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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Been working on an adventure idea that is turning into a small campaign. Yes its still revolving around Tinsdown (the Tin mines of Tinsdale) I think the mines themselves might have a side quest but be tied into a larger quest. Does that make sense? I dunno. My whole plan was to map and populate the hamlet and the mine itself in case it ever came up with my players using Tindale as a home base. (Well that and just for Tindales completion factor) Researching (googling) real medieval mines has been kinda eye opening. Some of that is coming into play, but still in keeping with the fantasy RPG vibe.
  2. Not I. Would love to see it tho๐Ÿ˜Ž
  3. I always thought the jumps from 1d6 to 2d6 and on were a bit extreme. There are some better (IMO) alternative DB charts
  4. Just getting into it so I'll post more later. At a glance a lot of the artwork reminds me of old school Middle Earth or Rolemaster art, which I'm a fan of. The author did take up a lot of page space with art. I assume to increase page count. So far it seems pretty detailed compared to a lot of home brew worlds I've seen. Gonna tear into the mechanics in a bit Ok like I said a lot of work went into details of the world, but nothing crazy like my Tindale town. (Yes thats probably too much detail) Like Magic Worlds Southern Reaches the author leaves enough empty that the chronicler can have some unscripted fun. I was surprised he kept the BRP Damage Bonus table but thats a debated personal preference. Reading on The races are interesting. I can see a lot of fun coming from the RP involved in them. I also see some of Classic Fantasy or D&D mixed into the mechanics with special abilities and skill addition/changes. Not bad.
  5. Ya'all ever sit down and start outlining an adventure for your PCs and keep coming up with more neat ideas than what can fit in a couple hour session? ๐Ÿ™„ Have been working on Tinsdown. A small mining village outside Tindale and the Tinsdale Tin Mines. Got this neat hook idea that leads to another and then to another. Could influence the PCs reputation with nobility and a few other factions as well as make them some extra coin. A lot if they play their cards right ๐Ÿ˜Ž But its starting to become pretty big already... Might break it into a main quest and a couple side treks.
  6. OK I've changed my mind about the Zombie Apocolypse idea using SRD. Heck everything I need is already inside the pages of the blessed gold grimoire. As previously stated I was playing around with Dwarfhold of the Southern Reaches but I might shift to Tindales Iron Mine. Make a new adventure or a couple little Side- Treks. Maybe crack open my Big Damn Book of Monsters and find something obscure to run with. Ideas?
  7. This is stunningly similar! If there was a waterfall in this pic I would have totally thought I subconsciously plagiarized it! I haven't seen Britannia but will have to check it out. Thanks!
  8. I've been kinda bored since finishing Tindale and kinda been playing around with some dwarfy ideas for Dwarfhold in the Copper Mountains. Don't wanna do the generic dwarf mine thing but something different or unexpected. Yeah it will still have massive halls inside (ala Khazad-Dum), and mining equipment / strategies different and more advanced then what the humans might use. This IS their original Dwarf home after all. Was thinking I would have the mine and dwarf homes reverse of typical. Starting towards the feet of the mountain, the mine might work it's way toward the heart and upwards towards the peak, instead of delving ever deeper. Don't wanna free any fiery demons after all... The main entrance will be on the edge of a mountain valley lake (crap, I just realized that's not very unique UGH) but instead of being hidden it is lined with brilliant stone architecture with many pillars and apartments that are carved into the rock of the mountains, like the temple in Angkor Wat in cambodia. Also giving some thought to the Crauch Dragon. The MW book suggests the term dragon MIGHT just be symbolic and it might not be a living creature at all. I like a good dragon quest as much as anyone, but what if it were a portal into the Fey Realms or even a super volcano that the dwarves were keeping from erupting through their strange magiks, laying waste to the Southern Reaches if it ever blew...I dunno. Do you know? Here's some pics of my tinkering...
