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Everything posted by MOB

  1. A: All that happens is there are more cards available face-up for players to choose from.
  2. Question from a backer: Q: Question on the gift defence card because it’s not 100% clear in the rules. Can you gift a card to a player who has left the library? The description in the rule book does say any other player, but says nothing about if they have left the restricted collection that turn. If you can gift a card to a player who has left for the turn so they just keep the card going into the next round? A: You cannot gift a card to a player who has already left the library; they are no longer an active participant in that round.
  3. For that particular discussion, the conspiracy came to me for a face-to-face meeting in Melbourne, Australia...
  4. The 13th Age ttrpg is owned by Fire Opal Media and released by another publisher (Pelgrane), and 13th Age Glorantha is produced under a license involving both of them. So there are various considerations to take account of in getting a community content agreement worked out. Whereas for RQand HQG, it is simply between Chaosium/Moon Design and DTRPG. Rather than delay, we are going to get the RQ/HQG community content resource up and running first, and then can look at including 13G in it too.
  5. A: No A. Yes A. No A. The Teaching Assistant card is a generic placeholder for a grimoire fragment. You do not need to specify which fragment it stands in for, so this situation does not arise.
  6. The acquisitions team at the National Library of Australia recently approached Chaosium to ask if we were willing to donate TERROR AUSTRALIS to their collection, as part of the NLA's mission of gathering resources "of national significance relating to Australia and the Australian people". We cheerfully said yes, and also sent along a copy of the original Terror Australis, from 1987.Both are masterful works of imagination by home-grown Australian Call of Cthulhu creators, including Mark Morrison, Penelope Love, Richard Watts, Geoff Gillan, and others.
  7. Over coffee, I had a very pleasant and fruitful discussion last Sunday morning about a new series of adventures set in Sun County and the River of Cradles valley. And we're also going to have exciting news very soon about opportunities for publishing community content material for RuneQuest and HeroQuest Glorantha on DriveThruRPG...
  8. Once a Teaching Assistant card is played as a sigil you cannot reposition it later. If you then draw a sigil that goes in the same spot you'll have to play a defense card or suffer the consequences.
  9. Our Miskatonic University board game is now going out to Kickstarter backers world-wide: https://kck.st/2TelLAx Meanwhile, we're finalising our next board game projects...
  10. Glad you like the game. The rules are not presently available in PDF.
  11. #ShipsofRQ - the MOL TRIBUTE, en route to Southampton, is now in the Alboran Sea, approaching the famed Pillars of Hercules. In his monumental universal history the 'Bibliotheca historica', Diodorus Siculus claims Hercules created the strait to prevent monsters from the vast and mysterious Atlantic Ocean entering the Mediterranean Sea. The MOL TRIBUTE is bravely pushing forward in the realm of the Unknown... https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-3.5/centery:36.2/zoom:8
  12. APOLOGIES - due to circumstances beyond our control, we need to postpone the Dagon for Beginning Readers Book Launch and Call of Cthulhu game night that was scheduled for this Sunday March 3rd in Melbourne, Australia. We will announce a new date soon. Existing ticketholders can roll over to that new date, or we can cheerfully refund.
  13. It may not be a full moon, but our werewolf anthology MARK OF THE BEAST is 60% off today only at DriveThruFiction...
  14. A: That is correct. A: The rules are not currently available in PDF format.
  15. Focus Home Interactive has rolled out an update featuring some improvements and bug fixes: https://forums.focus-home.com/topic/36526/patch-28-02-19
  16. DEAD LIGHT is DriveThruRPG's Deal of Day - 50% off today (PDF version)http://bit.ly/2Nz96ly
  17. This is one journey your players will not soon forget... Call of Cthulhu's DEAD LIGHT is DriveThruRPG's Deal of Day - 50% off
  18. #shipsofRQ update: the Australian cargo (and Terror Australis for Call of Cthulhu) are now safely entombed in plastic in Aetherworks' Sydney warehouse. Meanwhile, the MOL TRIBUTE has traversed the Suez Canal and has sailed past the five of the ancient mouths of the Nile (the Pelusiac, Tanitic, Mendesian, Phatnitic and Sebennytic). Bolbitinic, and Canopic mouths to go.
  19. The whistle has blown, get on board! MADNESS ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS is DriveThruFiction's Deal of the Day! - save 50% off in multiple e-book formats (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
  20. I wrote this in response to a comment on Facebook, so I figured I'd post here too (less ephemeral than FB if I ever want to come back to it): Here's how I imagine the Coders were part of the Cradle adventure: The Coders were one of the Lunar teams that came on board to explore the Cradle when it beached at Pavis. On discovering the Giant Baby, her safety and welfare became their paramount concern. When the Cradle was refloated after the storm, Count Julan, Princess Anderida, Eslas and Maculus were the last Lunars to make their escape (but Nose Ring was nowhere to be seen). Later, the Coders were part of the Wyvern assault at Corflu. Maculus remained on the sidelines, helping coordinate the magical team animating the Watchdog, but Count Julan and Princess Anderida landed on the deck and engaged the defenders directly. Meanwhile Eslas remained aloft deploying her devastatingly accurate skill with the bow. Both Anderida and Julan fought duels with Argrath (Garrath Sharpsword). Anderida withdrew from the fight following a brief exchange of words*, but after a heroic fight Julan was bested by the Orlanthi wind lord. Only Nose Ring emerging from the hold to come to his friend's rescue saved Julan's life**. They jumped overboard together, just as Cradle's magic defeated the Watchdog. The Lunar assault failed and the Cradle passed into the Ocean. *what Argrath said to Anderida is unknown, but she immediately returned to Glamour and within a season had withdrawn to a sanctuary on the Red Moon itself. **rather than flee, Nose Ring remained hidden on board the Cradle to safeguard the helpless Giant infant, swearing by Danfive Xaron to protect her against all danger. He would have remained on the Cradle, but broke his cover to save Count Julan's life in the final battle at Corflu. Having heard that the Cradle later disappeared into Magasta's Whirlpool, it is said Nose Ring later captained one of the Lunars' fabled Black Galleys to the Underworld, seeking her there.
  21. We have set up a thread in the Board Games sub-forum for Rules Questions and Clarifications; your question and the answer is there:
  22. Please use this thread to ask rules questions and clarifications. This question was asked elsewhere: Q: When you layout the Sanity cards no value can be the same. Does this only apply to the Red cards? On the diagram (p.4) the Black and top Red card are both 6. A: If you reveal a Red Sanity card that has an identical value to an already displayed card, please shuffle the duplicate back and draw another Red Sanity card. So, in the diagram the Red 6 card would need to be replaced by another card whose value is not 6. (In this example, the new card cannot be 3 or 2 either as they have already been drawn). Keep drawing until all cards have different values.
  23. MOB (moderator hat): I have closed the poll at Martin's request. MOB (Chaosium hat): We are discussing with Martin the best way for his work to reach a wider audience. Stayed tuned. MOB (moderator hat): This thread is closed for further comment.
  24. Everyone who has bought PDFs will be sent their discount coupons just before the books go on sale, so hopefully you will be primed and ready.
  25. When we have the slipcases in all three warehouses. They have already landed in Australia, but are still en route to the US and UK. We are hoping by mid March, but that is dependent on shipping and drayage (a useful term I recently learned - thanks @styopa)
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