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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. LOL! Exactly. It's much like the differences in complexity between something like Elric! and RQ3. Some people will prefer general hit points and armor, others would rather have hit locations and pieces of armor. Some like 10% crticals, other like 5% and 20% chance of specials. And that's all okay. YGMV. It is how some flame wars appear to be justified but others viewed as a waste of time that amuses me, since there is no consensus. If we avoid topics because someone else might consider them not worth it, then nobody will even post anything.
  2. So it goes up a little faster to ofset the smaller increment, interesting. I worked up the formula for RQ3. At one time I had a little Tandy handheld that was programmed in BASIC to calculate all the modifiers and derived stats. It was impressive (to us) in the 80s. Maybe not, but then I never learned the "Eurmal Weighs the Dice" heroquest. ElfQuest, of all things, had a good solution for that. Since none of the elves wore much armor, they got a luck roll to get protection from pendants and other bits of jewelry,. I though something like POW roll could handle that stuff nicely without getting very fiddly. If one wanted to they could adjust the POW multiplier to reflect body part coverage.
  3. No, we certainly didn't, although we probably would have five to ten years back. The thing I find so funny is that no one wants to have another 30 page debate about Stirrups in Glorantha have not problems with a longer thread about Swords in Genertela, where people debate even more details. Saddle minute isn't esoteric enough? Not specific enough to a region? Or just not as well illustrated? I mean we are all discussing minutiae about a fantasy world. What is the litmus test that determines significant trivial details and insignificant ones? Oh, and just so as not to give anybody the wrong idea, I love that thread about Sword in Central Genertela, and M. Helsodon's excellent work into the military details of the region. It's just funny the things we get up in arms over.
  4. Yeah that the problem with using increments of D6s, you get big jumps. D4 to D6 isn't bad but D6 to 2D6 is huge I used the demon table from Elric (1d2, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1D10+1D2, etc.), with a couple of alternates (2d6 instead of 1D10+1D2) to make things eaiser It does feel finicky but it still works about as well as any thing if you want a smooth progression and not have the minimums become a problem. One approach you might consider is to have the db shift the weapon damage die rather than add in an a separate die. So +1D4 would be one shift, 1D6 two shifts and so on. That way someone with a broadsword (1d8+1) and +2d6 db, would become 1D10+1D4+1 (or1D8+1D6+1, or maybe 2D6+2). Mitigates the problem somewhat. BTW, is is +1D4 per 16? Damage should be 4+SIZ/3. D4s we step on always come up a 4.
  5. That's the issue with upping the magical damage for "balance". A 5D6 damage attack in D&D or RM isn't anywhere near as lethal as a 5D6 attack in BRP. What I think you probably would need to do is to make this idea work for you would be to : 1) Increase the rate that spellcaster recover Magic Points they can cast more often during the adventure 2) Increase the number of magic points available (maybe 2xPOW or POW+CON) 3) You might want to implement some sort of increasing/doubling cost for spells so that spellcasters can cast minor spells all day, but powerful spells leave them drained for a bit. From what I've read, you seem to want the spellcasters to be able to hold thier own against the warriors, but not to be able to nuke them at leisure. 4) Maybe as a simplification of some of the above you could let caster use a certain amount if MPs for free and then pay for higher powered spells? So a spellcaster could use fire to light a pipe all day long, but a big fireball would cost. As fas as converting from RM goes: Compare the Damage of spells on the attack table to the arms law weapons tables to find a match or at least a relationship and use the damage of matching weapon in BRP. For instance the Fire Bolt table delivers damage that seems to be a little less than a RM Greatsword (BRP 2D8), but more than most polearms (varies but in BRP 2D6, 2D6+2, or 3D6). So maybe 2D6+3 Healing in RM is generally in increments of D10s, so 1D10= 1 hp in BRP
  6. Yes, but there are no doors on the map yet. Or, to be more accurate there aren't doors on the map anymore. The mapping program I used is set to 5 foot squares and the doors got messed up with I rescaled things to 1 yard squares to better match KAP. But the carpenter assures me that the doors will be replaced once I figure out how to scale the object properly. I might just have to do it in another program. There isn't one. At least not what we would consider to be a kitchen. Most of the the food is kept in the pantry, and drinks in the buttery. I suspect the prep work for cooking would be done there as well, with the cooking done in hearth inside the great hall. Not that there couldn't be a kitchen. I'll put a kitchen in the large manor house. Oh, and this is just a sample, there are bound to be differences between manors. But for sake of a generic manor house I figure I can do a large and small manor in wood and than just swap out the wood for stone to get the stone versions. Maybe I can do a alternate version or two, but the small halls are pretty basic. If you want a kitchen though, I could modify the manor to add one. Moving walls and adding a kitchen is easy. It's doors that give me trouble. Hmm, maybe I can copy the door rename it, and then import it back in s a new object at the 3 foot scale?
