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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 10 hours ago, Ochoa said:

    Yes I found a lot of great setting material in that and Storm Tribe. The maps on this one though, so so useful and good! I may end forced to redraw them for table use but finally, all the detail I need. I am so glad you folks are here.

    And the main reason I like to help is remembering trying to sort this out in the days of BBSs and zines, truly a pain... We all had house rules at that point, whether we knew it or not. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ochoa said:

    One purchase and download later and wow. How had i not seen this book when I bought old materials. I like this version of Old Top better :)


    and I did not mention it, my bad. Now you see the reason I profusely thanked David, 

    Do you have the predecessor Sartar Kingdom of Heroes?

  3. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    Oh yeah, you can definitely increase the simulationist crunch, if so inclined.


    Having played Alberta's own Chivalry and Sorcery (and enjoyed it) I can safely say I know my level of crunchiness and I thing Rule Master ;) might pass it. Love the idea, hate the tables. RQ 3 is nice...

  4. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    "MGF" is something I've seen elsewhere, but not as much as I've seen it here on BRPCentral.  Sometimes I read it as "Maximum" sometimes as "More" -- after all, you're tuning your game to be More and More fun, it doesn't just MGF straight to infinity & beyond, does it?  I also sometimes (intentionally mis-)read "G" as "Gloranthan" when some very-Gloranthan element front-and-centers as the Fun!


    I believe that MGF was coined by MOB for a game (a LARP) that used beer caps as randomizers in place of dice.

  5. 2 minutes ago, frodolives said:

    The spine of my copy of RQG feels like it's only a matter of time before it separates from the covers. Is this a common issue, or did I get a bad copy?

    Both mine seems to be okay. First printing and second printing (slip case).

  6. 2 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Maybe he is an Associate cult, Jeff seems to say that. It depends on whether they exchange Runespells, I suppose.

    It just occurs to me, many of the Elmali clans, tribes, and cities seem to have been Lunar sympathizers or allies. Not that they were in reality but it seems to be common thought amongst the more traditional Heortland peoples. The Alda Churi Overtribe comes to mind (especially the treacherous Dinacoli) as the reason for distrusting Elmali. Do the pony clans of the Colymar and Runegate have such problems.  (yes, no?).

  7. 7 hours ago, klecser said:

    Is RAW, "read as written?"

    MGF = Maximum Game Fun?

    6 hours ago, Brootse said:

    RAW = rules as written.

    I will try to act my age and spell the word out in full in the future. Clarity can surely benefit from such a policy. Brootse, of course, is correct with rules as written.

    Maximum Game Fun is correct and i promise to break my promise already. I will use MGF from now on (for my maximum fun, dammit!!). Apologies, but easy promised, easy...

    • Like 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Well, not quite. As noted in GS p.119, Mastakos was "captured by Orlanth at Daliath’s Well of Wisdom". Mastakos was originally part of the Sea Tribe and also happens to be Magasta's charioteer.

    Well, then why poor Elmal, then... I guess it is still 2 out of 3.

  9. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    ... what's changed since 1981?

    It is now 1625, not 1613... Sartar is no longer occupied, The Storm Bulls smell blood and are seeking it. The Lunars realize it is their blood being smelled and well, Time marches on...

  10. 43 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Going by old source material, Mastakos was Orlanth's Charioteer - so "subordinate" to Orlanth as well... but is still Associated.

    It's a question of relations, history and politics, Mastakos is family. Though Elmal is claimed as family by marriage and is considered a loyal thane, let's face it, he is the Orlanthi pantheon's face of the tamed and beaten sun. Insult is added as he is made a loyal thane, a bit of a come down from former glory.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Only Friendly? I thought they'd be Associate...

    I would think that Elmal being subordinate to Orlanth (he's Orlanth's servant, horseman) would, if not negate association, make if much more difficult.

  12. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The major reference to Old Wind is the chapter in the Sartar Companion pages 74 to 79. It has a complete description, occupants and their practices and history. https://www.chaosium.com/sartar-companion-pdf/


    Thanks David, wow, did I miss that. See what happens,Ochoa, when you accept a barbarian in place of a real sage (they aren't always out to lunch). As David says, there is a lot of material in the companion and if you want data about the temple, this is the better bang. Have a look at the glorantha-technology-and-glorantha-material-technology thread in its entirety just for the hell of it, Great thread, great read!

