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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Dirge Magazine says, "Overall, Call of Cthulhu’s seventh edition does exactly what it sets out to do: it updates the existing game well enough to feel refreshed and modern, while losing none of its core appeal or backwards compatibility... the fickle strands of fate are smiling favourably upon Chaosium and Call of Cthulhu." http://www.dirgemag.com/call-cthulhu-rises-depths-seventh-edition-author-interview-review
  2. Some interior layout screen shots here in the Glorantha forum:
  3. Here's some of the beautiful interior layouts from our latest release, "The Coming Storm" for HeroQuest Glorantha. As noted, it's available now in PDF; when the print version comes out later this year, you get the price of the PDF back as a discount! Order it here: http://bit.ly/comingstormpdf
  4. Back in 1986, West End Games asked Chaosium to write Ghostbusters, the "frighteningly cheerful RPG". Gnome Stew recounts the history of the game, which included Sandy Petersen, Greg Stafford, Lynn Willis and Ken Rolston in the development team. Ghost Busters is something of a classic for its elegant simplicity and humorous tone throughout. I love how NPCs always have weirdly specific but dramatically appropriate skills - the Research Assistant "Who Gets Left Alone in the Lab to Watch Over Things" has Play Poker-5, Fail to Notice Obvious-5 and Knock Over Equipment Racks-5. (All characters have a goal - usually "Wealth", "Fame" "Serve Humanity" or "Souless Science", but that poor sucker gets "Not Get Killed by Monster (always fails)") http://www.gnomestew.com/general/ghostbusters-begins-a-history-of-the-ghostbusters-roleplaying-game/
  5. The Coming Storm is the first part of an epic HeroQuest Glorantha campaign taking the Red Cow Clan through the opening days of the Hero Wars. This book provides everything you need to run a classic clan-based Sartarite campaign. And if you buy The Coming Storm PDF now, we'll credit you the PDF price on the purchase of the printed version once it is available later this year. http://bit.ly/comingstormpdf
  6. South Africa's premier gaming, technology and lifestyle magazine Gamecca reviews Call of Cthulhu and gives it 95/100. And interviews co-author Mike Mason. Read it here: http://bit.ly/gameccajuly16
  7. Please check your spam or junk folders in case the email ended up there; otherwise, drop Dustin a line - dustin@chaosium.com - and he'll be able to assist.
  8. Dishdash games now has a Glorantha section on their website. It just has the media release for now, but I'm sure more stuff will follow in due course: http://www.skirmishsangin.com/glorantha
  9. There's a bit more movement in this recently-released GIF too:
  10. MOB

    RQ Classic Update

    We posted some pics of Aetherworks boxing up RuneQuest Classic - here's a very nice unboxing video from long time RuneQuest fan and podcaster, The Grognard Files: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7A8wG4VNvM&feature=youtu.be
  11. We are pleased to announce new Glorantha minies and skirmish wargame rules are coming! http://www.chaosium.com/blog/new-partnership-for-gloranthan-miniatures-and-skirmish-wargames-rules
  12. Who would have thought the 30 year gap between issues of Wyrms Footnotes would be beaten?
  13. Now also available in English! http://mjolnirfanzine.yolasite.com/resources/Mjolnir7_2016_English_ebook.pdf I love the apologetic note from the editor, which comes straight after the ad for the new edition of RQ: "Sorry for the delay. This issue was originally due in 1983 – but a couple of things came up."
  14. Well, anyone playing 13th Age Glorantha knows what Pavis's 'One Unique Thing' was then...
  15. Sorry, The Derelict PDF is something special for the Cult of Chaos. But The Derelict scenario itself will be part of the 'Tales of Sandy Petersen' book we have in the works and that will be available on general release as PDF and print.
  16. It's July 1st! This means all members of The Cult of Chaos are receiving their free PDF download of The Derelict! The updated version is actually 48 pages long, as it now includes six pregenerated PCs specially tailored for the scenario (hat tip to Ron McClung). Join the Cult of Chaos here: http://bit.ly/cultofchaos And the 48 page physical version is now available at lulu.com for USD$2.99 - http://bit.ly/29loVcJ
  17. And the 48 page physical version is now available at lulu.com for USD$2.99 - http://bit.ly/29loVcJ
  18. It's July 1st! This means all members of The Cult of Chaos are receiving their free PDF download of The Derelict! The updated version is actually 48 pages long, as it now includes six pregenerated PCs specially tailored for the scenario (hat tip to Ron McClung). If you don't get the email today, please check your spam or junk folders in case it ended up there.
  19. http://www.highlevelgames.ca/blog/marvelous-magic-the-5-best-rpg-systems-for-spells
  20. Monte Cook uses the example of a recurring creepy encounter in a year-long Call of Cthulhu campaign to offer some ideas about how to inject cold-blooded fear into your players: http://www.montecookgames.com/your-game-the-fear-factor
  21. I am trying to imagine how the Rabbit Hat Farm scenario in Sun County would play out if the jack-o-bear disguised as a scarecrow was a giant pumpkin-headed panda instead...
  22. One of people who tried out the playtest version of new RuneQuest at the Chimerades convention in France earlier this year has written up his impressions. A lot certainly got covered in just a few hours! http://2ndage.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/runequest-4-first-impressions.html
  23. Mike wrote two of what I consider the best-ever Gloranthan scenarios of all time - 'Gaumata's Vision' (Shadows on the Borderlands), set on the fringes of Sun County, and 'Embarrassment of Riches', set in Jonatela. And he wrote one of my least favourite, which is 'Artlatan's Tower' (in Strangers in Prax)
  24. We intend to have the new RQ available on both Roll20 and Fantasy grounds.
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