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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 minute ago, Imryn said:

    Without the ability to gain multiple rp pools Humakti are going to be pretty gimped when it comes to high end play, so I hope I am right.

    Well, gimped in some ways (not being able to come back from the dead has always been a big one), Around here one can find a lot of words devoted to just how powerful Humakti are as well.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Crel said:

    My gut says that we won't know for certain until we've got Gods & Goddesses, unless a dev steps down from the golden desk and informs us. My take is that to be a member of multiple cults, all cults involved must see one another as "Associated." Naturally, YGMV. I remember conversations where others believed all cults had to be "Friendly." As I recall it, I don't believe RQG's text provides an authoritative solution to this problem.

    Been looking through the rules to see what they are as written. All I can find is in contradiction to both our guts. As you say, we might have to wait for GaGoG for details. Then I went back in time, and checked my old stuff and I can not find a mention of Humakti not being able to join other cults. Maybe this is where one can get one's Munchkin on, egregiously!

    Membership in Multiple Cults

    It is possible for an adventurer to be an initiate of more than one cult. They must pass the appropriate tests, and this always requires that the cults be compatible. (my emphasis) They must also tithe to each temple, and perform properly and completely all duties and responsibilities to each temple.

    page 275 RQ RiG

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Crel said:

    But right now that doesn't matter because those assholes on the other side of the hill are nicking our cows and generally being the slimy little jerks they've been since their trickster took a dump on your great-great-grampy's porch.

    Dragons or not, a fellows got to have his priorities,  Sheep must be grazed, calves must be birthed, life does carry on. Good call.

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    Culled a coupled of decades ago for use in my campaign from the long dead issaries.com


    So two trolls were eating a Trickster, and one says to the other, "Does this taste funny to you?"

    Sent by W. Glenn & Leslee Kirkconnell



    Q. What do Uz call half-elves?
    A. Meat and potatoes.

    Sent by Christopher W. Stetson



    First troll: "Your brother is terrible."
    Second troll: "At least eat the potatoes."

    How do you provoke a Zorak Zorani?
    Be born.

    How can you tell if a troll is hungry? He's breathing and his heart is beating.

    Sent by Dag Stålhandske

  5. On top of the tales and visuals of a 5 mile long dragon eating an army and rising up into the air after emerging/exploding from a mountain within the past two years causing mass PTSD and a great many nations to fear dragon kind.

    • Like 2
  6. 27 minutes ago, Imryn said:

    Is this really the way its supposed to work or am I mistaken?


    If that is the rules as intended it is new with RQ G. The reason in past times that Humakt had no associated cults was because of his mastery of death. None of the other gods understand the incredible responsibly and honour that goes with this "understanding" To initiate to the cult used to be a cutting of ties with clan, family, and tribe so that they could deal holy death for the cult if needed without bringing kin and law/outlaw into it. Much has changed, but this changing... seems drastic.


  7. 6 hours ago, Kloster said:

    No, RAW means the dodge score is normal. The attacker has a bonus, and the defender has a normal score.

    One could easily add a HR of hit location being rolled on a D10 by the prone individual making an abdomen shot  the highest one could reach from the ground. It makes sense, adds a small penalty (harder to get a one-hit kill) is easy to remember and this penalty exists for other similar purposes already ie. attacking from horseback where one adds 10 to a D10. I think this has been RAW in past and current incarnations of BRP games.


  8. 5 hours ago, klecser said:

    Do all of the Starter adventures take place after the Dragonrise? I'm going to use the opening text from Broken Tower "introducing" Glorantha to my players, even though I will be running Cattle Raid. Is it even worth mentioning the Dragonrise on the first adventure or is that too much information early on?


    Keep in mind that this might be the equivalent of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima combined. Except the raids were launched by Australia with the only nukes they would ever get, and the US is no where in sight . Thankfully they managed to wipe out a majority of the Empire's magic and provincial military force throwing Tarsh into rebellion, ending a generation of occupation and now they have remnants of the empire's very divided (thankfully) attention.

