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Everything posted by MOB

  1. We'll swap them out with the updated rune list from The Guide to Glorantha. The runes in CoP aren't 'wrong', just not the complete picture...
  2. (*because, as noted elsewhere in the document, the Sun Domers had used up all the machine's arrows during the Cradle episode the previous sea season. An expedition had been despatched to cut some more from the Tall Timbers above the Leaping Place and float them back down the river, but nothing was heard from that party during the Great Winter and it was presumed lost)
  3. The runes are those as given in RQ2 Cults of Prax
  4. Humakt (Death, Truth) is up now, with some others. More cult combinations to be added...
  5. Another relevant excerpt from Sun County 1621 – 1627: The Great Winter & The Time of Two Counts: With the Windstop came other terrors. Fertility blessings failed as animals and children began to die the womb, gravely endangering their mothers as well. Out of the Great Bog came swarms of locusts, both normal-sized and giant. With them came gangs of ravenous wild trollkin, some even riding the huge flying insects. They swept through the farmlands, stripping all the vegetation in their path. In their wake came a plague of famished traskars and cliff toads, driven from their usual lairs by hunger. Even more disturbing, chaos horrors emerged from a great eruption of sinkholes that appeared around the abandoned village of Rabbit Hat, formerly a center of the illicit hazia trade. As the fields dried up, more such holes began to appear all across Sun County. Investigating parties sent in by Vega Goldbreath found themselves in a dangerous and confusing network of excavated tubes, suggesting a disturbingly widespread subterranean infiltration of the land by Krarsht, the Devouring Mother. Meanwhile, on the river a strange sea-monster, its breath like a poisonous cold mist, wreaked havoc. To the Count’s vexation, the Great Ballista at Harpoon was useless, lacking arrows to slay it. Even Sor Eel’s soldiers couldn’t kill the monster and eventually it made its way upriver to the Rubble, where it is said to have disappeared into the Puzzle Canal. The leaders of Sun County were sorely pressed dealing with these calamities, but the real crisis lay in the dwindling supply of food. As even harsher measures were enacted against hoarding, people began to accuse their neighbors of being in league with Krarsht. But worse was to come: that Sacred Time, the customary rituals to renew the world utterly failed. Perimides the Chaste, the aged high priest, collapsed at the High Altar, spilling the sacred libation. He was carried away, raving about a red-clad seductress. As the shocked celebrants went to symbolically awaken the high earth priestess, Penta Goldbreath, they found she could not be roused. Meanwhile, a creeping rot spread from the spilled libations to the sacrificial food offerings (and was later found to have spread to the granaries). Evil spirits began to assail the assembled worshippers, and in horror they realized some in the crowd were actually the undead of Nontraya: those who had already died of hunger. In the confusion, the sleeping Penta vanished - some said she was carried off in the jaws of a great horned wolf.
  6. MOB

    Gloranthan Runes

    We've added Runes to Redbubble...
  7. Announcing our new collection on Redbubble - The Gloranthan Runes. Available on t-shirts, phone covers, pillows, scarves, mugs and lots more. And there's 15% off everything on our Redbubble site today!
  8. When the Windstop ended. Just like I Fought We Won, there was mythic convergence and synchronicity of all the heroquesting actions various people were taking to loosen the grip of the Great Winter, and those that succeeded all did so at the same moment.
