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Everything posted by MOB

  1. More info about what Chaosium.com is offering here:
  2. Black Friday sale runs from midnight 25/11 to 11.59PM 27/11 EST 15% off selected Call of Cthulhu, fiction and other titles. Black Friday is followed by Cyber Monday (with Squamous Saturday and Spectral Sunday in between)... Cyber Monday sale runs 28/11 from 12 midnight - 11.59PM EST. 25% off selected PDF and eBook titles. 50% off all items in The Vault. Note, Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts do not include Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition rules or these recent releases—Keeper Decks, Pulp Cthulhu, Doors to Darkness, Keeper Screen pack, Petersen Guide or Nameless Horrors.
  3. MOB


    The new RQ has rules for battles, and player characters will have a chance to be involved in some epic clashes in the Dragon Pass Campaign (in and around doing more usual PC type stuff). I will get Jeff to talk some more about it next time we record a ToMA episode.
  4. The game is now out in Korean!—this follows the biggest-ever crowdsourcing campaign in the game category for Korea. 축하해요!
  5. PULP CTHULHU and DOORS TO DARKNESS in Hardback - Available Now! http://www.chaosium.com/blog/pulp-cthulhu-and-doors-to-darkness-in-hardback-available-now/
  6. I guess I am suggesting that (if true - Knights have been despatched to find out) some exiles wandered in the fog, and Time passed differently for them, and they emerged at the advent of the Kingdom of War, seeking vengeance on those who drove them away. As it says in the Guide (p.145): "The barriers which formed between lands were usually visible as a pale grey haze which thickened to a dense fog. Sometimes people went in and never came out. One bold Loskalmi expedition marched east through the haze upon a bleak plain for five weeks. They bore food for two and a half weeks, marking the time with a special device. Exhausted and starving survivors turned about to struggle home and found themselves at their starting point in hours."
  7. You can still be "exiled"/forcibly disappeared under the Ban, you just don't come back. And that could be an evil secret at the heart of the so-called perfect Loskalmi society under the Ban... The Loskalmi senior leadership is gravely perturbed by confidential intelligence reports from the front lines against the Kingdom of War—some fighters seen in the opposite ranks appear to be from among those who were secretly cast into the grey fog during the Ban. Some of these should be long dead, or elderly by now. Knights have been dispatched to try take some of these returned exiles as prisoners (or at least bring back heads), so they can be properly identified, either by relatives or magical means.
  8. Coloring book is finished and off to the printers! Man, it looks awesome, that's all I can say...
  9. MOB

    RQ Classic Update

    A RuneQuest Classic update on Kickstarter—TLDR summary: - editing is completed for Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror; CoP will be ready before November 20th, CoT the following week. - editing almost completed for Pavis, followed by Big Rubble; intended for release in December. - devising an economical solution for getting these printed AND for sale from all three of our main warehouses (US, UK, and Australia). - RQ1 Playtest Manuscript and the Unpublished Manuscripts books are done, and mailouts will begin before the end of November. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224590870/runequest-classic-edition/posts/1736376?ref=backer_project_update
  10. Here's the trailer- No doubt the late Keith 'Doc' Herber would be proud to see his creation up there with the other plays they've made based on the original mythos works of HPL:
  11. One of Chaosium's most thrilling game supplements — Keith Herber's The Fungi From Yuggoth — has been adapted into a fully dramatized 1930s-style radio drama. And, inspired by the game upon which it is based, this production features four different endings! Dark Adventure Radio Theatre's THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BEAST is available now as a 3 CD set or digital download. And there's the incredible Deluxe Edition, featuring six pounds (!) of props... Available here: https://store.hplhs.org/products/dark-adventure-radio-theatre-the-brotherhood-of-the-beast
  12. Dragonmeet is coming up in London on December 3rd. If you'd like to run a session of Call of Cthulhu (7e or Pulp) please register at this link. If you run games for a four hour time slot with at least four players, you get a free GM's ticket.
  13. We know some people say Facebook is evil - its autotranslate certainly has had some Occult skill training... [From the comments thread of our recent 'Cthulhu for President' post... http://bit.ly/cthulhuforpresident]
  14. We got R.J Ivankovic a sample copy of his book, HP LOVECRAFT'S THE CALL OF CTHULHU (for beginning readers). He was very pleased with the final product! The printing presses are already rolling (in the US and Lithuania), and this 118 page, full color hardback will be ready to purchase after Thanksgiving at chaosium.com, in plenty of time for Christmas! http://drfaustusau.deviantart.com/art/Dead-Tree-Edition-643564980
  15. The Coming Storm in hardback is now available from www.chaosium.com! It will be shipped to you from one of our international fulfilment warehouses (USA, Australia, Europe). And it comes with the PDF, free. The Coming Storm makes a perfect home for your Sartarite adventurers. It's built for Heroquest Glorantha, and the rich background material is usable with RuneQuest or 13th Age Glorantha campaigns too. http://www.chaosium.com/the-coming-storm
  16. This is the pair of Gahan Wilson Mugs from the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition Kickstarter. One's called "Us". The other's called "Them" (when you look at the images you'll see why). On our Redbubble store we've set the creator margin for these mugs $0.00, so they're available at cost price for anyone who really wants them. Redbubble also offers a 15% discount if you buy 2 mugs or more. Mug 1 Mug 2 The same "Us" and "Them" Gahan Wilson artwork is also available on a variety of other items, including wall art, mugs, phone cases, pillows and bags: http://rdbl.co/2edm1q2 and http://rdbl.co/2fE4gp0
  17. This is the "I sacrificed to raise Cthulhu" 1000% Backer T-shirt. It's available on our Redbubble store. We've set the creator margin to $0.00, so it's available at cost price for anyone who really wants one. The same "I sacrificed to raise Cthulhu" logo is also available on a variety of other items, including wall art, mugs, phone cases, pillows and bags here: http://rdbl.co/2edlPYd
  18. AetherCon, the online convention, is coming up Nov 11-13, and in this panel I'll be talking about BRP - the core of Chaosium's roleplaying game systems (and the first to use skills based upon the d100 mechanic). Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest and most of our other RPG lines use BRP as the basis of their rules. So once you’ve learned to play one of these, you've learned to play the others. (But you guys know this)
  19. The Coming Storm hardback goes on sale at www.chaosium.com tomorrow (Wed Nov 2nd EST). If you bought the PDF earlier, you'll be getting a special coupon to credit you.
  20. The Dhole's House is a free 'online toolkit' for both Keepers and players of Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, developed by long-time fan Lee Carnell. Members can create investigators that are fully compatible with Call of Cthulhu 7th edition and print off a PDF character sheet, all in a matter of minutes. All Investigators are saved and can be updated via the 'Character Control Panel' as the campaign unfolds. Site members can also contribute to a Character Library, allowing anyone to download PDF character sheets for Call of Cthulhu investigators for use as PCs or NPCs. The Library is searchable by occupation and gender. The Keeper section of the Library includes a handout generator for quick creation of in-game artefacts including three different types of telegram, visiting/business cards, newspaper clippings and calendars. Go to https://www.dholeshouse.org to try out the investigator generator and toolkit.
  21. The Dread House Kickstarter from our friends Hammerdog Games has just over 12 hours to go, and is blitzing its way through the final couple of stretch goals. Check it out while you still can: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2056633109/the-dread-house-pathfinder-5th-edition-call-of-cth
  22. If you missed Sandy Petersen's epic THE GODS WAR Kickstarter, jump on board now with a Late Backer pledge! http://bit.ly/2eOeXls
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