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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 hour ago, soltakss said:

    Our RQ2 group had Orlanthi, Humakti, Yelmalians, a Yelornan, Storm Bulls, Zorak Zorani, an Aranea Troll and odds and sods. When we used Spell Trading, we would trade for spells, sometimes the Issaries cultists would trade traded spells, so it became almost impossible to work out which point of Shield came from which cult. The PCs sometimes used Mindlink to get access to each other's spells, so a Humakti could use his own Shield 2 and an Orlanthi's Shield 2 to make Shield 4. They decided very early on, before I joined the group, that, mostly, a spell was a spell was a spell, no matter the origin. The only differences that I can remember were Divine Intervention and Divination, as they had to be specific to the cult, so you couldn't use Divine Intervention 4 from Humakt with Divine Intervention 3 from Orlanth, or stack Divination from different cults. In RQ3 terms, Sanctify would be another case that makes an area sanctified to a particular cult.


    See, I told you he plays differently. He often makes sense :)

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  2. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Your Glorantha is different to mine, because I have the deity supplying a bit of their power for a Rune spell, and so there's no way they'd mix and match their powers or energy , with the possible exception of associated deities (as, being in the same pantheon, they already share some of those energies)

      soltakss plays differently than many of us, I bet he is the reason for the expression YGMV...

    I admire him for that!


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  3. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    My post wasn't so much about right and wrong of geasa (I can see the argument for the breaking in the example) - it's about when the break happens. Is it as soon as the break happens? Or when the geased becomes aware of it?


    No worries, I assumed you were on about geases—period.

     I will defer to the words of Jeff and what he has said here and in the rules first (canonical, simplifying my worries {truly, why worry about entertainment}) and my own beliefs so well stated by PhilHibbs a post or two back. Work with your friends to reach agreement. Why lose friends over minutiae. 

    1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    t's about when the break happens. Is it as soon as the break happens? Or when the geased becomes aware of it?

     If it's the latter - how? 

    Ah the meat of your treatise. Sometimes minutiae matters...  Man, if I was smart I would let the real grognards deal with this, and set[ back (so who's smart) Still, there are many here so much smarter here than I, so weight this accordingly. Onwards!

    We know the gods do not work we'll with time. so to your first point...

    When? the god's can not know before you break the geas (time and the great compromise and all that).So news of the transgression would have to travel at (let's call it) the speed of sin. How fast does news of sin travel to the deity. The gods are not omnipotent, so I would imagine that it could not be instantaneously transmitted (unless there is something in the mythos that would explain this, like incredibly great speed or... So the sin is transmitted by agents, perhaps? Wind carry news of deeds to Orlanth. cats travelling night and day to bring word to Yinkin. shadows drifting eerily quiet on their way to where the shadows dance and were lies the Castle of Lead to bring word to the Mother of Darkness...

    Okay, if this is right. possibly sometime after the sin comes the other shoe dropping  and your doom falling upon you. The god or goddess's grace and luck are now removed (Hmm how?)

    1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Does having a geas (Or the gift) automatically mean the deity is permanently watching over the initiate? Is there a spirit constantly hanging around? Has the deity got itself a back door into the initiates unconscious? 

    There is a  permeant linkage after the initial sacrifice of a point of POW but how much attention is the deity investing into the link? Enough to hear a DI, sometimes, and power spells if all circumstances are correct, but that is about it, usually.

    Hmm is it a spirit tagging along, or just rumours drifting up or down to be received of not depending on whether the god or goddess would be paying attention or not that whispers of your sin. Assuming deities would use the simplest solution available (barring myths that must be satisfied first) it might be the many spirits that interact very close to the transgressor at all times in his travels in daily activities. or the cult animals that might be around a good religions stead that the the word to the deity or....

    1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

     Which leads to... Is the gift/geas attached to the spirit or the body of the initiate? Or the mind? Or... Something else? 

    In Glorantha many rituals and teachings are about the separation of the dead from the living. since death came into the world. There does seem to be something that lives like you (to a degree) after death, with your beliefs and seeming as well. Let's say soul or perhaps POW.  I would imagine tis is what the deity is interested in dealing with.

    Anyway that would be my views on those questions, I have answered all as best I can (and possibly incorrectly, but)

    1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

     (Silly questions, you may think... Until someone gets Dominated, or "their body possessed" ... Etc)

    nah, I got silly questions, just try me.