  7. Interesting. Probably doesn't make sense considering that most two handed weapons (Great Sword, Halberd, etc.) in RQ do considerably more damage to begin with. So your rule would be "double dipping" for such weapons.
  8. Here is a first draft of the rough layout of the ground floor a small wooden manor house. Areas are labeled, but without any doors or furniture. The grid is set to 1 inch = 1 yard, as that would seem to be the best scale for Pendragon movement.
  9. I'll add my voice into the crowd saying that you are selling yourself short here. One aspect of this that you might not be considering is that your illustrations are not just art for art's sake, but are graphic visualizations on the people and cultures of Glorantha. It's literally the "picture is worth a thousand words" thing, only in this case you manage to show things that would be difficult to "show" verbally. I best there is. Warfare is a pretty popular aspect to most RPGs. Like soltakss mentioned, if you tried to fund this through Kickstarter you'd succeed. You already have shown a lot more of the book than a lot of projects that are on Kickstarter.
  10. Best to do so just to be safe. But if it was a freebie post the link. I do appreciate the help, but I think we''d best play it safe with anything copyrighted for the sake of the guy who operates this website. I don't want Triff to loose his house just so my PKs can have one of their own
  11. Uh, I don't think that is something you can post on the forum, since it' looks like its from Harn, and has copyright notices at the bottom of the pages. I appreciate the thought, but I don't want anyone to post something that they or this site could get in trouble for. It's probably best that you remove it, unless you actually happen to be the one who holds the copyrite for it. Now, as I didn't know what it was until after I clicked on the link, I did get a peek at it and it's much larger, grander and more expensive than what a typical vassal knight could manage in Pendragon.
  12. I think you'll have to hunt for it. Greg originally wanted to call the game HeroQuest, but at the time the rights were owned by someone else. Later, when he could pick up the rights to HeroQuest, he switched names from HeroWars back to HeroQuest. And now I think somebody else owns the rights to the Hero Wars name. So I think think even if Chaosium wanted to make it available they'd have to change the name. BTW, is there anything specific about HeroWars that you prefer over the later editions? It will probably be a lot less expensive to buy a version of HeroQuest than to track down a copy of HeroWars off of ebay.
  13. Ah the old KAP forums. I hope they eventually port over all the good stuff from there. And thanks. I found a few more links too. I'm starting to get a consistent picture here. Generally two storeys, broken up into two or three sections. It looks like wooden and stone manors had the same basic layout. Larger and more expensive manors might add another room or two, and a manor could later be expanded by adding another room or two (and after the Middle Ages, whole wings). I'll mess around with my mapping program and see what I can throw together.
  14. Yes, but not his desire to bed everything in a skirt. Apparently. I haven't read the Prose Trstan, so that's a new one to me. Are there any other sources that paint such a lusty portrait of Uther? Do we have a list of other women he chased? As previously mentioned the possibility of another child of Uther running around seems pretty high if he was a lusty as he seems to have been. Either way, he still been downgraded as a Kingly figure. He's not even a real "Pendragon" anymore.
  15. Yeah, don't worry too much about contradicting things. We're just cautioning you as to the difficulty of a low ranking PK in marring the richest heiress in the county. Basically he shouldn't get her unless he brings something special to the marriage, and because the Earl wants him to marry his daughter.It's not like today where a daughter can pretty much marry whoever she wants against her parents wishes. In Pendragon, it's the Earl who needs to be pleased with the arrangement.Sometimes us modern folk, raise to believe in ideal such as equality often overlook the way feudal society works. For example, in one of my campaigns, a new Player, encounter a young King Lot, right before a bad battle, who then proceeded to take charge of the situation. When the player, annyoed as the bossiness of this guy,, asked "Who died and made you the boss?", Lot mentioned his father, the King. The PK fell back into line. The same player ran into Lot again a year or two later, and while discussing how to face off against an even more ferocious threat (I think it was a large giant), the player dropped a line about "we're all created equal" or some such. Lot stopped and stared at the PK for a few seconds before busting out laughing, at such an "obvious falsehood". Lot was a KIng, the PK was a knight, and the footmen were peasants! There were about an unequal as one could get. Lot burst out laughing, patted the Knight on his back, and commended him for his courage. Where everyone else was "concered" about fighting a huge giant, the PK was cracking jokes! What we are trying to do is help you get the feel and tone of the setting. Pendragon's Britain isn't like a typical Fantasy World where people act like modern day people, but in a low tech environment.
