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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 minute ago, Jeff said:

    Given that we have Mongoose's RQ sales figures (as part of the royalty statements), I think it can be safe to say the most important lesson is Don't Do What Mongoose Did.

    Yes please, try not to go bankrupt. I just got my fave game back after 25 or so years.

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  2. So, a Sartarite vet of Argrath's liberation walks into the fallen on hard times but still open Lunar Embassy in Pavis. A clerk approaches in threadbare tattered robes of office, and weakly coughs and says what can I do for you.

    I would like to speak to Tacitus the Bright, says the vet quite loudly.

    The clerk again coughs and says. Tacitus the Bright, May the Goddess ever shine upon him.... is dead May I serve in some other way?... and his voice trails off wearily...

    No that is fine says the vet, hey how's about my old buddy the sorcerous ol' Tacitus...?

    I have already <cough> told you of his demise, now anything else before I have you run off you raggedy funny barbaric man.

    He's dead?

    He's Dead,

    The vet turns and begins to walk away... 'and the clerk calls after him. You have come in here and ruined my day, by repeatedly asking the same question, Why? Why? You do not look addled, or appear to be deaf from the wars, Why do you have me repeat Tacitus is dead again and again? 

    The vet without turning around says

    I just can't hear it enough.

    From John Hughs excellent page from years ago, Anyone know which great old one to attribute this joke to?


  3. So, hows about a thread about pastimes in the Pass? Any topic,, jokes, games, grognardy or newbie friendly or just plain friendly in general. No wrong answers, just keep the arguments to one page or so and have them be... friendly. Kinda like canada, eh? Anyway todays credit and banana plated no-prize goes to Joerg. (ah man, I am sorry, I did not mean it, really. Please...)... ah c'mon man, let it go...


    37 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    There are other legitimate ways to beat the shit out of people related to you that you don't like very much - e.g. invite them and their friends to a "friendly" game of stick ball, aka full contact golf, as suggested by Roderick Robertson on the digest 25 years ago.


    I suppose there is always a nice civilized game of trollball, eh...

    digest from 25 years ago


    Shinty (Full Contact/Combat Golf)

    That sounds like a heck of a lot of fun worth a follow down the rabbit hole by clicking on it..., You know,  I played Lacrosse when I was a kid, and this sounds kinda like it...

  4. 21 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Maybe someone mistakenly conflating -- or intentionally cross-pollinating between -- Delecti & Vivamort?

    Thank you I believe it is all coming back to me, Simon Phipp, did you not have a web page containing a theory tying Delecti Druluz & Vivamort together or was that another?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Bars with brawls are a city (or at least market town) thing only. You don't clobber your own clan mates in your drinking hall for fear of invoking kinstrife, even if you would enjoy that so much. Fortunately, no such restrictions exist for in-laws, other than hospitality rites. For the other stuff, divinely sanctioned competitions and duels are the outlet. Arm-wrestling can be quite rowdy and mean.


    Oh fine take away the basis of one of my best speculations with fact and reality. I hope you enjoy you advanced game of Attorneys and Accountants (A A&A 1 ed. for short).


    • Sad 1
  6. Considering the cost of some 40 year old module still runs to a buck or two and they are still commercially available. I would ask that you reconsider your argument. You are not saying that people who have just invested big in classic RQ are not welcome here are you?. I propose a test of your theorem,  just post entire classic modules. I am sure Chasoium might agree with your 40 year statute of limitations. So in summary, RQ 2 modules are no longer current,  You would prefer no spoiler alerts and it seems you might wish to use stronger language then silly with me. n'est-ce pas?

    1 hour ago, Tywyll said:

     Meanwhile, looking at my collection of modules and sandboxes I don't see any. Where is the permanent powers gained Griffin Mountain? What do you get in the Big Rubble (I don't count Nysalor Riddles). borderlands? It's possible I missed something but I don't recall anything like the rewards in Rainbow Mounds.


    Again I could answer but I shan't. 


    1 hour ago, Tywyll said:

    I don't count Nysalor Riddles

    I do, permanent, check, magical check, yeah it qualifies...

    1 hour ago, Tywyll said:

     But if you know of some and don't want to risk spoilers please PM me with details. As Gm I would like more adventures like that.

    They are commercially available from chaosium...

    Now keep in mind, I said I was not looking for flames...


  7. 2 hours ago, Crel said:

    However, I do play My Glorantha as you've described; almost every person is a game-Initiate, with Rune points and magic powers. Most are of less adventures-relevant deities, like Barntar the Plow God or Uralda the Cow Goddess, but nearly everyone has a little Rune magic. I do this for a variety of reasons, one of which is so I can tell my players "don't go murder-hoboing into a tavern brawl if you don't want to deal with Orlanthi farmers chucking Lightning."


    I tend to play at a much lower level but the image of farmer getting pissed off and tossing lightning around the greydog inn... It has appeal, I don't deny it. You just have to know that the local Eurmali, Brigpiece, would be around somewhere.


