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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    I find the /intent/ of the rule to be clear on this -- I'm confident in my reading -- but the RAW to not make my understanding explicitly clear and unamiguously-correct-by-RAW.

    Unless some one can find a smoking gun presenting a similarity twixt the RQ 3 and RQ RiG,  the rules as written support your logical interpretation. It would explain why the rule would be dropped if it has.

    1 minute ago, klecser said:

    Bill, we have confirmed that you are not crazy!


    As I am demonstrating above, I am afraid that jury is still out...

    • Like 1
  2. So many good answers here I will only dip my toes so as not to drown out good advice from all.

    7 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Not restricted in this case to the cult you've initiated to. It's what any temple or shaman might teach you. If you're an Orlanthi but out performing some quest for an Ernalda temple, your reward might be specific spirit magic known to that Ernalda temple.  Thus you can get an array of interesting and distinct spirit magic beyond what is taught by your cult.

    7 hours ago, klecser said:

    I believe this is how a lot of us rule it, roleplaying and all. And in my option the correct choice, again role playing and all. Why would a temple just sell away its treasures (lest that was it reason to exist, the god of selling out)?

    By the game's rules (without the additional GM seasoning mentioned above),  I am not sure that you have to do anything but pay the prove listed in RQ RiG to the correct temple of a non-hostile cult that has no reason not to teach to the spell and voila, you have the spell. If your god allows it, that is, does not prohibit the spell. 

    6 hours ago, Joerg said:

     Spirit magic on the other hand is an open catalogue. The cults may have limited spell teaching resources, but they will make them available to lay members in good standing, too. (Bring a large enough gift and be from a neutral or better cult, and you'll be in good standing unless you or your ethnicity have some negative history with the temple.)


    See above


    6 hours ago, Joerg said:

    True. "We hold these truths to be self-evident", you might say, meaning we might fail to point it out to a new player. Keep asking.

    Please, I am learning things I though i knew, (see other thread where I bone it... maybe, the jury is still out).

    5 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    I have been confused by this passage and this seems like a decent place to field this question. How does one learn spirit magic, in terms of higher point values? This passage leads me to believe that you stack on additional points when you learn more powerful versions of a spell.


    me confused too.

  3. Just now, Bill the barbarian said:

    Hey it happens, does not make it less funny that the great old ones boned it but...

    I played RQ three better than they... (fades to nothing...)

    shuts up... looks up for cloud cover and lighting... walks away slowly at first than quickens pace glancing at the sky with a worried expression every now again.. Finally breaks into a run whilst screaming "I didn't mean it............."

  4. 1 minute ago, SDLeary said:

    Then indeed it must have been an artifact of a pre-published version of the rules, or of playing so much RQ2. Both Steve and Sandy had us working things wrong!! LOL


    Hey it happens, does not make it less funny that the great old ones boned it but...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Kay-o,let me check...

     Special Melee Tactics is the sections heading on page 56 Moving and Melee is the next section break on page 59. The only subsection under Moving and Melee  found on page 59 as well is

    this again is RQ 3 and the book is the player's book of AH RQ 3 box set. My question is did SIZ rule cross over to RQ RiG?


    • Like 1
  6. Kay-o,let me check...

    Special Melee Tactics is the sections heading on page 56 Moving and Melee is the next section break on page 59. The only subsection under Moving and Melee  found on page 59 as well is

    Attacking on the Run

    A moving adventurer may perform one of the three combat actions—attack, parry or Dodge—while moving if that is all he does for the melee round. He cannot perform more than one of the three alternative. He also  must slow down by 1 meter per strike rank (a human would be able to move only 2 meters per strike rank, for instance)... snip of irrelevant...

    If the moving adventurer wants to attack he must do so on or after his DEX strike rank plus the strike rank for the weapon, Because he is moving the benefits and restrictions of SIZ do not apply.

    Emphasis mine

  7. 30 minutes ago, EpicureanDM said:

    @Bill the barbarian has added some important details to the basic answers, except for the MOV/SIZ stuff.


    Very true! Bill the barbarian may well have screwed up. Oops.

    I have found the rule in RQ 3 that I was quoting...

    Attacking on the Run Page Page 59 of the Player's Book in AH RQ 3 Box Set 

    It says the same as I did, and also limits you to an attack or dodge or parry, only one and move, SIZ neither penalizes or benefits. but oddly enough movement is not mentioned here. Of course it is mentioned as mod earlier with surprise and preparation, etc... as it is in RQ RiG.

    So, sharp eyed people, did SIZ not effecting the final SR when moving, like in RQ 3, not make it into modern RuneQuest in any of the places it might hide in the half dozen or so pages mentioning  strike ranks?