    I would mention it without doubt. If not immediately the very first down time after the initial adventure.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    You can't grammatically say "MY arm" in dwarven, since the arm isn't something you HAVE, but something you ARE. This translated to a mental unease with cutting off parts of yourself, I figured. A bit convoluted, but there ya go)

    Ooh. this could be a very sad individual on the green lozenge in the game of LimbQuest ™! Adventuring, no thank you. Good morning!


    3 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    n Polynesia, according to one analysis on tattooing I've read, the practice is part of replicating the differentiated state of the cosmos on the individual body. Basically, as far as I know, most polynesian mythologies have the world originate from some kind of primordial, undifferentiated Ur-being that is either cut apart, or internally differentiates itself into the universe. 

    The kind of mindset required to stand on the bow of a catamaran guiding it into the unknown so far from land that it is almost as distant a memory as it is a reality. The tattoos focus the ur reality of this, imprinting it on the sailor and keeping the sailor safe and at home on the waves. This is what I was hinting at earlier on in the thread. To carry this on further the tattoos are maps and guides but not just to the seas but to the inner-self as well.


    3 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    The other part is an extrapolation of this, and is that it helps mark the specific tattooed individual as eminently invidivualized by expressively emphasizing his context. By listing his entire lineage and his achievements, for example, you are essentially making sure he cannot ever be mistaken for anyone else, thus preventing him from being undifferentiated.

    Rooting oneself and ego within the broad reality of change and disorder which is his "waking world". Paradox (and therefore balance)


  10. 54 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    G, follow it with an A. 


    Closest I could come in a quick think is gelding or gold. Both hard... or Ged for thise who love the Earthsea Trilogy.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Joerg said:
    1 hour ago, g33k said:

    How do you pronounce "Glornatha" ???


    that is easy...

    Glornatha:  Glor (like glory) na (like the negative nah) tha (like the word that)

    oops that was a typo... my bad... 


  12. 13 hours ago, Kloster said:

    It was a house rule. The RQIII one was that the longer weapon had a better weapon SR as long as he can maintain range. If the shorter weapon hloder decides to close range and the longer weapon holder does not want or can't maintain distance, then, the short weapon can strike and the long weapon can not strike before the short weapon. This is part of the RQIII combat rules that were not ported to RQG.

    Not quite at the need for house ruling yet. I am liking RQ G but when I do start, be sure that the closing rule Kloster mentions will be under the microscope. Until a better rule comes along, this is good enough. Combat in RQ 3 was rather good and while this may have been one of the weaker parts, it still beats many other systems hands down.

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Arctic outdoor LARPing has one more significant foe - Gorakiki Mosquito. When temperatures are mild enough to play any character but Harrek (huddled deeply into his Ice Bear rug), it is a smørgasbård for these daytime vampires.

    Manitoba and NE Ontario have mosquitos that actually have SIZ. Newcomers have attempted to hit them with maces only to have the mosquitos rip the maces out of the newcomers hands and started to beat them. 

    At which point you are incredibly happy to be playing a wizard with robes and you start smirking at the barbarians.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, g33k said:

    If the polar bears don't eat you, the moose trample you.

     (I understand the Finns subcontract with Santa to keep the Reindeer Problem controlled, but the FatMan took one look at Canadian Moose and Nope'd right out).

     The last thing that fat jolly old elf yelled over his shoulder as he harrumphed away was...

    "and don't even get me started on the beavers... Ho Ho Ho!"


  15. 4 hours ago, Joerg said:

    The Great White North can be lonely - the best place for playing in Glorantha at those latitudes probably is Finland. During my year in northern Norway I did manage to find a club game in Bodø, Norway once, but that was WEG Star Wars, and five hours of driving (southwards, mostly), so I feel for you. (Now back in the south at about 54 degrees latitude.)


    you got it Joerg. Ah well.

  16. 2 hours ago, Bohemond said:

    It was at a small local LARPing event--it was one of a half-dozen LARPs being run this weekend. 5 of the 13 players were familiar with Glorantha, while the others were mostly newbies. It's part of a masterplan I'm working on to set up a Sartar LARP campaign. I figured I'd run some one-shots to build a player base that knows the basic setting. 

