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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. The crtical and special hit rules should keep daggers somewhat dangerous. 2D4+4 (a special) should be able to get past plate at least some of the time. A 10 point critical should definitely get something past the armor- even if you don;t use the critical hit bypassing armor option.
  2. If poeple are being ineffective, it's more of a player problem than a character one. If you balance them then nobody gets to be awesome. That's the D&D pitfall. Everything is supposedly balanced so no one and nothing actually stands out. Everyone had the same opportunities, they just chose differently. Juding from your posts and point of view, why do you want to run BRP or Legend? Why not go with one of the pre-balanced RPGs? They would appear to be more your style.
  3. Yup. the whole naming thing is a confusing mess - especially with so many different editions and companies involved over the nearly 40 year history. Miscommunicate and confusion are probably the status quo.
  4. Why would it make sense to compensate? That defeat the whole point of playing a giant in the first place? If you balance it all off them it really doesn't matter what people are playing. And if you balance off advancement, it doesn't really matter much how they play either.
  5. Whew! I was afraid that something was wrong with my PC or browser. I hate the latest upgrade. It's a pain to do quotes now.
  6. I just raised it to show how we are coming from different gaming backgrounds and tend to mean different RPG when using certain names.
  7. Am I the only one who isn't seeing a table here?
  8. Well it's similar to what was done in Warp World. Also, with RQ3 and COC magic I could see some sort of "Bind Spirit" , "Bind Soul", "bind Demon" spell that transfers the soul into the gem. I wonder if it would be possible to work up a continual effect spell powered by a soul stone?
  9. I don't think you're calling them the wrong things, just that the situation makes it harder at times to know what someone is referring to and thus what they mean by something. In my case, I played some AD&D early on, but made the jump to Strombringer (1E) and then RQ2 pretty quickly. I've pretty much focused on skill based RPGs since. So we are coming at this from rather different perspectives, and the terminology problems leads to some miscommunication and confusion here and there. It's also probably why we don't see eye to eye on "game balance". In D&D style of gaming, game balance is one of the foundations of the RPG - and the concept is drive home over and over in he rules. With skill based RPGs the idea has generally been rejected as artificial and disruptive.
  10. I think if you want parity, the only way you'll get is is to balance out the characters at the start and then give out the same amount of experience as rewards throughout the campaign. This isn't an unheard of approach. Both FATE and AMBER used such a system. But I really think letting people roll for advancement but then arbitrarily capping them is kjust going to cause player frustration and resentment. Why bother to roll if the advancement really isn't going to be random. It would be like running a race where you stop the leaders every lap and wait for the rest of the cars to catch up before running the next lap.
  11. LOL! When I think of Magic World I think of Worlds of Wonder. So we are really come at this from very different directions.
  12. Just what is "accordingly" though? Specifically, how many skill points offset a point of STR or DEX? I don't think there is an easy answer for that. I suppose we could reverse engineer the cost of stats and skills from the POWERS section, but I'm not convinced it would really balance out.
  13. Strombringer used to do just that. Enchanted items had demons bound into them that caused the magical effect.
  14. Exactly. Several times Darkholme and I have crossed circuited each other by referring to different editions of a particular RPG. Chances are, when I mention an RPG I'm thinking of the one that I'm most familiar with. Now I can see why the current, "living" version of an RPG might be considered the "default" and that is fine, but there are a lot of "dead" editions of RPGs and lots of room for confusion. For instance, in Darkholme last post he mentioned that to him Stormbringer means Stormbringer 5e. Now I'm willing to bet money that what he considers to be Stormbringer 5e isn't what I consider to be Stormbringer 5E ( to me that's Elric!). Before we subdivide the forums any further, we probably need to work out a way to figure out which RPG everyone else is talking about. Perhaps we need to do up a list of all the editions and give them sort of 3 or 4 letter abbreviation to eliminate the guesswork.
  15. Just what is a "General d100" topic? BRP is (the current) BRP RQ is RQ6 Most other versions of the d100 system have their own forum here. Just what do we need a general forum for? I'm not arguing against it, I just would like to see some topics that would fall into the "General d100" category.
