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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. On 10/22/2015 at 6:36 AM, Steve said:

    How do you pronounce "Hsunchen"? Is the "s" silent? Or the "H"? Or am I trying to over-complicate it and both of the first two letters are pronounced?


    I'll let Louis and Ella say it for me.

  2. 7 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere has some good scenes for Underworld related quests; Stardust is a whole quest; and The Ocean at the End of the Lane has a great example of things that can come back from a quest to the other side.


    Absolutely anything by Gaiman, especially Sandman's first 8 or so issues! Though Gaiman usually does not write anything that would resemble sword and sandal fantasy (See his Sandman/Orpheus arc that makes a liar of me) most of his books could easily exist in the realms of Hero Quests.

    • Like 1
  3. 47 minutes ago, svensson said:

    the idea that reenactors would survive better than other people after some kind of apocalypse is ridiculous on its face if you know anything at all about us. We'd all be just as buggered up anyone else after the Tylenol and coffee ran out

    I would hate to have people's opinion of The People of the Air coloured by this description. It has little to do with the book except how reenactors would be buggered after the sh#t went down.

    • Like 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, svensson said:

    Both times I found it to be somewhat off-putting for my tastes. I chalk it up to the writer's style and leave it at that. But then, I'm also the guy who didn't like SM Stirling's Change novels...:)

    Totally okay, many hated the Last Unicorn and some thought it one of the greatest fantasies written;

    Your Real World Will Vary

    • Like 1
  5. Folk of the Air. Peter S Beagle
    Set in 20th century San Francisco. Its heros are members of something quite similar to the SCA, the characters could easily be found here posting on BRP central. Great read!

    His other book is one you might have heard of; The Last Unicorn!

    • Like 1

    On 5/18/2019 at 7:18 AM, klecser said:

    Bill, I appreciate your insight in what needs to be parsed in RQ, because that is what I posted for in the first place.

    Thank you  for the compliment, klescer.  Can't say every post I have had made are as good  but the good ones have something in common.  I try to read a post that I wish to reply to twice to make sure I got it, as well as the other posts around it to have a context Then I will craft a reply and then read the original and the reply before posting. I have had to throw away a more than a couple of posts realizing I was off topic or someone else had nailed it or...  With luck my post was worth someone's while. At the very least its good typing practice.

    On 5/18/2019 at 7:18 AM, klecser said:

    And I hear you all loud and clear: magic comes later, and that totally makes sense.  Thanks everyone who contributed on topic!


    45 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Postpone Sorcery, but DO feature Spirit magic & Rune magic; they aren't hard, and bring lots of color!

    Damn now I have to answer in a negative after you heaped all the nice praise on me. 

    Hmm klecser, what am I not understanding here? 

    I would incorporate magic right away into a RQ RiG game (after all Glorantha is magic) but I would recommend that a new GM simplify it. Use as much of the rules as one can parse, and that the story you are telling for that session requires. At the very least I would say you would have to give every player some way of healing themselves, a healing potion if not healing spells. As stands, RQ magic in its current three schools (more schools to come later)  is complicated compared to most (if not all) BRP games and previous incarnations of RQ. So, yeah if a new GM wishes to simplify, I see no reason not to. If a GM wished to hand wave magic (until he or she grasps it better) and just "feature" spirit and rune magic (perhaps in the person of a NPC) and remove it from the nitty gritty of every day rules, this is drastic but it would not break BRP and should not break RQ RiG. That said, learning and mastering the magic system will pay dividends in gaming Glorantha imo.

    Alas, magic (at least as a backdrop) is needed for Glorantha. It must be featured as g33k says, at the very least. The complexity is not needed. Save that for your tax forms or grading your students papers and/or behaviour. Hell, you paid a lot of money for the game. Enjoy it.


  7. On 10/22/2015 at 8:21 PM, Harry the Dirty Dog said:

    We had a discussion in a campaign long ago whether is was Pay-vis, Pah-vis or Pa-vis.  We ended up deciding that Pavisites, Northern Sartarites, Southern Sartarites and Lunars all say it differently.

    The very first time I heard it pronounced Payvus was in a Dirk the Dice podcast. I was thinking it wrong and enchanted all at the same time. Alas, I have never travelled in a land where dialects and accents change in a days walk, but I can well imagine and think, wow that is cool. I need that for my game. Thus, I will have to agree with Harry the Dirty Dog here.
    Chacun à son goût. 


  8. 18 hours ago, David Scott said:

    It depends on your local games store. For example there are two over here in in London UK that have space to do games and one that doesn't. Of the two, just speaking to the staff will get you a spot and with the other they've a maximum capacity of over 100 so no problem. You could use meet up or eventbrite to help organise your games if wanted. Recently a group of GMs organised an independent meet up in in Birmingham UK with over 60 attendees. Publicity materials will be coming soon from Chaosium. Perhaps @Psullie could talk about any experiences he has had organising games in the UK, he's one of our regular GMs at cons here and one of his scenarios is one of the RQG winners of the Scenario Writing contest - 


    Alas, David, it seems that you are mostly answering  different messages then the one i had posted. You are answering a question concerning gaming stores allowing gaming and I am asking if Chaosium is as Psullie suggested providing material to run demos and also my question as to advertising material to push the demo to be run which you did answer. Cheers!  I have written and run a tournament years ago and have run a half dozen demos over the years including The Broken Tower  so  I am not asking of advice on how to run a demo.

