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Everything posted by styopa

  1. For people new here, remember there is a Download Section where files can reside. @Chaosium: as far as I can tell, there's no way to SEARCH the download section and the organization ...well, isn't much. (There's a "Mongoose Runequest" section but no RQG section months after RQG is released? There's a "Classic Runequest" but no RQ3? No RQ6/Mythras?) Could you perhaps have a moderator or your web guy address this? I think there are a lot of people putting together crazy-useful stuff like Phil's character creation sheet but if people can't find them you're going to be crippling today's very internet-savy/-connected generation from taking advantage of them.
  2. The fact that he impaled and KILLED HIMSELF on his own lance while essentially practicing validates the 'danger' factor in my little 'training minigame' spreadsheet for character downtime. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B018uRj3WEzoS1o3UmtrYVIweUk
  3. Logically, it would make a fair amount of sense to have a weapon damage system entirely re-arranged mechanically in which: melee damage is fundamentally wielder-strength based, and then modified by (examples off the top of my head): damage caps based on the mass of the weapon bonuses to the minimum damage for a sharp edge (or just a general bonus to damage, but with degradation over use) bonus damage generally for a point (but with a cap on max damage for thrusting based on diameter) damage multiplier based on if you were using it 2h on it or no.
  4. Not to make light of it, as it's a terrible tragedy for the man and the people involved, but in case your players ever question - "I wasn't really even swinging hard/it was just sparring/etc how could I *kill* nearest friend?" or "I'm wielding a 15' pike, how could I possibly 'strike nearest friend' that's next to me?" here's your reply: https://www.aol.com/article/news/2018/10/10/virginia-medieval-re-enactor-fatally-impales-self-with-lance/23556408/ I will never again question a result on the fumble table.
  5. I'm pretty sure Mrs Styopa would have....qualms about that, cool as it is. Thankfully, I believe we're mostly past the days when having such on your bed would be at least effective as (and possibly more than) a chastity belt. Now, depending on your...ahem...guest, it may even be conducive in a sort of 'cosplay' context.
  6. That's a really good visualization, also then helpfully explaining why it doesn't look through/past mundane objects for example. My only "sigh" about Second Sight is that shamans become more or less "magic item detectors" because they can Second Sight at will, making magical traps, loot, etc all simpler for the players than I wish they were.
  7. Absolutely agree that incrementalizing Rune Spell access is IMO going to make for a more interesting game for the players. I was initially charmed by the Rune Point system (and still would like to figure out a way to implement it that encourages use of the sort of utility spells that nobody ever bothered sacrificing for. (Personally, I think the key is to address the utility spells themselves for being too generally worthless....D&D5 recognized this in their talent points, making them MORE scarce but individually much more powerful, giving players difficult choices of significant stat gain vs compelling talents.) Not to mention, some of the Rune Spells as written in RQG don't seem entirely fully-baked, if you know what I mean.
  8. If people hate numbers, why are they playing a high-mechanics game? Don't read between the lines: I'm not inviting anyone "bug off" I'm honestly asking if people really find even fairly simple math "painful" and it makes grown men angry and tearful, it would just seem more natural to migrate to number-lite systems like Fate? I could CERTAINLY see a Fate-based Glorantha, just like I think in some ways the people who are particular fans of the 'mythic' Glorantha aspect would be more satisfied with Heroquest/wars/whatever is is, than any format of RQ.
  9. Are there? Lacking any references for it, I'd argue against that bald assertion that pretty strenuously. I think there are two *very* distinct camps of player: there are the role-playing faction that want a more rules-light system, and there are a, let's call them a "gamer" faction that specifically like a crunchy, simulationist, rules-heavy system. I'd further argue that in previous iterations, the former loved Glorantha more than the rules for the game, while the latter were reversed.
  10. The mechanics of the system causing a certain situation to be difficult to resolve, and the text of the rules being self-contradictory are two very different things.
  11. The subtract from adversaries is only from rqg, no other version used it iirc. The game plays better without it.
  12. "...you need to climb a rope to get out of the 30' deep pit..."
  13. Is that your ruling, or in the rules m Divine illusions ARE tangible, if temporary things. But otherwise, it seems odd that illusions which are by their nature "trickery," would affect the caster.
  14. Old formula was dispensed with for rqg. Now it's a set distribution of points per location, that just increments by one for each bracket increment increase of body hp. So now at high hp, creatures limbs etc are all higher, but only iirc 1hp different from each other. I haven't done the math but as those proportions skew away from that .4, .33, I think your logic breaks. Edit: I looked it up, yes, it's broken. A 9 hp person had 2hp seems, therefore they can take both their arms completely disabled and still be up. A 19-21 hp person has 6hp per arm, they would be dead long before both arms reach -2x. So oddly more to results in a way more fragile? What?
