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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. A Game of Cockpits...sounds fun! Welcome to the Forums and the BRP goodness!
  2. I've yet to see BRP or MW at any of the stores in my neck of the woods. Have to rely on internet as well. I am curious as to who sent you the badly shipped products tho....?
  3. I'm fine with ATWM being delayed for a bunch more critters! LOL
  4. Would the trolls stamina roll be required per round, minute, hour or just once? With reguard to direct sunlight... Be kinda neat to create a manual of Monsters based on user creations.
  5. I had two additional gamers at my group last weekend playing MW and while the adventure didnt go as planned (it rarely does ) we had a great session! I've been working to bring more players into the MW fold through PbP as well and have written a bundle of free materials hoping to produce more interest. But you're right. Just the nature of the beast. Not just Chaosium, but for awhile a few of us have tried to get WhiteWolf put more material for BRP in HeroLabs but their emphasis is now Path Finder. Again...gotta follow the money. Understandable. But maybe for us who purchase these materials with the hopes of seeing more....they could put out 1 update per 5 for other systems? 10? LOL.
  6. Thanks Ben! @Chaot, I tried to combine most of the basic Alchemist skills into one (Alchemist Procedures) so as to not over complicate the occupation. He or she still has to either learn other craft skills (like crafting jewelry) or hire out the work. I did add a few other skills to the occupation but made them worth while later on if he specializes in one (like metalurgy allows creating Essences ) This was the least clunky way I could find. As far as apotheosis, I'm glad you like it. Some of the Alchemists experiments have fairly powerful results (especially for MW ) so making these more difficult to learn, by adding that prerequisite, seemed more balanced. Please let me know what other stuff you agree with or dislike. This one wasn't easy to squeeze into a MW format and I may need to make further changes.
  7. What K Peterson said. Unfortunately it appears he who owns the rights (you know who you are) is not able to or does not care to provide these materials... currently. These things tend to change.. often. I mentioned Magic World earlier and might point you in that direction, as it is a pretty good reboot. It’s heavily based on the Elric!/Stormbringer 5e rules. I know this isn't the news you were hoping for but at least you have a solid (and in my opinion awesome ) alternative.
  8. So, back to the Mega Dungeon.....I've discovered that I'll need to include a human settlement in order for this to really be viable. The closest actual town/city to the area I'm placing the mountain dungeon is Tindale, just west of the White River and east of Dwarvenhold. My question is a silly one, but you good folk have often pointed out things I've missed, so I'll give it a go. Is there a reference to any of the Southern Reaches in the other books that led up to the creation of Magic World? I'm thinking it's original to MW but don't have the predeceasing books to verify. Specifically, the town/village/city of Tindale. I'm going to actually map and populate it but want to stay true to lore...if there is any. There's no mention whatsoever in the MW book. I've heard Zomben say he left a lot of the world with no lore so chroniclers can make it their own but Ben, if you're reading, I could use some advice. If fleshing out Tindale is a future project, I'll just make a small settlement or fort nearby.
  9. Welcome to the forums, sgates! Everyone has an edition or version they prefer over others. You'll notice that a lot of folks here pull bits and pieces from different versions and different games to fit their needs. I personally prefer Magic World but also pull bits from others as well as make a little of my own material. I'm not sure about the PDF troubles you're experiencing but license changes hands, comes and goes... If you post what you're looking for I'm sure one of these great members can point you in the right direction.
  10. Expanded Allegiance is one of the things I'm dying to see! Oh the possibilities! I really wish there was enuff interest in MW to really pump out the materials!
  11. I think I'm just the right amount of anxious. LOL
  12. I realize Advanced Sorcery is still warm off the presses, but...any word on the Chroniclers Companion? I got some money anxious to be spent!
  13. Such praise fuels my fires of inspiration! Thank you. I hope you find a use for it!
  14. Version 1.0


    The Art of Alchemy Since the earliest writings, man has endeavored to better control the world around him. From making fields more fertile for farming to curing ailments, even the most ancient civilizations have striven to become more enlightened concerning the physical world and the elements it, and we, are composed of. This book will detail an occupation, the alchemist, who begins with the studies of physical science and combines it with the magical unknown to create unique elixirs, dusts, oils, toxins, potions, and even items of great power using the magic inherent in all things material. For all of creation has such energies locked away within itself. From common metals to rare gems. From the weeds in the field to rare subterranean mushrooms. From common insects to the heart of a dragon. Enchantment and Artifice Once upon a time, great magics infused the realms. During the years the fey inhabited this world freely, great mages worked the weave of sorcery in such ways that they could create relics with mana. Allowing such trinkets to call on great power at no cost to or from the wielder. These arts and arcane architecture has been lost in the fading of fey from this world. As such, only such artifacts that surface from years gone by exist, and nothing new of its kind may be produced in the Southern Reaches...as far as the wise know. Since the fey fled this realm, sorcerers, priests, and mages alike have striven to unlock the secrets of mana. To solve the mystery of unlimited power. All efforts have been in vain...until now. This book is an attempt to add both an Alchemist and an Enchanter occupation to the options for the learned people of the Southern Reaches. Within are 80+ pages of recipes, ingredients, formula, procedures, Fey spells, alternate POW supplies, and rituals for the creation of anything the minds eye dare dream. This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. A lot of the art and most of the descriptions were “borrowed” from many other, much more talented people from other books and around the internet. The more creative artwork was done by Ken Seward, AKA Simlasa, from BRP Central. Thanks for your works! I did, however, do my best to convert most of the information from an old school Alchemist source to be playable in my favorite Role playing System. I hope it helps make your campaign more fun!