    Not saying I won't ask in the future but not this time

    Seems this is quite common David, misreadings of posts on BRP central. I might have to rethink how clear my notions are to others (nah its them, not me)


  9. 11 hours ago, soltakss said:

    The "official" timeline is just a guideline as to what might happen in the future. If your PCs make changes, then all you need to do as a GM is to decide what effects those changes have. It's the same as with a scenario. If you have a scenario which says "The PCs meet Fred the Blacksmith" and then, at a later point in the scenario, "Fred brings the PCs a piece of Sky Metal that fell to the earth", but when the PCs met Fred there was a disagreement and they really annoyed him or killed him, then the GM either finds a way for someone else to bring them the Sky Metal, tell them that Fred had some Sky metal or find it themselves. It's the same with the Timeline. If the PCs really annoy Kallyr or Garrath Sharpsword, they become their enemies, which affects how they interact with the Hero Wars. If they kill a key NPC then they might take on that key NPC's role or the key NPC's actions might never happen or might be done by someone else. If your PCs are adventuring in a different place, then the Hero Wars events might happen in the background or might move to where the PCs are.


    Thanx soltakss I was hoping/figuring it would prove to be easy to split from canon. My game starts in Torkani lands the year of the Rebellion of the Righteous Wind. I have  always used 1611 as my starting point, but I have never been this far off canon before, 14 years or so, almost a generation. Still, I must have my Gringle arc as well as the Rainbow Mounds near the beginning of all my campaigns and that sets the time as before Gringle becomes a member of the Sartar ring.  Now with many ways to continue AL I think I will either begin Part 2 of the Apple Lane arc in a quiet year after 1613 when Gringle returns. 1614? Or maybe use the Sartar Companion (?) HQ Apple Lane set in 17 or 18?

    I have always figured I would end up with some set days that not be changed a la Dr. Who (who?), of course that never stopped the good doctor before so we will see how it all unfolds.. What do you think Marty Jopson,  have we drifted to far off topic (probably) but are we still interesting, making it a little more forgivable?

  10. On 2/11/2019 at 4:59 PM, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Yes, but monopoly on knowledge is power. Don't underestimate someone's desire to keep their knowledge exclusive.

    Part of the reason for the impossibility of organizing LM temple libraries and for the obsession that drives the reorganizations led by new Chief librarians that start on their inaugural day and tend to last their entire career.


  11. 1 hour ago, dracopticon said:

    Yes, the modularity of RQ6 should be a basis for easier mixing.

    I would think so


    1 hour ago, dracopticon said:

    . Thanks for asking the important question if this should be ported to the Mythras section. It probably should.

    Politeness and all.

    • Like 1
  12. Psullie was suggesting in a yhread about Cons in the RQ Forum that:


    Join the Cult of Chaos and offer to run a game at your local store and you will be provided with scenarios.

    Now, does Psullie know what he is talking about here Even without a scenario to run from you guys I have been thinking of approaching a couple of FLGSs here in Edmonton and offering to run RQ RiG (modded RQ 2 and 3 games, Broken Tower, or Stolen Eye (I would check for the correct name but leaving a page in this software sucks) games but if I am doing so as a CoC member and if you might have an ad I could use... A few have suggested putting up posters with my contact info, to organize demo games.


  13. 6 minutes ago, Wrestlepig said:

    I had a bit of a look into doing an Ernaldan Heavy Infantrywoman and it's actually not a terrible choice. Although Ernalda doesn't have any super dramatic combat spells, you get access to lots of good spells from associated cults, like Shield, Earth Shield and Impede Chaos, as well as a lot of defensive/support spells. You also get Befuddle, Ignite and Demoralise, which are all very useful in a combat situation, and can learn Bladesharp from associated cults. And if that's not enough just get a pet giant snake or Earth Elemental and then you're in the business.

    Sweet, more proof that if any was needed; that while min/maxing stats can be fun, a character with depth in personalty and beliefs and min/maxed* for MGF instead can be just as cool. I can think of no reason not to do this and blow a stereotype of two out of the water, or just have fun should your sights be set a little lower,

      Thanx Wrestlepig.

    * or not; perhaps created according to a plan, or created to explore more nuances of Glorantha, or...

  14. I recall thinking that RQ 6 was incredibly modular and that it had been designed to shed or accept whole areas of rules. Whitaker and Nash even suggest doing this. I do not think that RQ RiG is as modular but thankfully it is BRP so it is inherently modular, though with a lot of modularity designed out. If Mythras has maintained the RQ 6 modularity you might need to use it as the base and graft on passions, runes, cults etc to taste from RQ RiG. I am going to guess going this route is should be slick. Keep us up to date please. 

    To avoid bending noses out of joints I should ask... is this the right forum for this topic or like dracopticon has suggested, are we swearing in church and this thread should move to Mythras?

    • Like 1
  15. Delecti the Necromancer:

    Humakti, Humakti

    don't you treat me so mean

    You're the meanest Death Drake I've ever seen

    I guess if you say so

     I'll have to pack my dead and go

    Humakti Death Drake:

    Hit the R:OAD


    and doncha come back

    Duck choir:

    no more, no more, no more, no more...

    Humakti Death Drake:

    Hit the R:OAD



    • Haha 1
  16. 49 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I am pondering lamination...


    I wonder to what effect, a keepsake perhaps but the package is so tight on every angle at the moment the mm. or so thickness gain that would come with lamination may be more that it can take, On the other hand framed and on the wall...

  17. 30 minutes ago, Addison said:

    Thanks for chiming in Rick - I was looking to print at the local stationers which allows for larger sizes. Obviously if there is no pdf existent then it's all moot.

    A few of us our mourning the eventual loss of the pretty GM screen dust covers that we have fallen in love with just to find that the love, alas, must be fleeting.

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