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Everything posted by MOB

  1. It will appear on Redbubble at some point soon...
  2. And we now have a Great Bolo Lizard Khan!
  3. Update: Passing $17,000 means our second Stretch Goal has been achieved. The Khan of Khans game now comes with the double-side Location Map, leading the Praxian warriors to the richest raiding lands in Dragon Pass— Wa-ha! Our next Stretch Goal is $20,000 - NEW CARDS FOR EACH LOCATION STACK! We'll add 10 new cards the Dragon Pass location stacks, one for each place you can raid. Each card has a uniquely Gloranthan twist and features newly commissioned art by Ian O'Toole. Raid the cattle market at Boldhome and come home with an extra hundred cows! Or see if you can steal Orkhal's Bull from the Colymar. But you don’t want to mess with the ducks at Duckpoint - they have extra Enemy Magic! Beware of Berserker Trolls in Shadows Dance, and we hear there's a Dream Dragon on the loose at the Dragon's Eye. Plus five more Gloranthan location surprises in store... http://bit.ly/khankhans
  4. BTW, BOLO LIZARD is the last slot remaining of our top tier backer level at the Khan of Khans Kickstarter. So you still have a chance to have your name immortalized forever in the Khan of Khans rule book as "Great Khan of the Bolo Lizard Folk". (BTW, this pic is confirmation dinosaurs in Glorantha have feathers. Or was the bolo lizard hurt and is wearing a big collar to stop it chewing at its stitches? We'll ask the Great Khan...)
  5. Many thanks for the review! Coincidentally, another review in Spanish appeared today too, at the Juegos y Dados blog: https://juegosydados.wordpress.com/2017/01/14/novedades-crowdfunding-de-khan-of-khans/
  6. Yes, they are in fact the Enchanting Unicorn Women! The special ability in the game is whenever another player succumbs to Enemy Magic, instead of being discarded the Unicorn Women get their highest value Raid card.
  7. Update: Our first Stretch Goal at $14,000 was attained so there are now 10 Khans to choose from when you play the game. And we are drawing close on the next Stretch Goal, at $17,000 - Location Map The mythic world of Glorantha has always been distinctive for its maps, going way back to William Church's wonderful cartography in RuneQuest and beyond. So our next stretch goal for KHAN OF KHANS is this nifty play aid - a map designed to have all ten of the raiding locations neatly placed around it. And the flip-side has descriptions of all the places to steal your cows from: Back us now and let's get this map into our new game! More Stretch Goals to follow... If you’ve backed Khan of Khans, thanks - and please tell your friends! If you’ve not backed yet, but would like to know what the game is all about, do check out our free Print & Play version.
  8. A PDF slipcase to put your PDF guide in?
  9. Update: We have just added 5 new backer levels for KHAN OF KHANS! Each tribe now has its Tribal Warband (limited to 6 slots in each). These fearsome elite warriors lead their tribe's most dangerous raids. Please check out the Kickstarter main page for more details and rewards. It's a chance to get both boxed versions of the game, along with immortalizing your tribe on a deluxe 10" x 10" art board. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/khan-of-khans-family-game
  10. Update: We are closing on the first stretch goal at $14K; once that's achieved we'll announce the second! In the latest update Rick has posted estimated shipping costs https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/khan-of-khans-family-game/posts/1782534
  11. As I mentioned earlier in the thread the marauding Bolo Lizard Folk are a stretch goal in the Khan of Khans Kickstarter, running right now! I said the artwork was nice; here it is: NB The other "minor" tribes that will come into play when the stretch goal is reached are Rhino Riders, Pavis Survivor (Zebra), Unicorn Women and Ostrich Tribe. Big versions of these illustrations are shown here.
  12. Update: First Stretch Goal announced for Khan of Khans! FIVE NEW TRIBES, each with their own special abilities! - the marauding Bolo Lizard Folk - the stealthy Ostrich Tribe - the resourceful Pavis Survivors - the unyielding Rhino Riders - the enchanting Unicorn Women You can play the game with any combination of Khan cards from this set or the base game: http://kck.st/2jxpRh7
  13. Update: As you would expect, it feels wonderful to have our KHAN OF KHANS Kickstarter get funded within 24 hours, and we did take a few moments to celebrate. Then, the last sentence caught our eye and reminded us there are still 19 days to go. Getting to $10,000 is not the end, it is merely the end of the beginning... So what's next? It wouldn't feel like a Kickstarter if we didn't have at least a few stretch goals and surprises in store as we go forward. We are in the process of adding our first stretch goal or two to the Kickstarter text, and we'll have more to look forward to in a few short hours. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/khan-of-khans-family-game
  14. Update: Day One is not over yet and we're almost 90% of the way to funding (10K)! That's our first goal. Once we see how the first day has gone we'll start unrolling stretch goals. And there really are some fun ones... Thank you everyone who has already jumped on board their steed and joined the tribe.. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/448333182/khan-of-khans-family-game
  15. DEAD LIGHT: new 7th ed online adventure scenario on Fantasy Grounds! http://bit.ly/2ie2VSM
  16. The layout and art of the new RQ will be of the same standard as the latest Call of Cthulhu releases Doors to Darkness and Pulp Cthulhu:
  17. While we had just a few grumbles, we are very mindful of balancing the coverage in our social media and engagement efforts. But it will be the case that at certain times - such as when we're releasing a new product - one of our lines is going to be more prominent and newsworthy than the others.
  18. Yep, RQ Quickstart's release is confirmed for June, and will include an introductory scenario. Fortunately there's plenty o' RQ Classic to keep them entertained in Glorantha for the mean time...
  19. MOB

    Khan of Khans

    We've launched Khan of Khans!
  20. KHAN OF KHANS is now live on Kickstarter—the battle begins on the Plains of Prax! Our card game is fun and fast, and an ideal family game for ages 9+. The Kickstarter campaign runs from January 10 - January 31, and we'd love your support. We are looking for tribal members to take up the challenge and lead their tribe to glory—Wa-ha!
  21. Here's a new RQ design notes from Jeff! http://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-12/
  22. The new printing of The Guide comes in a slipcase, but we have empty slipcases available if you'd like one for your original version: http://www.chaosium.com/slipcase-for-the-guide-to-glorantha/
  23. Esports pros to guest star on 'Elementary' 'Elementary' writer and producer Robert Hewitt Wolfe is a long-time RuneQuest fan. According to the article linked above, an upcoming episode will also feature some "personal references to RuneQuest"! Elementary is a great show—I once binged-watched an entire season of it on a 36 hour international flight—and this will be an episode to look out for RQ stuff like what was slipped into Star Trek: Deep Space-9.
  24. The Harlem Unbound Kickstarter is now in its final week, and has done very well - still time to back it:
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