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Posts posted by metcalph

  1. Heort's genealogy is also given in King of Sartar:


    One of the men who aided the Hidden King was named Heort the Swift. He was the son of
    Darndrev the Horned; son of Darntror, who died defending his king; son of Parntor the Swift,
    who started the Deer Clan; son of the Punisher; son of Arthtal; son of Korol, the fourth son
    of Vingkot.

    KoS p76

    Which has many of the same names.  I suspect the differences are that the KoS has been "cleaned up".  

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  2. 13 hours ago, hipsterinspace said:

    There's a notable Humakt subcult among the Grazelanders, Hiia Swordsman, who serve as the bodyguards of the Feathered Horse Queen. I'm guessing they fight as heavy cavalry given their way of life and the duties they are expected to carry out, and as such I'd assume some of them would have a gift for a bow or lance as their preferred tool of Humakt's will.

    They could be foot-soldiers as they are recruited from the Vendref rather than the Grazers. 

    Hiia's cult is described as having


    chopped down a volley of magic Light Arrows, and then slew seven Golden Bow archers with thrown swords. The swordsmen pledged loyalty to the Feathered Queen, in life and death

    KoS p94

    However the swords-only tradition among his worshippers is not totally established because there's also this: 


    There is another tale of Hiia Swordman, an outlaw whose exile brought him to Dragon Pass
    even earlier, and who met the Pure Horse People in the hills and guided them to Ironhoof. This
    swordsman was reincarnated in a cult of weaponsmasters in the time of the Feathered Horse
    Queen. He shunned the bow because he had lost his left hand, and he made himself a breastplate
    of turtleshell, which was later copied in the metal, bone, and wood cuirasses of the cult.

    KoS p191

    Rather than Hiia being a Humakti subcult, I think it probable that the Vendref worship Hiia and supplement it with Humakt worship whereas they could do so for other warrior deities (ie Hiia with Yanafal, Hiia with Storm Bull etc)

  3. 46 minutes ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    Odalya as a "Bear who happens to hunt" has to be the one of the least appealing Gloranthan god concepts.  

    So people prefer worshipping Orlanth than Odayla.  I'm not seeing this as a problem.  Odaylans are anti-social types rather than good decent farmers.  The only thing that stops them having a bad reputation is the presence of Storm Bull. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, davecake said:

    There seems to be a serious effort to maintain that Yelmalio must have no useful combat magic, not even spirit magic. Any reason a cult that love the bow can’t grant Speedart or Multimissile? Why a cult that loves spears can’t have Bladesharp? Why a cult whose pride, and biggest myths, are about standing firm and continuing to fight can’t have Vigor or Protection

    If Yelmalio losing his fire to Zorak Zoran means that his worshippers can not use fire magics, what does losing his weapons to Orlanth mean?  

    But Ernalda provides Strength and Vigor while Aldrya and Yelorna provides Speedart and Multimissile.  All three will be present at the Sun Dome temple in Sun County.  What Yelm provides and whether he is also there is unclear.  Since there is no categorical prohibition on Bladesharp (which I'm not sure is useful for spears) or Protection, it doesn't follow that Yelmalions won't have it.  

    But IMO standing in formation with a big pike trumps most spirit magics that their opponents have.



  5. 34 minutes ago, Eff said:

    and they also can't really explain why Yelmalio being a Light god means that Yelmalio worshipers are significantly more restricted in the boons from their god than Orlanth worshipers are. To do that, you have to step outside the setting and talk about the meaning or connections of this decision or that one. 

    An in-glorantha answer might look like this.  Yelmalio is associated with the faraway Sky which has been separated from the Earth by Storm.  To bring themselves closer to the Light, the Yelmalion must use Truth, not in the sense of factual knowledge, but in austere knowledge of mystical wisdom.   The real question is not why Yelmalio is weaker than Orlanth but why Yelamlio is weaker than Humakt.  Death, sadly, is stronger than Light.

  6. 1 hour ago, svensson said:

    With Odayla, his conquest of Sky Bear gives him the three Head, Body, and Limbs of the Beast spells. But I don't think it would break the bank if he got Sureshot as well.

    Odayla is (or has become) a bear.  You don't see bears hunting with bows and arrows, do you?


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  7. 9 hours ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    But, as a performance car for the warrior adventurer, Yelmalio is no longer recognizable as a good choice

    I don't think he was ever written up as one.  


    Humakt builds warriors – the Sun Dome trains soldiers.

    Cults of Prax p53

    On an individual level in Cults of Prax - Yelmalio sucks compared to Humakt, Orlanth, Storm Bull, Zorak Zoran and even the Seven Mothers.  That's because being a warrior adventurer is not what Yelmalio is about - it's about stoic survival with the full knowledge that you'll never be as good as the others.  The Sun Dome's strength lies in that their stocisim makes them awesomely suited to pike, even though they have no special magic for such warfare.  And with pike in decent numbers, the other's emphasis on individual might is no longer a winning strategy.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Andrew M said:

    The Hero Wars sourcebook 'The Storm Tribe ' had the subcult of Hu the sword the dominant subcult of Humakt but also Kargan the Warrior whose followers 'roam the world seeking unnusual weapons and fighting styles' so there is support for Humakti using none sword weapons.

