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Grievous last won the day on January 20 2018

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  • RPG Biography
    Over 30 years gaming, but only slowly becoming more deeply versed in Gloranthan lore.
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    Too many to list, really. We go from system to system.
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    Illuminated in the ways of the Red Goddess

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  1. I was thinking of Gloranthan/Lunar gladiators today (having just watched the trailer for Gladiator II obviously) and was wondering whether they're done more as mundane sporting events or as religious observances (or por que no los dos)? That is, if there is a stronger religious component, than are these actual Heroquests and how fantastical does the average gladiatorial contest get? Just throwing around a few RP, you're bringing in the gods to the arena. Then, potentially on a good (holy) day with strong competitors, we might actually see gods duking it out. That is an interesting direction to think about and would make gladiators pretty interesting... I'm just wondering if this kind of thing is a deliberate direction the Lunar Empire would go.
  2. That is very cool. I wonder how that worked for tribes that were more properly complying with the Lunars and/or had more Lunarized kings during the Occupation. The Ordeal group could become rebels (that would no doubt continue luring young men into their midst), but if that didn't happen, how might that look? The tribe would have to create an alternative training group though, but with Orlanth out of the question, what form would they take?
  3. The Doors - When The Music's Over (Live At The Bowl '68) This was my immediate instinctual thought as an answer to this! I mean, Jim Morrison, but also don't forget that it's a whole band...
  4. That's actually a little wrong according to the info from the Guide. The Dara Happans as Babylonian/Sumerian/Persian and Orlanthi as north European are old tropes that don't really hold. The Pelorians are somewhat lighter skinned with brown/blue eyes. The Orlanthi add in more hair and eye color variety and slightly darker skin basically - however with blondes rare and blue eyes apparently not present much at all. I think the point re: OP is that while there is this blonde and lighter skin tone trend in the Pelorians, it's not a huge difference and not entirely unknown in Dragon Pass, so there isn't a readily apparent, blatantly obvious distinction between the two ethnic types so that isn't going to be the primary factor of directed prejudice. Cultic affiliation would be that (consider that many within your kin group would have joined the Seven Mothers cult as well). Language too, certainly (which is relevant to the question re: Tarshites). That said, I think there is room for discrimination on these lines (if you want to introduce that theme to your game) towards the blonde, blue eyed Pelorian types which do stand out and might be seen as representative of the Pelorian ruling class.
  5. That's very well put. I would also very much like to point out how much like roleplaying it is, so it opens into a meta-narrative tool (in fact, both in fiction as the experimental heroquesting of heroes and out of fiction as a narrative element that matches the act that's responsible for its creation).
  6. Hmm. The term breeding program gets thrown around a lot in these discussions around Jar-eel and I appreciate the Dune vibes, but what do we know about the components of this breeding scheme? I mean, the obvious answer is to pack as much of Red Emperor lineages into the family tree, but that isn't much of a program as standard operating procedure? TakenEgi is Hon-eel's father and Jar-eel's is Reclusus.
  7. As I'm made of money, I just ordered the premium. Great stuff!
  8. My sense of it is that there was a mistake in the initial files (which was noted in the errate/errors threads at the time), which named Korlmhy as the king (making S:KoH out of wonk). When this was noted, I think the situation was remedied in a way that it can be interpreted in multiple ways (the myriad ways that would make sense to me which I had some difficulty parsing, hence my post necroing the thread) to accommodate a variety of potential campaign solutions. Whether that was a good remedy is something we can debate once we settle the Elmal-Yelmalio discussion. 😄 Anyway, that's my speculation. I think some folks may still have the old uncorrected pdf's floating around (I do actually, but the printed versions seem fine), which may add to the confusion around the issue.
  9. Ok, but none of these theories or discussion seem to really account for Kangharl and Korlmhy being two different people, but I guess we can assume Kangharl precedes Korlmhy as tribal king and general troublemaker. Of course, that doesn't jive at all with S:KoH and with the idea of keeping that at least a little bit canonical I'm still stumped on how to incorporate Korlmhy so that the notes and lineage charts make sense. 🤷‍♂️ Anyway thanks for your musings on the subject!
  10. Ok, so in describing Leika's ascension on FB (in July) Jeff references the situation with the two tribal kings of Colymar from 1615-1625. So, Korlmhy overthrows Leika with Lunar military aid. Kangharl is a lunar hostage. Of course, in S:KoH it seems Kangharl was this Korlmhy, so to speak. I've tried to wrack my brain and resolve what all this points at, but I just don't get it. Your insight or speculation would be appreciated.
  11. They are probably War Clans and likely rent out their Humakti as mercenaries too, though. So the clans make their "investments" work for them.
  12. The current view seems to have Sartar looking pretty rich, however. Certainly not an empire, though. So, maybe not for the country bumpkins (which are not necessarily the most likely to pick up Lunar/Yelmic influence either), but there is wealth to be had. This could suggest that this foreign trade blossomed among those who maybe felt left out. Also, the Dinacoli spring to mind. Trying to square the circle about everything that's been said about them in the past is a bit difficult, so my mind is still trying to figure them out in relation to everything else (and within the Yelmalio/Elmal complex). If Tarsh is the conduit for the Yelmic current (which makes sense), then they'd (and/or perhaps parts of them that moved south - I think the Lorthing have at some point been described thus, I believe) also possibly fit in with this trend. Maybe a development that occurred after the dreadful Brangbane business. They did join Sartar only after Grizzly Peak though (which is where Monrogh died). Later on, they're known to be rich as well, so there's that. I dunno, just riffing now!
  13. How about the somewhat unclear Yelmic influence which spread before the whole Yelmalion affair/crisis? I seem to recall that had something to do with plowing, but I've wondered about whether this was tied into some form of Yelmic worship as well.
  14. I love, love, loooove this visualization of Glorantha, esp. the Vingkotlings which simply blow me away. Outstanding.
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