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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 3 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Looking back at the maps of antiquity is the wrong take on Gloranthan mapmaking.  Those maps are amazingly cool artifacts... but not even slightly Gloranthan.

     As always:  YGMV (mine certainly does).

    Yes, Glorantha is definitely a feel, It started out as being Church defined, but the modern gent (what is his name, please) has definitely put his spin of the lozenge. 

  2. Slight thread drift initiated by thread creator...

    9 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    We don't have rules for playing children. If they have seen sword fights then that might provide a small base. I think pretty much all physical skills should have a 5% base anyway, unless they are particularly complex like juggling or martial arts.

    On a scale of 5% to 40% in 5% increments, I have always played that 5% (2H Swords, Lore Skills, Ride) is a very difficult skill to use, whilst 25% is literally point and click (Crossbows, Fist) and outliers such as 40% would be things a child could do without even thinking about it (Climb)*.  Automatic is set at 100% (no 95-100 fail) No Roll Required (walk, chew bubble gum)**. I think using a club is something even a toddler understands, anyone been hit by a kid wielding a toy hammer? It hurts! I would still give him the adult 15% when using a child sized hammer (i.e.. a club, "Ow! You little s#^*. you wait until your mother get's home!).

    Characteristic Mods, situational mods will be very different and mostly negative, not to mention damage being less. Or I would use a normal weapons base with mods if a child sized item is wielded. I used to swordfight when I was a child—with branches of course (use club).

    So a kid with a sword wielded at 5% sounds okay to me (assuming they could lift it and make STR and DEX requirements..

    * If the child thinks abut it, it becomes much harder to near impossible in the case of climb.

    ** not necessarily at the same time

  3. 1 hour ago, jongjom said:

    Also, if that is a taste of the art, then we'll wait patiently. 

    Getting up from the pile of vegetables he shakes of a few stray pieces and picks up a turnip and begins to crunch it down...

    "That's what I meant to say..."


  4. 2 hours ago, Kloster said:

    For me, almost. In fact, you don't need a spell to give a command, but if you do so, you can give only one command, and then, the spirit is free. You need a spell, like "Command Cult Spirit", to be able to give several orders, the las one being usually "Go back into the Matrix/Crystal". For the rest, you are right on spot.

    I think this is from RQ 3, does it still work this way in RQ G?


  5. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    Gods and Goddesses will take a while because it has a LOT of art, and it gets updated as I realise additional information is needed to support scenarios, etc. And of course the art. You think RQG looked good? 


    Oh, that is truly awful, bring back Dobyski... Ducks!

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    I figure that prone, a 20' giant has a profile maybe 2m (shoulder-to-shoulder) X 1m (front to back), and "shrubbery" could effectively hide that outline...

    and on that note, off to seek some shrubbery! Come noble steed...

    <Clop, clop, Clop, clop.>

    <muttered> Where ever did he get coconut shells in the lands of The Alone Undertribe?

  7. Truly worth mentioning, there are no lines of impatient swordsmen queuing up  in front of Humakti Temples waiting to join the cult. Any lineups one might see would be on signup days for open non-denominational training, I would think. The exact opposite might be true. The loneliest job in Pavis ( a city not lacking in adventurous types looking to join cults) I can imagine, might be the Humakti Sword in charge of recruitment for all the reasons given.

    ETA The Humakt cult is very small numerically despite its power.


  8. 16 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    I did have a chuckle when I found out that Kralorela is the size of Sweden, but honestly, I think it's a fairly decent tradeoff to make places reachable for PCs.

    Thanks, I was having planet envy, but I feel much better.
    The Fact that i  could walk Glorantha had been a negative until you pointed that little tidbit out, Sir_Godspeed. Having walked as much as I have (mostly for pleasure but for a good third of my life as a commuter) I have come to appreciate a life pedestrian and being able to share that (hopefully in as Tolkienesgue a fashion as I can) with the PCs can be a true joy. With the great artwork found in RQ G  to help fire my imagination, I am hoping for a few great walks in the near future through Sartar's green and pleasant lands.

    Amazing what one thought can bring to a game!


    • Thanks 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Of course, THAT leads to issues of how-many-gifts, what about anti-gifts / minor-geasa, quirks/flaws... a whole new subsystem.  NOT great for "my desire for elegant and simple rules!"


    I wanna play a gifted rich duck... Can I?

  10. 7 hours ago, Joerg said:

    This is getting vastly off-topic in the RuneQuest thread, so I moved it here.

    8 hours ago, Imryn said:


    Thank you Joerg,  I hate censorship (I truly abhor it) but a proper place and time... so good thinking, put it in a bar and give it an honest and obvious title that says controversy here (could you do an Forum edit and maybe tag it as well, for safety's sake).


  11. 30 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Yes, Bill, you are correct.  But let's not have emotion get in the way of truth.

