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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Steve

    Big Rubble

    The Coming Storm is next, surely? And I thought Trollpak Vol 1 was after that. The lack of news on The Big Rubble is a bit sad. But then again, with so much good stuff in the pipeline, it's difficult to be sad for long. Still, I'd love to see an updated Big Rubble.
  2. It looks like it's coming back! Fingers crossed that Newt gets lots of contributions. Hearts in Glorantha is coming back
  3. The Guide to Glorantha is an incredible resource, and if you get it then you certainly won't regret it. The hard copy version has sold out (for more info, see this blog post), but the PDF is still available.
  4. That does sound like a more reasonable (in terms of game balance) interpretation. Looking forward to the HQG errata to clear this (and other things) up.
  5. If you want to check out the inside of the Guide to Glorantha, then have a look at this video of Jeff Richard showing it off.
  6. Steve


    Sorry, which post on the G+ page? I'm not following. Edit - I think I just realised what you meant (my fault, sorry, bit slow on the uptake). You're saying you're pretty sure that Jeff posted about saying it "H-SUN-CHEN" over on the G+ page.
  7. That would appear to contradict the opening "All Humakti have ..." clause, though. Unless it was meaning "All Humakti starting heroes get ..."
  8. Steve


    When I was referring to the "official" way to pronounce things, perhaps that was a misleading term. I am not asking how locals pronounce it, because of course that will vary. However, I would be very interested to know how, say, Jeff or Greg say these words. Because that would be pretty "official" in my book. We're talking about a fictional world here, looking in from the outside. We have an official Guide to Glorantha, even though of course every different group in Glorantha will have their own take on history, on myths etc, and none of them would agree with all the content in the Guide if they saw it (once they got past it blowing their minds, of course).
  9. Steve

    eBay humour

    I recently bought a Glorantha-related item off eBay. When the envelope arrived, the sense of humour of the seller struck a chord with me. I salute you, sir/madam!
  10. Steve

    Big Rubble

    Has anyone got any news on this (i.e. new product for HQG, not the old boxed set or the Moon Design reissue)? I've put it in my post about upcoming Gloranthan products as something that hasn't been heard of in a while. But maybe something has been said more recently (e.g. at a convention?). Just wondering if it is a planned product, and if so who is working on it. Not expecting a timescale, of course. It would be wonderful to have it to put alongside Pavis: GTA.
  11. That's an interesting way of looking at it, Joerg.
  12. So is the forthcoming RQ rulebook reprint going to include Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror too then?
  13. Loz, will future TDM (non-Glorathan) products still use the RQ name under licence from Chaosium? You referred to RQ reverting to Chaosium in 2016, making it sound like you'll have to use a different name. Or did you just mean RQ Glorantha reverting to Chaosium?
  14. Thanks Sverre, it sounds like I need to play around with the filters some more.
  15. This was raised on the Glorantha G+ forum but not answered officially there, so I thought I'd try here. On p165, last paragraph, it says: "All Humakti have the Specific ability of Sword Fighting at least at the same rating as their Death Rune. Although this ability is linked to their Death Rune rating, it is an independent ability, improved separately, and can be augmented by the Death Rune." That second rulebook sentence appears to have two contradictory clauses. If Sword Fighting is linked to Death Rune (implying it automatically rises), how is it an "independent ability"? Does Sword Fighting rise automatically as Death rune is improved? Or does it just start at the same rating and thereafter must be improved separately?
  16. I tried it a little while ago and more threads had changed than would fit on the screen. So I couldn't see all the updates, reducing its usefulness.
  17. The new content (star) link is certainly useful. Am I missing something though, or does it only show a single screenful of entries and no more? I tried fiddling with the filters without success.
  18. Excellent! I've been doing my best to try to forget the HQG examples, but it's even better if I don't have to worry about it.
  19. Excuse me while I mop the drool from my chin...
  20. At first I thought they should surely look more shocked. But now I realise they are looking at each other with an "uh-oh, this isn't going to end well for this silly girl, oh well, we've seen it all before" kind of thing.
  21. She's not holding back, is she?
  22. As this forum has started to become used for rules discussions, I feel that it has been unfairly relegated to the "More from Chaosium" section. With the greatest respect to Stormbringer, I don't think that having a current Chaosium system on a par with one to which Chaosium don't have the licence isn't really a fair representation or a sensible statement of priorities. Forget "fairness" though, there's a practical aspect to this too. Right now I'm browsing the forums on a tablet. It's hard for me to tap on the "HeroQuest" title because it's so bunched up against other links. It's also pretty hard to spot for a newcomer quickly scanning the forum list.
  23. A hardback RQ2 reprint has been officially confirmed, hasn't it? I didn't realise it would be a Kickstarter.
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