  15. Shoot. I just took a closer look at your maps. Those rock! Edit: I've been meaning to do a walking dead type campaign and would love if you shared your maps.
  16. The actual Fallout 3 pc version has a map editor. It's a learning curve but you can make some killer maps with it or really use maps from the actual game. Neverwinter Nights 1 also has a map maker and the community has several modern modules available. I like using Neverwinter Nights 2 for fantasy mapping but modern mods are scarce. Good luck and welcome to the site!
  17. Yay for Microsoft! Got my power cord today so will most likely post Alchemy & Artifice tomorrow! I know, I know. You're not excited, but I am. This has been sitting idle far to long.
  18. If you create it I'll download it.
  19. I'm with Atgxtg. Whenever a player is required to make a roll, as a chronicler I always ask for their skill rating before and can figure it out in my head before the bones hit the table. It's a dangerous game so having multiple success possibilities doesn't bother me in the least. And the players surre get big smiles from even special successes. Smiles =fun.
  20. *sigh* Looks like my laptops power supply has shot craps. (As evident from melted cord, sparks, and no charge) Ordered a new one that should be here in a day or two but it means putting off release of Artifice and Alchemy another day or so...
  21. This is another neat idea and I'll consider it, but I really don't want the mentalists involved in the campaign directly right now. I was toying with the idea that the "leader" had become insane due to all the work that was wasted, or influence from the demon, ect... and he'd be a "boss fight" near the end but I'm not sure...
  22. My original idea was that the original human tribes that helped with the construction eventually left the area and were scattered over the southern reaches so rumors would be a couple generations old. Not relying heavily on this. The "Ark" was sealed up in preparation for the foretold apocalypse and for the most part remains so. However I've come up with a couple of hooks that have allowed outside influences to breach the Ark. The characters will explore these hooks and find a way inside from one or more of these. This will be a campaign, not just an adventure, so there will be multiple ways in and out found eventually. As far as keeping players interest, I've incorporated a major demon into the mix who has taken an interest in the Ark via a necromancer who has found the tomb of the ark builders. This demon will be helping the necromancer raise an army of skeletons to wreak havoc on nearby towns. There will be several different story lines revolving around the mountain. But honestly my players love a good dungeon crawl and won't need too much incentive beyond fortune and glory. It's going to take quite a while to develop all the areas, leaving me a good deal of time to come up with other ideas and change my mind about some things a dozen times or so. LOL. That and ideas generated in this thread if you folks take an interest. Thanks for your input, previous and future!
  23. My Alchemy and Artifice book should (hopefully ) be ready to post in a day or two. In the mean time I've been working on my Mega-Dungeon. I'm going with RPtools Maptools for the mapping and will make it ready to use with that Virtual Table Top including NPC /Critter Tokens with MW stats attached to each token. If any of you are looking for a VTT, I can't recommend Maptools more highly. What a powerful tool! I've generated a (hopefully ) unique background for why the "dungeon " exists and I Hope you good people will tell me what you think and/or ideas you may have to make it even better. The story is this: hundreds of years ago a convocation of Mentalists built a monastery atop one of the mountain ranges of the southern Copper Mountains, east of Carmenel Pass. They were nearly deified by a tribe of primitive humans living at the base of the mountains. One of these mentalists, a powerful Clairvoyant, had a premonition of a great calamity to take place. An extinction level event to happen within the next two generations. So strong is the vision that his brethren agree to a mighty task. They enlist the humans living below to carve great chambers into the mountain. The mentalists devise a power that causes creatures to enter a suspended animation of sorts. Turning them to living statues, locked in unmoving unaware stasis. Creatures from all over what is now the Southern Reaches are brought in mated pairs, sometimes several pairs, and placed within the carved halls and natural caverns of their mountain. Here they wwould remain in stasis until the apocalyptic event passes and then be re-released to repopulate the World. A Noah's Arc, if you will. The mentalists are a majority of Balance in Allegiance so, in order to maintain neutrality, they pick every type of creature that can reproduce. Humanoids and monster. Wildlife and magical beasts. Refusing to rule on what species lives and which do not, they pick indiscriminately. For nearly two hundred years the mountain is hollowed of rock and filled with the living statues of hundreds of different species. Then, when the foreseen time of troubles arrives, they seal up their ark, confident they will usher in the new world. Like many doomsday prophesies the sun sets and rises on a new day. Then weeks. Months. A year passes and the world ending event never occurs. Fighting breaks out among the brotherhood. Some becoming anxious to leave the false safety of the arc while others call for more and more patients. A disease starts to spread through the arc. Many die, causing civil strife. First harsh words, then fighting, then murders take place among them. The disease decimates the mentalists, turning their stone halls of hope into their tomb. Now a couple hundred years later, the powerful enchantments that held the creatures of the Ark in stasis is waning. Hundreds of creatures are waking up in the dark tunnels... and they're hungry.
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