  9. Star Trek is 50 years old today. And Greg Stafford also discovered the mythic universe of Glorantha in 1966 too. But did you know that in the intervening half-century Glorantha has found its way into the Star Trek universe? Robert Hewitt Wolfe, RuneQuest fan and one of the producers of Star Trek "Deep Space Nine" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation", entertainingly slipped in various tweaked Gloranthan references to episodes. The most notable of these is the Klingon who proposes a toast to "Rurik the Damned, conqueror of the Zora Fel, liberator of Vrax" (DS9 S5 Ep1), but there's also Falagian Diamonds, various planets and characters named after Gloranthan gods, and one (admittedly incredibly minor) character that I am particularly chuffed about.... Andre Jarosch has helpfully catalogued all of Star Trek - Gloranthan references here in this German article: Happy half-century Star Trek and Glorantha! http://bit.ly/2cilKFi
  10. Another excerpt from The Future History of Sun County, abridged of a few details: Daga Contained Invictus ventured back into the parched countryside, stalking the drought god through scenes of devastation, death and suffering. Daga himself eluded him, until early one morning before the dawn a piercing golden light appeared on the horizon. Taking it as a sign, he headed north. Several days later, in the dry bed of the Zola Fel just below the now-mockingly named hamlet of Highwater, the Light Captain once again faced Daga. The drought god stood contemptuously over the wilted form of Kinope, the gentle daughter of Zela Fel. The water spirit was attempting to drag herself through the parched sand to a last puddle, visibly drying up in front of her. Stepping between her and the leering spectre, Invictus invoked the bond between land and river, calling out for Zola Fel as he brandished the brass jar. The river god’s response was immediate and emphatic, as a tremendous wall of furious water suddenly surged down through the dry gorge towards the combatants. Faced with the angry flood, Daga’s sneering visage crumbled and he retreated in fear into the brass jar... (Invictus) felt he was sure to drown but resolved to hang on to the jar to the last. Although flood continued on its wild and destructive path, Invictus suddenly found himself in the tender embrace of the water spirit. Kinope pulled him clear and left him on the clifftop near the deserted village, half-dead and sodden but still clasping the jar. She kissed his brow and then leapt joyfully back into the raging current... ...(Invictus) trudged back to the Sun Dome Temple while floodwaters began to spread out over the farmlands behind him. Daga was contained and the drought broken... ...when he finally staggered back into the Sun Dome, the Light Captain learned the beckoning signal that had drawn him to Highwater Gorge was none other than the Goldenblood Light, shining like a star in the hands of the unlikely hero Melo Yelo atop Angle Fort. Invictus had ended the drought, and thanks to the questers at the Devil’s Playground the grip of Great Winter was released. However, Count Solanthos was dead. By the laws and customs of the land, he as Light Captain would be the new count. Count Invictus's short and unhappy reign began...
  11. The Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Slipcase Set is a Chaosium.com exclusive - you have to order it directly from us; it's not available in gamestores or elsewhere. This package bundles three books into a single slipcase that will fit perfectly on your gaming shelf, consisting of: hardback Keeper Rulebook hardback Investigator Handbook 34" Keeper Screen pack (which includes scenario book, pregen characters and three poster maps) PDFs of all of the above Slipcase sets are US$129.99 and are available now in our US, UK and Australian warehouses for quick fulfilment!
  12. If you're still on the fence to back Sandy's amazing new boardgame Kickstarter THE GODS WAR, maybe these Youtube videos will help you make up your mind... 2-hour complete playthrough by Munchkin Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx7_sCD1Qro The Action Phase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTaxQEiDm_I The Council Phase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9BFGSX__O4 The Empire Sheet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4VE2WGlyW8 The Power Phase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krtYRoqm93M The Great Compromise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B1ZEoQGh1U The Chaos Rift Struggle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjAuNqA0LpE Core Game: http://youtu.be/jh40XjHx1cs Gods War Expansions: http://youtu.be/rLyhhym9XJU Faction Sky: http://youtu.be/UWOKMQZOzVA Faction Moon: http://youtu.be/hJF2NwRP_ZU Faction Earth: http://youtu.be/nxzM9ex9BZQ Faction Invisible God: http://youtu.be/NkP-UJBfiQw Faction Darkness: http://youtu.be/etoN0X-IKqA Faction Chaos: http://youtu.be/jpQI0tQ308c Designer notes: https://goo.gl/rt9IzU Testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE4IkYMdF1o Q&A: http://youtu.be/sT-l-Z_AE4o Print & Play How To: http://youtu.be/KhNNC0vAcik Figure Teaser: http://youtu.be/cZrpthmIyX8 Teaser: http://youtu.be/yf26KLYESTo
  13. MOB


    Sandy currently has a vote going for The Gods War backers to decide which monster gets funded next: the choice is the monstrous Leviathan or Androgeus, who claims the Male Sky is her mother and the female earth is her father. Through the prism of 13th Age's 'One Unique Thing', Rob Heinsoo offers an insight into the ancient hero/ine, in case this influences anyone's vote: "Androgeus combines the worst of both genders into one infinitely powerful package."
