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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    My point from above isn't that they don't believe the god/dessess exist - it's that they're so prominent in daily life, and so is their magics amongst the religious hierarchy, that using such invocations becomes 'normal', and therefore the motives of the caster more suspect. (especially obvious when an Eurmali is Lie-ing to you... or suddenly sounds really logical (at the time). "Dudes, we should totally go raid Glamour right now - the place has been abandoned!".. "oh, really, who told you that?" - "The Eurmali... come on, let's go!!" )


    Ah Shiningbrow, I see why you are having problems with this.

    We are visitors from our blue planet to Stafford's green lozenge  Wethe players and GMs  do not believe in magic we can not exploit or gods that  can not do something for us. Codification and god learning, ya know.The folk of the lozenge see it all very different.They have to. No choice, it means life and success against adversity mythically, historically, presently and as sure as gods make little green hills tomorrow to! They know if they do not appease the river or creek near their stead the spirits will  turn their boats back or tear their nets. Belief has absolutely nothing to do with it. They do not read this as fair of unfair but just as is. We might call them naive, but they know better!

    Alas, a little role-playing is required here taking on a very strange role, willing to  consume something as daily bread and truth in the sword and sandal sandbox of Glorantha  even if very different from one's day to day life. Assume that the folk of the lozenge do not feel they are being fooled but that a truth of the god's age is being revealed as it is a little way each season holy day and in mind-blowing village scale hero quests of the Sacred Times and High Holy days where you and your neighbours can walk amid your tales and heroes as well as gods and demons.

      It is a part of Glorantha that should not vary very much I think.. Now Mythros and RQ 3 do not see it that way and might suit better, but RQ G and HQ G the inherent shamanistic Staffordian silliness is a part of the cloth (again, I think)...

    Ah hell, each to their own, vary away, remove if you wish but I have no problems asking my players to suspend disbelief and except the word of a priestess under the influence of Runes and Magic evoking their deity to the faithful, possibly to the point of accepting shit we would call blarney.. 


    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    20L per Rune Point...

    Depends if your GM allows that the starting wealth you had was similar to the wealth they had when you were born, and that you can spend those heirlooms etc prior to your birth.

    (and, rules lawyering... I think I saw only 1 roll for extra money prior to your birth in the Family History, and that's only if you're not a Satarite).

    Your kids though.....

    an egregious Munchkin might, just might, start far enough back in the family history to become his own child... just saying. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Anunnaki said:

    Yeah. "Not so Smort..." :D (Sorry, couldn't resist.) And yes, I assumed the trollkin in the mounds scenario are all normal trollkin, as it predates Trollpak's release.

    Surely you jest (waiting patiently... hold rimshot...)

    Superior Trollkin do not predate Trollpak. The curse was not canonical until then? Wow, Sandy was a busy boy, and a hell of a product too. But are you sure?

    (still waiting...)

  4. 23 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    If the "casting of a spell has effects" is true, then what do we think is going to happen when the Ernalda Priestess desperately needs to convince the council not to go to war, and casts her Charisma spell in the middle of the meeting? Or the Eurmal casts Clever Tongue and everyone starts agreeing with him? (yes, I get that they're hopefully smart enough to cast those outside, then come back in...


    My thoughts as well...

    Make the effects minor and subtle, even with a Bladesharp 4 once thought to be powerful. perhaps the whistle of a enhanced sword is a little more evocative of the wind. When the sun hits it just right again after a brilliant move perhaps, it glints a woad blue (remember this might work with steel but this is red bronze hmm). The air moves enough to be noticeable on a special perhaps as the blade whistles into flesh, Hints and cues subtly dropped in descriptions. But care is required that you have not added another magic effect and unthought of consequences as well. 

    What to do with a bladesharp 10? (The boy within says: zzzzoommm, vrrroooosh, zzzzzzooottt!) 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Poor Harrek, suffering the same problem as Hengall the Second Son: he doesn't fit into buildings any more when wearing the bear skin. Also unable to enjoy female company as they suffer some of the Lois Lane penalties for sex with Superman.


    I think Larry Niven or Spider Robinson has a treatise on this (Superman and Lois, not Harrek).


  6. On 4/27/2019 at 5:10 PM, klecser said:

    Hey all, I will update this thread periodically as I upload more videos. The goal of this series is for me to showcase character creation for new players through the eyes of an experienced role-player new to Runequest.

