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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 5 minutes ago, davecake said:

    But yes, wyters help in multiple ways. Usually an individual wyter has a bunch of special abilities, that may manifest as wyter magic (such as being able to cast particular spells with magic points, or an innate ability, etc), spells it may teach as a sub-cult (like the snake guardian does), or even secret heroquest paths it knows or similar. Most of them do not involve the wyters POW sacrifice. 

    So I infer that there should be a story that defines what it is and how it interacts with the clan first (spidey's origin story for lack of a better analogy) followed by stats after... 

  2. 2 minutes ago, davecake said:

    Most of the things you are talking about are clan treasures usually have nothing to do with wyters. 

    Thanks, I forgot. I have not played in a very long time, It not being  available for OS X or linux (my os s of choice). Oops

  3. 8 minutes ago, davecake said:

    I'm just arguing against the idea that using a wyters POW, especially on a big scale, using a significant %age of it, is a routine tactical strategy. It is always damaging and costly, and usually reserved for fairly dire straits by most rulers. Other ways of using a wyter (using it to scout, protect from spirit attacks, whatever native abilities it may have, its rune points, etc) are much more routine. 

    When playing King of Dragon Pass, it seems that a majority of wyters my clans had helped in real ways. A cauldron that amongst its many powers would always have a bowl of porridge for the hungry no matter how bad the famine. A sewing wheel that... well,  Or the red bulls that sired especially good calves,  of Red Cow fame. . Would one imagine a majority of Wyters are warlike or more peaceable.


  4. 5 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Probably for historical/nostalgia/respect-for-the-original-material reasons. But yes, that's why many groups don't use the "roll the dice" rules for character creation, and instead use house rules -- because players know they want to make a warrior or a thief or a priest or whatever, and they don't want to leave it up to chance to have appropriate scores. That's why CoC has no less than 6 alternate character creation methods (see the Investigator Handbook), and why, most probably, the RQ Gamemaster Guide will have similar options (it's mentioned in RQG that it will have such options).

    6 hours ago, styopa said:


    Great stuff Well though out and articulated! I don't even have to agree with you to enjoy that and have it make me think. 

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, jeffjerwin said:

    Interesting idea. A good hook for later on... I have some ideas for that.

    I do as much improvising as I can to stretch a module ( like to buy 'em myself) as well as make it ours, so I like to think of hooks from various sources literature, movies, real life, player's bios...and be ready to throw them down as needed. Downtime, new towns, initiating new characters, players bios.


  6. More quick notes

    Fleeing down alleys, across rooftops a side scrolling adventure a la prince of persia. The kids know the landscape well enough that they get auto skill augments (neighbour hood lore, the huge shadow cat in that yard will bound out of his tree after someone jumping in that particular yard just in time to crash into the soldier jumping in whilst chasing the first jumper (as this worthy gets away) Neighbourhood lore and memory (that roof  over there ... only jump from the left side of the chimney it is very easy to make the jump there and the right side has a hole you watched being repaired this morning and an adult soldier would fall through.

    A gandalf like figure who leads the kids the party to come in 1610 GST as they flee Boldhome in 02. He takes out the biggest bosses in a flash bang way but the kids have to get the small fry.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    .Adventures in troll tunnels, no or little living conflict. but working in low light (no light, terrifying) situations, crossing underground streams and not getting carried away . tight turns...


    Many advantages here, Perhaps as an adult he might try to remember things long forgotten in the rush to get away (successful or not depends on campaign arc's need). Can he get in this way and avoid the ... (insert conflict) waiting at the Boldhome gates Other items come to my mind so I would think it should spur some thought for you as well.


    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, jeffjerwin said:

    I'm planning to start my game (finally roped in enough suckers... err... players) this August and my initial idea is to do a flashback to the character's childhoods (the game is set in the 1610s) with a daring escape from Boldhome as it falls. I've got a pretty good idea of how it happens, because the narrative hasn't changed much. The Bat attacks over Mount Quivin, where it encounters the (dream?) dragon, the Moon Priestesses over the western ridges (what would have to be Two Tree Ridge) and the Lunar army over the wall with the Emperor.