  14. Call of Cthulhu won - many thanks to the Dragon Con attendees and everyone who supported the nomination! And David Millians - resplendent in the new white-on-black Chaosium logo t-shirt - was graciously on hand to receive the award...
  15. Well, Sandy has just posted this on The Gods War Kickstarter...
  16. [Moderator Hat] And that can be the last word on skills checks for now, unless someone wants to start all new thread about it - for here though, please get back to discussing the new rules for sorcery, which is the topic of this thread...
  17. The preorders have been sent out. Please drop Dustin a line at customerservice@chaosium.com and he can follow up for you.
  18. Ask your game store if they are a member of Bits and Mortar: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/chaosium-joins-bits-and-mortar/
  19. These terms are game constructs to help us understand the world. Sorcerers in the west might well refer to their magic as "Rune Magic", regarding the theist stuff as primitive mumbo jumbo that feebly attempts to attain what they do through rational intellectual means. Likewise, and for opposite reasons, "sorcerer" is probably a pejorative term among theists.
  20. The cover of River of Cradles gives a good idea of how high New Pavis sits above the bank:
  21. I like that! And maybe if you let the Lunars do that to your well, it could be enslaved to the Lunar cycle ever after? Sure, these sort of floods probably happen the whole way round the circumference of the Windstop, unless there are local factors to prevent it.
  22. Here you go! http://rpgreview.net/mob/thegettingofwisdom.htm
  23. For sure - another unintended consequence of the event. The whole breadbasket of Sun County gets flooded, but it has an upside: This is what I wrote for the Sun County timeline: Flood follows Winter Several days after Count Solanthos was burned, a great inundation swept down the River of Cradles valley, flooding parts of Pavis County, the Rubble, and then beyond to Sun County; these were the waters that helped Invictus contain Daga at Highwater Gorge. Lhankor Mhy scholars later concurred with Hector the Wise that the ice and snow in the Rockwoods never had a chance to melt in the Great Winter, and the Zola Fel and its mountain streams and tributaries must have frozen over. This all changed when the Windstop suddenly ended, sending the entire spring melt downstream in a vast flood, wreaking destruction from Boathouse Ruins as far as the Great Bog. In Pavis, good progress had been made rebuilding the Lunar Bridge after the giant cradle had smashed through its central span. The construction work formed a chokepoint for the surging waters, but was eventually swept away. Floodwaters poured into the Rubble, quickly breaking the banks and flooding much of the northern banks of the ruins. For a while, Badside outside the walls and Zebra Fort within became island refuges, and the rising waters forced many angry trolls out of their cellars and hidey-holes in the Troll stronglands. The Great Corvée For several weeks, a great sheet of water spread far over the flatlands of Pavis County and the breadbasket of Sun County, causing further misery for the people. But when the floodwaters finally receded, they saw Zola Fel had left them with a gift: the fields were now covered in a thick layer of fertile silt. It was too late in the year for planting, so the hungry times continued, though the farmers all agreed that the next planting season offered incredible promise. In the meantime famine was kept at bay by the grateful elves, who shared the miraculous bounty from the Garden with the people of Pavis and the Sun Dome. Only in the distant Grantlands was there true starvation in the River of Cradles valley after that. When the waters abated, there was much to be done to take advantage of the precious soil deposited by the flood. Vega Goldbreath as Guardian led the efforts to repair the damage in the Lands of the Sun. Using an ancient tattered scroll from the temple archives depicting the fabled Gods Wall in distant Dara Happa, Vega evoked the story of the Ten Sons and Servants. The entire population was mobilized into a Great Corvée, with even Light Sons and priests putting their hands to mattock and spade. Although initially scandalized to see the Light Lady taking on the role of Morkatos the Foreman, clad only in a kilt, in a remarkably short time the people cleared away tremendous quantities of debris, dug out irrigation channels and repaired the riverbanks. Meanwhile, Penta Goldbreath formed a Ty Kora Tek sisterhood with others sharing her affliction to help the many restless ghosts and vengeful wraiths from Great Winter find their solace. The Goldbreath sisters earned great respect for their efforts to restore the land after the tribulations of the past several years. The Sun Folk were cheered when that Sacred Time Gaumata the Seer foretold a year ahead of peace and plenty, and that their earnest toil would at last be rewarded with an abundant harvest.
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