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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I looked through it briefly after checking the index but did see him even though the Well of Daliath showed it as a source... the other trollkin of the Munchrooms are there as well. Thank you for pointing it out. Maybe it's the Geo's Alone or Geo's Creek Inn that he was accepted into as are closer to troll lands? Also there is a Humakt shrine east of Storlock which may have been influential for Neep? This sets him closer to Alone if that were the case. But it says "he himself will not go to the Muchrooms" (Where is the most basic conversion tables from Hero Quest to Rune Quest? Is each "w" like 10% and what is Neep's base % chance to seduce Uz Women and what would the bonus be if they are inebriated since he on the other hand doesn't drink?) I would play it where his size would likely be a max of 12 but with some stolen Royal Jelly he might have boosted himself to say a 15-16? Maybe Neep hires the PC's to get him some Royal Jelly? Since Neep is a devotee to Humakt I might play on the idea that he may partner with the Temple of the Wooden Sword on a few scenarios? Maybe part of his band makes a retaliatory strike against the Zorak Zoran temple that sent the war party to Sazdorf? Any suggestions as to where this Zorak Zoran temple might be located? I like the idea that the Zorak Zorani are not members of the Sazdorf Clan (if that was understood somehow from any text) and if so they have reached out to another friendly troll clan with a Zorani temple for support? Maybe somewhere in Torkani lands there is a Zorak Zoran shrine or temple that doesn't like the Humakti in there sphere of influence? I feel like something in the hills or mountains near Storlock or the woods near Torkan’s Last Fort might be a good location for an antagonistic troll clan? Is there a map showing troll clan locations in northeast Sartar? Also what clan did Neep escape from and what clan is Olag Stonecrusher from? If it's not noted, possibly they are from the same clan? Additionally after Olag from the Munchrooms is defeated possibly his relative who happens to be a Zorak Zorani comes calling at the Haunted Ruins? Will need to work on these connections but Humakt shrine - Haunted Ruins - Temple of the Wooden Sword - Neep - Munchrooms... Thanks for the help.
  2. Read about him, don't recall where but not much is published that I could locate. Were they a hero quester and if so what powers did they obtain? Noted as being as among the most famous trolls of the Dragon Pass region and pretty tough. Neep evidently went unnoticed, and escaped to Dragon Pass where he was befriended by the cult of Geo but didn't drink liquor.. Which Geo's location and when? Trollkin everywhere often followed him rather than their own tribe. So was there a band of trollkin and about how many, did they move around or did they set up a camp of sorts? They were as skilled in making troll bane weapons, I assume made from iron and had worshiped the god Humakt. Evidently he was also a player and seduced many drak troll females and was fond of bright colored clothes. Considered elves bigots. They may have also been a trollball player.
  3. Was looking into Neep Trollsbane and noticed this... Are there records of trollkin giving birth to darktrolls? Either way I could see some superior trollkin birthing a dark troll and starting their own community. Maybe 80% trollkin, 15% drak trolls and 5% great or cave trolls. Maybe it happens after the Munchrooms scenario and one of the rare mushrooms (didn't think as to how these fertility mushrooms appeared yet) permits a dark troll to be born from a trollkin?
  4. And it all starts with touching the column of truestone after defeating the Great Lizard and Whiteye. Link that to the The Ruin on the Stream scenario, Dragonewt Hunters from Sartar Companion and several other dragonewt scenarios... easily to lead to the Dragonewt March and onto Dorastor. I would imagine if you get the plinths working again for the dragonewts through Dorastor into Ralios they might just give you one of those nifty swords that ignore dragon armor... Tie all that into Company of the Dragon and you have a few years of game time.
  5. I didn't trace the route on the map yet but could easily enough adjust it so they go past the Smoking Ruins... it's surely a good plot hook for future. Thanks for that. Maybe they are going west to add plinth to repair or expand the roads... the large dino could be carrying them or maybe they make a "Bad Deal" with the dwarves who carve new ones for them or use "stone sorcery" to make them on location for the dragonewts? This gives direct purpose to the trip beyond any item in Sog City that might exist. Is there anything which make dwarves and dragonewts friends that could help make this even better as they are passing through a good bit of dwarven territory or near to it I am guessing. Again need to look at the full route. What is the rough distance between pinths? Looks to be about 14-17 hexes at 5 miles a hex 60-85 miles... maybe the PC's have a stone mason with some dwarven taught sorcery and they actually help make the plinths? They'd need like 7 of them to get to the dragonewts in LOL there is a picture of this in the GtG p.72 "Ralios - A dragonewt colony was founded by Dragon’s Eye in the First Age. It kept close ties to Dragon Pass until its rulers and its magical roads were destroyed by Alakoring Dragonbreaker in the late Second Age. Since then, its dragonewts have become increasingly wild and their behavior is more erratic and irrational than that of other dragonewts." So there we have it, rebuild the plinths and re-civilize the Ralios dragonewts? The PC's need to help negotiate lease agreements (tributes) with locals to permit the plinths and then build them or rebuild them? Exactly. At least into Ralios... So they trade with dwarves and Ralzakark (would dragonewts deal with chaos) and if not then they find a location up in the mountains where no one but Telmori go? Maybe in granite, what are the plinths made of? Must be very sturdy stone or that which is magically protected... If they were selling Beat-Pot t-shirts I'd have bought one... I think this thread just generated a whole year of game time. Best if only the first plinth is set and then at some dragonewt time in the near future its time for the next one to be set. I suppose it's like the Glowline in a way? How do dragonewts consecrate a travel plinth? Thanks everyone.
