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Everything posted by MOB

  1. That's why everyone else says they cheated.
  2. Morokanth, like tapirs, have flexible prehensile snouts that can do certain manipulative things, such as strip leaves off branches or pluck fruit. Not as 'handy' as trained herdman though. Apparently tapirs also use their snouts as snorkels when underwater (probably doesn't happen too often with Morokanth)
  3. Yes, but everyone knows they cheated! That's why they still have the digestive tracts of herbivores. I would put it as "It's the only time they do". Most would only eat a token quantity, or the minimum required to stay in good standing ritually. I think meat is just as unpalatable and unappealing to Morokanth in a religious ceremony as any other time.
  4. Yes, we're aiming for the QS + Scenario to fit into 48pp, including pregen characters. The Broken Tower scenario is set in Dragon Pass, and is designed to take three hours. Last night's playtest went very well, and generated quite a bit of constructive feedback.
  5. ...a critically maimed limb has been thankfully fixed with Heal Wound: the players have quickly come to the realisation that the new Rune Power magic rules rock!
  6. We've got together an eclectic playtest group for The Broken Tower: ages ranging from 16 - mid-50s, at least one hard-core RQ fan from way back, a couple who know a bit about Glorantha from playing King of Dragon Pass, a Call of Cthulhu player or two, and some casual gamers new to it all.
  7. And the first official playtest of The Broken Tower, the new RuneQuest Quickstart scenario, has begun! GM Andrew Bean is setting the scene for our Gloranthan adventurers...
  8. Yep - Halcyon replaces Sor Eel, despite lobbying by Duke Raus to take the post himself. A few relevant excerpts about Halcyon's exploits from the Great Winter & Time of the Two Counts document: [The Great Winter leads to food shortages] "...in Pavis, whereas before the Teelo Norri kitchen welcomed all-comers, the new Lunar governor Halcyon Var Enkorth insisted those seeking food relief must prove their names were recorded in the Paper Lists. Even then they only received a tiny millet cake that seemed to be mostly sawdust and ash, though it was said the governor had brought tremendous quantities of food with him from the Heartlands (certainly Halcyon and his entourage never stopped looking sleek and satisfied). Those refugees who made it to Corflu were bluntly informed by the Lunar garrison they had no food to spare, forcing many in desperation to take passage on Vadeli galleys, the only seafarers to visit the port during the Windstop... ...when the questers reached the city they found scores of starving refugees congregating around the locked gates. Governor Halcyon had recently imposed a ruinous entry fee that few of the desperate farmfolk or stranded nomads could afford—and even then, once inside there was no guarantee they would be fed. In a gesture of benevolence, Count Solanthos personally paid to admit all needy Solar worshippers, giving over his own gilded breastplate as surety until an equivalent sum in gold Wheels could be levied from the people of the Suntown quarter. The food situation inside New Pavis was dire, with the municipal granaries now all but empty. Even the Lunar soldiery were on short rations, though Halcyon var Enkorth was making a fortune selling barrels of “salted mock pork” of mysterious origin. Suntown residents had been forbidden from partaking of the tainted meat, but Thandren Clubfoot advised the count that the quarter’s own private granary would soon be down to dust with the new influx of starving Sun worshippers to feed."
  9. I'm giving away something here, but the Free RPG Day poster image is getting tweaked a bit for the QS cover... something to look out for!
  10. Couldn't agree more with all of this. Couldn't agree more also! YGMV is a well-enshrined principle, and that's perfectly fine!
  11. It was thought the Lunar governor was killed when the city was stormed by the nomads, but wily Halcyon had swapped his clothes and it was actually a hapless underling's head that ended up on a spike at the Old Gate. Halcyon and his companion Marusa later pitched up back at the Temple of the Reaching Moon in Sartar, and were said to be among the very Lunar few survivors of the Dragonrise.
  12. Here's a better look at the Free RPG Day poster art, by Andrey Fetisov:
  13. The Quickstart for the new Chaosium edition of RuneQuest will be released on Free RPG Day 2017 (Jun 17). Andrey Fetisov's art for the official Free RPG Day poster is a homage to Luise Perrine's much-loved cover for the classic 2nd edition of the RuneQuest rules:
  14. MOB

    RQ Version #

    It will be available at Gen Con, but we're releasing the RQ Quickstart on Free RPG Day, which is June 17th. It will then be available directly from Chaosium.com from July 1st.
  15. Here's a better look at the Free RPG Day poster art, by Andrey Fetisov:
  16. The Free RPG Day 2017 poster is out... join the (Rune)Quest!
  17. Free RPG Day this year is Saturday June 17th. Unlike last year there will be 10 copies of our offering in each retailer pack, instead of two. Participating publishers agree that Free RPG Day products won't be disseminated anywhere else until Saturday July 1st, 2017, either in print or PDF. Last year, on July 1st, all members of the Cult of Chaos organized play program were able to download our Free RPG Day 2016 offering for free. Shortly after, The Derelict was also available in print via POD from Lulu.com. We'll be doing something similar this year. If you want a copy of the RQ Quickstart and miss out on Free RPG Day due to unavailability or distance, you'll be able to get a hold of a copy one way or another from July 1st onwards.
  18. An awesome new addition to The Dhole's House Call of Cthulhu online resource!— Stuck for an plot for a scenario? Seeds Of Doom will quickly present you with a Main Location, Main and sub-plot (complication), an Artefact, the Antagonist and Antagonist's motivation/goal. All randomly selected from the database. If you're not happy with the generated seed you can quickly create a new one.
  19. Blackwater Creek - now available on Fantasy Grounds for Call of Cthulhu! This is a great 7th Edition introductory adventure for a group of university associates or for a group of criminal bootleggers (hey, could be one in the same...)
  20. Time for one last excerpt of the new RuneQuest Quickstart cover after all, as we do some final work on texturing (rock lizard skin is tricky!)
  21. A final snip from the cover of the new RuneQuest Quickstart rules. (Andrey's homage to Luise Perrine's wonderful RQ2 art is not quite 100% finished, but should be ready to reveal in a day or so...)
  22. Another snip from the new RQ Quickstart cover—RQ fans of old will know where this is going...
  23. In Glorantha, the response would be "Yes, and...?" https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/sep/12/peter-wohlleben-man-who-believes-trees-talk-to-each-other Beech trees are bullies and willows are loners, says forester Peter Wohlleben, author of a new book claiming that trees have personalities and communicate via a below-ground ‘woodwide web’
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