    Ooo, I am running in 1611,  just after sacred time, so this might well be of interest to me as well. There  might be a way of rewarding adventurers that in 1610 GST {your Gloranthan Standard Time} ask for x as part of their current chargen. Let them play out small pieces of the flashback escape where a child might succeed at base skill rate (plus character mods if you wish higher skills). Do not forget to augment with loves and other passions (possibly as auto successes roll for crits, special and fumbles) to help low skill checks get made. 

    So, settings, a diplomatic envoy from a neutral state or cult fleeing the war and a child trying to stow away amongst the hub bub of animal handlers, guards families, etc of the envoy's flight. 

    .Adventures in troll tunnels, no or little living conflict. but working in low light (no light, terrifying) situations, crossing underground streams and not getting carried away . tight turns...

    Rainbow mounds and Shadows on the Borderland have rules and situations to plunder for this,

    just a few thoughts.

  9. 9 minutes ago, davecake said:

    It does. Questions like exactly how wyters work in magical warfare are things most games won't need much. We've already got a LOT more detail than we ever had. We are in the very early stage of RQGs production cycle, there are much more important things (like those juicy full length Cults books, and some heroquesting rules), in a couple of years we will probably have a lovely rich collection of resources that answer a lot of these questions. We just aren't there yet. 


    Thank you, a cup half full type...

    And it does seem to take long. Still telling the Chasoium boys and girls day after day that we hate their products and why we do and and and... really?

    I would much rather say, hey, here is a problem found it, now do I get a no-prize? ...and why we think it is a problem, and how we would fix it and could you look at it, peers or management either will do, and tell me how to fix it for this weekend's game and I will help you next time. You know, good old community like we have here, just don't forget to let the designers join us, They're gamers too.


  10. 3 hours ago, davecake said:

    We can certainly agree that this section is badly edited, and confusing - my question and the answer from Jason clearly indicated that, and I think clearly also showed that the implications from the examples may make more sense than the text. Sure we can continue to have a few difficult questions until these things get properly clarified, probably in a future book. 


    Alas, we might be hosed until RQ8 for it all to come together.

    A lot of new rules being put together by a lot of new people, doing it under the scrutiny of many many many grognards all making demands. It is a complicated beast and it won't be the first time that hobbyist have had to get together, form ranks hold hands help each other and even help the hobby's designers as well (what, help those billionaire bastiches (as the main man always says) what have they ever done for us, huh?). In the end it (RQ G) holds together pretty well for an old girl with a fresh coat of paint. and where it doesn't we can make it work.

    No problems, been there done that and ruined a few t-shirts with spilled cokes and doritos.


    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, styopa said:

    I appreciate the generally thoughtful tone of the responses.  Really, I do.


    ...and that is why I figured I would approach and poke you with a stick, sharp end first, (I aint as dum as I luk, luc,  seem!)  to see if you wold attack or... I mean you seemed reasonable despite the foamy mouth.


  12. 6 minutes ago, styopa said:

    B.) on the former, perhaps you missed that I suggested that women get much BETTER INT stats than men?  And physically, I have no doubt that there are strong women, but it's indisputable that for a random population of men and women, men are on average around 40% stronger. (of course there are a huge variety of ways how you measure strength)

    16 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    And I would say, nature of nurture... on average the women of my local are as strong as the men... Intelligence... again equal... on average... The outliers still exist. The strongest member is a man,


    10 minutes ago, styopa said:

    What I see?  So far, it's 100% *MEN* commenting on these stats.  I'd love to see women's opinions on the idea that female characters (NPCs, if that's more palatable) generally have less STR, slightly less SIZ, better CON, better INT, higher DEX, and better POW to the net of +0.5 stats for females over males.  Most of the women in my life have proven time and again that STR and SIZ aren't the most important stats in the world, and Selkana has abundantly proved that rich, entertaining RQ campaigns don't have to be about murderhobos killing everyone they see.


    Good point.