  6. The River of Cradles is a great start, just get to Pavis, do the series and that links them Borderlands easily. Follow that with Sand Heart, then Sun County, Shadows on the Borderlands and when they get bored go to Pavis which also has good Raus and Sun County links. Any of these are scalable and could be changed in progression with a bit of work. Strangers in Prax could be thrown in as well. There is so much material along the river and Pavis you can't go wrong.
  7. So reading the old 1989 Elder Races Book, p.108 I see the Dragonewt March scenario. the PC's are more or less abducted into becoming dragonewt caravan guards or whatever. They head through Ormsgone Vale, the Kingdom of Aggar, Skanthi tribal areas and Dorastor. They then will cross the Kartolin Pass and descend into Ralios, Ormsland followed by Bad Deal Pass. Nidan Mountains and on to Fronela through Jonating territory and their goal Sog City. I've had this book for over 30 years and don't recall this but then again without the help of this forum I'd not have known what to thing of all potential this epically long journey could entail. Why don't the dragonewts use their roads to travel over to near Sog City or are there none heading that direction. Where is the best map of these? It seems they will bump into Dwarves a lot along the way and so am curious as to potential long term dwarf - dragonewt relations and what would go on when they meet and have festivities with lots of raw meat and dirt to be eaten... must be a great time. What do dragonewts drink to get a buzz or are they just normally high (they act weird all the time already) and well do dwarves drink, what would be their equivalent to alcohol? Besides Dorestor there are so many fun encounters that can and would take place on this trip. Any random ideas along the way? How long would it take to travel this 1,500 miles a good bit through mountains... What do dragonewts want in Sog? Maybe take a steamer home.
  8. But a pretty cool schmuck?
  9. I can always use a good listener... The "natural disorder" of things - funny how the Illuminated always try to convince us that the Bright One was a kind and loving god... I like to keep it simple. Arkat - good and the wolf in sheep's clothing is Nysalor - evil - Wakboth without the cool jacket and sunglasses?
  10. I just had to and I am sorry but: Everyone knows it's Slinky. Is Wakboth considered one and the same as the Devil... sorry I don't know this one.
  11. Nothing like the recorder for parties... the little girl at the beginning of this "think about things" video is a vivid image. Dune? I may have to get more of this, its so American Southwest or west coast for me. We drove down to San Fran from Seattle and did a few redwood walks 2 weeks ago. Thanks for sharing!
  12. I already have a 2' section of shelf space from the Jonstown Compendium including Nochet... Been waiting for the Heortland & Hendrikland sourcebook to come along, its amazing its in queue at all so I'll just keep hoping!
  13. I am such a nerd, it's the background on my laptop with Backford just left of center. You had named some villages or towns a while back, one with a mine, located not too far from Backford IIRC and so was hoping some forward progress was being made on the books release. Forgive me for saying this but as I have being gaming off and on in Glorantha for many years I am much more interested in new yet to be published material than renovations or enhancements of material previously or partly released... Will keep waiting for the Heortland & Hendrikland sourcebook but hope it's not going to take as long as Hero Questing rules... Thank you once again Jaja!
  14. Is there a way to get a "teaser map" of the Plateau? Might the Heortland & Hendrikland sourcebook be on sale at the Con next week? I am looking at placing several scenarios near Backford of course and hope to acquire this very promising release near future. It there were a presale with a map link that would be quite nice....
  15. Sun County prudes are like that movie footloose, you get flogged for dancing... maybe? It will be nice to see someone's take on them. Oh while on the topic, I've never games with game-themed background music. As I looked there are so many fantasy city and tavern sound and music youtube links. Does anyone wish to share their favorite backgrounds for city squares, markets and taverns or link where it was posted? (Again my apologies if this was all linked/discussed before.) I was just looking at how to stage some scenarios 1600ish near the Verge so the Pol-Joni music would be nice. Thank you for the thread link.
