking Wheel being separated as a trumpet of French horn (whatever you desire) now possessed by Gonn? On another note which of the Gold Wheel Dancers might still be hidden/dwelling under the Sun Wheel Ruins? I keep going back to the Lighthouse and the light/beacon having been a Gold Wheel Dancer in the form of a sun-hawk/whatever which was also the standard of some part of the True Golden Horde, it somehow flew off back to Sun Wheel Ruins and ended up like Sir August in a sort of suspended animation? Just curious does anyone think the 10 tools/items above could be the Golden Wheel Dancers?
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