    Just watched yer 2nd klecser. Nice, good way to introduce the rules, mistakes (few, maybe two), uncertainties and all.

    The question you posed at the end of two. I don't see an answer, so let me try. What to do if a passion already exists and are told to open it. Hmm. if apathetic is 50/50  then opening a passion at the standard 60% would be the same as adding 10% to a new passion. One might assume that a passion that already exists getting this bonus  would necessitate adding 10%, no?

    Checked passions and reputation section and nothing, Family history is where I should have started here it is, on page 29:

    If the event indicates that your adventurer gains a Passion (Love, Hate, Loyalty, Fear, Devotion, Honor, etc.) that Passion starts at 60%, unless indicated otherwise.

    If your adventurer already has the Passion, increase it by +10%, unless indicated otherwise


    PS I just realized... I now know how long it takes to  do family history. Thanks klescer

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, dracopticon said:

    I just want to give my players some basic security during those beginning steps of my RQG adventures. And I admit, it is cheap feelings of security, anyone can die in any situation. But it's very much the looks of the characters that the players first get in their minds. Then again, that look can differ very much from the more basic archetypes of fantasy, as it should - especially in this game of Runequest. I feel that translating that "ethnic and religious feel" that I soak up as I read in all the sourcebooks (including the two monster books of The Guide to Glorantha) is very difficult to convey to some of the players, to be honest - it's the majority of players. I want them to feel at home in this world, but I understand it takes time.

    Don't even try is the best solution. The rules as stand should give powerful enough characters. but if not to your taste just be generous with the rolls as you suggested.  As to that Staffordian feel  you want. if you impart a Glorantha touch or two a game session that should work. Don't force it...

    My first memories of RQ were a of a sword and sandal game, kind of like D&D but cooler. The game was set on the great traveling caravans of the souther plains of Panatela. No, we weren't there, somehow the GM had transplanted them to Genertela. Did I know, did I care? Nah, it was cool.   Second thing to turn my head was the realization that a special roll could be anything , as my jonesing duck found out ny getting a box of coronas while specialling a spot hidden roll. These memories are quite strong and quite old...

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, g33k said:

    There is an awful lot to like in this notion!

    It is pretty good, innit? Take a bow Ian Absentia... and a no-prize!

  9. Wasn't sure if this thread was gone or not but a conversation in the prison thread sent me scurrying to the RQ RiG for a quote and then here with a Chalana Arroy Priestess resurrection spell in tow... Credit for my checking this out goes to soltakss Joerg, and Metcalph. Thanks.

    and the new addition to Wth... Cto! are the following rules from the Equipment and Wealth chapter of RQ RiG page 406:

    Storing Treasure 

    Temples serve as storage centers for grain, livestock, precious metals, and other valuables. Most cults do not charge their initiates (or those of associated gods) to store goods within the temple; lay members typically pay 5% of the value of the goods. 

    Important temples serve as local centers of economic activity. Some temples make loans, charging an annual interest of 3D6+6%. Failure to repay a loan often results in a visit from the cult’s Spirit of Retribution or worse. 

    Most temples do not recognize deposits made with other temples, even of the same cult. A deposit made to the major temple of Ernalda in Clearwine cannot be redeemed at the great temple of Ernalda in Nochet. A notable exception is the Issaries cult. Deposits made at an Issaries temple are recorded with a sealed letter of credit that can be redeemed at another Issaries temple, thereby facilitating long-distance trade.


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  10. 7 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Given what @Rick Meints said above, and what's been hinted at elsewhere, where exactly are the differences? In myths, I see no great problems with different, even contradictory material. But what about history? (when I was RQing years ago, and even now, I focus on rule systems a lot more than a detailed analysis of the history)

    Rick if you need to kick us to a new thread let us know

     I agree Shiningbrow. I have actually incorporated the contradictors into what I tell the adventurers and look forward to the looks on their faces when they come face to face with the reality of it all. Anticipating quick thinking and hoping for amazing role playing


  11. to those involved in the conversation regarding cults as credit lending institutions. Seems that if cults are not lending institutes some temples are very much banks in very many ways. Note the following rules from the Equipment and Wealth chapter of RQ RiG page 406:

    Storing Treasure

    Temples serve as storage centers for grain, livestock, precious metals, and other valuables. Most cults do not charge their initiates (or those of associated gods) to store goods within the temple; lay members typically pay 5% of the value of the goods.

