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Nick Brooke

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Everything posted by Nick Brooke

  1. For customers with special accessibility needs who can only navigate PDFs via the Bookmarks menu, there's now an updated version of the Rough Guide to Glamour in your DriveThruRPG library. The only thing that's changed is the Bookmarks menu in Adobe products. If you don't use that, there's absolutely no need to replace your copy of our book.
  2. For customers with special accessibility needs who can only navigate PDFs via the Bookmarks menu, there's now an updated version of the Rough Guide to Glamour in your DriveThruRPG library. The only thing that's changed is the Bookmarks menu in Adobe products. If you don't use that, there's absolutely no need to replace your copy of our book.
  3. Hi, Rodney. I'm Nick - I did all the layout on the Rough Guide to Glamour. It's my first book, I'm an amateur fan publisher and you bought our book from a community content site, the Jonstown Compendium on DriveThruRPG. I understand you'd like it to have better bookmarks than some professionally-produced RPG corebooks. Is that right?
  4. Here's MOB's chronology (an extract from The Great Winter and the Time of Two Counts), with Second Moonbroth in Storm Season 1624.
  5. Eh? Here's the link for POD copies of "Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes" at Lulu. http://www.lulu.com/shop/greg-stafford-and-jeff-richard/sartar-kingdom-of-heroes/paperback/product-24498384.html
  6. If you can find a copy, Tales of the Reaching Moon #19 was the Upland Marsh Special (published in 2000). Strapline: "Delecti the Necromancer. Vampires, Zombies, and Undead Monsters! And a few Ducks, too..."
  7. I have a suggestion in one of the Appendices to The Duel at Dangerford -- one of my groups brilliantly subverted the scenario's attempt to railroad them. Check it out, maybe? (My scenario includes nine pages of playtest feedback on The Smoking Ruin and a page of suggested chrome for The Dragon of Thunder Hills, in case you didn't know - I bunged them in as a freebie in a product that only GMs were likely to buy, to minimise the risk of spoilers. This seems like a good place to mention that) https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307504/The-Duel-at-Dangerford?affiliate_id=392988
  8. A ROUGH GUIDE TO GLAMOUR is now available from the Jonstown Compendium web store: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309765/A-Rough-Guide-to-Glamour?affiliate_id=392988
  9. A ROUGH GUIDE TO GLAMOUR is now available from the Jonstown Compendium web store: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/309765/A-Rough-Guide-to-Glamour?affiliate_id=392988
  10. Andrew's reviews have the remarkable quality of making authors feel that they were being even cleverer than they already knew they were. He is a very perceptive and insightful fellow.
  11. A little something to whet your appetites: here's Andrew Logan Montgomery's review. https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot.com/2020/04/a-rough-guide-to-glamour-review.html
  12. A little something to whet your appetites: here's Andrew Logan Montgomery's review. https://andrewloganmontgomery.blogspot.com/2020/04/a-rough-guide-to-glamour-review.html
  13. In between What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good You teasing like you do...
  14. In between What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind If I fear I'm losing you it's just no good You teasing like you do...
  15. I'm sorry if my sheer ignorance offends you.
  16. I could add these events as an alternative track for your adventurers' history in my Moonbroth book! Thanks for the suggestion!
  17. I'm also relying on secondary sources (eg: MOB's updated Sun County history, which dates both Second Moonbroth and the sack of Pavis to Storm Season 1624). It seems easiest to say these events happened in the winter (campaigning) season in Prax from 1624/25, but if you want to squeeze everything into Sea Season 1625, be my guest. You know that I monkey around with the chronology as necessary in order to tell better stories, so just tell yourself I'm doing it here. No biggie.
  18. The sequence goes: the Second Battle of Moonbroth (in late 1624) is an overwhelming victory for the nomad army led by Argrath White Bull and Jaldon Goldentooth (and marked by yet another Sable Tribe betrayal, this time of the Lunars), after which (in early 1625 per RQG p.44) Argrath liberates Pavis. In the summer of 1625, King Argrath of Pavis marches on Sartar leading a nomad horde, but gets defeated by Lunar sorcery and retreats to Pavis. The Dragonrise happens after that, and everyone attributes it to Kallyr Starbrow, not to Argrath. I hope this helps. Jeff's said recently (private chat) that in one of his current campaigns that defeat in 1625 happened at Hender's Ruins, that Cwim was involved (the GSB is vaguer), and that this defeat is when Argrath realised he'd need his own organisation of battle-magicians as well as a honking great army if he ever wanted to go toe-to-toe against the Lunar Empire.
  19. Praxians are nomads who worship Storm Bull. Find a group of Praxians on a Storm Bull holy day, you’ll probably find a Storm Bull worship ceremony (or failing that, a bunch of people who can point you towards one). Their “shrines” are portable medicine bundles, not fixed sites / locations, because they’re nomads. You’ll almost always find an animal nomad tribe at any oasis in Prax, and you’ll usually find them on any large enough patch of fertile ground that hasn’t been grazed bare lately - just look for a big herd of animals and head towards them. If you’re specifically looking for Sartarite, non-Praxian Storm Bull rites, you’ll be out of luck until you reach Pavis County (settled by Sartarites). How easy it is to find Storm Bull rites if they’re still under Lunar occupation is up to you (I don’t know when your game is set, but in RuneQuest Classics the Lunar Empire still occupies civilised Prax and Pavis up until 1625 or so)
  20. I didn’t realise you were only looking for resources in Latin. ( There’s 400x as many in English)
  21. I was responding to this, not to your root post: I thought it was clear in context. You seemed to have some difficulty finding old threads, and were using an idiosyncratic spelling. My bad. Cheers, Nick
  22. Oh, and to be clear: nobody is getting confused between the Sacred Ground (around the Paps) and Holy Prax (west of the Zola Fel).
  23. Canon since 1988. Earlier if you talked to Greg or Sandy before the Orange Box came out, of course. Vulture's Country is one of the harshest parts of the Wastelands. That's why the Praxian animal nomads didn't migrate out into the Wastes proper until the Pure Horse People forced them out, back in the Second Age. I hope this helps. (You really should get the Guide to Glorantha, it would clear up a lot of misconceptions)
  24. Yes, but if you're searching for something, it makes sense to use the word with 400x as many hits rather than the "joke" version; no?
  25. Obviously. I'm not sure why I have to say this stuff out loud. At any given time, most Praxians aren't in Prax. A fair number of them would never have visited Prax throughout the period of Lunar Occupation. The examples we've been given are for the Flower Bison and Sable Green clans, from their What My Father Told Me narratives: BISON: "Prax is our holy land, and most clans go there once in a lifetime. Our own clan visits the Paps every ten-hands-plus-one years, following our beasts' great migration across the Greatlands. You were born there, and I do not expect us to return in my lifetime." (Gloranthan Voices, 2003) SABLE: "Prax is our holy land, and most clans make periodic pilgrimages there. Our own clan visits the Paps every ten-hands-less-one years." (Player's Book: Genertela; Orange box, 1988) Editor's note: the Bison What My Father Told Me is basically the Sable version rewritten to cut out any fancy language, because that's not how any Bison Tribesman I've ever met would talk.
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