    Still love the Church windmill.



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  13. 1 hour ago, Ochoa said:

    Could one of the esteemed sages here point me to images or in-depth lore for Old Wind Temple?  Anything that's available on DTRPG or Chaosium as PDF will be perfect.

    Sorry the sage you wish to be connected to is out to lunch, in his place we offer you a barbarian.

    Dragon Pass - a Gazetteer of Kerofinela - PDF found in Hero Quest and Glorantha Vaults at Chaosium.com

    Half page of text and a classic illustration by William Church


    Creaking and groaning, whistling and whirring, the wind-mills turn in glory to Orlanth. Let those who decry it as a Mostali generator or monument to human folly curb their tongues before it.

    Sartar Kingdom of Heroes found in Hero Quest at Chaosium.com

    A paragraph of text

    Taint a lot...

  14. On 5/12/2019 at 2:19 PM, olskool said:

    there was artwork in the AH editions that once viewed, one simply cannot "unsee."  The Dwarf, Troll, and Elf in the Elder Races book come to mind immediately.  IF Chaosium did a re-edited version, I might bite.  

    Not so, the smaller side of a melon baller a black and  decker drill and Doctor Google can be used to excise the correct part of the brain to remove the offending memories. 

    Don't try this at home, may cause addiction to 70's sitcoms,  sleeplessness, sleepiness, addiction to Fox News shows, belief that Fox has news shows...

  15. Oh, how did I do that one?


    put a shift key number 2 or the @ before the user name that you wish to send a flag to alerting them of a need to looksee. This being a powerful rune spell, use with care, The summoned entity might be pissed at being interrupted and summoned frivolously!


    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, soltakss said:

    There have been some example recently where someone has asked how to do nifty tricks in the forums. Rather than having them spread out across lots of posts, it might be worth consolidating them in one thread.


    Right on!
    All we need now is to summon our favourite beetle breeder to ask him to pin this incredible forum soltakss, @Trifletraxor

  17. 54 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Whatever makes your game fun and enjoyable should be celebrated. If you feel that someone with Move 8 who moves 5 should be able to attack on SR 11 then do it, it's what I allow. Nobody is going to kick down your door and drag you away screaming into the night because you change some RuneQuest rules.

    Uz police here, we've 'ad reports we 'ave. Come quietly, now that's a good Rune Lord...

    <censored due to unseemly and gratuitous violence... see below>



    *&&&^&*%$#^ *^^*( &*^%$SH !


    • Like 2
  18. 5 hours ago, klecser said:

    If my move is 8, and I move 5 (5 SR), why can't I use my readied 6 SR weapon and attack on SR 11? 


    It seems, RAW tend to simplify rather than complicate if given the choice. That is a sacrifice of gritty realism for ease. For example most SR mods are 5 so there is no difference twixt drawing dagger and drawing a great sword.

    You. of course are welcome to use what charts you make or find to replace this with your preference. 

    I deided to answer before reading the others and it is nice to see soltakss and I agree. Cheers!


    35 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    As it says on RQG p.194, "Any time two fighters meet in melee, no matter how long they’ve traveled to get to that meeting, strike rank should be figured out normally for them."


    RAW, for this to be relevant they both will have be moving. In the original post it is not clear if the opponent is also moving. Games varying and all...

    5 hours ago, klecser said:

     Update: Reading the ridiculously detailed Strike Rank master document, it is clear that the answer is: "because that's the rule." ;)

    Now that's just silly. :)

  19. 32 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Try it, if you like it then thank me, if you don't then thank Joerg and blame me.

    Hell, get totally contrarian and spread the blame to one and all. Or is that so egalitarian as to become  quite agreeable in the end?

    I'm confused.

  20. 5 hours ago, Minlister said:

    I was thinking to describe a special troll cult to a "Dark stallion" or"Dark seed" hero, reputed for always fathering proper dark Trolls instead of Trollkins. Obviously the object of intense rivalry between competing Kyger Litor high priestess! Is there anything like that already in existing publications?

    No, doesn't ring a bell. You get the credit when you write that one up, I'm thinking.

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