    Important temples serve as local centers of economic activity. Some temples make loans, charging an annual interest of 3D6+6%. Failure to repay a loan often results in a visit from the cult’s Spirit of Retribution or worse.

    Most temples do not recognize deposits made with other temples, even of the same cult. A deposit made to the major temple of Ernalda in Clearwine cannot be redeemed at the great temple of Ernalda in Nochet. A notable exception is the Issaries cult. Deposits made at an Issaries temple are recorded with a sealed letter of credit that can be redeemed at another Issaries temple, thereby facilitating long-distance trade.

    My emphasis for ease of finding passage in the above...

    • Thanks 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    Okay I shouldn't have used the word "canon", that was a poor choice 😀   What I meant was "cite a source if possible". This way, I know where to look to find out more details... but frankly at this point I already started building cross-PDF indices so I can search for something across several dozens of PDFs to solve this problem (most often to follow half of the references from a @Joerg post 😅)

    Agreed, citation allows one to do his or her own research and ones own sorting on the canonical scale. Trust this one, maybe not that one... dig around a bit more on the third. and start a bit of a debate on the fourth.. research and citations in hand. 

     Yeah, I love Joerg too... that's what ya meant right!

    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Anunnaki said:

    The topic also raises the question: Can you outright tell if a crystal is a magic crystal or not? These are the blood of the gods, after all. Personally, I don't differentiate magic crystals from normal crystals in my games -- when attuned, they glow, and that's the "oh, wow, magic!" part. Until you determine it's a magic crystal, it's just a crystal. That's how they end up in various stashes, after all, as treasure. Your Glorantha may treat them differently, of course, and that's the great thing about Greg's generous gift to us all: we get to play in his sandbox as "we" want.


    Not sure how canonical but you have a healthy disregard I see so...

    I like it. it;s simple enough to be good rules, sensible and seems to be in the spirit of Glorantha. And explains the careless seeming way they end up with other crystals. That's four good reasons and no negatives I can think of. Hmm, thanx for sharing... have fun!

  14. 21 hours ago, jeffjerwin said:

    The Earth Witch, the animist or shamanic aspect of the Earth Cult. Worshipped by wise-women across Prax and Central Genertela.


    21 hours ago, Joerg said:

    The best known "Cat Witch" is Onelisin, granddaughter of Sartar the Founder. I don't see any sign for her (or indeed any Yinkini) to be a spirit master - Yinkin's myths are quite explicit in that regard, he chose the gods of his half-brother over the spirits of his father.


  15. 4 minutes ago, styopa said:

    Why would there be a time zone difference if, as I suggested, they just recorded the session playing during normal hours in their own (EU) timezone?

    There was no compelling reason iirc that it be done live.  That's the only reason you'd need to suffer such a time zone difference.

    Ah, if only I was young again and that all to sensible question styopa asked made no sense whatsoever!

    A game at 3 bells, coitainly! Let me get my cache of skittles and jolt!

  16. 16 minutes ago, jeffjerwin said:

    Does any one else recall the crazy stats made for the major NPCs reprinted in Wyrms Footprints? I believe Dave Hargreave did them for his Arduin Grimoire system.

    I recall them and even thought I had them but when this thread began I had a look and nyet. They strongly resembled weird d&d stats no?

  17. 4 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    And a corollary to that is: Assume it's not looking for deep lore unless the poster indicates so. 

    May I suggest a patent pending Grognard Friendly ™  tag be attached to forums that are <ahem> "Grognard Friendly"?
    These may be purchased from the ACME supply company (tell em Wiley  sent ya)...

    may cause baldness in vey gullible customers, drowsiness in vey tired ... ah heck just see a doctor for Chalana's sake!

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  18. 59 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    It started off really friendly, then got a bit snippy, but has gone back to being really friendly again, which is good.

    Well here's hoping it remains as are is (enklish spiken, gud r I). MORE BEER!

    I have seen a few folk I thought were snippy one week, but by not being poked and otherwise treated reasonably well they quit being snippy. Or I was just wrong and I was the snippy one ... oops! I have seen others that just were snippy but heck what they said ws so damn worth while to add (and snippiness is not a burden in any case) I would just not poke the bear (too hard :). 

    Basically, you are all so great or so old and far removed from the days of the  Digests (you know, rough stones in moving streams times time equals pebbles or some such malarky) ...that you don't seem to have rough edges. Heck take some praise soltakss. A lot of the good vibe around here comes from you and you ilk! Beers for the grouches soltakss is paying!


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