  13. On 5/23/2019 at 4:40 AM, Crel said:

    Another question that came up for me was, don't other cultures worship ancestors too? Maybe not in the full shaman path that Daka Fal does, but it suits my imagination (although I got no clue if it exists in canon-Glorantha) to think that matrilineal Esrolia, for example, has Earth priestesses casting Summon Specific Ancestor to call upon the great mothers of the past for advice and succor. Would ancestor worship exist in Esrolia or Sartar as a sub-cult of one of the big gods maybe?

    Duke Raus and his priest Daryli Godspeaker, were ancestor worshippers by default in the Borderlands sandbox. I believe Raus came from the Empire lands of the Redlands and his ancestors were from Kostaddi, which alas I know nothing about The GtG v.313 page 313 had more.

  14. 27 minutes ago, pachristian said:

    n my game, set in Pavis (1612-1614, so far), I had presented the Morning Star and Evening Star as a paired spirit cult.

    Quite brilliant, thank you.

  15. 20 hours ago, Crel said:

    I'm not sure we need to jump straight to "Wrong side of history!" from someone positing a question on how to model sexual dimorphism in their own game. As for MGF, isn't that best decided table-by-table? (Not to mention I'm like 90% sure Wonder Woman's got a wee bit more than STR 21...)


    It does seem a bit histrionic and I will not get into my politics in this forum (would show a major disrespect to the forum, as well as its denizens). But do note that everyone here is using the same respectful principals. You disagree with me and pull out a considered and adult rebuttal. styopa worried he might  cause a shitstorm so he watched his words carefully even while crafting the incendiary piece it became. Hats off to styopa for broaching a dangerous topic with care.

    Come back styopa, the pitchforks are faked and we didn't even knot the nooses (gads what an disorganized mob). The forum's denizens reacted well, I have yet to hear any one calling out "off with his head!"? I appreciate that. 


    20 hours ago, Crel said:

    In my prior post, I disagreed with @styopa's assessment of INT between males and females based primarily on the second criterion. If males roll 3D6 and females 2D6+6 for minimum scores of 3 and 8 respectively, then there's some portion of males which are, simply, blithering idiots to a degree not extant in the female population. On that model, about 26% of the male population has INT equal to or less than the lowest 3% of the female population (assuming I've done math right :D).


    So how does one debate sensitive matters and not get noticed. I hope one does not. Yelled at? Only if the provoker deserves it but I am sure such an individual could be approached and asked what they meant first (while loosing a peace knot on one's sword). Allowed free reign to scream obscenities, and things to fowl to imagine?  Nah, that's the world outside of this forum. I only hope that reason can touch all participants, with compassion (hate to say the word but...) being the guide. As to the argument on stats.. haven't an opinion.

    Well yeah I do. soltakss* ...  as is his wont is correct. But, my opinion only, let the table decide.

    So would you buy Diana having a 23 STR?


    * soltaksswhy does the spell checker hate your name so? four times it insisted on typing "slots" (see it did it again, i typed "dolts" and... I DID NOT TYPE THAT... damn spellchecker)...

  16. 5 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Humans are made up of Periodic-Table elements; of DNA, by way of evolution.

     Gloranthans are made up of Runes, created by their various gods (and dragons, etc).

    The more I think about it, the less I think there is ANY basis to presume human-style sexual dimorphism.  Under the RAW, that I can see, there is zero support for believing this has any merit.

    I have often argued in like manner. Show me the corpuscles, the cells, the mitochondria of a Glorantha native. The Runes, perhaps. the others, if they even exist...

  17. On 5/30/2019 at 8:45 PM, Lemurion said:

    Personally, and much as I am coming to like HeroQuest, I can completely see why Chaosium is focusing on RQG. 

    Ah, but Ian, in the 20 or so years that other game systems have been available for Glorantha, I have only played RQ G, and KoDP. Still. page for page, I wonder if I have more HQ than RQ... G2G is tipping the scales.... but... I had to think about it... but RQ still wins 

    Nonetheless, if you keep putting out the fine Glorantha products I have seen for HQ I will keep buying them, whether or not I ever play them as originally intended.


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