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Posts posted by AndreJarosch

  1. 24 minutes ago, MoreTimeThanSense said:

    So, one of my players asked me the above question and it got me wondering if there's any official word/artwork either way?

    IMG I'd probably say yes, but just the head, but I could see them just going ham and dying everything. What about your Glorantha?

    In my Glorantha Vingan Ducks dye only the feathers on upper half of their head. 

    It is the same with humans. I don´t belive that a natural brown haired sartarite human will dye the hair in their arm pits, their eye lashes or their eyebrows. It is only the hair on the top of your head that needs to be dyed red. 

    • Like 1
  2. A rogue dwarf (outcast from dwarfdom) might be able to become a shaman. Why not. 

    If he wants to summon ancestors, does that mean HIS personal biological ancestors (maybe you can could the Mostali that made him ancestors... but they might still be around/alive)? 
    Does this mean "the generation that came before us"? 

    If the second one is true, then he could summon spirits of Mostali/Dwarfs that were generations before him, and are not alive anymore. 

    I doubt that biological ancestry is required. 
    What would happen if a (human) shaman tries to summon his dead grandfather, but the grandfather he thinks of his grandfather was only the husband of his granmother, and his real grandfather was a lad from one village over?
    In my Glorantha the person he recognizes as his grandfather would show up, not the unknown to him biological grandfather. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    I admit to a bit of puzzlement, on a couple of items above...

    "A production budget for their game."
    If the creators are mostly "new and upcoming" then they don't likely have any reasonable background to estimate such a budget.  If their target is a 48 page manuscript with at least a small color artwork on most pages, plus a half-page piece at each chapter, and a full-page cover... what should their art budget be?  Are they up to 64 pages in total?  If they have no skills/background in layout, what should they budget for?  Etc...

    "A competitor market analysis of their game, showcasing where it fits in the market as a product."
    Similarly, I'm unclear how much competence the newbie author/dev brings to this element.  I suspect that any of a half-dozen folks @Chaosium will do better at this with a minute or two of thought, than any given "new and upcoming creator" will do after 20-30 hours of research.

    Thanks for any assistance in helping me resolve these  puzzlements!

    IMHO these two shouldn´t be that hard to provide. 
    I don´t think that Chaosium wants to see a professional business plan. 

    EXAMPLE how this could look like: 

    "A production budget for their game."
    - $ 1000 for art (cover and some maps; illustrations will be stock art)
    - $ 250 for editing and layout (two of my friends have a bachelor in this)
    - $ 250 for marketing (Facebook ads, and other social media)
    $ 1500 Total 

    I estimate that by book will sell about 250 copies on Drivethru in the first 6 months, with a price tag for the PDF of $ 19.99, with 70% for me. 
    Which would get me an income of $ 3498.25. 

    $ 3498.25 Sales 
    - $ 1500 Investment 
    $ 1998.25 earnings

    "A competitor market analysis of their game, showcasing where it fits in the market as a product."
    A) The theme of my BRP based RPG is "XXX". 
    I have searched on Drivethru, RPGnet, and Boardgamegeek etc. and found three good selling RPGs already with that theme "XXX". 
    But there is no D100 game (or compatible) with that theme, so my game will be the first D100 game to get into that. 


    B) The theme of my BRP based RPG is "XXX". 
    I have searched on Drivethru, RPGnet, and Boardgamegeek etc. and found that there are no RPGs already with that theme "XXX". 
    "XXX" is special interest, but with no compaditors on the RPG market with that theme, my game will be the first one to adress that theme. 

    At least that would be what i would provide Chaosium with (with more details, of course). 

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  4. NASA has published a Science-Fiction RPG-adventure as PDF!

    The adventure is system free, but uses character classes, levels, half orcs, dark elves, etc. 
    Ideal to be used with CLASSIC FANTASY (in combination with M-SPACE?): 

    - 44 pages adventure (33 pages without pictures, index, Credits, etc.)
    - for 7-10 characters of levels 4-7 (rank 2-3 in Classic Fantasy)
    - playable in two gaming sessions 3-4 hours each


    • Like 3
  5. 14 hours ago, GothmogIV said:

    even Call of Cthulhu (not 7e because...someone decided that attributes would be 1-100 instead of 3-18, which is how GOD ORDAINED IT!) 

    15-90, since the stats are still rolled up using 3D6 (3-18) or 2D6+6 (8-18), and the outcome is then multiplied by 5. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Diadochoi said:

    The examples given for this are rape, cannibalism etc, but when does "acting against the norm for society" (whatever that means) translate into chaos rather than just being a nasty piece of work?

    We play it the way that i doesn´t make you in fact chaotic (a Storm Bulls Sense Chaos doesn´t detect you for that), but society sees them as acts of chaos, and since you commited them you must be chaos. A Storm Bull that hears about a person commiting such an act might kill the person on the spot, because he KNOWS that you are chaos, but you doesn´t detect as chaos. So you one of the rare cases his Sense Chaos malefunctions/fails... which is not possible to admit to society that it can fail... so he kills him on the spot nevertheless. The Storm Bull can´t be charged for murder/kinstrife because every Lhankor Mhy will agree that a person commiting such an act was in fact Chaos. 