  16. Yes folk music not country, my mistake! Assume Heortland Aeolian temples-churches had choirs of some sort but not pipe organs?
  17. It doesn't get any better than that. After is right as you state, much better than before or at least in RQ3 where the rune spells became reusable... Smaller and or very rural outfits, remote locations with even shrines being few and far between, a candidate for rune level would likely have some sort of spiritual communication with said patron deity directly, I am guessing as even acolytes are scarce? They would be judged worthy not by some priest far away but by the deity or so we gamed years ago. Most of our old game campaigns were the "wandering type" which don't lend themselves to being tied to a particular local. Back in the day the party would travel, set up base camp, become famous, be given land, etc., hire a steward of some sort and depart to bigger adventures far away. They'd come back to see some locations such as Apple Lane set upon by bandits or say Rabbit Hat which had become a windfall for the PC's. I'd say the direct link to a patron would be even more critical if the character is self supporting, any patron would reward their deserving followers. No independant wilderness dwelling rune level wants to "report" to some far away temple that doesn't really involve them? Again YGWV as traveling 70-80 miles to worship and pay homage is bad enough but to give funding to a temple that isn't there to support them seems somewhat meaningless. Travel far and near, bring glory to your patron, be rewarded... Also any diety that has 100's of self supporting rune levels would be much stronger than limiting themselves to a few dozen due to "a spot being avalable"? sorry if a little off topic...
  18. I realize this is an old thread but somehow had to ask. Is there Rune Quest age-appropriate "Country Music" as for some reason the old song by David Wilkins - Blow in His Ear surfaced this morning, made me think there would be songs about animals in Prax, trusty ole steed, princess of my double wide-wigwam, chicken lips, etc. etc. where would there be country music, not just minstrel ballads as they travel but local music influenced by bumkins, Jeff noted bagpipes which when I looked into it as to real world history, they weren't native to Scotland but were rather of Indian or Hittite origin? Obviously music subject matter changes via myths and instruments as does style, curious as to what each style would be per the major cultures of Glorantha? For example, do the Easterners use taiko like in Japan, what are the feels of music in each major cultural area compared to real Earth... if there is any parallel?
  19. Was teasing, hard to show in text, PP p.87, calls out what is on the back and is missing... says Ginna Jar transmogrifying into Ernalda... I'd like to see it. Didn't mean to offend in any way Jaja!
  20. This is a copout, please sketch the missing portion of the mirror back in all of Gina Gar's ghostly magnificence and post it. The idea was that the mirror, see clip below, would or could only be broken into 6 shards... earth cube and all that. MGF would say its a cubed mirror with the ability to 3D camera areas in god-time and even somehow print or leave residual imaging on some surface somehow... real god powers, snapshots of past time. What the LM's wouldn't do to get their ink stained hand on that...
  21. So Gina Jar is on the back of the mirror but in the book Gina is evidently on the missing part of the mirror... is there a picture of Gina Jar (ghost of Ernalda)?
  22. Yet another interesting rabbit hole... like Blackmaw. Is there a ledge or platform halfway down if that distance in time and speed is ever to be known? I didn't find Halway and looked for Halfway but nothing on that related to Magasta's Pool unfortunately. Iron City juts sideways out of the wall of Magasta’s Pool and Nowhere Land, a bleak and desolate place which sits deep within the maelstrom of Magasta’s Pool. This is where Barran's boat and the Cradle dock before decending to the bottom. Hero Quest station 01. It's perfect. A 3 mile long crossbow bolt... the Sun Domers of Harpoon should visit there. Do dwarves go to Iron City for vacation to recharge their batteries, get a little R&R?
  23. Halfway down the Maelstrom... GtG p.472 Nowhere Land: Nothing grows on Nowhere Land, but it lies exactly on the boundary of the regions of Life and Death, so no one ever dies there. Maybe there is an outcropping of stone or earth in the shaft that is the Toe Hole that sticks out where there is a Humakti shrine that guards access from the underworld... maybe the PC's set one up there... yes its impossible but with the use of the Fish Road it becomes much more navigable than the maelstrom.
  24. Anyone have insight as to a potential relationship between Axe Hall and the Nochet Axe Temple? Do they send weekly caravans and or change guards monthly and is there a changing of the guard ceremony like at the B Palace? Does each earth temple request guards from Axe Hall or do they recruit and train their own guards? Who wants to be on guard duty when you could be out tearing up the town...
  25. I'll apologize in advance, just had to: Which grave at Necropolis... does anyone hear a flute?
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