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Posts posted by Oracle

  1. 1 hour ago, Ian Cooper said:

    Sartar Companion p.184

    "To learn the Dragonbreaking power, the heroes must pilgrimage to Old Wind Temple...At Old Wind Temple at least one of the heroes must beseech the Stormwalkers to accept him as a
    student.  After a full season of service to the Stormwalkers, the hero awakens Orlanth’s Dragonbreaking power within him (see page 74)."

    Choices listed include Elmalandti and Heavy with Weight

    Sorry for being nitpicky here, but in my version of the Sartar Companion it is p. 194 ... 😉

    By the way: Are "Heavy With Weight" and "Weighty Breath" the same person?


  2. Values for Harmast's Communication and Magic abilities and modifiers are the same as in the Quickstart module, so I guess they are correct ...

  3. 47 minutes ago, Yelm's Light said:

    For simple contests, sure.  Extended contests are a different animal.

    Yes and no. Yes, similar to a traditional RPG it consists of several rounds. But contrary to a traditional RPG every roll does not reflect a single hit (or another single application of an ability against an opponent or obstacle), but (probably) a more complex action like an exchange of hits and parries or applying a certain strategy, etc. Every round is an Extended Contest by itself, so the player defines his goal and roughly his action to achieve this goal and rolls his dice. The GM rolls the difficulty, which defines the level of success or failure for this round. This (and the interpretation of players and GM) defines in detail, what was the outcome of the defined action in this round and what it means with respect to the ongoing story. Also it may have a severe impact on what the player decides to do in the next round.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, soltakss said:


    Although History stretches past the beginning of Time, it is normally the History of the Gods. Most people are descended from tribes who were around after Time started. Very few can claim descent from those living before Time. Dara Happa is a bit different, as it has histories that stretch back to before Time began and has recorded those events. 

    As it says in HeroQuest Glorantha at the end of the Lightbringers Quest:


    Armed with Time the gods could reassert themselves in the cosmos. They fought their way back to Being, reassembling the shattered world as they went. At last Yelm, preceded by his daughter called Dawn, returned to the world of the Living and released Time uponthe cosmos.

    Thus began History.

    So we have Time and History starting with the Dawn. And therefore before the Dawn you have ... Pre-History (so to say 😉). History is now at 1625+. But as you can see from the Dara Happan and Brithini calendars already mentioned above, Pre-History spans a much longer time than History so far, and therefore there is enough room for a lot of pre-historic tribes and clans and legends and myths, which all may or may not have an impact on current History ...

  5. 24 minutes ago, Dutchy said:

    That's great. maybe all my old Runequest stuff will still come in handy then. Do you know if there is much difference in the original Griffin Mountain, and the new PDF version that has just been released?

    You mean the one under Runequest Classic? The title says it already ;). As far as I know it's a reprint of the original Griffin Mountain module, maybe with some slight chances in layout and some useful additions from e.g. Wyrm's Footnotes (but I'm not sure here).

  6. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    As Jason said, layout is preceding forward every day. And so far the book is looking even better than 7th edition Cthulhu. It is shaping up to be the best looking book Chaosium has ever done.

    Yeah, whet my appetite ... :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  7. Although the deadline has passed already, there are still some points, I would like to list here:

    p.57, right column, last paragraph:
    In 850 the Nidan Decamony declared it to be a full and compete heresy, and that all such blasphemers would be placed under probation, sanction, and isolation.
    should maybe:
    In 850 the Nidan Decamony declared it to be a full and complete heresy, and that all such blasphemers would be placed under probation, sanction, and isolation.

    The Greatway dwarfs, still smarting from their former treatment, declared the Nidan Decamony to be criminally insane, and then sent money and power to the Octamonist leaders there.
    Really Octamonist leaders? This is a section about the Individualism heresy. Octamonists are even more conservative than the Nidan Decamony. So this should be Individualism leaders instead of Octamonist leaders maybe? Or do the Greatway dwarfs support the Octamonist leaders in Nida for creating resistance against the Nidan Decamony?

