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Everything posted by GamingGlen

  1. This slow recovery process won't go over well for my munchkin murder hobo players. They'll probably go with spirit magic and sorcery, depending on the "new" rules. About Sever Spirit: so all it takes to take out the Crimson Bat is about 100 Humakti, and the 1000s of cannon fodder to keep it occupied? (always a 5 percent chance of success) Or, as an old gamer once suggested, 1000 archers (part of the cannon fodder), even with a 1% chance to crit that's 10 crits against no armor. Why is it still alive?
  2. He didn't counter the "new world" aspect. Glorantha was created before any D&D fictional settings.
  3. (should we start new topics in this forum for RQ? not sure, I'll post my question and an RQ suggestion here) I thought of something during my running the adventure involving the summoned air elemental about using STR vs STR to get through it's whirlwind. It came when someone asked what does it take to open the door into the Broken Tower. There's no mention of what that door is made of, was it locked or barred, or was it open already. What is the STR of objects to avoid getting blown about? What if the air elemental is ordered to blow things in a direction? What are the various wind STRs and compared to a hut, a small tree, a large tree, pushing doors open. Are these covered in the rules already that just weren't copied into the QS?
  4. Reflecting on my thoughts, I was thinking more on the attack side of things, forgetting that parries may deflect the attacking object to more disadvantageous situations or surfaces. You already broken down 3 types of weapons for criticals, and impaling weapons can get stuck into things. We liked that way back when we played RQ2. Perhaps certain types, impaling in this case, might just have a slightly different take on damaging things defensively? Most games categorize shields into very few types (sometimes just 1. *cough* D&D5 *cough*), RQ always had several types by size and shape. Perhaps add in some price variations, like weak (1/2 the HP) for 1/5 the price (beginner's shield; and I'm just tossing out numbers), sturdy shields (the ones already in game), and weapon-breaking shields, and even weapon-breaking weapons. I know a couple players who would go for that latter two, and have their PCs pay extra for them. Will you have some references to various objects that might be picked up and used as a parrying device? (thinking tavern brawl after weapons get drawn)
  5. I don't know much about weapon fighting, but... It seems wrong that shields can break weapons as easily as weapons can, although it does take a critical success; and I really don't see how impaling weapons will break anything, poke holes in things, yes, but not outright break something.
  6. Two sessions, 3 players and 4 (5) players, some have played RQ or BRP or variants. No sense of scale on the adventure map. Two days to cross what I gather is flat pasture ground? Places' descriptions: I don't know if the players will read those, but the only ones that really mattered were the ones that were along the path of the scenario. I skipped the (whiny) ghost part. Way too dull and doesn't add anything, waste of game time. Contradiction: Carthalo knows little about the Stone Woman from the bullet points on page 29 or but page 30 gray area describes what he does know (IMO, which is a lot more than page 29 bullet indicates). Rock lizards were easy, even with their attacks bumped up to 30%. 70-100% most characters' melee with better armor compared to 25 (or 30) with 3 AP? Piece of cake. First group had the cow follow the bison, second group had 5th player leave at this time so his character took the cow home. Neither group thought to use any magic detection on an intact stone-woman menhir. Both groups have people that I play with that use Detect Magic from D20 systems. No one cast a Rune spell until the final scene. Air elemental kept the sprul-pa away during the fight in session 1; earth elemental (size 2) buried Danakos to his neck in session 2. That final encounter seems a bit anti-climatic. Could have used some guidance on what Idrima most likely does in combat with all the options she had. Runes and Passions were pretty much ignored, except Passions for some token sense of character. Probably should include some mention of skill experience reward without going into detail, with a message like "will be covered in the upcoming rules, stay tuned!" instead of just reputation increase.
  7. And I'm not. It's for a QUICK, as in VERY FAST, dismount, one where you jump off the horse (or other mount) onto your target (like you see in westerns as the cowboy jumps off to grapple his opponent) or to jump off, stand near your target, and swing your weapon at said target. You can take your sweet time doing it which won't require a roll, and get attacked while doing so, if you want.
  8. Interesting. My test had three characters take her down in 2 rounds (a crit rolled in round 2), although one did have his chest crushed. Her hit location chart is not the same as all the other humans. Instead of the melee hit location chart, it uses the RQ2 missile hit location chart for humanoids. Is this intentional?
  9. Yes, it equals the bison's damage bonus, as a charge uses the mount's damage bonus instead of the rider's. The QS rules has mounted combat detailed on page 16. The QS, and RQ2, do not talk about dismounting. Is it covered in the new rules? How many SR would dismounting add to a characters actions? 5? DEX SR? What about a quick dismount? Borrowing from Pathfinder, a quick dismount is a DC 10 Ride check so in my dry run Yasana, after charging with her bison, attempt one using her ride skill and I rolled a special success. On the spot I let her make her attack on her normal strike rank with +1 damage. Reflecting on it, I think I would go with a fumble: fall down, failure: dismount adds 5 to your SR of any additional actions, success: dismount adds DEX SR, special: +0 SR and add your die roll to your attack if that's your intent, critical: as special but at full special success chance (so her 70% would add +14 to her attack %) and add 1 damage if the strike is successful.
  10. Due to the high number of female to male pre-gens and knowing the level of machismo of the male gamers that play at my store, they will not ever play a female character. So I've created two male characters similar to the pre-gens and written up a few paragraphs of their back story. (e.g., the sneaky lazy "thief" had to be volunteered for the militia to help in the Battle of Pennel Ford where he got wounded and healed by Yanioth)
  11. I'd rather cut down on the amount of dice rolling and keep the math simple (one fraction, not 3, and 50% is the simplest: divide by 2).