    You can use Kargan in your glorantha if you want to but the Storm Tribe is no longer canonical for a host of reasons.  

  9. Just now, Jex said:

    (This webpage says it's the main village of the Lonendi clan, but that site doesn't seem to be affiliated with Chaosium, so I don't know if that's canonically true or just something the people behind that site made up.) 

    The Well of Daliath is a Chaosium resource.  The association of Tenspear with the Lonendi (also called the Londendi) is also shown on a map in Wyrms Foornotes p15 (about the Upland Marsh) but that's about it.

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  10. 11 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    but what you both describe are discovered myths , aren't they ? or did they build from scratch new myths ?

    Who can tell the difference?  To give an example, there is a myth (Tales Sea Special) about Magasta about how he was once deposed by Wachaza and later returned to power.  When did it take place?  Mythically most likely the Storm Age.  HeroQuesters can visit the events and confirm them for themselves.


    ...Wachaza was the war god of the God Learners and Magasta the chief god of their early foes the Waertagi.  This deposition and return happened within history.

    Before the God Learners, was there ever a myth about Magasta being deposed by Wachaza?  No.  But after the God Learners, the myth is as real as all the other myths about Magasta and Wachaza.  We can only distinguish it from the others because of our knowledge of history.  But that is irrelevant to the mythic world.  

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  11. 48 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    Uther / Uhtred sounds good to me but isn't Richard the Gloranthian entry for Mr. Richard? I actually like Richard better than Uther...


    The problem with Rikard is that while Uther sounds too Pendragon, changing the name to a thinly disguised knockoff of one of the better known Kings of England is a leap in the wrong direction. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    So who did he and his retainers marry? Do we know any names, places, are the Aeolian noble families detailed anywhere?

    In the Stafford Campaign (p78), the wife of the King is given as Igraine.  However the King is given as Uther so it's clearly not canon.  FWIW IMO Uther was a better name than Richard the Tiger-Hearted.

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  13. 16 hours ago, Drad said:

    He is the sun and is seen on the surface at least. Does anybody have any thought about it?

    Govemeranen has already been mentioned.

    Revealed Mythologies p103, p120 mentions a Maluraya which jibs with what Jeff said about Ehilm.  


    Viceroy of Day, the Vithelan Sun God. He is the
    ruling entity for this celestial body, which is his own
    physical form. The Vithelans do not accord the sun
    with great wisdom or personality, but as a constant
    body of Nature and manifestation of the perfect
    Essence—a thing that is both fire and fuel—that lies at
    the heart of the world of Life.


  14. In Elder Secrets, Scholar Wyrm was depicted as a Wyrm with glasses so I really doubt that it's a title of a human.  Likewise quoting population figures means little as population figures of the Rubble do not have any Wyrms listed.

    The Wyrm could be based at the Jelenkev library although existing descriptions do not mention a Wyrm there.  

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  15. 9 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    What about Mikos, Aziok and her daughters, and Maculus?

    I don't consider somebody's apprentice to be an independent person worth converting anymore than I consider their familiar to be independent.

    I seriously doubt the existence of an hitherto unknown Arkati sorcerer in the Rubble.  

    As for Maculus, he is a mixed sorceror/lunar magician as written and it's debatable what the balance would be in RQG.

  16. 32 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

    Would we assume they are at Dragon's Eye and not Tink? Do they have a library from the EWF possibly? Would they be illuminated?

    I'm not aware of Dragon's Eye or Tink being in Heortland.

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  17. 2 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Look at the RQ3 Mostali spells and make them abilities for the True Mostali.

    Don't think it's helpful to tell newcomers to look at out-of-print material.  In any case the RQ3 spells referred to are pretty much the same spells given in the RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary p61.

  18. 1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    Are the Sun Domes not only misogynistic but also racists?

    Considering they have had a dynasty of Counts known as the Pygmy Counts and have many friends with the Impalas, racist Sun County seems rather hard to sustain.  Plus there's likely Teshnan and Kralori populations in Sun County from the days of Sheng Seleris.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    We have to ask as we have a PC who's character is thinking they are Elmalian but they are Agimori. Has anyone had PC's who were Agimori Emalian? Do they need to be blonde and brown eyed?

    The PC worships Yelmalio or the PC worships Elmal?  That would be of greater significance to Sun County than their skin colour.

    1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

    Maybe they also venerate Lodri?

    Lodril is a distant ancestor and I've not even heard of the Men-and-a-half having a temple to him.  Their main god is Foundchild and if they wanted to go for the flames, they are far more likely to consider Oakfed.


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