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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. Is it that the off hand weapon CAN make a separate attack, 5 DEX ranks later, as a Difficult skill roll until the off hand skill reaches 100+%, at which time it is made as a Normal skill roll?
  2. According to both BRP and MW a PC who wields a weapon in each hand has the benefits of being able to parry (and possible ripost attack) ,switch weapons if one breaks or fumbles, but cannot make a second attack unless the skill is greater than 100% Recently one of my PCs held a dagger in each hand with 90%/60% respectively and was dropping onto an unsuspecting victim with the intent of driving both daggers into him. It seems the rules don't allow for such an action though it's obviously plausible. My question is how do other chroniclers deal with two weapon fighting? Not just in THIS scenario but in general...
  3. Just don't let it happen again! (Just kidding) I didn't think it was that Big a deal. I was actually bummed that the section on unarmed damage was a mis-type. I was rolling up a monk for real when I saw the errata correction. LOL
  4. Thanks Mr Monroe! Hopefully he has a lot to talk about, laced with good news!
  5. That would be a fairly large project, and Sorry to help Derail the thread but...(wait...I started the thread so I guess it's okay.??LOL) A kick start like this would have to include more than the already published MW to be viable.(IMO) Perhaps adding a fully fledged out campaign guide to Southern Reaches and a book (THICK book) of creatures. All with beautiful art, a layout pleasing to the eye. Dead tree copies, PDF. AND something unique. Perhaps a poster map of Southern Reaches or MW software for character/encounter generation, Chronicler Tools, ect... Then, of course, us flaming loyal fans to spread the word on Every single RPG site and gaming store. I'd throw money at something like that. I've seen a lot of sillier Kickstarters make a bundle of money on less. The problem is always going to come down to popularity. MW just doesn't currently have the fan base to support such a project. It probably never will without such a project. It's a problem. Someone would have to take a risk that the pretty lights will draw a crowd. TSR flooded the market with D&D in the 80's/90's. Hell. I remember seeing D&D Basic Set in Venture and Target stores.(today's equivalent to Walmart) Maybe TSR didn't start out making a lot of $ in the beginning. I don't know the economics. But look at D&D now. This is a risk I don't think Chaosium is willing to take so it's up to us, the flaming fans, to spread the word. Get players playing. Turn Dungeon Masters into Chroniclers. Flood the RPG sites with the good word. I've played RPGs since the early 80's and NEVER heard of BRP until a couple of years ago. I continued playing AD&D in ignorance, always wishing for something better. How many more potential fans are just waiting for a better system that already exists in MW? The more people find this product and purchase it, the more interest the distributor will take.
  6. Thanks Mankcam! Just FYI, Rod (Classic Fantasy guru) has told me he's working on a tome, coincidentally called Manual of Monsters. He's been doing this A LOT longer than I and his conversions will probably be much more true. It will most likely suck up some of my money, and deservingly so.
  7. I wrote the Manuals but Trifletraxor Posted them so I cant fix them. Until fixed, here's a Dropbox Link for the both Manual 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufh58l7nsg3x2eu/Manual_of_Monsters1.2a.pdf?dl=0 Manual 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e6arjk6x4netfq1/manual%20of%20monsters%202.pdf?dl=0
  8. Anyone convert Gamma World? I've a PbP player base that might be interested...
  9. I've also had problems making time to play.... I'm the proud father of four stinking, spoiled brats and they suck up a lot of time after 10 hours of work. Ive been afraid to log on and get started Only to have to pause for some daddy-do or other. That and I'm working on another MW project. I'll get some time to myself and dig in, eventually...
  10. Magic World is such a simple system to play if the chronicler is ready. I've run some noobs(never tabletop gamed B4) through my Magic World campaign and it was a roaring success. We laughed. We cried. We threw dice at each other. Most importantly, they came back for round 2 a couple weeks later. As Long as you are prepared I don't think you'll have any problems introducing "muggles " and thanks for introducing new players to the goodness that is BRP! If we don't grow the player/customer base...the terrorists (woTC) wins!