  15. I think the RQ3 system (as we use it; honestly I don't know where canon is anymore) is simple and consistent: - every location is disabled at anything below 0 hp. At 0 hp in a location, you can make a CONx1 roll to keep it functioning at the start of each round. Obviously, for head or chest, that means you are down and out. Abdomen, you're coughing up blood, prone, unable to do anything but heal, parry, or dodge for the next 2 rounds. If you're still below 0 (or at 0, failing the CONx1 attempt), you die. - every location can inflict a maximum of 2x it's hit point against body hp. After that, you're just chewing up ground meat. - if at any point you do 3x the location's hp in a single blow (and you're not using a thrusting or blunt weapon), it's severed. We also rule that to sever, you have to also cut through 2x the enemy's armor in the same blow. So if you have a 3hp arm, with 4hp of armor, a single blow would have to do either 9hp on a crit (which ignores armor) or 17 (9+8) on a normal hit. So Billy has 3hp in his arms. Mary strikes him for 4 hp to his right arm; he drops his weapon (he's right handed) and the arm is disabled. Billy deducts 4 hp from body, and is at -1 in his arm. Later, she hits him for 8 points in that same arm (wow!) ...as he's already at -1, he can only take 2 more from his body hp (his total body hp are now down to X-6), the rest of the damage is effectively wasted. We make severing count because you CAN still hit (meaninglessly, except for knockback and/or severing) a maimed limb. Once it's severed, any subsequent roll on that location is REROLLED. For particularly ... durable ... enemies we've found that this 'dead hit locations' can amount to actually pretty substantial defensive armor when that awesome crit you were counting on...is wasted on an dead limb. I think RQG's "an adventurer so damaged from a single blow (to 0 hp in the location) is functionally incapacitated: they can no longer fight until healed and are in shock" radically alters the balance of power against 4 legged and multilimbed animals certainly, and makes combat needlessly lethal for PCs. I also think it disregards the recognized effects of adrenaline; there are numerous accounts of men (and women) whose limbs are disabled and are able to continue functioning, certainly in a combat context.
  16. That's correct. Create hallucination is a self-tricking illusion, it's INCREDIBLY powerful. The other illusions will never impact the caster, who could likely see them like a hologram but not be convinced.
  17. This is actually the way that every other RQ version handled it. You get checks when you have some reasonable downtime to think about what you've done. The whole "you only get checks at the end of the season" is a weird function of the also-weird "you only adventure once per season" thing that someone thought was a good idea for RQG. Disregard freely.
  18. We've been using it for ~40 years, so...yes? I like the Harn system, in particular that it spreads "criticals" as successes/failures naturally across the spread of chance, rather than clustering them at the top/bottom (which can lead to funky changes in statistical likelihood if someone accidentally interprets it like "this gives you a -5% on your attack roll" ...suddenly your chance to crit goes up by 5 points, special/success doesn't change, and it becomes impossible to fumble). But the RQ system gives more granularity as well (at least, on the success side - always wished there was some easy way to do that for failures just for symmetry) and that's useful.
  19. I wouldn't say EEK at all. I mean, yes, I did use ASL because invoking AH here is nigh-unto mentioning Mephistopheles, but I *like* the premise of a 3-ring binder with updates. Hell, at the very least it would LAY OPEN when you want it to, something a normal bound book won't. That's why if/when I print a big rules pdf from somewhere, I have it spiral bound...omg the rulebook-envy that prompts.
  20. That would be almost like...Avalon Hill?
  21. Not saying it would make it EASY, just easier that the chaff wouldn't be able to participate. And no, I doubt any military unit is mostly Rune Lords. I'd see Rune Lords more or less as leaders - the leaders of a warband, or officers of an organized unit. Unless that unit were commandos...or ASSASSINS! MartinH would be the guy here who could give us the scoop on that.
  22. styopa

    battlemat scale

    Why do you think they used 3m increments? Because it's the same (basically) as D&D's 10' increments.
  23. In RQG any meaningful assassination team would have at least one with the Peace spell. "Whups, sorry, only Rune Lords can act within 1km, everyone else lays down their weapons" LOL. Certainly would simplify a lot.
  24. There's the Black Fang Brotherhood in Pavis, certainly. http://www.glorantha.com/docs/black-fang-brotherhood/ http://glorantha.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Fang_Brotherhood I shouldn't be surprised but constantly am how little info there is on something so long in canon. There's a brief writeup in Pavis and Big Rubble, including badass rune spell shattering: Shattering 160 meters, Instantaneous, Non-Stackable, Reusable 1 point This spell acts as 4 Disruption spells at once, all directed at one target. As it does an average of 8 points of damage when it hits, all to one area, it is a very lethal spell. The target will resist. I think I saw something about it in some other resource, can't recall though.
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