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Nick Brooke

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Everything posted by Nick Brooke

  1. Adventure Book, Contents (p. 3), reference to "Dragons of Thunder Hills" should be to "The Dragon of Thunder Hills" (singular - there's just one Dragon). In general, the Contents page looks a bit unbalanced, with minor maps and genealogies being given the same prominence as major sections of the book - consider redoing this as a Contents page inc. a separate list of Maps and Charts, perhaps, or else demote/indent the maps etc. to show their secondary importance?
  2. Adventure Book, p.99, Orleving Raiders (last sentence): should be "... he and his followers fight like wildcats."
  3. Colymar Map - it would be good if this beautiful map had a scale; if possible, I'd suggest changing the caption at the bottom from "COLYMAR-TRIBES" to "COLYMAR TRIBE"
  4. Adventure Book, p.90, first paragraph: "Durnorl is concerned that the monsters preying on the sacred cattle herd cared for by the Varmandi clan is just the sort of problem..." should be "... are just the sort of problem..." (plural, to agree with monsters).
  5. Adventure Book, p.89 - it's not technically an error, but the word-for-word duplication of the "Thane of Apple Lane" paragraph as the first bullet of Option Two is kinda annoying. In the penultimate paragraph on this page, suggest adding: " ... asks to meet with adventurers with a high Loyalty (Sartar)" or "... a high Loyalty to Sartar" - either would be better than "... with a high Loyalty Sartar."
  6. Adventure Book, p.87, Appease Earth Rune spell (last sentence): "No characteristic may be increased upon the normal maximum by this means" should be "... above the normal maximum ..." (checked wording vs. Bestiary and confirmed).
  7. Excellent! I think you uploaded the wrong "Apple Lane" map - can you check that, Rick?
  8. Adventurer Book, p.60, Courtesan skill: "Courtesans are skilled professional craftspersons whose tools are the human body and it's associated senses" - should be "... and its associated senses."
  9. Adventure Book, p.55, Lismelder / Hillhaven: "They have a long tradition of powerful Kolatings and has made many pacts..." should be "... and have made many pacts ..."
  10. Adventure Book, p.50, Stream Vale (last sentence): "... only once the Colymar recognized the duck's claims ..." should be "... the ducks' claims ..."
  11. Adventure Book, p.47 - strange capitalisation in the header for RedEye the Boar, it's gone all HarperCollins (should be "Redeye" as in the rest of the text).
  12. Adventure Book, p.43 - "It escaped when the Sun stopped in 373" should be 375, as any fule kno. (Cross-checked to Guide and Sourcebook).
  13. Adventure Book, pages 40-41: might it be more straightforward to call the first Demi-bird "Sarna Ya'qal's Demi-bird" (rather than "Demi-bird One"), keeping "Demi-bird One" and "Demi-bird Two" as the names for the mounts of (nameless) Beaked Dragonewts One & Two?
  14. Adventure Book, the map of Clearwine p.32 - "17. Hero's Trial" is a typo for "17. Hero's Trail".
  15. Adventure Book, the map of Clearwine p.32-33 and "Points and Places" p.34-36 use different numbering schemes. So the Assembly Rock is point 19 on the map and point 1 in the writeup; the Small Walls are 1 on the map and 2 in text; the Earth Temple is 2 and 3; the Blue Mound is 18 and 4; and so forth. Some numbered points in the text aren't on the map (eg: Vineyards); there are 21 numbered points in text and 19 on the map; I could go on for ages, but you can see it for yourself, now. Is it possible to use the same sequence in both places?
  16. Adventure Book, p.24 - "The Ballista" - "This composite bow (see above)..." should probably read "(see below)", since there's nothing relevant above, but the full Allied Spirit stats and weapon stats for "The Ballista" are at the bottom of that column of text.
  17. Adventure Book, p.21 - "Kangharl - Lunar Hostage" is clearly the Kangharl "Blackmoor" who was Tribal King until he got et by a Dragon in 1625, so his name should be marked with a Death Rune, and it would make sense to give his regnal years as "1615-1625", even if you can't stomach calling him a "Tribal King" (which he was, so there). "Kangharl [Death Rune], Lunar Hostage (1615-1625)" might be an acceptable face-saving way to show him on the Taraling dynasty chart, but I'd just list him as a Tribal King. Screw Colymar sensibilities: let's tell the Truth, here.
  18. Adventure Book, p.12 - why not put the names of the Colymar Kings listed here in bold text, as on p.11? It's the same list, after all. Adventure Book, p.21 - a surprising number of people were Tribal King from 1613-15 and then 1625 onwards ... Estavor & Dangmet (at lower right) seem to have cut'n'pasted this text from Leika, above them. Dangmet was Tribal King from 1591-98, and Estavos (note spelling) from 1582-1591.
  19. Opposed Rolls. RQG p.142: "To make an opposed roll, both participants roll their respective abilities. If both participants succeed, the winner is whoever achieved the better result." RQG p.144 says that a tie is "where both participants achieve the same type of success but roll the same number." Which is "the better result" if both participants achieve the same type of success but roll different numbers? Is it the higher or the lower rolled result?
  20. p.139, bottom right corner: the Lunar Phases (runes and art) appear backwards compared to the version in "Dragon Pass." I've been banging on about this for decades. Easy to fix: flip the art and the runes so they're the right way around. Evidence: http://etyries.albionsoft.com/etyries.com/moonie/moonturn.html
  21. Missing word on page 90: "I am Vishi Dunn, known more [to / in?] the Spirit World than this one."
  22. Page 189, was "Jar-eel the Artess" intended? (She is usually "the Razoress").
  23. Some text has gone missing between pages 149 & 150, possibly because of the "Becoming Illuminated" box at top left on p.150. The body text currently reads (page break shown as //): Cheers, Nick RIK SEZ: MANY THANKS FOR CATCHING THIS ONE.
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