  16. Yeah, and I think they mentioned the Old Ones in an episode or two. I've considered the possibility of a crossover where the Time Lords are the Elder Gods and the Doctor is probably Nodens (or Nodens an incarnation of the Doctor).And the Master could be Nyarlathotep. There are enough similarities to make it work. Long enough for an appearance or two, at least.
  17. I think that was intentional. A few Doctor Who stories were inspired by Lovecraft's works. The Daemons and Image of the Fendahl are some other examples that could make good CoC adventures.
  18. I was thinking the same thing except with RQ3 Sorcery (which I think was what Advanced Sorcery was based on). In RQ3 most enchantments either worked on 1 being, or 1 hit location of armor,. For most things other than enchantment, Increasing any of these typically meant +1 POW per doubling. The +1 POW for doubling though, could be adapted and used to scale up magic items. You could give a default in SIZ or ENC, and just up the POW by +1 per doubling.
  19. Well one reason would be the social advantages to playing a human. In most campaign setting humans are the dominant species and will have an easier time interacting with other humans. Considering how paranoid, bigoted and racist people from Medieval cultures typically were/are- even to other humans- the elf could find it annoying just to try and buy a beer.And the elf would probably be blamed for any misfortune that strikes while in the vicinity (or even afterwards).
  20. It sounds like an interesting and fun campaign. Probably much better than if the GM balanced off all the characters against each other.
  21. We're talking about different editions of Stormbringer! I was thinking of the original one by Chaosium, which has more in common with RQ2/3 than Magic World. Come to think of it, this does raise another problem. Often when referring to things like Stormbringer, RQ2, Magic World or even BRP, people can be talking about different RPGs with the same name.
  22. Ya right about RQ, but I don';t think consolidtion is necessarily a good idea. RQ3 and RQ6 are quite different, as are BRP and Legend. I could see consolidating those systems that are very similar (MRQ2/Lenged) but I think some things should be kept separate just so the right people have athority over them. What I mean by that is so Pete & Loz get to control RQ6 and keep is apart from Legend, Open Quest I suppose we could consolidate some of the minor variants (i.e. Strombirnger) in with thier parent system (i.e RQ2/3 or BRP).
  23. Exactly. Most of the "problems" arise when multiple players are trying to contribute in the same fashion, and it degenerates into some sort of contest. Depending on the players, characters, expectations and goals, players can have fun contributing in different ways or even by playing sidekick to another PC. A lot of the time a PC can get overlooked if he is teamed up with a higher profile character-such as the Hulk, a Jedi, or a Rune Lord. This can give the sidekick all sorts of opportunities that the "danger magnet" is never going to get. And that can be very fun. But it depends on how the GM runs it. We've had fun running games where the tech/magic oriented characters have to complete some task (defuse a bomb, open a magical gate,etc.) while the grunts are busy holding off the advancing (unbalanced) enemy forces.
  24. How about a group of characters has only so much time to build a balloon and basket to escape in before a horde of nasties get them? Part of the problem I've seen in balanced games is that the players soon expect everything to be balanced, and end up taking on situations they shouldn't based on the "logic" that if the GM put in in the adventure then it must be balanced for the party.
  25. Not in a basket weaving contest. Just what makes a character strong or weak is dependent on the situation. You seem to think it is all about combat, which is true for D20, but not necessarily true in BRP or related games. And before you go into the "basket weaving is boring" argument that many use to sell combat, I'll say it all depends on the situation and how the GM runs it. In the end we are all just rolling dice. The characters might be swinging swords, casting magic, .trading insults, or even, yes, basket weaving. It's not the task being attempted that makes it interesting, but how it is handled and the stakes involved. Combat is exciting in most games because it is a drawn out processes with success measured in degrees, with the characters' well being, possessions and lives at stake- combined with good potential rewards. Basket weaving is boring because it is usually handled swiftly (no chance for any tension) with minimal risks, and negligible rewards. But that's only because people run it that way.
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