  9. probably taking a break....but I doubt it
  10. I found this on my Magic World Facebook Page 2016...ugh
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is just a little something I threw together in my spare time. This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. Every bit of art and most of the descriptions were โ€œborrowedโ€ from many other, much more talented people from other books, and around the internet. Some of the content was inspired by Classic Fantasy. Druids are a type of priest, protectors of nature and worshipers of forest deities. They hold the sun, the moon, and the trees (particularly oak and ash) as sacred representatives of the divine. They are the caretakers of plants and animals, and while they condone the hunting of woodland creatures and the cutting of trees as necessary for the survival of the civilized races, they are intolerant of wasteful exploitation. In these cases, druids can be patiently devious in their revenge on those who would profit at the expense of nature. Mistletoe is the holy symbol of the druid. Druids are uneasy in civilized areas and prefer the solitude of their small log and stone cottages and sacred groves deep within the wilder regions of The Realm.
  12. View File The Druid Occupation This is just a little something I threw together in my spare time. This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. Every bit of art and most of the descriptions were โ€œborrowedโ€ from many other, much more talented people from other books, and around the internet. Some of the content was inspired by Classic Fantasy. Druids are a type of priest, protectors of nature and worshipers of forest deities. They hold the sun, the moon, and the trees (particularly oak and ash) as sacred representatives of the divine. They are the caretakers of plants and animals, and while they condone the hunting of woodland creatures and the cutting of trees as necessary for the survival of the civilized races, they are intolerant of wasteful exploitation. In these cases, druids can be patiently devious in their revenge on those who would profit at the expense of nature. Mistletoe is the holy symbol of the druid. Druids are uneasy in civilized areas and prefer the solitude of their small log and stone cottages and sacred groves deep within the wilder regions of The Realm. Submitter tooley1chris Submitted 05/16/2020 Category Magic World  
  13. OK, my most excellent friends. It's done. It's posted. I humbly present The Town of Tindale
  14. Version 1.0.0


    The Town of Tindale Welp, after a LONG time, here it finally is. 1 file for the town and 1 book for player maps without room titles or secret areas This book contains descriptions and maps of hundreds of shops, vendors, temples, smiths, shrines, apartments, homes, guilds, towers, castle, keeps, exterior areas, caves, mines, and caverns in and around the town of Tindale. Your players may NEVER even visit some (or even most) of the areas as they are less than interesting to an adventuring party, but I included them anyway just in case. They may never visit the chair makers shop looking for glory, but if they buy a house, or even a manor, they may want to furnish it. I also mapped a small hamlet outside of Tindale. A farming community of sorts. There should be 5 or 6 of these (That I didn't map) in the areas around the town, as well as Tindales main mine and namesake, and a logging camp. I may add these later, as they are an important part of Tindales economy. (Or someone else can feel free to add files as they wish. It would tickle me mightily if others made and posted adventures that revolved around the town.) Every medieval town in history has a lot of small hamlets and farmsteads surrounding it. Tindale should be no different. I didn't map EVERY building or apartment in the town (This book would have been 10 times as large) but this gives you, the chronicler, and me, room to expand and add stuff as needed. My idea for this town is to be a base for my own players. A place to call home. There is one main adventure tied to the town, Annabels Gift. A dozen small quests that can be found by talking to different NPCs, searching help wanted boards, or visiting the Adventurers Guild. Some of these are very dangerous to green adventurers and the Chronicler should read through them carefully so as no to over power the players. Intrepid and daring adventurers stand to make a fortune if they succeed at some of these, later in their careers. Maybe even becoming nobility themselves. You will notice the mapped area descriptions are pretty detailed. More so than most who run the game might need. This is because I have players who want to know exactly what is in the room they just broke into. What can be....misplaced? OH! Almost forgot. I broke down and bought a decent PDF editor and spent the last couple days adding links and bookmarks to pages for easier navigation. As always, thanks to Lynn Willis, Ben Monroe, Mark Morrison, and friends for giving ussuch a rich game as Magic World to adventure in. And a big thanks to Jason Durall and Sam Johnson for the Big Gold Book which changed how I roll. Thanks to Chaosium, inc. for making those materials available. This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. Every bit of art and most of the descriptions were โ€œborrowedโ€ from many other, much more talented people from other books, the Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset, and around the internet. Most of the Critters represented in these pages are from my Big Damn Book of Monsters. Most of the NPCs were made using my Magic World NPC creator found on BRPcentral. Most of the Treasures were generated using my Magic World Treasure Generator also found on found on BRPcentral. LOTS of love to Trifletraxor for bringing so many great people together and allowing us to share our adventures!
