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Jason D

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Everything posted by Jason D

  1. As far as I understand it, Charlie is no longer with Chaosium.
  2. I'm happy to see this new lease on life for Magic World and especially BRP. Welcome back to the fold, Ben!
  3. Thanks for the kind words about Slaves of Fate. I quite enjoyed writing that adventure, my first published scenario. I would have liked to have seen it published for one of the d% iterations of the game, but it can't be helped. I'm confirming that there never was a publishable manuscript for Straits of Chaos, as mentioned above. I don't know why a revision was never attempted, but for one reason or another it never went beyond an unusable first draft (if that). It's a pity, as the outline sounded pretty cool.
  4. There's: Mars from Adamant Publishing, which started as d20 and now has been ported to Savage Worlds. Under the Moons of Zoon Space and Steel Cavaliers of Mars
  5. It's still on a back burner, sorry to say. Work intensified, life stuff got in the way, and I did a lot of work on a different project that was a more personal matter and had a limited window of opportunity. That project was Lords of Gossamer & Shadow, a diceless game based on Erick Wujcik's system for Amber Diceless Roleplaying. Erick was a friend and a mentor to me, and I had to put other projects aside to help get his game system back into print. I also did some writing for Cubicle 7's The Laundry and World War Cthulhu lines. However, I'm still interested in finishing the project, but I still need to gauge Chaosium's interest given how late it is. The changes to Call of Cthulhu might impact things, as well. It may end up being a self-published thing, or going through another publisher.
  6. I've put the three relevant documents into the downloads section. Character sheet - A Game of Thrones character sheet - Downloads - Basic Roleplaying Central Rules summary - Game of Thrones rules summary - Downloads - Basic Roleplaying Central Character generation summary - Game of Thrones character creation summary - Downloads - Basic Roleplaying Central Just looking at those reminds me what a fun mini-campaign that was.
  7. 253 downloads

    Character creation steps using Elric! for a Game of Thrones campaign.
  8. I would easily run a Westeros-based game using BRP, and already have. When I was working on Guardians of Order's d20/TriStat A Game of Thrones, I wanted to run a mini-campaign of it, but they were still mucking about with the rules. (I was writing content stuff, not system mechanics.) I decided to whip up a character sheet for a Stormbringer-derived game, ran it off the cuff, and it worked fine. The scenario was during the time immediately prior to the death of Robert Baratheon, and the characters were all members of the discredited House Connington of Griffon's Roost. If anyone's interested, I can post the quick rules summary and character sheet. (I'm at work now and don't have access to them.) It was years between finishing that game and playing in a session of GR's ASoI&F, but given the choice, I'd use BRP again, or possibly even Pendragon.
  9. I can confirm that it is still in progress, slowly. It got put on a back burner while I completed other projects, and then many life issues intervened to slow progress. I'm hoping that when my slate clears in the next few months I can get it into the final stretch of development.
  10. That is exactly what the purpose of the rule was. The BRP rule book was designed with a cascading list of sources, in the following order of authority: First Tier: Stormbringer/Elric! Call of Cthulhu Second Tier: RuneQuest (3rd edition) Third Tier: Worlds of Wonder, Ringworld, ElfQuest, Superworld All throughout the playtest and development I was quite clear that it was never intended as a generic version of RuneQuest.
  11. The book would need to be finished first, and it's not quite there. I'll announce when it's done and the manuscript is in Chaosium's hands, and follow through with each step as I hear it.
  12. For some reason I have trouble separating this from Muse's awesome "Knights of Cydonia" video.
  13. Sleeping. In all seriousness, I don't know. It'll depend on sales, I suppose, though this book is ridiculously complete as-is.
  14. Good to hear! That was why I chose to do it it the way I did. Enough setting to have flavor but not enough to be constricting or limiting. Yes and yes. (several times over for the second question)
  15. I'm not saying that there's an official or correct way to build a creature. The additional material in Interplanetary is just adding onto the core rulebook, not proposing any method of creating content. I was pointing out how someone, using the rules, might have some quick support for it if they needed it. This is basically helping people with the "give it some stats" part of your preferred method.
  16. Many or all of the John Carter stories have passed into public domain and can be reprinted freely. I believe that it's also legal to make derivative works at this point. However, Disney is not shy about protecting what they see as their intellectual property, and this is what makes things less than ideal. To me, the appeal is not to make something that's a carbon copy of another setting, but to make something that's original in its own right but still allows others to do what they want. Yep.
  17. Gotcha! No, this will not be a serial-numbers-filed-off version of any existing intellectual property. It will be the Interplanetary setting, with its own set of creatures, such as Selenites, Hiresh, and the Hollow Men of Jupiter (to pull three at random). With the mutations from this book and the BRP core rulebook, one could easily devise stats for Burroughs' Martians. For example, take a basic human. Most green Martians seem to be Craftsmen, Explorers, Hunters, Laborers, Nobles, Priests, Slaves, Tribesmen, or Warriors. Now add: Coloration (green) Hands (extra arms) Natural Weapon (tusks) Increased Characteristics (SIZ and STR) If I wanted to be more specific, I'd probably make SIZ something like 1D6+24 and make STR 3D6+12. (Now that I think of it, though, I should probably add a Mutation for large/small SIZ.) If you wanted to add the telepathy that most Mars-based sentient species possess, pull Telepathy from the psychic powers section of the core rulebook or use Beast Control from Interplanetary.
  18. Expanded mutations are done. Not so much a "toolkit" as addressing a bunch of holes in the existing roster that should allow cover any obvious mutation appropriate to this and other settings. Here's the new list: Additional Sensory Organs Amphibious Charged Conjoined Twin Hollow Hybrid Immortal Incomplete Independent Appendages Infested Leech Magnetic Malleable Misplaced Sensory Organs Missing Sense Non-bipedal Body Structure Pain Immunity Radiant Radioactive Structural Rearrangement Synesthesia Toxic Blood Unnatural Appetite Unusual Skin Hmm... maybe I've been unclear on that. There is a setting and a suggested campaign outline, and each of the worlds of the solar system are described with some inhabitants and creatures for use. With maps. This section is still being worked on, but will basically use the BRP super powers rules to add to gadgets, with a lot of examples.
  19. I would love to have an out-of-body experience and be transported elsewhere... but such is my fate to remain here and toil for the betterment of others. I am happy to answer any questions, however, and would welcome them, actually.
  20. It's still being worked on, and is around 75% done. I got sidetracked with a few shorter projects, a house move, a layoff, a change of jobs, another house move, a couple of promotions (and a massive increase of workload), a home purchase and subsequent move, and some minor health annoyances. Plus raising a five-year-old child. Completing it is the second item on my "priorities" list on the whiteboard.
  21. Still working on it, and just chatted briefly with Dustin about it a week or so ago via email.
  22. I would use mook rules (hordes having greatly reduced HP), judicious use of counter-attacks and riposte rules, and probably have just ascribed much of that battle-frenzy to some characteristic of the weapon. Wading into a horde of warriors and slaying them by the score is not something mortals can do very easily... it's certainly not something Elric could have done without Stormbringer, so I have little problem with giving Stormbringer an extra four or five attacks per round when its wielder is pitted against multiple foes.
  23. Thanks! It was my hope to have it out before the film, but time is not on my side.
  24. That's what Interplanetary is. Inspired by ERB, Kline, REH, Moorcock, et al. but with its own setting.
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