    If not sorry klecser, seems I might have boned it up. We will see.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, klecser said:

    .Movement: Any time two fighters meet in melee,
    no matter how long they’ve traveled to get to
    that meeting,

    This might be what is causing the confusion. This assumes that both parties are moving, ergo, neither are in melee. Again, neither is engaged (c'mon wags ya know ya want to. insert bad joke here... children {sigh}). When one foe is standing pat he uses DEX SRM (strike rank modifier) + SIZ SRM + Weapon SRM = Strike Rank as per normal melee versus our charging foe. His SIZ has no effect on his SR so DEX SRM + MOV SRM* + Weapon SRM = SR

    * can only move half MOV (4 MOV for humans) and engage... 1 MOV unit is 3m and equals one SR this is a muddle and I wish I could find all the pertaining rules easily alas... Here goes down the rabbit hole to

    page 191

    2. Movement of Non-Engaged Characters
    Any adventurer or monster actively taking part in melee combat, whether attacking or defending, is engaged in melee combat. All characters and monsters not directly engaged in melee combat may move up to their total movement rate (MOV).

    Those moving no more than half of their usual movement allowance may also participate in melee or perform other feats such as throwing a spell. Every 3 meters of movement adds 1 to the mover’s strike rank.

    As noted prior, strike ranks are explained fully below.

    Page 194

    The Minor Criteria

    Movement: Any time two fighters meet in melee, no matter how long they’ve traveled to get to that meeting, strike rank should be figured out normally for them. However, the gamemaster should consider the time taken to get from point A to point B when an adventurer joins an ongoing melee or charges across a distance at a foe using a spell or missile against them. 

    Page 195


    An unencumbered adventurer not engaged in melee combat may move to their species movement rate in a melee round. A human can move 8 movement units in a melee round, or 24 meters.

    For each unit (3 meters) of movement an unengaged adventurer makes during the melee round, add +1 to their strike rank if they wish to take any action.

    An adventurer engaged in melee cannot move until disengaged.

    A mount or chariot carrying an adventurer engaged in melee can move at its normal movement rate unless the mount itself directly engages in combat (such as a war horse making a Kick attack or a bison making a Butt attack).

    Put em all together take two aspirin and does that help at all, no...?

  9. 44 minutes ago, RHW said:

    I could see Heortlings playing the theoretical ur-football. Everyone from bloodline x tries to kick a ball into the doors of the main longhouse of bloodline y and vice versa. Can scale down to families or up for the once a year match against another clan.


    I want to play this, it sounds like madness...

  10. 21 minutes ago, RHW said:

    and of course the Great Hunt.

    Dp you feel the great hunt in Dragon Pass would be the thing it is say Balazar?

    23 minutes ago, RHW said:

    Sacred time dances and songs are very important to get right so getting together to practice them would be popular. Practices could be small events (just family) or could be part of general hoedowns for bloodlines.


    There is a thread here in BRP Central about planning sacred time that makes it sound like passion plays and christmas pageants on the blue marble and the amount of work these entail. To think of it being fun makes me wonder... though to a bystander who is not in anyway involved just watching the farcical nature of the planning followed closely by the ceremonies execution (the poor sheep that goes the wrong way, the little Orlanth that just could not hold it anymore... (aww) could entertain the communities teens and the Eurmali immensely. No that is mean, I am sure there are teen romances that blossom into the real things that begin at these practices. Not to mention community bonding.

    It all sounds pretty cool. Thanx.

    • Like 1
  11. Poor editing led me to many mistakes in the last post can be deleted. if the management should see this please make it go poof. Correction follows.

    5 hours ago,  klecser said: 

    1. Melee strike rank is always DEX SR+SIZ SR+Wpn SR ? (assume readied)


    When moving, number of MOVs replace SIZ strike rank modifier (SRM) in figuring weapon SR pages 193 and 194 RQ RiG


       5 hours ago,  klecser said: 

     2. Missile weapons are DEX SR ?  (assume readied) 


    Simply speaking correct. See page 211-214 for full tale but mostly 211 for simple SR. There is a sentence on firing multiple times worth a look 

    S/MR: As many missiles as can be fired as strike rank permits, assuming 5 strike ranks to reload.


       5 hours ago,  klecser said: 

     3. Spell is DEX SR + 1 per MP beyond the first? (assume readied)


    Correct for Spirit magic ( pages 194 RQ RiG) an near correct for Rune Magic (same page and on Page 214 and 215 of RQ RiG).

     All (? Thats what it says...) Rune Magic with no or one point of magic points added is cast on SR 1. This is on Page 214 and 215  of RQ RiG . 

    forget adding " add one SR per point of spell added after the first point to SR 1 I do not see it adding DEX in anywhere so it could be assumed you add MP cost above 1  to SR 1."


       5 hours ago,  klecser said: 

     4. SR appears to be pre-calculated for Pre-Gens/Scenario Adversary Stat Blocks? But assume a readied weapon?


    Have not checked out the pre gens since mistakes were found I refer you to PhilHibbs who seems to be in the know.

    Note I have seen surprise preparation movement (noted above) and picking up and placing down (not dropping) all mentioned as modifiers and the number mentioned is a universal and easy to remember though very inaccurate 5. I am sure there will be more added in the future.