  11. Magic World is such a simple system to play if the chronicler is ready. I've run some noobs(never tabletop gamed B4) through my Magic World campaign and it was a roaring success. We laughed. We cried. We threw dice at each other. Most importantly, they came back for round 2 a couple weeks later. As Long as you are prepared I don't think you'll have any problems introducing "muggles " and thanks for introducing new players to the goodness that is BRP! If we don't grow the player/customer base...the terrorists (woTC) wins!
  12. My players excel at breaking print modules. Nothing EVER goes as planned or even anticipated. LOL
  13. I really wanna use allegiance because the avatar the PC would be channeling is from a deity. I wish Chronicler Companion would hit the shelves so I can see how they deal with allegiance and religion. Supposed to be a chapter covering neat things with allegiance and patheons... C'mon Chaosium!
  14. Having a variety of Magic systems from different sources will leave some less balanced, unless house ruled. That's just a fact. Like you, I enjoy a variety in campaigns I run. It creates an air of mystery to spell casting. I don't mind at all that some forms of the mystic arts are more powerful than others. A surprise here and there is quite nice. When I introduced Deep Magic from Advanced Sorcery I was worried one players new Mage would over power another players current Sorcerer, but they both have up and downs and both players seem content. It hasn't broken my campaign just yet. With the exception that the mage has discovered using the right combination of Glyphs and Spheres can allow him to raise dead. But I was even able to balance this out by requiring a sacrifice of POW to make the incantation permanent. He wasn't tickled about that loss but it balanced. Hope you have fun with it!
  15. Nice, Auyl! A search for a summary on RQ6 mysticism Magic kinda reminded me of Dragon Lines as well. I don't own RQ6 but do own the former. I might be able to make the dragon lines paths work well. I might design something like: Path Powers 1. Augment STR: Every 10% in Allegiance (?) allows a +1 STR for 1 MP per round. 2. Augment Armor(AR): Every 20% in Allegiance (?) allows a +1 AR for 1 MP per round. Just a rough idea..something to start with...
  16. I recently switched from NetFlix to HULU and have been immersed in different documentaries about Egypt. This got me thinking about Ancient Egyptian magic so I fired up Google and did some searching. One of the sites I found isn't historical at all but based on some new works of fiction called The Kane Chronicles. Anyway, in this authors rendition of Egyptian magic there are several types of magic. One that caught my eye was: Combat Magic This is the ability to summon a protective shell around oneself and it increases strength and one's senses to a deadly extent. People with skill in swordplay usually follow this magic. This kinda intrigued me and got me thinking about This: Now....How to incorporate magic into armor, STR, DEX, maybe fighting ability? I was thinking maybe I could tie it in with an Allegiance system to represent the sorcerers commitment to the avatar he or she channels. Something that would allow POW to be used to judge degree of physical prowess of the avatar the sorcerer becomes. Any suggestions?
  17. Haven't visited the RPtools site in a bit. Thanks for the heads up on Mote, Rosen!
  18. Been thinking of switching from RPTools to Roll20 myself... it's really evolved nicely but I'm not 100% there yet. Really like maptools
  19. Thanks Trifletraxor! The sink hole is a neat idea. Like in Aztec history There's a lake where the people would sacrifice gold to the gods. That would definitely be good incentive to investigate the hole..."And look! There's a tunnel down here. Wonder where it goes."
  20. Eh... I'm not sure it's all that necessary. It's like a vehicle. Is it a car? OK. Is it a 4 door or sedan? 4 cylinder or 6? Still a car. Is the game system d100? OK. Is it Rolemaster? FASA?(LOL) , BRP? BRP? Cool. Is it Corum? Magic World? Classic Fantasy? Rune Quest I-XX?(LOL)
  21. By the way, I've got Tindale almost completely mapped out. Been hard at work on the Ark Dungeon as well...
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