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    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Joerg said:


    17 hours ago, RHW said:

    So exactly how widespread are these practices in Glorantha and where did they come from in the first place? My theory is that tattooing originated with the Dragonnewts, who are well known for the practice. It was adapted by the human residents of Dragon Pass and spread by the members of the Council of Friends and became truely widespread in the Second Age under the EWF. Kraloreleans developed the practice independently from their own contact with the Dragonnewts, and they (and especially their sailors and traders during non-isolationist periods) spread it throughout the East. In my Genertela, the practice is  now commonplace in the East, Pent, Prax, and Maniria. It is also seen among the barbarians of Ralios, Fronela, and Peloria. It is considered a sin against nature in most parts of the West, as well as in Dara Happa, where it is associated with the savage Storm-worshippers who live in the South. Lately the practice has started to catch on with the jaded children of nobility of the Lunar Empire, but it's still not wide-spread. 


    Fantastic, above and beyond (true or not). You did not mention east islanders and sailors. Both 2nd and now 3rd age, I would imagine they would uniquely contribute to the fine art of tattooing...


    17 hours ago, RHW said:

     To me the origins of piercings are obvious. Little bits of metal stuck in the body are interesting to look at with regular senses, but they're even better when you're using sonar. So... Trolls. In my Glorantha, Uz began piercing themselves long before their emergence into the surface world. The tough hides of trolls makes them especially well adapted to endure this painful process and it's a rare troll who doesn't sport at least a septum piercing and a half-dozen earrings. Piercings of the nipples and sexual organs are a common part of most Troll marriage ceremonies. Though optional for the females, it's required of the males and is the trollish equivalent of a wedding ring. 


    I'm willing to bet Sandy would like this..


    2 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Funny. I would expect dwarves to have body modifications as factory standard - mechanical or clockwork limbs, animated rock, etc.


    I think my mostali are most definitely going to be steam punk! Body mods, yeah I can see that. 

    49 minutes ago, Lord High Munchkin said:

    Of course Mostali have tattoos!!



    Fine thread!

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    The text about wyters in RQG gives a very high information for word count ratio. Possibly more than can be easily digested.


    Basically, wyters are the way to magically establish a community that has magical consequences. The wyter is the manifestation of the community, and the community reflects the state of the wyter.


    Wow, exactly what I was asking for! Joerg screams out above the crash of storm...

    The Kraken Has Been Released!

    • Haha 1
  10. Don't get me wrong, I am not sure I should give away plot points that big in a specific way. Discussing i a general way... that intro module for very new comers... surprise there are no large magic items or imo most modules do have big shiny magic.. Naming a module, telling exactly what and where and when with a bit of how... I get a bit queasy at this point and I don't exactly mean my stated aversion to spoilers. It seems wrong. Is it just me? Again, not a flame just a valid question.

    Would Should such threads exist?

    Should they have large spoiler alerts?

    Am I being silly?


  11. 4 hours ago, Tywyll said:
    5 hours ago, Kloster said:

    I remember of some Eurmal's mushrooms that have random permanent magical effects, not all beneficiary, but I don't remember in which RQIII module.


    I do but I am not sure I wish to name the module (s) without a big spoiler alert. Why ruin a game for some poor group? The money spent, the time taken in reading learning copying, transcribing maps,  laminating, playing all at risk because of loose lips, I think not. Not being surly and I mean this in a positive way. :)

    My editorial opinion.




    7 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    Are there any other adventures or modules that do things like the Rainbow Mounds, where characters gain permanent magical benefits (i.e. the permanent armor points from killing the great lizard mother)?

    I think it would be easier to list those adventures or modules or sandboxes that do not give an opportunity to gain a permanent magical effect. Nope, can't think of one. Wait, Green Brass the freebie from RQ 3's GM book. And some on Alan Lavergne's solo modules... 


    • Like 1
  13. 40 minutes ago, g33k said:

    1) Do you feel giving players the text of the history of the Colymar Tribe from the Screen Pack is overkill?


    I would say the political stuff that g33k gives encompassed this question. I can't think of anything to add politically, still a little sedated from a trip to the doctor yesterday so I might chime in later should anything come to mind.. More to add off topic, but you have had enough off topic so have a look back through these threads. There is gold here.

    2 hours ago, klecser said:

    2) Would pages 12-16 be a better "basic" introduction to the Tribe lands? (Population, Climate, Temples, Politics)

    Laminate them and put the in the centre of the table. Some one asks what the weather is or what not send then on a search for the info to involve them in your Glorantha (ancient heroquest which makes it a little more their Glorantha). 


    50 minutes ago, g33k said:

    You know your group best, so what follows may be totally off-base...


    Can't get any truer than that!

    klescer, if I contributed in any way to your confusion in magic, I apologize.

    I try to give good advice to new GMs. I used to be one and the rudimentary nets and bbs threads we followed were very primitive compared to today. Thankfully, I came from a 60's/70's childhood love of war-games so parsing this amazing amount of data for rpgs was kind of easy. But I sure would have loved to be able to ask a question or two in near real time. Or seen your videos for that matter.


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