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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Gloranthan Classics are available here: http://www.chaosium.com/glorantha-classics/ Borderlands and Beyond available in PDF and Print (ships from USA, UK and Australia) Cult Compendium is available in PDF and Print (ships from USA) Pavis & Big Rubble and Griffin Mountain are only available in PDF Chaosium also has copies of TotRM #20 (the last issue) available in print: http://www.chaosium.com/tales-20/ (ships from USA) Unfortunately, the other 19 issues are long, long out of print.
  2. Backers, if you didn't receive the Backerkit email, check your spam/junk mail folders in case it ended up there. Otherwise, send us an email at customerservice@chaosium.com and we'll sort it out.
  3. It's International Tabletop Day today (depending on your time zone), and we've got a fitting way to mark the occasion! In true Praxian style, nothing says "hello neighbor" like a bit of friendly cattle raiding into far away lands... Backers will shortly receive an email from Backerkit, inviting to them to download their Full Print and Play PDF version of Khan of Khans. All backers from Shaman level and above can download the full version of the game, including all the stretch goals including the additional Khan cards, extra Location cards, map etc. More details here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/khan-of-khans-family-game/posts/1869852
  4. Hey I actually got a plot relevant use of Wind Words into one of the scenarios I wrote for RQ3's Strangers in Prax, and was really proud of that. Unfortunately my editor, Ken Rolston, switched it out it to Mindspeech during the editing phase. I can't remember the reason for doing so, but I have to say it was one of the rare times I didn't agree with the rune czar...
  5. MOB

    World Tapir Day

    The Morokanth of Prax would like everyone to know that April 27 is of course World Tapir Day!
  6. Greetings to all assembled khans! The is crowd source editing thread for Khan of Khans. We call it the "tribal edit" phase, because we give members of the Chaosium tribe the opportunity to bring any last typos, formatting, or similar adjustments to our attention here before we go to press. We'll update PDFs with any corrections we make too. But time is very short! Everything for Khan of Khans is now set up and the printers are now ready to roll—we only need to give the word. Please have any feedback for us by 12 noon EDT Tuesday May 2nd. Going to print in May means we are on track to start shipping the game in July... Waha!
  7. "The Black Pharaoh", a scene from Masks of Nyarlathotep (1984), new art by Andrey Fetisov. BTW, you can color it in yourself in Call of Cthulhu - The Coloring Book:
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/RPGdesign/comments/672t0d/rpgdesign_activity_robin_d_laws_designer_of/
  9. Here's some more art we recently shared with the 13th Age in Glorantha Kickstarter backers. Consulting our Thanatar Catechism, we're told that priests of Atyar are known as Horns. The acolyte of Atyar is by Rich Longmore. She's wielding at least one magic-blasting head, and will be accompanied by several spot-illo Thanatari heads! Meanwhile, Storm Bull lowers his own horns to charge the horns of Chaos. This Eternal Battle rune by Kalin Kadiev will be in the Storm Bull berserker section of the classes chapter. Kalin is doing a bunch of other illuminated runes, most of which are appearing in the heroquest gifts section of chapter 3. More art in future updates!
  10. A nice cab sav I think. No, someone noticed the player boards have an Elder Sign on them:
  11. At least one poster made their Spot Hidden roll when we posted this playtesting pic on the Chaosium FB page:
  12. A new backer update - all the work that's recently been going on beneath the surface getting Khan of Khans ready for printing, and more... While rather mundane in nature, much like the tinkering labors of the Dwarves of Dwarf Run, it all advances us towards the finish line.
  13. Here's the latest RuneQuest Design Note from Jeff, this time discussing the "initiate trap" and RQG's solution: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-16/
  14. Sharing some new art from our 13th Age in Glorantha project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/416625372/13th-age-in-glorantha/posts/1860922
  15. Sharing some new art from our 13th Age in Glorantha project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/416625372/13th-age-in-glorantha/posts/1860922
  16. Things are coming together and we'll have a major update for everyone out in the next day or so.
  17. The Metal Dice Kickstarter closed at $283,207 USD raised from 2,723 backers. A great result - congratulations to our friends and partners Q-Workshop for such a well-run campaign! And thanks Cthulhu Mythos fans! Coupled with the unconnected Elder Dice Kickstarter that closed on March 29 with $261K, that means in the last 6 weeks more than *half a million dollars* ($545,092 to be precise) has been pledged for fancy Cthulhu dice. And given dice are for playing games with, that's got to be good news for Mythos-related publishers and people who play their games. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/q-workshop/call-of-cthulhu-metal-dice-set-by-q-workshop-and-c/posts/1860119
  18. Coming up to the last two hours; just under $280K. Check out the special Sunken Dice ($200K) stretch goal - they are like that.
  19. Jeff gave a brief hint about the new rules for Hero characters in this Design Note: "Heroes gain an increasing presence in the otherworld, which becomes a tremendous source of power, but also requires that the hero be worshiped to maintain it (that worship can be regular or propitiatory). A hero can return from the dead, and can gain other abilities such as unaging as a result of heroquest gifts. Heroes no longer need to be "super-skilled" - their "Hero Soul" and heroquest gifts enables them to do remarkable things, even if their actual skills are in the range of a Rune Lord or Priest." (And signed off by saying that too will likely be the subject of a future design note).
  20. Although all the evidence is against them, the Morokanth do assert it was the humans that cheated, not them.
  21. With just 24 hours left and surging past $250K, here's a quick look at everything on offer in the Call of Cthulhu Metal Dice Kickstarter:
  22. Correct - as noted above, the BGB is currently in print (softcover), although we are looking at a POD hardcover option.
  23. Maybe Halcyon had insinuated himself into the good graces of a wealthy Lunar nobleman. Bringing all his charm to bear, he was intent on making a play for the hand of the nobleman's only daughter, heiress to the dukedom. But political enemies made the nobleman and his family scapegoats of a failed revolt. Halcyon quickly turned coat and perjured himself in denouncing them, hoping to save his skin. Although the uprising was real enough, the case against the Duke as a ringleader was weak at best. Rather than execution, his lands were confiscated and he was exiled in disgrace to distant Prax with his wife and daughter. Halcyon thought it prudent to make haste away somewhere too, as the Duke's remaining allies hated him for his treachery and the Duke's enemies despised him for it. Halcyon had accumulated a sizeable stash of loot toadying up to the Duke, but had spent a good deal of it in bribes to quickly securing the first diplomatic post he could find. This job with Imperial status gave him a level of protection against repercussions from the Duke's downfall, but he was crestfallen to learn of barbarous, pig-infested poverty-stricken backwater that the job would actually take him to. Maybe exile to Prax in the company of the lovely Lady Jezra would have been better after all?
  24. The captured elves might have brought their own seeds with them to the Oasis. That, and some aldryami magic, is all they'd need to transform the place to their liking. All the nasty strangler vines and such described in the Garden section of Big Rubble could be choking and swarming in profusion there too.
  25. That will be something we can consider when the current stocks are depleted (the hardback edition of the BGB is out of print, but the softcover version is still readily available from our US warehouse). Another option we are looking at is making the BGB (as is) available via POD, which means it can come out in hardback again.
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