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Everything posted by styopa

  1. Really, mrq came off to me almost a beta version, and later, the TDM guys explained that they were badly constrained by page count at that point...then they had a little more elbow room with mrq2...and finally they got to do what they really wanted with rq6 (and then got to polish that up a little more with Mythras). If you want to explore those mechanics developed how the designers really wanted them to be, check out Mythras. I'd say doing anything else is wasting your time.
  2. There was one supplement - I'm sure it was not a Chaosium product - that was IIRC set in Safelster or maybe Dart Wars Glamour? Maybe by Role Aids? Honestly, I don't even recall if it was a RUNEQUEST product, I kind of think it was D&D? But that stuck in my mind as one of the very, very few published non-Dragon Pass/Prax/Pavis canon regions. Damn, now I probably have to go digging through the bookshelves in my attic for that.
  3. I don't disagree with you in potential for artwork for Pavis/Big Rubble, but as gaming ground I'd love to see us touch some places we haven't heavily explored for nearly 40 years....
  4. Sorry it's upside down, it's a matter of where the book binding was vs the hinge of our scanner. :|
  5. I think I'm going to be bringing a lot of seed-ideas from Rd100 into RQG, or at least toying with them.
  6. Nochet's probably good odds, as well as Orlanthi village. Lunars: hopefully they're given as much substance as a dramatic foil as RQ's poster-child Orlanthi. ...as long as we're editorializing, I'd say that as much as it's given that making every fantasy-world culture an empty pastiche of a RW usually-European is dull and tiresome, I find wholesale retconning of decades of shared visualizations just as dull and tiresome - feels like just knee-jerking the other way for no better reasons. But back to your point: I don't think we're going to see much of anything about the west in RQG or early setting books. Elder races *maybe* in passing, but as focused efforts probably are down around the West in the priority list. * I'm hoping both of them come too, but I've resigned myself that they won't be soon. If they do come later, I hope that means they'll get much FULLER treatment than we've seen in products thus far. (I believe some MRQ books were on Elves, etc but I haven't read them, not sure how useful they'd be or canonical they're considered.) *Hey, they're both probably higher on that list than Kralorela or Pamaltela!
  7. Necro thread resurrection because I've been thinking a lot about this. The RQ2 rules originally grabbed me because they were charming. Rurik especially...the evocative way the game was presented, and then really (what should be recognized even today) as groundbreaking presentations in Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror have stuck with me as masterpieces nearly 40 years later. RQ3 (for me; ygmv) fixed a number of mechanical issues with RQ 2 and made it into a truly solid portable game system (my first big campaign wasn't Gloranthan, so that might be part of it). What I struggle with (maybe I'm not alone) is that I have to set aside these subjectivities and hitch my dedication and creativity to RQG. I have to keep telling myself to give it a fair, objective read and not constantly compare it with mechanics and rules that (let's face it) might still be pretty good but are 35+ years old. There are a lot of great ideas in RPGs that have happened since those early days; I'm optimistic in hoping that Jeff, Jason, and the crew can replace the bathwater, keep the baby, and make everyone at least 80% happy with the result. (We're a picky bunch, I doubt anything over 85% is even possible....)
  8. I got so sick of always having to dig to find this, that I've scanned at iirc 600x600 color and put it up in the Download section here. If Chaosium has a (c) issue with their work being available for download, I figure that's totally available for them to purge. RQ3 Original sheet here:
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is the original RQ 3 character sheet scanned in at 600x600 in color. Nothing fancy, but all I could find online were blurry jpgs.
  10. That's a good woman. I can't complain, my wife not only aided and abetted my gaming (this is in the 80s and 90s long before it became a more widely accepted hobby), but enjoyed just painting figures by the dozens. As an art student and a perfectionist, she was great at it. Then we had kids and "priorities changed"... phht.
  11. The only problem with the GtG books is that they're so large it's hard to comfortably lay on the couch and read them. They're huge and pretty but unwieldy...
  12. That's one reason I've considered letting experts (over 100) do other things like: - sacrifice a% for speed (typically 20% per sr improvement - sacrifice a% to reduce targets a% 2:1 ...I agree with your take on over-100s but you have to have a system that's not shy of putting -20,-40-60 penalties out there.
  13. Simple: I think I'm not alone in saying that I'm waiting for RQG to finally release so I can have a currently living, breathing commercial product...on which to base my probable cavalcade of house rules.
  14. Mikus, further you have to address the inconsistency today in melee vs (some) missile fire. Melee get (unless >100%) 1 attack a round, while some weapons missile fire gets "rolling" actions leading to multiple shots/round if you're fast enough. That is a whole 'nother can of worms.