    • Like 2
  8. Some more points I've detected while reading the Glorantha Sourcebook. I've tried to avoid listing mistakes already mentioned in other posts, but I cannot guarantee, that I did not miss anything:


    p.6, Dragon Pass box, beginning on end of left column:
    That part of Tarsh closest to Kero Fin refuse to acknowledge the Lunar kings and are called the Tarsh Exiles.
    should be:
    That part of Tarsh closest to Kero Fin refuses to acknowledge the Lunar kings and its denizens are called the Tarsh Exiles.


    p.6, Dragon Pass box, right column, second paragraph:
    Beast Valley is inhabited by the Beast Men
    should be:
    Beast Valley is inhabited by the Beastmen


    p.11, The Beastmen, third paragraph:
    but there are many places about the Pass that bears marks of Ironhoof’s deeds.
    should be:
    but there are many places about the Pass that bear the marks of Ironhoof’s deeds.


    p.13, right column, third paragraph:
    entered the hills with their deaths upon their lips, pen-
    etrating the cursed and haunted lands for the first time
    should be:
    entered the hills with their deaths upon their lips, pene-
    the cursed and haunted lands for the first time


    p.13, The Tournament of the Master of Luck and Death, second last paragraph:
    In 1336, Belintar “used up” his body the first time and the first
    of the Tournament of the Masters of Luck and Death was
    should be either:
    In 1336, Belintar “used up” his body the first time and the first
    of the Tournaments of the Masters of Luck and Death was
    In 1336, Belintar “used up” his body the first time and the first
    of the Masters of Luck and Death was


    p.13, last paragraph:
    When Belintar’s mortal body expires, the next day
    select individuals, chosen by a means known only to the
    should be:
    When Belintar’s mortal body expires, the next day
    selected individuals, chosen by a means known only to the


    p.15: first paragraph:
    had bound the Mad Sultans - several Sultans or just one?


    p.19, Sartar the Founder, second paragraph:
    Sartar’s magic stemmed from his mastery of the Motion Rune, whose attributes are change and growth.
    shoudn't that be the Movement Rune? That's the rune listed in the Rune chapter.


    p.22: right column, first paragraph:
    from Nochet to Boldhome, carrying goods to and from the Esrolia, Ralios, and the far West.
    should be:
    from Nochet to Boldhome, carrying goods to and from Esrolia, Ralios, and the far West.


    Is there a reason that the children of Vostor Blacktooth are not listed with their full names (Harsta Orindori and Fazzur Wideread)


    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Yelm's Light said:

    I was never a fan of the as-you-go generation anyway.  It rewards players for having no idea for their character.

    But that is exactly, what happens, if you have players new to the game system and/or especially Glorantha. So I have no issue in making it easy for them. I still can put the screws on them, if they are more experienced ...

  10. Just bought and downloaded 13th Age Glorantha and The Glorantha Sourcebook from the Chaosium web site.

    First: The Art is GORGEOUS. The Genealogies by  Kalin Kadiev are AWESOME.

    Probably not being able to dive in too deep today, I couldn't resist to skim through The Glorantha Sourcebook at least.
    Not sure how many of the issues found in this thread were already corrected in the released pdf,
    but I've found some, which were not mentioned so far (Page references refer to page numbers on the pages, not the numbers in the pdf):

    p. 1:  
    Bullfinch’s  Mythology - not sure, but shouldn't that be  Bulfinch’s  Mythology?

    p. 23:
    In the graphic describing The Illaro Dynasty a blue box is displayed in the middle on the left for "13. Palashee Long Axe". This box is not connected to any of the other boxes. Sitting on the same level as "12. Philigos" and "14. Phargentes", my guess is, that Palashee Long Axe is another Offspring from "Kana-Telsor" and "11. Phoronestes", but the connection is missing.

    at the end of the descriptive text for a wonderful picture:
    ... Eighth Row: Dame Darkness, encompassing the Father of Demons and the Mother of Space.
    The same graphics for these gods are used in the genealogy on p.82, and according to this the text should read:
    ... Eighth Row: Nakala, encompassing the Father of Demons and the Mother of Space.

    in the descriptive text of the picture on the top of the page:
    ... Orlanth (note the Green Dragon head), ...
    First thinking I may overlook something I was not able to see the Green Dragon head. Looking more closely I could make out, that Orlanth holds something in his left hand, which could be the top side of a Dragon's head. But sadly the (probably bigger) picture is cut in a way, that this Green Dragon head is not visible for the reader. So you should either remove the text  about the Green Dragon head or resize the picture so, that it is visible.

