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Marcus Bone

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Marcus Bone last won the day on April 14 2016

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  • RPG Biography
    Webmaster over at www.stormbringerrpg.com.
  • Current games
    Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • Location
    Paraparaumu, New Zealand
  • Blurb
    Gamer, Father and IT Professional - not in any particular order

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  1. Hey all (anyone else here in this forum? :P) Just a note to say that I've posted a new review in my ongoing 'Stormbringer scenarios your must play before your soul gets eaten in Hwamgaarl' series over on www.stormbringerrpg.com - https://stormbringerrpg.com/review-the-unholy-fortress/. This time around we are off on a jaunt to The Unholy Fortress, Nick Hagger's epic scenario of dead gods, ravening nomads and general madness, which saw was release in Chaosium's Sea Kings of the Purple Towns (for 4th edition way back in 1992!). As always appreciate any and all feedback... Marcus (webmaster and general dogsbody to Mistress Fate over at Stormbringerrpg.com)
  2. Hey all I normally stalk the Stormbringer sub forum here but I have some news... So I've finally - after a number of years of self doubt and lack of time - uploaded a Call of Cthulhu scenario up on drivethrurpg (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/457424/Stench-of-an-Open-Grave--A-Cthulhu-Dark-Ages-Scenario). A short and sweet adventure I wrote as a bit of a intro to the setting and unique style of Dark Ages for some friends, I've expanded it a bit for release (adding three pregens as well). I think I explain my motivations best in my author's note (copied here)... This scenario was created with the express purpose of introducing new players to Cthulhu Dark Ages and as such presents what I hope is a simple, almost linear, mystery for them to explore. With this audience in mind, ‘Stench’ attempts to downplay the more fantastical elements that can sometimes seep into Dark Ages games and instead tries to bring to life the culture and experience of living in the Early Middle Ages. Of course, this may mean more experienced role-players (especially those well versed in the Dark Ages) might find the story a little too simplistic for their tastes, but nevertheless I would still like to think that you ‘hold in your hand’ a well thought out, fun scenario; one that can give a good night or two’s entertainment for any fan of the Cthulhu Mythos. I'm hoping - if this sells well - it might break the shackles and motivate me to produce some of the myriad of other Call of Cthulhu scenarios (and campaigns) I have floating around on my harddrives. Thanks to everyone here who has had such kind words in the past (or has played in one of my freebies over at unboundbook.org) Marcus
  3. Not yet - not to be 'that guy'... but in my convos with Jawad (the head of Le Department) he has mentioned that they are looking to do a crowd funding for a full release in the near future. However their focus at the moment is the Young Kingdoms project...
  4. Here's the entry in its fullness - the Mandela effect at its finest? ERRATIC ILMIORAN SAILOR This young man is renowned in the taverns of Quayside as a fine sailor, but not one you would want on your ship. He has sailed every sea in the Young Kingdoms and wants nothing more than to return to the Bakshaan of his youth: which he remembers as a bustling seaport rather than a rich, landlocked city at the junction of the Barlimm and Vador rivers. In a recent visit to Bakshaan he was tormented by other inconsistencies between the city he remembers and the actual city, including streets that were not quite as he remembered them and a family who claimed not to know him at all. He fled to Vilmir, and has since drifted towards Old Hrolmar, where he finds short stints of work in the harbour.
  5. So I wrote up my review of Black Sword Hack - Ultimate Chaos Edition here - https://stormbringerrpg.com/review-black-sword-hack-ultimate-chaos-edition/. Warning, you might not agree with my conclusions...
  6. You could purchase this one - https://titam-france.fr/jeux-de-role/produit/mournblade-carte-des-jeunes-royaumes-pdf/ It is already poster sized (I've had it up on my wall for a while), but some of the locations are in French.
  7. Try here... I really should look at at getting more maps from the various supplements and locations up there as well... https://stormbringerrpg.com/character-sheets-references/maps-of-the-young-kingdoms/
  8. Tell us what you think @Shakey Mo. I'm currently in the midst of writing up a review... Marcus
  9. Hey all, Just thought I'd mention that I've released an updated version of the Guide to Old Hrolmar - the monograph written by Richard Watts and previously made available on stormbringerrpg.com in its original format. This new edition really is nothing more than a facelift in both layout and cover design (apart from a few typos etc. being corrected)... Nevertheless, if you want a copy (its free of course) pop on over to http://www.stormbringerrpg.com/?p=1345! Please note, the fantastic cover art was made possible with the kind donations of the site's Patrons.
  10. Making no claim to this information but here's what I've been able to gather (and will updating with @Rick Meints's comments) - https://www.stormbringerrpg.com/?p=2754 For full disclosure my insights all come from the Acaeum (https://www.acaeum.com) a website and forum dedicated to the collection of Dungeons & Dragons material (and other RPGs, of course), as well as Wayne's books (http://www.waynesbooks.com/ElricStormbringer.html#Prior) - a great place to get your second hand gems btw!
  11. Nothing new really on the wiki itself, except to say that it has had a (very manual) transfer to a new platform and an update of the style, but hey I'd thought I'd share anyway - https://unboundbook.org/TotK-wiki/doku.php?id=start This is the actual play record of my regular gaming group's run through of - what I believe is the best, most 'true' Call of Cthulhu campaign ever released - Tatters of the King. The players all loved this game, and this record is testament to that fact (I unfortunately missed being a player as I was a new father at the time with a new job to boot!). I do have a number of mp3 recordings of the sessions, but as I'm sure everyone can appreciate the personal recording technology at the time (2006... OMG 15 years ago!) was a bit limited and they are very rough. Add on to that, the fact that these were done really just for me and I'm sure you can understand that they might never be in a fit state to share (I'll try but lots of editing is needed on each session!). Now if I could ever complete these various Call of Cthulhu scenarios I have floating about on my old Hard Drives I can die a happy man! Regards, Binder (Marcus)
  12. My advice is that you can't go wrong with anything published after 4th edition (although you'd have to do a bit of conversion work depending on what edition you are running the adventures for). For scenarios alone, Perils of the Young Kingdom is a personal favourite, while The Unknown East is an excellent supplement for opening up the setting. Marcus
  13. Hi All, I've released a new scenario of Stormbringer 5th edition over on www.stormbringerrpg.com - The Brides of Pyaray. Chaos hides everywhere amidst the Young Kingdoms, fanned by the desires of mere mortals who lust for riches, power or eternity. In even the most law abiding of communities the worshippers of chaos can thrive, hidden in plain sight! In The Brides of Pyaray, the characters are lured into a mystery of their own making, where their desire to make good leads to an adventure offering dire consequences… does one dare ask; what indeed beckons the brides of the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secrets? You can find it as a free pdf here - http://www.stormbringerrpg.com/?p=3695
  14. And I've ordered. Over the years I've run and played quite a lot of Dark Ages Cthulhu (and was lucky enough to talk with Chad almost a decade ago about the core of this new edition as it stood then). So I'm looking forward to updating some of my home brew scenarios to the 7th edition mechanics... Marcus
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