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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 9 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    You are not the only one. I remember the fond days of RQ2 when Orlanthi weren't all backwoods farmer clans, most of the Orlanthi in my parties were townsfolk, far more sensible and civilised. When Hero Wars and the farmer Clans came out very strongly, we reasoned that these were the hill barbarians, the Orlanthi that we were used to came from Sartar's cities or from the Holy Country, so we had a split between civilised Orlanthi and their hillbilly clan-based cousins.

    12 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Ironically, Arneberg's original complaint was all the rage back in the pre internet days that we used telegraph messages, smoke signals and dial up modems to communicate, Though, then an Orlanthi All was wondering why the urbans were so well represented and when would we get back to Sartar and carry on from Apple Lane. La plus ça change...


  2. On 6/14/2019 at 1:03 PM, Arneberg said:

    Hi i love runequest but i´m not so much for the barbarian settlers things with the background of herders and so on i like the mythology but think they have overdone this things i want more city things with better opertunities for thiever and so on i love all the background and allt the stuff but i still think it is to locked on the tribal thingy but hope they do some west things backgrounds(glorantha) and maybe some from Jrusteli a campaign maybe so one not feel so locked in with the bison riders and so on Otherwise as said i love runequest best regards Arne

    If you do not mind a little handwaving and arbitrating spells and skills that are a little different (BRP rules which I believe are based on RQ 2), I truly must recommend the original urban setting for RQ, Pavis and the Big Rubble. Though they are for RQ 2 (again, BRP) they are available as one PDF under Glorantha Classics, and they are cheap (ish). Comes complete with an urban sand box with a massive dungeon complex very near at hand and ruins inhabited by am elder race or three (with interesting and shining things carelessly left lying around for the right fingers to come across). and a couple of cults for your urban adventurer with loose morals and a couple of ready built adventures for such folk. Might satisfy until the real thing comes along. 


  3. 2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    There's a couple. 🙂


    Move over M Helsdon, looks to me like you have some competition. :)
    Thanks anyway about the tattoos, If they don't fit, it looks like you have enough work without adding more. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Joerg said:

    Sartariten is how I form the plural, as one parallel to Isrealites ("sraeliten" in German referring to the ancient people, not usually to the modern state inhabitants, who usually are "Israelis" - at least that's my language feeling) or also Semites, Hamites, Iaphetites. The -ite ending feels a bit like it sneaked into English from Latin, and German has lots of such Latinisms, too. No idea why the Hittites get the "Hethiter" form - possibly because the "-it" is not from Latin. There is one other such ending, the German form of Samaritian is "Samariter". Possibly the -i is part of the word stem, which is not the case for the other examples.


    Here's a real world brain twister for y'all. What is an inhabitant of Halifax called?


    This one gets me, Must be Scottish.

  5. 8 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    What we need is a powerful populist leader with a catchy slogan like "Drain the swamp!"

    Oh mein gotts, are you suggesting:





    Trump vs Delecti in 2020!

    • Haha 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Beoferret said:

    Actually, I haven't read that. I did go over (quickly, admittedly) the article about the Upland Marsh in Wyrm's Footnotes #15.

    Not sure about that one, the adventure I was referring to under the spoiler is great for atmosphere and details daughters of darkness, and a bit about the trees and some on the denizens of the area as well as a myth. Sounds like you got a good bit more than just the gist of the swamp in any case.


  7. 18 hours ago, Beoferret said:

    I've been considering drawing up an RQG adventure/string of adventures that would involve trying to rollback the Upland Marsh, if only by a few inches. Do you all even think that this is even theoretically possible (if sticking to current Glorantha canon)? 


    It seemed to obvious to mention but i have not seen anyone mentioning 

    Sartar Kingdom of Heroes. You have read it to come up with the initial idea, yes?

  8. 2 hours ago, jeffjerwin said:

    I have come to see Delecti as in part a hero of Nontraya (sort of Vivamort) who has actually usurped dominion over the Earth (Ernalda). To reverse things in a grand manner, one needs to find and resurrect the undead land goddess he keeps imprisoned in the Swamp.

    Check the box for a spoiler about Dorastor: Land Of Doom" 

    Dorastor: Land Of Doom might be of assistance here. It seems that the land suffers a similar fate, but with chaos being the agency of the local earth goddess' fall. 

  9. On 6/10/2019 at 2:01 AM, g33k said:

    Answer#3 (accompanied by the crack of slave-drivers' whips):  why are you slacking on the forums like this, Barbarian, when you could be writing RQG scenarios for Cultists to use!!!?!


    Ah, an answer. I got so lonely in here and the echo fro my voice bouncing off the far walls, the sound of the crickets, it drove me mad, mad, mad I tell you, mad...

    er, hmm, ahem <cough>

     Sorry I was away and was quite busy you see... I wrote 3 modules and a play complete with an operetta and then thought, damn, did I once upon a time have a post here,  I should check upon it and see. if some kindly soul deemed me worthy of a response

    <grin> duck

    Ah hell it's only you g33k, what a waste.
    (truly kidding, thanks for answering g33k)

    I think I said I was happy to run those modules or at least implied it. Heck  will run a great RQ 3 MOB adventure with mello yello as one of the pregens, can't recall the name. but I have it somewhere. Hmm, so did your summon spell for todd work? Todd? What du you say about the future? And understanding the new Chaosium I will not ask when.

