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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Now that's pretty extensive. I have most of it, but I think you have it all. Might be easier for you to list the Chaosium products you don't have. BTW< Anyone know what the -X, -X, and -HA suffixes mean?
  2. Yeah, I think we have the Ark of the Covenant in there.
  3. Oh I get it, and, as always, It's just that: Seems to be an important bit about Glorantha. It does appear to come up a bit in the timeline. No hard feelings though. As before,Your Glorantha Will Vary.
  4. Orlanth Amorous, that part of Orlanth that wore polyester suits and hung out in bars and nightculbs. Has me looking at "Shimmer Kittens" in a whole new light.
  5. LOL! Shield 10 does work in a lot of situations.
  6. Not exactly. The text in RQ2 stated that each Elf initiate receives and elf bow seed, and that non-elf initiates could get a elf bow by spending a point of Permanent POW, and that it took 4 years to grow. So there was a loophole for human worshipers.. Not sure it it still exists in RQG.
  7. LOL! What did your RQ3 players do? Taken off thier armor and put up Protection? Armor was much more expensive in RQ3.
  8. I Agree. According to the info on elves, they share the Person rune with the other humanoid species, so they are probably have more in common with the other species than not. I think that also goes with the whole unity thing in Glorantha. What the species and cultures have in common is greater than their differences.
  9. Oh yeah, I get that, but... is what just clicked in my head. Especially since such an army might not need the usual logistics. It might be possible for the elves to grwo such an army in secret and then unleash it in a big surprise offensive. And said army could literally live off the land. Yeah but that still ties up some magic on the other side that could have been better spent elsewhere. Taking out a Oak tree might be a tactical necessity, but it's magic and effort that would otherwise be directed elsewhere. Plus even if the opposition de-animates the tree army, isn't that just extending the forest, thus extending the Aldyrami sphere of influence? It opens up whole new avenues of warfare. I wonder if the Aldyami have giant fly-trap-like plants that could be used both the trap opposing forces, and as mobile camps for Aldyrami? It makes the Adlrymi a very nasty bunch to have to fight. Although they are vulnerable to "slash and burn" tactics.
  10. This is a very interesting concept, to me. It makes elves a far stronger, more vibrant species and gives them much greater bouceback ability.BTW, do we have any info on Aldyami diet? Do they have to eat anything, or do just drink water and catch some rays? I was just thinking of the military implications of a rapidly grown army that doesn't need food or shelter.
  11. Do we have any idea what those emotions are, then? Once we make their emotions different from human emotions, then we need some clue as to how to understand them. Because they're not. Dragonnewts are Draconic, and change their physical forms, are reborn , among other less obvious differences.
  12. Interesting. So basically they could grow a huge army, go on the offensive, and then reforest newly won lands, but won't or can't bring themselves to do it. That's a very interesting insignt into their psyche. lol! It was supposed to show in Vulcan skin coloration. They did add color to Nimoy's makeup, but the differences are somewhat washed out in many scenes. I always like the suggestion someone had years ago of elves looking like the Trees of Chem from Doctor Who. Defiantly not your To(l)k(i)en Elf.
  13. Interesting if they could through. Yes, it's an interesting idea, but the question is if it fits or not. I don't agree. I think once you go down that path with Aldraymi, you will wind up with very similar species. Once you take caring/emotion from the elves then their thought processes are very likely to become dominated by rational though- unless you assume that instinct and "pre-programming" play a huge part in their attitudes and responses.
  14. Thanks. I don't get PDF update emails. I suppose there's a setting for that somewhere. But even so, have a version number would help when buying stuff you don't already have, and probably lead to more sales.
  15. LOL! I've got another thread for that. I had ran into some sort of update/change but have no idea what it was. I thought it was KAP2, but apparently KAP2 never happened so I must have encounter KAP1+ or had a master forger in my Pendragon group. What I meant was some way to distinquish between the updated scans on Chasoium's site and the older scans on Drivethru. Sorry I wasn't clear on that.