    • Like 5
  7. On 2/6/2024 at 11:43 PM, tooley1chris said:

    I'm not "buddies" with any of those people and hate asking for favors of strangers.

      Not sure I want to buy new software for this project (InDesign) because the mark up on hardback books is so dang high. I'd prolly only sell them for a few bucks above cost and only sell a few.

    Not looking at completing another project of this magnitude in the near future. Just not sure it'll be worth the additional cost or learning curve.

    Am I being silly?

    Just go with Affinity Publisher, it is WAY cheaper, and does (almost) everything InDesign can do. 

    • Like 2
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  8. 33 minutes ago, girtablilu said:

    Personally, I think it's a great idea.  I like the way OneDice RPG (from Cakebread & Walton) does this.  They have small size books of 80-120pp for various settings/genres:  Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Horror, WWI, WWII, Space, Pulp, Spies, etc.  Each book covers the history and themes of the setting and has lists of weapons, equipment, monsters, etc.  They were also pretty cheap: about $8 for PDF and $13 for print copy with PDF.  Aside from the lists, they're generic enough that I still use the basic information in them.  A set like these for BRP is something I'd love to have.  If me brain still worked🤪, I'd write them myself. 

    Cthulhu Reborn does the same with their "Cthulhu Eternal" RPG SRDs. 

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, g33k said:


    Another for your master-list... I think (not having actually held it in my hands & looked at the rules):

    The Troubleshooters is a 1960's-ish pulpy action/adventure sort of game, specifically in the mode of the Franco-Belgian style "bande dessinée" aka "bede" or BD (specifically, such examples as as Tintin, and Spirou et Fantasio, and Yoko Tsuno, &c...)

    From Helmgast & Modiphius.

    It uses %-dice for skill resolution, but it doesn´t belong to the D100-family that is based upon original BRP (likewise doesn´t Rolemaster MERP or Warhammer Fantasy... all D100 games, but not in the BRP-family of games). 

    • Like 2
  10. 58 minutes ago, joen said:

    This looks very interesting. I just went ahead and bought it right away because of the price. Thanks for the tip!

    I don´t watch at BRP as JUST BRP. I see the familiy of BRP games, and these include not only the Chaosium BRP-System games, but also Mythras, OpenQuest, Legend, Revolution D100, Jackals, ...

    If you are in need for a specific setting for one of these, and find out there is none, the chance is good that a "sister system" might have what you are searching for. 
    Have a look at: 


    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, joen said:

    Each to their own. I just need a framework to build my stuff on top on and Blood Tide seems to be a good start. I want the rules for naval combat, boarding, crew, weather at sea, mutinity, diseases and just general life at sea. I don't care if the book isn't a good read or if the layout isn't great. Additionally, the missing tidbits wouldn't bother me either (I assume this is the reason why you're referring to this supplement as a "trash fire").


    If you really only need a "D100 pirate setting framework", then have a look at "Pirates of Legend" for Mongoose Publishings LEGEND RPG (a slightly edited version of RQ5): 


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    auf unserer Website unter "Download" --> http://100questen.de/

  13. 9 hours ago, PackardMoose said:

    Honestly, I'm concerned about the lack of promotion. This game is going to flop if Chaosium treats it as an afterthought, which seems to be the case. I get it, CoC is the cash cow and RQ is reasonably popular, and they're going to continue to promote those the most, but the silence has been deafening on this project for years. Even going back to the earliest editions as HeroQuest, it hasn't been marketed or promoted much.

    I'm currently playing with 7 other avid TTRPG gamers, and I'm the only one who has even heard of QuestWorlds. This isn't how you get mind share with gamers. This is how you get relegated to the pile of obscure products in a niche market, another barely-remembered subfolder in the "_OtherStuff" folder of RPG pdf collections. And that would be a shame, because I think it's a much more interesting system than stodgy and stale ol' BRP (which I really have no desire to play ever again, despite the fact that I loved it in the early 80s).

    I guess time will tell. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

    I think that in this case it is a GOOD thing, that it was not discussed or promoted in the last few years. 
    HeroWars is nowadays associated with the computer game of the same name. 
    HeroQuest was always known as the "Games Worksop fantasy board game", and while GMing HeroQuest i always had to explain that it has nothing to do with the GW board game. 
    The short time a lot of people got it (the fact that HeroQuest was the Glorantha RPG, and not the GW board game) it was associated as "the Glorantha RPG". Which it isn´t anymore. 
    QuestWorlds couldn´t be promoted in the last few years, because there is no published product with that gaming line so far. 

    When QuestWorlds is ready (the PDF available, and the print version on the horizon) THAT is the time to start discussing and promoting the game. 
    IMHO it would be wise to not confuse potential new players with "HeroWars", "HeroQuest", or "Glorantha", just promote QuestWorlds as Chjaosiums universal storytelling game system. 

    But this are only my two cents, and what the heck do i know?

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

    UNICEF state that, while on the decrease, male child marriages occur at one-sixth the rate of female.  There is no implicit reason why Argrath (an exceptional figured in any case) should not have been married at 8. 

    The problem is not the age, but where he lived in 1604. By that time he was still living in the Starfire Ridges in Sartar. 
    He had to flee to Prax (and the River of Cradles) after his inititiation, which is clearly later than 1604. 

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