  16. Not really, I'm trying to work out the insides of an actual manor house, not the layout of the grounds. Still, thanks.
  17. Definitely. The plan is for the knight to distingiush himself further in his lord's service in the hope that the Earl will smooth all this over. Well, the heiress in question doesn't have any children. Her husband died in the wars before he had any children. So there is no one else to contest it. Had there been daughters things could have been a lot more tricky. The PK is actually hesitant about having children becuase of the can of worms it open up. Yeah, I started at 410, and the PK got (re)married in 419. Yes it can get very convoluted. Historically these kind of things did happen and the end result wasn't always according to the "rules". It often depending on just who was involved their status, power and what the liege lord wanted. In this case, all the parties involved currently want the same thing, but children could change that. Knowing the non-player wife the way I do, she'd probably use it as leverage to get any offspring a good match. She's already used to to get the PK to knight and maintain her husband's squire, who had been left in a spot.
  18. Yeah, it is certainly a valid approach, and seems to be exactly how he is portrayed in KAP5+. I guess Uther's just not the man he used to be.😉 It's actually kinda fun to compare editions and see how the characters have changed over the years.
  19. Yes, definitely good advice! One of the Pks in my campaign might run into reason 2A. He married a heiress (one manor but with a little extra income), she didn't have any heires, but he had two sons from his first wife. She is willing to adopt his sons to help smooth over inheritance for him, but now he has to worry about what happens should he have a third son with her-as that son might bump the elder two.
  20. BoU and BoW, like several parts of the GPC, seem to follow in the Excalibur mold as far as Uther goes. He's not a terribly good king, just a good warlord. He seems to have a lot in common with Vortigern. Not that this interpretation is wrong or bad, just that there isn't much in the Arthurian sources to back it up.
  21. Thanks. That seems similar to what I've found. Roughly it looks like it's broken into three sections: A "lower end" , consisting of the Pantry (food storage) and Buttery (drink storage) The "Hall" with the open hearth A "upper end" or Parlour, a private space for the knight and his family. There is usually one or more open passageways throughout the house, both to provide access and to heat the whole place from the central hearth. Two storey halls would add: An unspecified room above the lower end. A Solar, above the upper end. This was the private bed chamber and day room or rooms above the Parlour for the knight and his family. Wikipedia's entry for a Hall House provides a few layouts and images. I guess I'll use one of those to base my Pendragon maps on. I'll try to do a couple of sizes and some on wood and some in stone.
  22. Does anybody have a good idea as to the size and layout of a knight's manor house? I've looked online but most links are to castles. I've seen a couple of images for a Norman manor house, but it was of stone. I've also found some info on Medieval Hall house, including some layouts, but they seem to be for commoners, not knights. Most generic fantasy manor houses are either too grand or too "modern" (i.e servants all have their own bedrooms, fireplaces all have chimneys) to fit Pendragon. I'd like to do up a printable map for play, but want to be sure I'm going down the right path.
  23. Amen. In most of my campaign the PKs are concerned/obsessed with just getting a heir to continue the family line. Try to wed an heiress, any heiress, is something the PKs save until after they have a couple of sons.
  24. Yeah that certainly seems like a possibility. Frankly I suspect that Uther isn't as Lustful as he is being portrayed, he just gets enamored with Ygraine.
  25. As JonL pointed out, the survival roll from KAP was designed to handle the whole battle, ot a battle round. The table in Book of Battle is for a round, and basically means that you suffer no losses if the followers "win" or "tie"; and only lose 1 man/1d6 if foot vs mounted (or 15%) of a failure, 1d6 men/2d6 if foot vs mounted (or 30%) on a fumble. That should reduce your casualties.
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