    LARPing and the SCA used to be a thing here 20-30 years back (SCA still is I am sure) but the LARPing was all D&D style rules or Tolkienesque or nordic—all good, a weekend out in the park systems and ravines in costume. It wasn't RQ though... I read about Glornathan LARPing in zines and online only and thought it sounded cool but it all seemed to be happening in California (natch), Britain, Australia and Europe. None in the Great White North that I could see. 


  17. 6 hours ago, Kloster said:

    I don't see Ancestor worship giving access to DI. Perhaps have I deviated from rules, but this is my perception.

    If Ancestor Worship gives DI, I would assume it would have to be germane to worship of ones ancestors... perhaps the ability to manifest a great ancestor briefly... As the ancestor will not be in full possession (pun intended, surprise!) of his new senses a penalty mightt be in order. 

  18. 5 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Also, Lightning is a great way to scare off predators if you're a herder. It's pretty much an instant "problem solved" spell even if there's a dozen large wolves coming at you. BANG, and the wolves are gone! Worth having even in the old days of one-use spells.

    Zounds and gadzooks. missed that one but it does make sense snd might be worth a third of ones RP pool (assuming our standard beginner or a grizzled old herder). A trip to the temple for more than RP might be in order, expeditiously!

  19. On 5/27/2019 at 9:38 PM, EricW said:

    What is the Trollkin curse, exactly

    All the great nations and races got together after a time of struggle at the ending of the first age and formed a council so powerful that it figured it could create a god. The Trolls and Dragonewts were not fooled and realized the pitfalls of creating a god and pulled out of the council creating the Broken Council. Still the Council created Nysalor the illuminated one.  


    While still a mewling babe, he gave his powers to the Two Curses of the Broken Council. One was directed against the dragonewts, but failed when its energies were devoured by dragons. The other was directed against Kyger Litor and the Dark Trolls, and succeeded. page 61 of the Gloranthan Sourcebook.

    This curse was the misborn trollkin, and the heroquest of Cragspider Dissolv mentions did not succeed and bring back natural mistress race births but the consolation prize was the great troll. 

  20. Found this years ago on Jane's Glorantha page, The link does not work but...

    Quoted from there:

    All references to "Sartar" were of course originally to "Scotland". Creek-Stream-River and Dragon's Eye references thanks to Nick Brooke.: much better than "shining river" and "purple islands", which didn't fit at all.

    Original words by Cliff Hanley

    Hark when the night is falling
    Hear, hear the pipes are calling
    Loudly and proudly calling down through the glen.
    There where the hills are sleeping
    Now feel the blood a-leaping
    High as the spirits of the old Quivin men.

    Towering in gallant fame,
    Sartar my mountain hame
    High may your proud banners gloriously wave.
    Land of my high endeavour
    Land of the Creek-Stream-River
    Land of my heart forever
    Sartar the brave.

    High in the misty highlands
    Out by the Dragon's Eye lands
    Brave are the hearts that beat beneath Sartar skies.
    Wild are the winds who’ll meet you
    Staunch are the friends who’ll greet you
    Kind as the light that shines in fair maidens eyes.

    Towering in gallant fame,
    Sartar my mountain hame
    High may your proud banners gloriously wave.
    Land of my high endeavour
    Land of the Creek-Stream-River
    Land of my heart forever
    Sartar the brave.

    Far off in sunlit places, sad are the Sartar faces
    Yearning to feel the kiss of mountain rain
    Where Praxian skies are beaming, love sets the heart a-dreaming
    Longing and dreaming for the homeland again

    Towering in gallant fame,
    Sartar my mountain hame
    High may your proud banners gloriously wave.
    Land of my high endeavour
    Land of the Creek-Stream-River
    Land of my heart forever
    Sartar the brave.

    Land of my heart forever - Sartar the brave.

    NB: The last verse is only found in the Pavis version of this song: it is unknown in Sartar proper.

    If we are stepping on toes bringing this back to life or if Jane, Nick, BRP central or disgruntled musicians, music lovers, scots, humakti or orlanthi need this to be taken down because of copyright issues give a shout and we will see it happen. Or directly contact the management. (can't spell his name by rote for the life of me, you will have to track it down or ask me to.)


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