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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Upstream in the mountains, the headwaters are blocked by ice and dam up at the edge of the Windstop. The winter melt still happens beyond the Windstop's boundary so there is a massive flood event down the River of Cradles when the Great Winter ends.
  2. Aren't the Aeolians an Orlanthi culture with sorcery?
  3. Like the Aeolians, Lhankor Mhy sages use both rune magic and sorcery magic
  4. I'm sure in the world, Gloranthans have all sorts of evocative names for their spells (Biturian Varosh, Zero of Nochet etc's use of the prosaic names comes across as pretty clunky to read, but you could put that down to translation). I'm sure each culture has their own name for "Speedart", "Fireblade" etc. But the utilitarian God Learner designations are more useful for quick and easy comprehension from a game mechanics perpsective.
  5. Just look at spell lists in any edition of RuneQuest - #6, #3, Moongoose, AiG, whatever, all the way the back to RQ1
  6. Back in May this year, Tor.com featured the brilliant artwork of Russian artist Andrey Fetisov, remarking, "Doesn’t this look like a page from the most disturbing coloring book?" We took a look, and we agreed - Andrey's stuff is from the most vivid of nightmares! Accordingly, Chaosium has commissioned Andrey to produce a coloring book for us ready for Christmas, featuring ready-to-color scenes and depictions from across the Cthulhu Mythos - just like this scene from Through the Gates of the Silver Key. Chaosium's Cthulhu Coloring book will available for Christmas preorder later this year - http://bit.ly/2ce5Q0x
  7. Well, I see the prosaic nomenclature of Gloranthan magic as a feature not a bug. Ironically it's the most vanilla of all FRPGs, DnD, that has some of the most florid spell names.
  8. Glorantha has always had "vanilla" names for spells, so nothing different here.
  9. I was responding to the assertion that "Basically, a sorcerer's capability is defined by their gear" - carrying around "all manner of gee-gaws". There's also the day and the season, proximity to certain elements or mythically resonant locations, etc. that I think gives what we're doing with sorcery a very Gloranthan flavour.
  10. Well I suppose the new RQ will warrant the new version of Fantasy Grounds then. Thanks for the info about the calendar, it would be great to have in there.
  11. Spell names in RuneQuest have always been helpfully prosaic in their utilitarian descriptiveness.
  12. I think that is overstating things. Skill and mastery is important but I like the idea that the sorcerer's ability is affected (for better or worse) by how they are attuned to external variables, such as the calendar, sympathetic objects, etc
  13. Register to vote for the Dragon Awards by AUGUST 26! Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition is a nominee for The Dragon Awards, a new Science Fiction and Fantasy awards celebrating Dragon Con's 30th anniversary as the USA's largest fan-run convention. Anyone can vote (you don't have to attend the con) but you do have to register now: http://application.dragoncon.org/dc_fan_awards_signup.php
  14. Is the Fantasy Grounds calendar the RW calendar - 52 weeks, 12 months, 4 seasons etc? Or can it be modified? The Gloranthan calendar has 42 weeks, 5 seasons and other assorted non-terrestrial weirdness. Assuming the calendar can be modified away from 365 days, it would be cool to integrate the holy days and seasonal effects of the Gloranthan year.
  15. http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?493068-The-Even-Stranger-Truths-Behind-Stranger-Things
  16. Our organized play campaign gets a mention in this new web comic about table top games... http://www.uptofourplayers.com/comic/107-seasonal-forcast/
  17. I never knew Forbes magazine covered table top board games, but there you go... features both The Gods War - "an epic strategy board game of godly proportions" and Prince Valiant by "legendary game designer Greg Stafford": http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2016/08/23/five-really-cool-tabletop-games-on-kickstarter-right-now
  18. Yes, that's where I got the pic to go with the post.
  19. For me, this is a really entertainingly Gloranthan part of the new sorcery rules: "Finally, sorcerers get bonuses or penalties for casting magic on Rune appropriate days, weeks, and seasons, and bonuses for casting spells in Rune appropriate places or using Rune appropriate components. Maintaining the ancient Brithini caste restrictions provide bonuses to a sorcerer's Free Int." All sorts of MGF applications here!
  20. The latest designer notes from Jeff: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-11/
  21. Yes, I started with RQ2 (started trying to play RuneQuest just with Apple Lane actually...)
  22. I agree they were very clearly presented, but to me the RQ3 rules lacked the enticing charm and mystique of RQ2.
  23. It would be pretty hard to stop you printing out your PDF as a POD book (at Kinkos or wherever), and if it's for your personal use that's perfectly a fine (albeit expensive) thing to do. Although if you really wanted physical copies, you'd be far better off just buying the print version (which comes with the PDF included). Now if you started offering the POD versions for sale - that would be an infringement.
  24. I dig it. "The Chaos System" is far more resonant than "Basic Roleplaying".
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