     I believe it is an "academic debate", and am seeing the issue from that perspective. Remember when it was suggested that playing D&D would lead people to devil worship? Or computer games would increase the chance of becoming violent and murdering people?

    I have zero interest to be involved in this debate, zero. I wish to make a comment and go. 

    Whether that subject can be an academic debate is not at issue. That subject can not be an academic debate within a forum devoted to entertainment where we have been told to be on our best behaviour (when children could be wandering around) and be welcoming to new comers. All folk here should use emotion first and foremost The first emotion should be compassion.

    Academic and compassion do not go well together.

    Again play nice, everyone.

  12. 3 hours ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Is Kero Fin 30 km high? I thought it was only 10 km?

    From Guide To Glorantha V2 page 658

    Utterly dominating the background is Mount Kero Fin, the huge 8-mile-high needle of a mountain, its upper reaches surrounded by clouds and the home of the gods.

    8 mikes is about 13 km.


    Kero fin copy.jpg

    • Thanks 1
  13. 6 hours ago, albinoboo said:

    Odd how the Greek orthodox church parish priests are allowed to marry and always have been. 


    6 hours ago, Imryn said:

    If you are interpreting the celibacy geas as giving up the pleasures of fornication how on earth do you interpret getting raped as a breach of that geas? Especially raped while unconscious?


    I have a request. 

    This is an incredibly sensitive topic,  I request that we all take a very  deep breath and realize that an academic debate about such a subject might not be a good idea on a public forum where we have been asked to be on our best behaviours and to not alienate folk. There is a bit of tinder for emotions to get heated and we might have bruised feelings if we are not sensitive in what we say.

    If the topic must continue please be nice!


    • Like 2
  14. 16 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Maybe it's because metal (and plastic) doesn't absorb stuff like wood does. Getting rather off topic here, though, my main point is that these effects of one thing on another are magical and do not necessarily follow simplistic logical thinking. "Moving liquid" is not always "running water". "A piece of wood" is not always "a stake". "Ultraviolet light" is not "sunlight".

    And a lie is not always a lie... yeah... that's the ticket!.. oops wrong thread!

    Thanks Phil and Joerg for answering that query.

    2 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    So, what about a stake that hasn't been used? Or only once for a camping trip last summer?

    Though both posters are correct, the last bit by Phil sums it up quite well! With that original side drift question about running water I let the real world get in the way of my myth.

    4 hours ago, Minlister said:

    That is a really, really interesting line of thought!

    That's what I was thinking!


  15. 41 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    isn't any more dehumanizing than using technology is for us.

    Again, grist for a good story tellers mill.. Might I refer you to Modern Times, a  great Chaplin film from early in the last century.

    One does not have to play such themes and they will not lose a whit of MGF or Gloranthan goodness, but that these themes exist and Glorantha does actually acknowledge this existence is probably Greg's input. If mechanics were put in to reflect the loss of ones uniqueness (humanity)  I suppose it would have to be optional (like ENC). 


  16. 1 hour ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Also, this is the downside of theistic magic (if indeed you think it's a downside) - the closer you are to your god and the stronger in the runes, the more your actions get circumscribed. Didn't HW have some level of divine commitment above Devotee ('Disciple', or something?) that basically made the character unplayable?

    That leads me  to some interesting thinking , Akhôrahil.  Though the game mechanics do not reflect it, there is a penalty for using magic (as there should be): The loss of ones humanity. A min/max player would wonder, ' Where's the problem?'. But from a literary (or possibly, if one is lucky, role playing) angle, this leads to serious conflict, and interesting stories.

    Have not seen this dealt with in any way Gloranthan other than the old Dragonewt magic (RQ 3).  It became harder to resurrect into higher draconic forms the more dragon magic one used. Pity it did not get taken up in this update to the rules. Maybe next time.


  17. Dan Z gets the credit for resurrecting this hoary old corpse of a thread this time.

    How many of you old grognards are aware that skills can't go below 00% in the RQ G rules? Normally that should not matter, but remember skills have a five percent chance to work as long as  they have a positive base percentage chance (5% usually). Now, I recall, as do old players I have spoken to that back in RQ 3 days, a skill that was at base percentage with modifiers that brought it to below zero percent, could not be used at any percentage until  the skill was brought to a positive number though training, practice or I suppose, DI.  

    Was this a HR or an actual rule?

  18. 53 minutes ago, Crel said:

     I'd rule they get that percentage added atop the base percent. So, the skill on their sheet would go from Conceal 5% (base) to Conceal 10%. Then when actually attempting the skill in play, they'd be rolling with the modifier, so have a 0 or -5% skill chance, which should IIRC mean they can only succeed if they roll an 01-05 for auto success (provided conditions aren't impossible), with the full 96-00 range a fumble.


    Pretty much how we ran RQ 3 with one caveat. Skills with a base of 00% must break 00 to have a 5% chance. 

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