  16. Depends on when in Trek you pull yuor Vulcan from. When first introduced they had emotions (see Spock in "The Cage"). Then, once Spock was combined with the "Number One" character Vulcans didn't have emotions. Latter, as the series progressed Spock had them, but suppressed them, and this made him from other Vulcans Eventually it turned into all Vulcans having emotions but suppressing them and denying it. Yes, but is this the case with Elves and other Aldyrami? It has major ramifications. Can the elves grow a massive army over a couple of seasons? We're not talking about a fictional species that has had one line in a movie, but a fiction species that has appeared in hundreds of hours of television and film, and is a core part of the Star Trek franchise. And which also have a fairly strong resemblance to the typical FRPG "elf".
  17. The story goes that KAP2 was planned but eventually dropped and KAP3 was developed instead. I have a couple of questions related to this and was wondering if anyone had the answers: Question 1: Why was KAP2 dropped? Anyone got any idea? And if so why wasn't KAP3 just called KAP2, as no one who wasn't in contact with Greg would have ever known? Question 2: What was the "updated" version of KAP1? Years ago, long before KAP3, I ran across a version of KAP1 that had some differences from KAP. This happened when a new player created a character with "too many" points. When I pointed that out to the player, he showed me his copy of the KAP Player book, where the point totals were indeed higher. At the time I though that is was a newer edition, similar to RQ2 compared to RQ1. But if it wasn't KAP2, what was it? A updated KAP1? A typo?
  18. Sorry Scotty, let me clarify. What I meant was a code for the updates, similar to how KAP5 has 5, 5.1 and 5.2. For instance a pre-update King Arthur Pendragon First Edition ( KAP1) vs. a post update KAP1. Both would be KAP1, but noting the differences would let people know which PDF they were getting.
  19. That's nice, although probably a bit of overkill for some things. I doubt that there are many people still running KAP1. I think most people run KAP5+, and some run KAP3/4. It's still good that everything will be eventually updated universally. Maybe some sort of version number might help to identify which is which? Yeah, some might have even been written on typewriters, or were done on word processors or using computer document and desktop publishing software in formats that aren't compatible with modern machines.
  20. Hardly. That's like saying that a knee is "aware" of a mammer that strike it and causes the leg to kick. You feel that the trees are out to get you? Did you have an incident with a Krynoid, eat a big salad, or something? I don't. Do we really want Vulcans on Glorantha? Besides, it's not strategically sound, unless Aldyami have lots of offspring. Nor does it match up with elves as protectors of the forest or with the idea of plants having a group mind. And, if true, does that mean plants 'don't care" about being chopped down or burned up? After all they don't take any action against those things IRL either.
  21. Well...is there any evidence that plants care for anything? In the RL plants don't show any signs of intelligence, either. I'm not sure either means anything as far as Glorthana goes. i think the human relationship with Aldryra isn't one of abandoning their connection to the Beast rune and denying their humanity, but instead represents the relationship between plant and animal (and/or man).
  22. Do you mean in terms of direct damage to the monster if it were hit by such a round, or in terms of starting a fire that might hurt the monster? In terms of direct damage, it would be slight. There isn't all that much material in an incendiary round, and they wouldn't do much more damage than a branding iron or a torch, which I believe is something like 1D6 damage. Yes, the incendiary materials can burn very hot, but there just isn't all that much room for it in the bullet. Such bullets are designed more to ignite something than to do damage. Even a couple of road flares would probably be as effective. If the group needs to kill the monster with fire, they would be better to acquire or make some sort of flame thrower. Ideally something that could keep burning for several rounds. A White Phosphorous Grenade might be just the thing, but they are very tricky to use safely, something that holds true for all fire based weapons. A lot of just how effective fire will be as a weapon depends a lot on how you run it. If you just mark off hit points and have the monster ignore the damage, then the fire won't be all that effective as far as keeping the PCs alive. On the other hand, if the fire can drive off the monster, or get it to panic or in some way cause it to "react" to the whole being on fire thing, than it might be quite effective.
  23. Yeah. The same with most RPG poison too. In real life few poisons make someone drop dead instantly, and most that do either weren't around back in the days of swords and armor, or were difficult to impossible to get that high a dosage into the victim.
  24. LOL! From what I've read it's not so much that Moorcock won't license out the EC stuff, it's just that the license might not be profitable.He's not as well know or popular now as he was back in the 70s and 80s. It seems that most RPG licenses end up not making much money for the company once every is said and done.
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