  12. A size 3 air elemental, which Vasana could summon, would keep any sprul-pa* from coming close to the character, probably while they're dealing with Idrima. How do you pronounce Idrima? Eye-dream-ah? Eh-drim-ay? * Really? Earth zombies? Have I said how much I detest the whole zombie fad?
  13. Several things came up with a dry run of three characters through the adventure. Too many characteristic checks for what should be pertinent skill checks, such as Intelligent checks for Animal Lore. This brought up an idea: add 1/2 Area Lore skill to any Lore skill pertaining to things of that area; one should be more familiar with things from home, either from direct observation or heard about from your fellow natives (a 'home field advantage' bonus). Pg 28, second paragraph: "A successful Customs roll reveals...". Isn't Customs one of those skills with specialties? So which Customs? Heortling?
  14. I keep thinking 'Klingon', the ones from Star Trek's original series, when I look at the male portraits, especially Vostor.
  15. "Sorala has sorcery in the core rulebook, but it was easier to just give her spirit and rune magic for the quickstart." So 'Find Magic' is a sorcery spell that is in the spell matrix item she has? I was going to change it to Detect Magic, but she already knows that.
  16. It's not that difficult, and not unique to missile fire. Two weapon fighting works very similarly. You figure it out once, and write down all the SRs you can fire your missile weapon. For missiles: DEX SR, + 5 (unprepared=reload time) + DEX SR, and again if you got a DEX SR of 0. (assuming it's going to be just like RQ2). DEX SR = 0: 0/5/10, note: requires a DEX of 19, not possible for humans until they train DEX (assuming stat generation is the same from RQ2). DEX SR = 1: 1/7 (a third shot would be at SR 13, which is over 12 so is not allowed) DEX SR = 2: 2/9 DEX SR = 3: 3/11 The complication could be spell casting (i.e., Speedart on your missile) or moving, but that applies to melee activities as well. Maybe there's other places they could simplify things, but RQ2's melee and missile combat was not that hard of a system to grasp. Dealing with spirits on the other hand...
  17. I gather that some of the rules, if not all, were copy/pasted from the main set of rules without editing for content in the Quickstart. Yeah, Sorala and Yanioth seem a bit odd. Yanioth, from a barbarian culture, has no armor or the Shield spell (gotten from the husband cult of Orlanth), very little Rune Points, or the Protection Spirit Spell. Yet Sorala, from the city, a Lhankor Mhy initiate (i.e., sage) does have armor although its a small amount. From my own experience, coming from a farming background, city folk know squat about farming and definitely not the 45% Farm that Sorala knows and I doubt she studied it (spent too much time learning that chicken scratch known as Auld Wyrmish ). As for her battle experience, it's written up in the background so I don't have any issues with her skills of battle. I was wondering about the Moon rune for Vasana. Yeah, that'll get changed. I'm making my own character sheet for handouts so I've gotten to know the pre-gens fairly well. It's very hard not wanting to make some changes, like giving more Rune points to Yanioth and Sorala, and giving them all a couple more Spirit Spells. What is the difference in knowing Spirit Spells that are supposedly inscribed as a tattoo or on a focus, and having a spell matrix? I thought all Spirit Spells were on a spell matrix? Why does Vostor have Heal 1, and a Heal 2 matrix? (a weak magic item in comparison to the others, well, except for Sorala's).
  18. And what treasures those ruins behold! Although I think they're all well guarded. And you have to put up with all the trollkin running around the place. (btw, my store partner does the layout for the Origins book, he'll get a chuckle out of the comments)
  19. I already edited out some of my own stuff. But cut away. Now that some of us have seen what there could be, now would be the time to give some input. If there's a better, invite only access to discuss this, sign me up. I haven't even touched upon the morokanth in the module (no, there's PROBABLY no morokanth in the adventure, but I don't believe elephants exist in Glorantha).
  20. They may have cared if no one had those skills. A group really only needs one map-maker to avoid getting lost, one appraiser of loot, and one to bargain for the best deals.
  21. I just don't see Storm Bulls, Praxians, trolls, or pretty much anyone in Glorantha, well maybe those silly Westerners or the hated Lunars putting on airs, sitting in a drafty castle drinking tea with their pinkie held high.
  22. Sorry for venting. I've been making a new character sheet, somewhat like the RQ3 one, so I've gotten a very close look at the pre-gens. I plan on printing the pre-gens on these sheets for the players so they don't have to keep the book open on their PC all the time (plus spreading out the info so it's not so condensed). Interestingly, to make all the skills fit in the center and rearranged the categories (I hope they stay lined up once submitted): Agility Communication Knowledge Manipulation Perception Stealth Thus, by happenstance, putting all the DEX-based skill categories in the same column. Normally I prefer all the skills to be in alphabetical order, but seeing that certain spells add to a cat... oops. (I like it)
  23. My opinions on some things. I've tried not to give too much away from what's in the Quickstart rules, and tried to be vague when I could in my posts, but certain things are just getting under my skin. Manage Household is a skill? The game is called RuneQUEST, not HomeCLEAN (:D). Farm and Herd skills would also apply in being questionable skills for an adventuring type of RPG, and, IMO, are just variant Lore skills. Not that I'm totally against the skills (one has a use for this adventure), but isn't the focus of RQ becoming a hero, not a homebody? Prepare Corpse skill? Egads, you all joined in on the zombie fad? I really hope you're not going the RQ2 route of skill category bonuses and increases in 5% increments. Those make RQ a glorified D20 system. I much prefer the 1% increments incorporated in the later versions. (all the pre-gens have all but one skill % in 5% increments but this could be due to some quick generation system that created them)
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