  15. Funny, that's exactly the same result we got too. The simulationist in me preferred it, but value/cost ratio was too low in play. We did stay with the reversed sr/mods (and counting DOWN through sr's then) because the idea of DEX & SIZ modifiers topping-out is just too silly.
  16. That's pretty much how we play, with a hex map for all but the simplest combats. We used to use the declaration method with change-action penalty, but abandoned it for the simpler, faster "just do what you want when your action comes around".
  17. Fwiw my understanding of the "halving" for a called shot is that is solely about situation/opportunity: I think it's explicitly mentioned in the rules that it's about "if you get a clear shot at the location during the round"...nothing else. Iirc the same modifier applies firing into melee, for the same reason.* *honestly without my rules in front of me in long past remembering what's a 20+ year house rule vs RAW Otoh If the target was unaware/unmoving, in my sense there would be neither delay nor halving for a called shot, only the size modifier...which is why 'assassination' style shots are so often lethal.
  18. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to convince anyone; we play the rules the way they make sense to us. YGMV + (shrug). But as a point of logic: ....you're saying that shooting the BIRD (let's say SIZ1) should be intrinsically harder than hitting that head (also SIZ 1) assuming both are entirely immobile, etc.? Yeah, I simply disagree with that. We make divisions, etc AND THEN apply situational modifiers. It doesn't make sense to me that (let's say) you're sneaking up from behind (+20% to hit normally), that benefit is somehow intrinsically less beneficial because you're aiming for something. Same if I was attacking from prone - normally -20% - I can effectively halve that penalty by aiming for a location? Nah, seemed too gamey to us.
  19. "The "halved" chance to hit is only about whether you even got the opportunity to hit the target location." ...isn't that pretty much what I said? How is it not logically implied? If I'm shooting at a thing SIZ4+ it's an unmodified strike. If I'm shooting at a thing smaller than SIZ4, it's modified. If a person is SIZ 12, then logically their chest (or arm, or whatever) is smaller, with the general rule elsewhere described (IIRC armor section) arms (each), head, and abdomen are 1/10 of SIZ, chest and legs (each) are 2/10 SIZ. I'm not surprised it didn't jump out at you, but it seems eminently logical that shooting at someone's head (only) is going to be intrinsically harder than shooting at their whole body, no? EDIT: not sure why this is such a big deal - didn't this discussion start with the assertion that the missile-hitloc table isn't worth the effort? If verisimilitude isn't a primary concern in that respect (at least, not worth the trouble), I'm not sure this niggling rule is that big a loss if missed?
  20. AH RQ3 rulebooks. I can't believe anything could be more fragile-ly (?) constructed. Has anyone played it and NOT lost the covers, in my case multiple times?
  21. The "halved" chance to hit is only about whether you even got the opportunity to hit the target location. RQ3 does have target SIZ modifiers which, if you're not using them you're making aimed shots significantly easier. If you're shooting at a location, it's logically a smaller target. IIRC it's what, -10% per SIZ below 5? So an average person SIZ 12 chest would be 2/10ths or SIZ 2.4 (round to 2). Meaning (IIRC) it would halved skill with a further -20% mod. Without using it, yes, I imagine it's much more attractive to aimed shot than otherwise. Funny, my players generally have almost always preferred to hit the target (somewhere) and have a chance of causing some harm, than watch their chance to miss roughly triple (even before you consider the SIZ penalty)? (Miss chance is about 4x with the SIZ mod included.)
  22. Yet if you used the melee table (only) that makes a chest shot - the center mass where everyone fundamentally aims - a 5% likelihood, which seems pretty odd. I understand the point of using the aimed shot rules, but (imo) using a 2nd hit loc table was far simpler than constantly recalculating the small SIZ hit modifiers for that single location.
  23. Someone's trying to find out if he has collectors items.... I can't imagine a set of gaming books/boxes looking so pristine...mine are "well loved".
  24. Not to mention for the Lunars, if you're going to plop your new religion down in a monocultural region it certainly doesn't HURT to appropriate/absorb/adopt as much of the iconography of the supplanted culture as you can...Cf Christmas/trees, etc
  25. Nope, not at all, but Greg fortunately provided the names of the places. So I just googled them recognizing that, no, I might not be getting the *precise* view that inspired Greg, but his features mentioned are fortunately unique enough that I hoped one view was more or less like-enough.... My pipe dream is if Chaosium employs the Google map API atop an online version of the full Gloranthan atlas, meaning people could contribute pictures (links to IRL pics) from specific viewpoints. That would be an amazing resource.
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