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Everything posted by styopa

  1. If anyone here hasn't read it, they need to. It's hilarious.
  2. Mentioning it occasionally in abChaos wouldn't be a bad idea. IMO that's currently pretty much just a "play CoC or buy Khan of Khans" vehicle now.
  3. You'd think Orlanth could pretty much do what he wanted, as long as it's within the Compromise? RQ2 rules are only what, 80-some pages? It leaves a fair amount to the GM to 'hand-wavy-rationalize', TBH.
  4. GW would be the only firm that could give AH a run for their money in the "we make stupid decisions because we're rapaciously greedy and short sighted" sprint. Did you hear about the one where they told some young computer game devs to take a hike because GW wanted to develop the IP all by themselves (eventually)? So those devs went off and changed enough to avoid the copyright cops and went ahead and published Warcraft: Orcs v Humans. How'd that decision turn out?
  5. It's very much one of the reasons I've loved RQ for all these years. It's mechanically so much simpler to houserule things than (for example) a d20 system chock full of rationalizations. For example: the hitlocation/armor absorbs damage system is so much more friendly/logical to adding partial armor pieces with odd effects.
  6. I think RQ2 had a more 'arts and crafts' old school-y feel to it. I can see why some people like it, particularly those who learned on it. It's the same thing for OSR D&D - it'll always have a place in my heart, but I don't play it. I think as a comprehensive, cogent rules system, RQ3 was the most solid for me. Plus, I liked sorcery. I know it's anathema here, but honestly - I could take or leave Glorantha, so that being omitted from RQ3 wasn't a big deal for me. Didn't love RQ Earth, but built my own and it was fine at that time in my life. I liked many of the ideas in RQ6, so I've pillaged that for stuff. TBH the version we play is so heavily houseruled, we jokingly call it RQ3.9. Have cheerfully bolted on cruft from RQ2, RQ:AiG, Sandy's Sorcery, Sandy's RQ Tekumel stuff, RQ6 - my game is more or less Pidgin RQ, a mishmash of everything.
  7. I think it ran pretty smoothly. It seemed clunky to me too, until I ran it with people who never played - meaning they had no expectations or paradigms already in their head, and they were fine with it. That said, I expect it's been SIGNIFICANTLY polished over the last year or so (recall that the Quickstart was basically thrown together from beta rules from Jan 2017 timeframe).
  8. Like pretty much all the art direction for new pieces in the Guide, I think that's more or less spot-on. You didn't acknowledge that he's got your sideburns, though? Or Trier, certainly? Heerlen (reconstruction), Netherlands: Villa Rijkswijk-De Bult (reconstruction) NL http://www.livius.org/articles/place/rijswijk-de-bult/
  9. It'll be easier when we actually have something to reference, you have to admit.
  10. Until the post 11/22 above, most of us thought it was "just about to come out". That's probably not the best approach to the cadre of die-hards that are going to help move the ball forward. Then again, maybe they'd rather not have the cadre of die-hards tainting the water of a new release as much as we flatter ourselves they do...do they really want the new game's forums stirred up with bitter ontological debates about Jar-Eel's navel? THANK YOU. I'd have said that might be Jeff Richard arguing with the merchant. I'm going to say Swenstown; sun angle would suggest we're facing east-ish, so probably not Wilimskirk or Whitewall (I guess we'd see mountains?). The dusty, dingy conditions as well as multiple Bison caravans suggest to me someplace closer to Prax; Hendrikiland and points west likely would be well-enough roaded to make wagons a far more efficient mode of shipping. City wall and multi-story stone buildings says it's not a smaller city. IIRC Jonstown
  11. Thanks! Link? When was that posted? From what I understand the rules were text complete in August, and it was going to layout/art at that time. Not to carp, but updating on actual Chaosium channels - the blog, abChaos, etc - might be a good idea instead of buried in a general RPG forum? So to deconstruct that, and assuming that post was recent, "hope to have all in print Q218" sounds like there's a degree of optimism. Further, "...Layout on the core book will commence once the layout on The Glorantha Sourcebook is complete..." is not great; the fact that this layout is waiting for TGS to be done means compounded delays. 11/20 13thAge update shows chapter 5 layout...not that they're necessarily doing it sequentially, but that's not a lot. Crunching that to actual numbers, and recognizing that NOTHING moves as fast as expected, I'm going to hope that this means realistically: - core book late 2Q18; HOPEFULLY in time for Gen Con 2018. - GM book very late 2Q18, or (more likely) early 3Q; maybe "draft" versions at GenCon. (Would suck if they missed that) - Bestiary imo October 2018 maybe. To the point of adventure content, I'd agree that all along Rick, Jeff, Jason have been clear that strategically they wanted to launch with LOTS of actual game fodder - correcting a major strategic mistake of the AH years. I'd be reasonably confident too that when they release what they release, it's going to come with playground space as well. I'll be honest, while nobody is likely surprised at the delays, it's disappointing. I probably conveyed the earlier Dec 2017 target far too confidently on free RPG day to interested customers.