  4. 3 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    We've been over this earlier in the thread... but, being knocked unconscious and tied to a horse shouldn't be a breach of geas... and, Humakt should certainly not know about it as it happens, when the Humakti themselves isn't (and isn't in a position to do anything about it)


    Despite what you think it should be, alas, it is something different. Argue if you will, it doesn't change facts. A geas in the real world (well, so to speak) is often unfair. Period. There are story after story of folks breaking geases and suffering for it, not story after story  of people praying to gods to let them go this time and they promise to never do it again and the gods realizing what curs and boors they have been and how they realize they were wrong and their worshippers were right. And yeah, Humakt would know if the devotee was unfaithful. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Is this supposed to include when the initiate themselves is *not even aware* of the breaking of the oath/geas?

    In true tragic fashion a broken geas would not have to be known. *not even aware* to bring down grief on our hapless hero or heroine, Now Phil is making some great points about keeping ones friends versus keeping canon with the rules...vary to taste!


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    They are both tricksters. Or, maybe they are both the same trickster whose "Detach" spell has gone horribly wrong. Always trying to reunite his two halves, always failing.

    Okay, that's a thought.

    It does open up the can of worms that is; the thought of Than Atyar  as trickster, or not.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Lets not go any further down this rabbit hole, please, jokes about donuts and Jedi have gone on a little too long regardless of the veracity of real world political references. I think we need a moderator to come along and delete most of the last 15 messages in this thread, including this one!

    Done and agreed, this is too good a topic to  ruin. No offence intended, just misplaced humour.


  8. 25 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    When what you write looks less than a joke and more like a recital of a tiresome urban legend with zero relevance, then perhaps your sense of humour needs a fine-tune, no?   Also responding to a civil request with an insinuation that I am lacking a sense of humour is also poor form.

    Hurriedly putting on beard and realizing it is the orange one he runs to a wardrobe and puts on his pink beard and floppy shoes, and hobo jacket. Sitting in front of a mirror he takes a couple of minutes to poorly apply (well, over apply) white make up. Putting a red rose in his lapel he admires the effect then replaces his funny glasses with his smart glasses (after all he is about to make a serious speech) realizes he needs a broad brimmed Heortlandi ™ hat to keep off the glare of the lights and give him not only one point of armour but a veneer of Glorantha authenticity (don't go out on the forums without it).

    Striding purposely  to the podium he adjusts his smart glasses and promptly falls over his floppy shoes rolls to a stop at the feet of his debating opponent and raising a finger to the gods declares, 

    "I disagree"


  9. 4 hours ago, metcalph said:

    Fiction which can be disproved by looking at Snopes

    (Placing his comic glasses on his face with his blue dyed beard (the comic glasses are much  like his smart looking glasses except they have a pair of eyeballs on 6 inch springs and rather large fuzz and  furry eyebrows). 

    I still stand by the joke, I think it was funny.

    Although i admit to be a bit perturbed at having to defend my sense of humour dressed like this. It is a bit less than dignified.


  10. 11 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Ich bin ein Berliner.


    Just imagine if JFK had been in Frankfurt when we made that speech...

    (Putting on grey beard and adjusting it...)

    For the curious, While in Berlin at the height o the cold war JFK said "Ich bin ein Berliner" Alas, it did not mean what he thought: an appeal to the citizens of Berlin by identifying as one. No, what he had said I am soft jelly filled confection, known in America as a Bismarck or jelly filled doughnut. Doh!

    Mmm, Bismarck....

  11. 4 hours ago, Imryn said:

    Well, yes, but its not the same as worshipping. The 99 others would have to take part in the enchanting ritual and each have to sac a point of POW. Most GM's wouldn't let a player exploit 99 npc's in that way.

    And I thought within Egregious Munchkinerry anything goes...

    5 hours ago, Imryn said:

    Again, I agree with you in theory but for the purposes of this thread (i.e. munchkinnery) there is nothing in the RAW to prevent it.





    8 hours ago, davecake said:

    Incidentally, anyone know how to put that paragraph behind spoiler markers or similar? 

    Try soltakss's method below...

       On 5/24/2019 at 12:19 PM,  soltakss said: 

    You can always wrap a Spoiler tag around the answer.

    It's magic, innit?

       Hide contents

    OK, so what you do is use tags, specifically the spoiler tag. Within square brackets [] you put the word spoiler and then in another set of square brackets you put /spoiler.

    So, misspelling so as not to have a spoiler, you put [spoileroo]This is a spoileroo[/spoileroo], but using spoiler instead of spoileroo.

    There may well be a tag that means "Treat anything inside as text, in which case, I could have used that instead, but not sure what it is. In HTML Code does the trick and that seems to work, so ...