    Now it seems to me like I have answered your third query first. Bad barbarian!

    No, these days I answer to a different whip's crack, summer time, the rock shows are coming through town and I am busy, plus shows that I travel to work or run..  gaming stalled,  my 1000 page rogue galley of all references to all npc that I have modules for is stalled at 500 pages (only ⅓ edited to my satisfaction), my Torkani Campaign handbook is stalled at 169 pages and must become many fewer plus a players book must be calved off from the result... and I am almost finished my incorporated character generation pdf at 100 pages. I might have to release that but at the moment contains much copy-written art (for personal use only hell for that matter I guess the entire text is copywriten I might never be able to share it :().  so cutting out the art would move the text and add a bit of time/could be a bit of work. 

    I  have a wedding to plan, a bride to kill and an enemy state to pin it on. I really am swamped. And you know what they say about one's health...


  10. I wonder, has anyone asked if you could turn that amazing pen of yours to Sartarite tattoos? As it has come up a few times,  I am sure much more that a Orlanthi All  would be incredible happy to see them. Being small they could be wonderful corner fillers, chapter headers, footnotes or page headers for layout and design purposes..


  11. 55 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Congratulations to us all on reaching 20 pages, we're definitely winning the forum. And that's all that's important in this game. Winning. Yay us!

    We are all uz, trollki... munchkins... egregiously!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 46 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    I prefer the idea that things disappear in a haze in the distance. When you make the world flat, stand for the consequences (otherwise, what's the point?).

    As an exercise in naval gazing... ducks

    • Haha 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Minlister said:

    I just found this topic wandering on long gone threads! As it happened I wrote a quite long description of the Arfritha Vale, but unfortunately it is in French. If anyone is blessed by Issaries and speaks this barbarian language I  will be happy to share! I could also translate but it would take quite a while.


    Je parle plus Quebecois, mais je veux essayez ton ouvre, mon vieux, merci. 

    I would like to give that a try. Where did you say you say it was stashed?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. 27 minutes ago, MOB said:

    "Glorantha is one of the richest and most vivid created worlds in fantasy, a world where everything from the dirt to the stars is literally made of mythology... (Greg) Stafford did more to advance the art form of role-playing games, and in more roles—as publisher, designer, editor, world-crafter, and inspiration—than anyone else after Gygax and Arneson."

    Holy crap, MOB. that is one serious review! I don't know whether to use my RQ G books to game or whether I should bronze them and put them in a place of honour on my trophy shelf.

    • Like 4
  15. 21 hours ago, g33k said:

    It's actually pretty easy to make the character-generation produce zero-ish PC's more like RQ2/RQClassic ones.


    Very true, have them roll on the old occupation chart and have a majority be from the cottar and carl classes. There is no reason to give the 600 or so skill percentages that RQ G gives in chargen, use the skills as given and half with rounding for about 300 skill percentages much close to the usual 240 points that RQ 3 gave on average), 

    Abandon all those d&d like stat rolling techniques and go back to the tried and true RQ 3, 3D6 and 2D6+6, keep stats as rolled style. Almost all characteristics can be elevated to creature max anyway for all intents and purposes in between adventure upkeep. Keep the plus 3 add to chaacteristics if total stats add up to less than 92 and the 3 point adds for rune affinities. It is kind of like RQ 3

    And for the truly brave, roll 3D6 seven times place stats where they fall and add no skills pf background, except passions and runes. Voila RQ 1 and 2 (kinda) minus optional previous experience. Good luck!


  16. 1 hour ago, thom said:

    I started playing RuneQuest in 1979 and through the 80s, so that probably explains why I feel this way. I remember reading one of the authors saying he hated the whole concept of "zero to hero", which is why they developed RQG the way they did. Which is why I''m wondering if it's worth it for me to try and run the new system, vs. modifying RQ classic with some of the new ideas. Has anyone else had this dilemma? If so, how did you work through it?


    Yeah, you described my problem exactly, I have a solution that might be unique to my current situation. I am have a problem getting a large game and all my players fro decads ago have moved, moved on or...  but that has always been the problem here in the north. People do play the more common BRP games but not a lot. D&D is king here with the niches filled with many many many different game  (anyone remember Paranoia, Shadowrun... Bunny and Burrows?). 

    I am running two people playing 5 characters (one NPC played by me and two characters per player). Really not enough but running RQ 3 games allows me  to place the party at a qualitative advantage if not numeric. The players are aware of the deadliness of combat even with qualitative advantages so they tend to role play anyway. They have half made t through GreenBrass in two sessions without combat and lots of roleplaying. 

    I am running in  1611 ST so there is less given as bonuses in chargen  at this point and the gravity of the situation is less heroic and more zero (ic).... Overall, if I am not being overly generous it seems to play well enough and I bet I have close to a dozen sandboxes ready to play. I use the stats as written and hand wave passions and runes...


  17. 12 hours ago, AndreJarosch said:

    If someone threatens the CA or the ones protected by the CA just grab the sword of the attacker to disarm him (because it will shatter). :-)

    Too good!
     I'm not unsure that this doesn't belong in Egregious Munchkinnery, but here will do fine if just to prove you have a bit of the munchkin to ya...

    Cheers and a no-prize!

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