    • Thanks 1
  12. Just read the above and it does not quite explains how memorizing stuff is a game and how it works A listing game would be a battle of endurance to see who knows more, and longer, points could be awarded possibly for more obscure lore (seeing as this is judged un-objectivly by the audience at hand points are awarded by what pleases this audience and this could range as widely as could the audience itself) The points mentioned are pointless really, the audience decides who wins and remember they might also be drinking.The person with the greatest knowlede (often judged by peers so definitely it's unfair and very subjective, sucks to be you) as the audience sees it, wins. No real rules that tare universal, you could trip up not knowing a regional point of order. 

    A good modern example for sheer bloodthirstiness and devotedness in is its participants and audience. is spelling bees :) They are not quite as loosely umpired or run, though.

  13. Just had a thought, in Heortling areas there is a sliding scale of literacy and oral tradition. Most Heortling folk groups of size in the Pass seem to have a few private libraries (at least one) and LM temples. But an Orlanthi all seem to have most learning passed down orally. Seems to me that listing games would be popular, for fun, learning by rote, and to crush your opponents and to hear the lamentations of their women folk (HEY, Conan the Librarian, simmer down over there. )... The Learned and law speakers upon meeting might engage in a harmless if of good nature or friends battle, or meaningful if rivals, frenemies, enemies gets a bit more heated—listings of their knowledge either over beers, ritual first meetings ceremonial,  verbal joustings in court or... The stakes could be a beer or 

    Diplomats or skalds would certainly have list battles lines of kings, princessess, family trees, or other such lore. Why leave the farmers out who will list lores of dates to plant barley (and amongst the old, grognardly, and unemployed whilst sitting in Greydog Inn) the various different names of said barley and their etymology. Who the previous owners and all who have dwelled in the haunted tower three hills and a valley over and speculations in their whereabouts now... back three generations might be another style of list battle though our modern ears would hear an evening of campfire spooky tales. The arena for this battle would have to be anywhere a few drinkers could meet for an evenings tilt (and of course... a fire even if in a hearth).

    Just speculation.

  14. 9 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    On the other hand, even if everyone dies, the destruction of the wyter might not be desirable. I see the wyter having a role in the afterlife of the unit, and the continued honouring and veneration of those who gave their lives. The wyter would often be bound into a statue or shrine dedicated to the memory of the war band after its destruction or disbanding, so you'd want something of it to survive. That's just based on my speculation though.

    or it could survive as a war trophy if it could be taken and become like a roman standard of recent novel and movie note; a quest object for future parties to seek/rescue/revenge/destroy?

    5 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Not necessarily. An alternative would be that the wyter object is destroyed, and that survivors who failed to participate in the mission can re-summon it and build up the regiment again.


    that's a nice one as well.

  15. 1 hour ago, lordabdul said:

    Thanks! But yes, I had seen those before, and that's why I was curious about getting some similar notes for the RQG books... although those old notes are very detailed, so I would even be happy with just a couple or handful of lines.

    Yes, Glorantha.com was/is a charm. And the tbs stuff as you say, incredible! I can't recall the gatekeeper (admin) over there but combined with the wayback machine... wow. That gentleperson is wonderful!

  16. 44 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    The Trolls in our RQ2 campaign used to play Duck Golf. You take a Duck, a Troll and a Troll Maul to the top of a hill and see how far the Duck flies ...

    but. but, but, ducks can't fly....

    FOUR. thwack.... <QUACK!>

    ohh... poor duck. :(

  17. 1 minute ago, Joerg said:

    But without penalties for when your club happens to interact with other players.

    You have not seen how they play lacrosse in Ontario, Quebec and New England then.Bloody!

  18. 25 minutes ago, BlindPumpkin said:

    Again, I'd like to reinterate that I'm not in any way saying that your interpretation is "wrong", just that it is very different from earlier editions, which seems obvious to me but a lot of people seem hesitant to say so. There seems to be a sort of defensive "it's always been like this" stance, which I noticed when looking up topics with similar discussions.


    Nope said that when I looked at the the pre gens when running demos for free gaming day back in may/june of '17 a year before the core rules were released. Called them near "super-heroes" which is a gloranthan thing from wb&rm. I got tired of getting on a soapbox and I am sure I tired out a few listeners so I put that pet peeve away and play my solultion happily, my players dig it I dig it.

     I run with only three players in Classic RQ and RQ 3 modules so with half sized parties full of  super powered godlings—works out just about right. I can't wait to send them to apple lane.. They are new to the game and have come from d&d and a c&s campaign me and the other players played in, The third player also from the campaign is a rap artist here abouts and plays rifts games these days.. (I was tom the enchanter the first player mentioned was a were bear and the rapper was a knight from the indian sub-continent in the c&s game). Now they are a small merchant stead (hearth really)  of only 14 bodies on the edge of the division hills in torkani tribal lands. So over powered beings with numerically superior but under powered foes in a very, very small but old stead a well allied stead with a great old bloodline.We'l see... what could go wrong go wrong go wrong tik tik tik...

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