  15. View File The Town of Tindale The Town of Tindale Welp, after a LONG time, here it finally is. 1 file for the town and 1 book for player maps without room titles or secret areas This book contains descriptions and maps of hundreds of shops, vendors, temples, smiths, shrines, apartments, homes, guilds, towers, castle, keeps, exterior areas, caves, mines, and caverns in and around the town of Tindale. Your players may NEVER even visit some (or even most) of the areas as they are less than interesting to an adventuring party, but I included them anyway just in case. They may never visit the chair makers shop looking for glory, but if they buy a house, or even a manor, they may want to furnish it. I also mapped a small hamlet outside of Tindale. A farming community of sorts. There should be 5 or 6 of these (That I didn't map) in the areas around the town, as well as Tindales main mine and namesake, and a logging camp. I may add these later, as they are an important part of Tindales economy. (Or someone else can feel free to add files as they wish. It would tickle me mightily if others made and posted adventures that revolved around the town.) Every medieval town in history has a lot of small hamlets and farmsteads surrounding it. Tindale should be no different. I didn't map EVERY building or apartment in the town (This book would have been 10 times as large) but this gives you, the chronicler, and me, room to expand and add stuff as needed. My idea for this town is to be a base for my own players. A place to call home. There is one main adventure tied to the town, Annabels Gift. A dozen small quests that can be found by talking to different NPCs, searching help wanted boards, or visiting the Adventurers Guild. Some of these are very dangerous to green adventurers and the Chronicler should read through them carefully so as no to over power the players. Intrepid and daring adventurers stand to make a fortune if they succeed at some of these, later in their careers. Maybe even becoming nobility themselves. You will notice the mapped area descriptions are pretty detailed. More so than most who run the game might need. This is because I have players who want to know exactly what is in the room they just broke into. What can be....misplaced? OH! Almost forgot. I broke down and bought a decent PDF editor and spent the last couple days adding links and bookmarks to pages for easier navigation. As always, thanks to Lynn Willis, Ben Monroe, Mark Morrison, and friends for giving ussuch a rich game as Magic World to adventure in. And a big thanks to Jason Durall and Sam Johnson for the Big Gold Book which changed how I roll. Thanks to Chaosium, inc. for making those materials available. This book is not, in any way, a product of my artistic or writing ability. Every bit of art and most of the descriptions were โ€œborrowedโ€ from many other, much more talented people from other books, the Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset, and around the internet. Most of the Critters represented in these pages are from my Big Damn Book of Monsters. Most of the NPCs were made using my Magic World NPC creator found on BRPcentral. Most of the Treasures were generated using my Magic World Treasure Generator also found on found on BRPcentral. LOTS of love to Trifletraxor for bringing so many great people together and allowing us to share our adventures! Submitter tooley1chris Submitted 05/16/2020 Category Magic World  
  16. Lol I doubt that. I'm no great writer. A LOT of those pages are NPCs and maps
  17. While correcting some errors I noticed that some quests/descriptions/details jump around the book quite a bit. With it now being over 1400 pages long I figure this might be a problem for anyone but me reading the material. So...I'm delaying release a few more days so I can add links and bookmarks to the pdf. That will make it much easier to read the pdf without a lot of flipping. Be patient with me
  18. OK so I found a number of small errors in the finished product and its gonna take a little more time to sort them all out.....
  19. I really dont care HOW the zombie came into being. The Zombies are a speed bump and not what the story is really about, IMO. Could be aliens, or mass extinction, nuclear holocaust, chemical warfare, or whatever. Like many end of the world scenarios the real story is how the survivors continue to survive inspite of the speed bumps. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  20. I apologize. I cant have a conversation with someone who doesnt like halflings ๐Ÿ˜€
  21. So I'm using a new PDF converter and it's going SO MUCH more smoothly than the old one. Getting very close to publishing it in the files section. Working on adding all of the Player maps to the back of the book. There's a lot... Shouldnt be more than a couple days.
  22. I've always like variety in my games. I use at least parts of all the MW supplements and even some other compatible stuff. I see how keeping it simple is attractive but...
  23. Sorry I didnt see this earlier. I'm using Neverwinter Nights 2 toolset. Have been using it for years for this kinda work as I find the interface pretty easy and its dirt cheap anymore. EDIT: AND theres a wealth of community made models you can import into the game
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