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Everything posted by MOB

  1. The Fan Super Builds web series made an evil Cthulhu fountain, and there's a quick flash of the Call of Cthulhu RPG starting at the 1min 12sec mark... https://www.go90.com/profiles/va_6a92c0971f2343d3a0800da6c91aa8fb
  2. Taking Actual Play to the next level - *animated* actual play for Call of Cthulhu:
  3. Call of Cthulhu: The Coloring Book is available now, exclusively from the Chaosium website - http://bit.ly/2jKuqck Here are some interior layouts, and the contents page:
  4. Thanks, we'll correct in the final version! It's 'Duckpoint' (one word).
  5. A new update has gone out to backers, noting that the Kickstarter surveys have gone out and soon backers will be receiving an invite to log into BackerKit, from which we'll be organizing fulfilment. We will also be using BackerKit to send out the PDF downloads of the Nomad Gods rulebook, the intro Dragon Pass map and the full Print and Play version of the game. More details here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/khan-of-khans-family-game/posts/1804577
  6. Here a link to the Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/golden-goblin-press/the-7th-edition-guide-to-cthulhu-invictus
  7. MOB

    The Little Suns

    Cold = “compared to the Golden Age Sun”
  8. Call of Cthulhu - The Coloring Book is now available. 28 eldritch scenes of Lovecraftian Horror for you to color. Available to order now at Chaosium.com from our US, UK and Australian warehouses. http://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-the-coloring-book
  9. Khan of Khans fan Andrew Watson has had a first pass at creating solo-play rules for Khan of Khans, here at Boardgame Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/article/24947848#24947848
  10. $47,354 pledged, 473% funded, 1,345 backers - holy cow! Following the successful funding of the Khan of Khans Kickstarter we posted an update outlining to backers what happens next. You can see the update in full on the Kickstarter page, but these are the key points: Chaosium will put its efforts into the next phase of this Kickstarter - delivering all of the rewards as quickly and efficiently as we can. The main sequence of next steps will be as follows: Kickstarter is going to start processing backer payments by officially charging you via the payment method you set up when you pledged. It will take about 5-10 days to complete all backer payments. After payments have all been processed we will email you a survey from Kickstarter, asking you a few simple questions. It will mainly be centered around you providing us with your mailing address, and asking if you purchased any add-ons like the Nomad Gods PDF. The Khan of Khans forum on http://basicroleplaying.org will go live within 24 hours of this Kickstarter ending. While we will always provide updates via Kickstarter first, if you have any questions you are welcome to ask them in this new forum, along with exchanging raid strategies, Khan wisdom, and anything else related to the game. We at Chaosium post there frequently. We will then be sending each backer an email invitation to BackerKit, our chosen fulfillment partner. For those of you not familiar with BackerKit, it will help us with tracking and shipping you your rewards. Once you have been set up in BackerKit we will start sending out the Art Boards and Framed Prints to the backers that have them in their rewards package. We will distribute the Full Print-and-Play version of the game to you via BackerKit download. We will distribute the Nomad Gods PDF and the intro Dragon Pass map PDF to you via BackerKit download. We will be selling extra copies of the Khan of Khans game in BackerKit. We will set up t-shirt sales and similar related items in our Chaosium store on http://www.redbubble.com/people/chaosium We have already started working with the game manufacturer, and as we have production updates we will post them via Kickstarter updates. More soon! we wanted to get this update out sooner rather than later. As always, thank you to all the backers for supporting this project.
  11. We now have dedicated Khan of Khans forum: http://basicroleplaying.org/forum/60-khan-of-khans/ (this was our $26,000 Stretch Goal) Here you can boast of your record raiding of cows, tally the numbers of foes vanquished, playfully taunt your rivals or gain secret inner knowledge from other legendary Khans. If you have any questions you are welcome to ask them here, along with exchanging raid strategies, Khan wisdom, and anything else related to the game.
  12. Welcome to the Khan of Khans forum on BRP Central - the Chaosium Forums! Here you can boast of your record raiding of cows, tally the numbers of foes vanquished, playfully taunt your rivals or gain secret inner knowledge from other legendary Khans. If you have any questions you are welcome to ask them here, along with exchanging raid strategies, Khan wisdom, and anything else related to the game. Kickstarter backers: we will keep you informed about the Khan of Khans fulfilment via Kickstarter updates first, and provide the same information here soon after. BTW - BRP Central also has a Glorantha forum, for questions, dialogue and debate about Greg's Stafford's mythic universe, as well as forums for all the other games Chaosium produces (including RuneQuest, and Call of Cthulhu). We also host forums about the many and varied RPGs in the D100 family. Please explore!
  13. We now have dedicated Khan of Khans forum: http://basicroleplaying.org/forum/60-khan-of-khans/ (this was our $26,000 Stretch Goal) Here you can boast of your record raiding of cows, tally the numbers of foes vanquished, playfully taunt your rivals or gain secret inner knowledge from other legendary Khans. If you have any questions you are welcome to ask them here, along with exchanging raid strategies, Khan wisdom, and anything else related to the game.
  14. FINAL UPDATE: $47,354 pledged, 473% funded, 1,345 backers - holy cow!
  15. Update: With 57 minutes to go $47,011 1330 backers
  16. The observant Impala People are here at last! On their nimble antelope, they will lead the charge into Dragon Pass—cows and glory await. There's just over an hour to left to join our great nomad horde, don't get left in the dust! http://bit.ly/khankhans
  17. The inhuman but shrewd Morokanth are now part of the horde (along with their trained herd-men). The riches of Dragon Pass await, in just 2 hours. There is still time to join us!
  18. Nobody trusts the Sables. But they are here too: they don't want to miss out on their share of the cows in Dragon Pass. We in ride in 3 hours!
  19. The resolute Bison Riders are ready to ride for plunder and glory in Dragon Pass. The KHAN OF KHANS horde sets off in just 4 hours. Don't get left behind in the dust!
  20. Only 5 hours to go! The sneaky High Llama tribe are now part of the great KHAN OF KHANS nomad horde, ready to take all the cows in Dragon Pass!
  21. In 6 hours, the marauding Bolo Lizard Folk ride for Dragon Pass in the KHAN OF KHANS nomad horde - come join us!
  22. The enchanting Unicorn Women have joined the KHAN OF KHANS horde - off to plunder Dragon Pass in 7 hours!
  23. The unyielding Rhino Riders have arrived, to join the KHAN OF KHANS raid of Dragon Pass - the great horde rides out in 8 hours!
  24. In 9 hours the KHAN OF KHANS nomad horde will ride - the stealthy Ostrich Tribe are all set for the great raid on Dragon Pass! http://bit.ly/khankhans
  25. Update: 10 hours to go until our great nomad horde raids Dragon Pass - resourceful Pavis Survivors (Zebra Tribe) is ready!
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