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Everything posted by Steve

  1. MOB has confirmed that he is involved with a Sun County update, over on the Glorantha G+ group. Great suggestion, Iskallor!.
  2. In a quasi-Bronze Age setting, it's not unusual for the males to be dominant in the warrior role, surely? But you've mentioned Vinga and Babeester Gor, so there are opportunities for women to be warriors too, even if that's not so usual in Orlanthi society. Jar-Eel is a pretty kick-ass type of gal, no? Are you following Prince of Sartar? In there you'll also see the female-dominated Esrolian society, with some pretty strong female characters (e.g. Samastina).
  3. I'm pretty sure that someone will still be able to answer questions about HW/HQ1, I wouldn't worry about that.
  4. A hardback reprint of the RQ2 rulebook has recently been confirmed.
  5. I just remembered another one - Gloranthan Adventures 3 (D101). I've added that to the list.
  6. Thanks for the info on the Sun County book, guys. Thanks, I've added in the Forgotten Secrets book now. The list is meant to be upcoming products though, and Sharper Adventures has been out for a while, so it's not on the list.
  7. Maybe I'm forgetting something but I don't remember hearing about that. Have you got a source for that or any further info? Not doubting you, just trying to learn more because it sounds cool
  8. I love Prince of Sartar. It's well worth checking out, even if you aren't into Glorantha. The visuals are stunning and the story is good too. There's a new episode (page) every week, and it's something that I always look forward to.
  9. This is a totally unofficial list that I originally put together over on the now-defunct Glorantha G+ group. So details may be wrong but a lot of this has been officially confirmed (e.g. that the product is planned, though not when it will be released). I thought I'd share it here, for fun and info. Even though the original post is several years old, I try and keep abreast of things and keep it updated with new products (and delete items when they're released). Input on this is of course very welcome, because I may well miss things (since I'm not actually Lhankor Mhy). Please note - each section is not in expected release order, unless otherwise specified. RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (RQG) (updated 10 May 2022) Upcoming releases: Dragon Pass Atlas/Gazetteer The Cults of Glorantha (multiple volumes, hardback, 96 long cult write-ups plus another 40 or so minor cults); RuneQuest Prosopaedia (systemless overview of the deities, 128 pages) Gamemaster Book (including heroquesting rules) Sartar Book Chaosium Classics Volume I : The Stafford House Campaign (A collection of Greg Stafford's RuneQuest Campaign Essays 1978-1981) MIG III (The Meints Index to Glorantha publications, fully revised and updated) Other RQ releases coming later on: The RQ Campaign - along the lines of the Boy King campaign for Pendragon Heroquesting (a "full-fledged heroquesting book") Upland Marsh (manuscript complete, waiting on art) Pavis and the Big Rubble - by Robin Laws Trollpak Snakepipe Hollow Holy Country (which might just be called Masters of Luck and Death) Prax - David Scott Invisible God Lunar Provinces Grazelands sourcebook Heortland/Hendrikland sourcebook The Dragons Eye - details Sun Dome County Elf Pack - by Shannon Appelcline Elder Races book - 12 races Culbrea book - by some of the Beer With Teeth crew Esrolia (expanded version of Nochet) book Kralorela sourcebook Lunar Tarsh Other items mentioned in the past but not recently (so these might still be coming, or plans might have changed, and even if they're coming they could be way off): Barbarian Town campaign pack - by Sarah Newton Seapolis pack Whitewall campaign pack Glorantha Quickstart booklet? - 48-page booklet, free PDF QuestWorlds (HeroQuest) publications QuestWorlds Core Rulebook - Ian Cooper QuestWorlds Worlds & Adventures book - how to create genre packs and adventures, with three sample genre packs and adventures, by Ian Cooper QuestWorlds genre packs - various authors The Dragonrise, the “offstage” material from The Eleven Lights, for HQG/QuestWorlds - Ian Cooper Fonrit setting book for HQG/QuestWorlds - Ian Cooper Other Glorantha publications Glorantha Skirmish Wars - miniatures skirmish game from Mad Knight White Bear & Red Moon board game - cleaned-up version of the classic board game Nomad Gods - ditto, a cleaned-up version Trollball game with minis Wyrms Footnotes #16 - material for RuneQuest: Glorantha Prince of Sartar (printed version of the online comic, once said online version finishes) - Kalin Kadiev and Jeff Richard Upcoming reprints for existing products, officially confirmed Apparently coming but no recent details, so probably some way off
  10. Q&As would be a great idea. Presumably Chaosium would like to attract even more people to this forum, and this would be a great way of doing it. The better the content there is on the forum, the better the chances of attracting people and making them stick around.
  11. Steve