    [spoiler]This is a spoileroo[/spoiler]
    • Thanks 1
  13. 37 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    On the rumor scale, you earned a B for "basically true, but wrong in the specifics." I took some exception against "since the world broke" - while Umath's birth changed the workings of the World Machine and maybe broke Mostal, the world remained pretty much unbroken.


    I do believe I have been Joerged!

    Is this statement:

    A Too awful to contemplate?
    B basically true but wrong in the specifics?



    • Sad 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Well, "Zenith" is a different stellar body, and it is not in the highest point of the sky dome.

    Pole Star passes trough the highest point of the sky dome on the equinoxes in his slow wobble north- amd southward. It has started to wobble since Umath lifted the Sky Dome off its hinge on the Spike, but the real wobble started when Jagrekriand smashed Umath into the northern Pillar, starting a northward tilt that was reversed by Kalikos at some point, then went into the other direction until  the Skyspill into the Nargan put the balance the other way. Or something like that. In the Grey Age/Silver Age, the sky wobbled like this above the patchwork ruins of the Gods War, and continued to do so with the birth of Time.

     Over the course of a year, the sky dome makes either 293 or 295 rotations around Pole Star, approximately one per night, but with an annually repeating precession.


    Edit: Since Glorantha is a goddess, I expect the usual curvaceous illustrations of Kalin Kadiev to apply. Ample bosom and buttocks, etc...

    Is that Joerg's way of saying"Gee Mr. Barbarian, you were right*? :)

    * (mostly)


  15. 4 minutes ago, RHW said:

    I played a Chalana Arroy who was a former Sword of Humakt who'd turned against Death during a failed Heroquest (all backstory). He had amazing sword skills he couldn't (and wouldn't) use, any sword he wielded would shatter (a feature, not a bug!) and he was determined to battle Death in all its forms with his new Life magic. His various geases all still existed, but the GM ruled that since the penalty for breaking them was having his swords shatter, he could do what he wanted. He mostly still didn't lie, though he did drink to excess and he talked whenever he damn well pleased.


    That is a great concept, bravo!

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, g33k said:

    As we are well into House Rules here, I'll offer another alternate:  when you take damage, it advances you down the chart of INTx5 ... INTx4 ... INTx3 ... etc; for every 2 pts of damage, you step one step further down the chart.


    Yeah this is even better. Again let the circumstances decide and have a guide ready to assist.

  17. 5 hours ago, Sumath said:

    I don't have the RQG rules in front of me, but I don't remember there being a time limit upon the use of Meditate (i.e. between the end of meditation and the casting of a spell). Presumably, you can meditate, then wait until the right moment (within reason) to cast the spell, without losing the bonus? The adventurer is preparing their mind or mentally rehearsing the casting, so as long as it is the next spell they cast, and they do not need to concentrate intensely on anything else in the meantime, then I would assume that the casting can be deferred for a while.

    I was thinking and I see Philhibbs has a similar  thought, that another skill would be required to hold the benefits gained from the mediatation. Seeing his reply I think  prefer an idea roll (the difficulty being determined by the GM or table depending on the circumstances) being required to hold the mediation's benefit. for a later time 

  18. 16 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    and the Polar Star sits right overhead, too,

    Worth a mention although it is only a niggling detail, unless this has changed (oh it's so hard to keep up) the pole star has not been at  zenith since the world broke.


  19. 5 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    Am I overthinking this and do I have too much free time? Yes, possibly. But hey, this is what passes for fun around here :)


    Yes, yes, and certainly. Fascinating none the less. May you continue to have to much time on your hands...


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    • Haha 2
  20. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    My point is -- and it's a work in progress, I admit -- that "the divide" doesn't necessarily exist, at least not the way humans express it.

    It's not necessarily the case where "most" entities are clearly-and-entirely Gods or clearly-and-entirely Spirits, and then there's a few wierd entities "on the divide".

    I thought that was where you were going, when I introduce the concept of Glorantha to my new players. I tell them the creek out back is a goddess they enter into treaty with on a sacred day once a year in order to live in harmony with it and in its spheres of influence. A minor diety, perhaps,  there are far more important and powerful ones...

     The truth of this statement is irrelevant, is it A to awful to contemplate, R rumour, T true F false... As far as the players characters are concerned it is not only real but verifiable. Mess up the ceremonies and there is less to eat for the next season. If the result is a myth and story: the quality of its power to evoke dream/myth is more important than its quantity of its power to evoke dream/myth.  That is, what I am trying to say might be; the size of the miracle is not as important as the miracle, itself...


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