    The PDF table of contents needs a major rework:
    Geography >> the mundane world - should be: Geography >> The Mundane World
    History of - should be: History of Dragon Pass
    History of >> in the Beginning - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> In the Beginning
    the Grazelanders - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> The Grazelanders
    the Grazelander >> the Settlement of Dragon pass - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> The Settlement of Dragon Pass
    the Grazelander >> old Tarsh - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> Old Tarsh
    the Grazelander >> Sartar the founder - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> Sartar the Founder
    the Grazelander >> lunar tarsh - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> Lunar Tarsh
    the Grazelander >> the hero wars Begin - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> The Hero Wars Begin (in one line, i.e. without linebreak)
    the holy Country - should be: History of Dragon Pass >> The Holy Country (between In the Beginning and The Grazelanders)
    The Elder Races >> Aldryami >> Dragonewt - should be: The Elder Races >> Dragonewt
    The Elder Races >> Aldryami >> mostali - should be: The Elder Races >> Mostali
    The Elder Races >> Aldryami >> uz - should be: The Elder Races >> Uz
    and so on ...

    to be continued ... ;)

  11. 18 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    The Glorantha Wiki. I'm suggesting this as you need to create a login and this will mean everyone's work is credited. Also errors can be undone and it's all public.

    However how do we actually lay this out? text is easier than tables and what ever is used should be alphabetical. One page with multiple languages is my preference as it allows those with multiple languages to cross check meanings eg

    Stormwalk (EN), Montagne des Tempêtes (FR), Montagne de l'Orage (FR), Montaña del Paso tormentoso (ES), Tempestaadondadora (Catalan).

    Perhaps with notes on name make up and source eg:

    Stormwalk (A mountain where you can walk with the storm) GtG page XX

    Montagne des Tempêtes (FR), Montagne de l'Orage (FR), Montaña del Paso tormentoso (ES), Tempestaadondadora (Catalan).

    How does this look?

    I would really like to see this list, especially because I'm working still on a German translation of HeroQuest Glorantha (which contains a lot of names). An alphabetically ordered list (based on the English names) would be my approach too, but I would create two groups: one for geographical names and one for non-geographical names (e.g. names of personalities like Jaldon Goldentooth or names of animals like Sable antelopes, etc.).

    I expect, that there is need for a place, where translations could be discussed. At least in German I know three different translations for Sable antelopes already, so either it should be possible to add all possible variants (including some comments), or it should be possible to discuss, which translation may be the best matching one ...

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Jeff said:


    But that means that when there is a conflict between meeting an arbitrary guess-timate date or meeting our production and content quality goals, well that's an easy decision.



    I'm a big fan of better quality over holding a timeline (I'm working as a Quality Engineer in an IT company, so I know about the conflicts, that this may produce ...). Therefore I'm supporting this approach wholeheartedly.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Revilo Divad Of Dyoll said:

    Thanks for the link.  Out of curiosity, why is the "Mother of Monsters' adventure the only one not available in pdf?  Or am I misreading it?

    As far as I can say, besides 'Mother of Monsters' the following chapbooks are also not (yet) available in PDF format:

    • No Way for a Lady to Behave
    • Meet the Parents
    • The Lady of Alone
    • A Brief Return to the Rubble

    (all these are Griselda stories by Oliver Dickinson published as fund raiser chapbooks for this year's Kraken.)

  14. 6 hours ago, MOB said:

    ... And then the next two boxed releases were both character sheet pads in boxes:huh:, again at a premium price. ...

    Yes, these two boxes I've never understood. The only RQ3 supplements I've never purchased ...

  15. 2 hours ago, Scout said:

    This is the kind of thing I'm talking about (coming from a noob's point of view concerning the HQG rules)

    The very first entry of the errata thread:

    "p.16 – Law rune listed as a Power rune. Power runes are organized in antagonistic pairs – so what would be the antagonist to Law? And the Guide to Glorantha lists Law as a Condition rune (on p.149)."

    So there are three differing possible answers, and as far as I can tell, no official answer, and being new to it all, I've no clue how to resolve it.

    I think, this is just a Gloranthan detail, which is also typical for Glorantha. If you get deeper into Gloranthan mythology, you will experience a lot of confusion, because (as in the real world) different cultures interpret the same (or better similar) mythologies quite different. This leaves it to you to decide, which interpretation is important for your game.

    Personally I see the Law rune as a Condition rune - at least at the moment. And with regards to the rune listing in Heroquest Glorantha I think, this is the right answer too. But @jajagappa listed some other possible answers. So it the depends on the context (especially of your game), how the Law rune is classified.

    The above entry in the errata may be important for Gloranthan nerds (like me :)) but not for Gloranthan beginners. As @jajagappa already mentioned, the only important point regarding the Law rune is the fact, that it is mandatory for sorcerers.

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