    I realise that in reality pronounciations can vary a lot. Also YGWV. But I understood that there was still an "official" way to pronounce Gloranthan words (perhaps as documented by LM?), as shown by the document that I linked to.
  12. Steve


    Agreed. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that the statement about all consonants being pronounced the same should either be removed or at least qualified. The T in Orlanth isn't normally pronounced the same as the T in Humakt, after all I do take the point about regional variations and accemts. But it's nice to know what the "proper" pronunciation would be. Which nakes me think - I wonder if this is an area in which Lhankor Mhy sages would clash with Issaries cultists, the written word vs the spoken word?
  13. Steve


    Here's another one from the pronunciation guide: Which seems to go along with what Iskallor is suggesting for Hsunchen.
  14. Steve


    Edit - never mind that one, that's a typo in the guide ("Jalakeel" vs "Jakaleel").
  15. Steve


    Now it's getting interesting According to the normal pronunciation guide: Ok, so that would make it seem like H-SUN-CHEN (take your pick about the emphasis). But then in the same guide we also have: So why isn't the second letter (h) pronounced in that one? I always used to pronounce it Ler-HANK-Or Meh-HIGH before I saw how it's supposed to be said. I'm a bit confused about the "h"s here. I'm sure I saw some other examples, I'll have to try and dig those out.
  16. Steve


    Ahhhh, so I *was* over-complicating things. There are no silent letters. Thanks!
  17. In addition to the above, my guess that Stormbringer is featured in the banner pic because it does have its own sub-forum here under "More from Chaosium".
  18. Thanks, guys, it does make sense that we talk about HQ:G (or just plain HQ) here. I just wanted to try and avoid confusion, and it would be good to clarify that in the forum descriptions. I can see it making sense to come and ask rules questions here, in particular.
  19. Steve


    How do you pronounce "Hsunchen"? Is the "s" silent? Or the "H"? Or am I trying to over-complicate it and both of the first two letters are pronounced?
  20. Is this forum supposed to be for discussions purely about generic HeroQuest, or is it meant for all HQ-related discussions including HeroQuest: Glorantha? The description of the Glorantha forum includes the phrase "and the games for the setting", making it seem like the former. I'm not entirely clear, though.
  21. I just stumbled across the forum themes (Theme button at the bottom, for those who haven't seen it either). There's already a RuneQuest theme, so adding a Glorantha theme (possibly an HQ one too?) would seem like a trivial way to drastically change the "branding" for those who aren't into BRP games, and other themes would probably help too (e.g. a Cthulhu one). I can't imagine that themes are too hard to set up.
  22. Thank you, I am understanding this better and better all the time. I hope that you guys can see the problem here for us Glorantha-philes, especially those of us who are into HQ rather than RQ. Our forums have been closed and we've been told to head over here and to make suggestions about how to make things "better". But of course some of us (many of us?) don't know the background of these BRP forums and all the various systems that have spun off from BRP. So it's easy for us to sound like foreign invaders who suddenly want to make everything look right for our own way. I hope that you can see that we're puzzled about finding the best way to fit into something that is totally based around BRP.
  23. So these forums are basically BRP with HeroQuest/Glorantha sticking its foot in the door, is that fair to say now? I only have vague knowledge about Chaosium games outside of HQ, so I might have missed something. Are there any other game systems under the Chaosium banner, other than HQ and associated Gloranthan stuff (such as RQ6), that aren't BRP? There are some card games, aren't there? And Chaosium have already announced two upcoming board games from Reiner Knizia (one Gloranthan, another not).
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