  12. Just wondering about timelines. My understanding originally was that the new RQ was going to be: - hard copy available December - later, not sure if it was official or inferred, was that the PDF would be available by November There's not much of November left, without a whisper as far as I can tell about release eta - whether that whisper is a confirmation of the original dates, or a postponement. In fact, there hasn't been really much of anything official in the blog since Aug 13, and that was hardly substantive ("here's what we'll have at the gen con both"). Any updates you can share? Thanks!
  13. I don't care enough to look it up, is warding a general spell? I can CERTAINLY see Eurmal as being *totally* into the idea, and maybe even encouraging bizarre applications. PARTICULARLY if they look or make someone look stupid.
  14. Exactly. Inferring some sort of religious context when none is described is simply houseruling in a softer format. Nothing wrong with it, I houserule all the time.
  15. Once the rules are released, absolutely.
  16. Agreed, but I didn't know if they had accepted that advice. Given that the last info I'd heard was "pdf available in Nov, printed in Dec" we should be finding out pretty quickly? Shouldn't there be an announcement about this...Nov is more than half over...
  17. It's a logical result of the mechanical switch of Rune spells to a 'spell point' system. Particularly for new players, there's going to be some decision paralysis as there are so many possible choices on which to spend those points at any given moment. A parallel challenge is posed to someone trying to design a useful character sheet: how can you have a list of spells castable, when the list is pretty much "all"?
  18. I think that was really the key to a lot of the visceral dislike for rq3 amongst the oldest generation of rq'ers. Nobody likes "campaignus interrupts". For me, I learned rq2 at gen con around 1982, loved it, but playing it remained a theoretical thing until rq3 came out and I convinced my d&d group to play in my medieval fantastic Europe campaign. But AH was clearly outside its expertise in their attempt at rpg's.
  19. Then again, wasn't one of the hashes on AH their pricing being far above 'market point' at the time?
  20. ^ that's pretty much EXACTLY what I said? The front page says nothing about there being a free download anywhere. It only says "$9.95" (which is for the printed copy). As I mentioned, yes, ONCE YOU CLICK ON THE DESCRIPTION, it's there. But it's silly to hide that behind the landing page. Have a second "offered" PDF Download "product" for $0.00. Seriously, it would take about 15 seconds.
  21. Was trying to talk someone through getting the quickstart pdf - didn't realize it was so hard to find! https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-glorantha/ ...shows ONLY that the quickstart is available to buy for $9.95. Only if you click on the book itself are you taken to https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-quickstart/ where it says "oh, yeah, I guess you CAN download it for free, of course..."?
  22. One question, that might help me wrap my brain around Lhankor Mhy sorcerers: are we saying that they use sorcery AND divine spells? Or sorcery in lieu of divine magic? Someone I was talking to about this - when I mentioned that LM came from the west (mentioned above, I didn't know that detail of the Lightbringers' story) - postulated that then it would make sense if LM's used spirit magic and sorcery as well. Sorcery having been their worldview, and just 'stepping into' the Orlanthi pantheon from outside, so to speak. I could see that. My expostulations about LM sorcerers were really based on the idea that they're using both divine and sorcery as needed.
  23. Fortunately, spirit combat takes no aim.
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