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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Things I forgot last post

    1 hour ago, klecser said:

    Another challenge is that we will only have one rulebook, so I anticipate printing full spell text from the PDF for players to use (for personal use only! :) )

    spells and descriptions maybe copy, laminate and cut only the ones you need not all of them (lots of spells already and many more to come) Lamintate and add  more as adventures spells or more npcs spells are needed and added.

    A laptop and or actual computer and one or two tablets with the core books always open an your favourite pages scrolled to or bookmarked are incredible aids in addition  to all of the above. I use a tablet desktop and laptop...

    So do all the above in an hour and then take a 15 minute break and start the game. (be ready to hand hold, it's all right)


    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Quackatoa said:

    Last week I had an urge to create a duck Oakfed cultist as my next RQG character. Currently half-way through drawing him...


    Just add cigar, and he's good to go!

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, klecser said:

    My biggest fear right now is attempting to explain the three tiers of the Magic system and players having a character that they feel is ineffective because  of this. Some of the slipcase characters seem fairly complex to my untrained eye and specialize in calling Spirits and casting magic and I'm not sure how to "pitch" that to whoever plays one. Combat will obviously be a huge part of DAL. Another challenge is that we will only have one rulebook, so I anticipate printing full spell text from the PDF for players to use (for personal use only! :) )


    Good call! Explaining rune spells and rune points and rune cults briefly, spirit magics magic points and their cults or shamans again briefly will pre-emptive a true hard spot. take care of it first!

     Laminate (optional but what happens when that coke slurpy goes flying in the heat of combat)  multiple copies of spirit spell and rune spell tables and leave in the middle of the table. A selection of other items should be laminated and left in the players area as we'll. The table on dealing with wounds, (name and page?) Armour tables, weapons tables  The parry and attack results!!!!!!!! table (make a few and get help form the players when you need it and PS you will need it!). if you laminate the adventurer sheets you will be able to track changes with grease pencil. (and use agin at the next one off, signed... ecological barbarian!)

    Do not go into a lot of detail about associated, friendly and opposed cults other that to acknowledged them (these guys are friends these guys, meh...). Same with combat. Attack and parry, parry - 20 parry, - 20 etc... Simple, and ignore ENC and maybe weapon categories accept broadly for the moment. Do not allow sorcery art all. It's for this godless westerners should suffice. Give em a good patter about Glorantha, (sounds like they already have that). Bows and spells separate from melee that is an adventurer can not do both in same Melee Round (optional but simple and take a look at all the threads of confusion though out the forums about this topic)

    well okay not you, the players... or your explanations to them should ignore the above.

    Yes, simplification with good reason, This game is an unwieldy beast to  fly with all the  rules intact. I have done so now a half dozen times, it takes off like a 747 with Bruce Dickinson at the controls impossibly wrestling itself off the ground, throwing itself away from earth lacking all grace but having gravitas,  WEIGHT and POW! 

    1 hour ago, klecser said:

    I'm expecting that we are going to actually do this in a minimum of two sessions: One to learn the rules basics and one to start play. I know that really doesn't happen for FLGS-based one shots, so I'm curious as to how you all teach the Basics as efficiently as possible.


    Take 20 minutes (hell a half hour, this is a great place to start and almost finish, they are so good) ) and show them the adventurer sheets.This will mean using the pre gens or pre gen your own (not recommended) It would be a lot of work. Transfer the pre gens to official adventurer sheets (at least the first two, maybe ignore the last two for now) and use them as visual aids to explain the rules with the players. Stats, Runes, Hit Points, Skills. Cover the pages.  Lots of work but it will help fix them in your mind and agin the sheets are truly the secret to RQ pat pending!

    The actual character sheets (not the ones provided  with the pre gens) have an awful lot of the game right there at your and the parties finger tips. Cool, eh? Make two copies and keep a copy for your self for those times when you roll their skills and they don't know that you are. 


    1 hour ago, klecser said:

    Another challenge is that we will only have one rulebook, so I anticipate printing full spell text from the PDF for players to use (for personal use only! :) )

    See above on lamented items and using full adventure sheets.

    Last as every good Gamemaster, Dungeon Maste,r Keeper or Time Lord knows, nothing wrong with a little hand wavery every now and again! Make it up for MGF!

    • Like 6
  4. 7 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:
    • Civic planning, permitting, and maintenance have a huge impact on safety.  The ramshackle of Badside, and probably Old Town and the Farmer's Quarter to lesser degrees, is ready to burn at the drop of a match (pun very much intended).

    This point was driven home several times in the Ideas show that launched this thread. Every great fire brought new laws and usually for the better. Wider boulevards, better construction materials, Obstruction and trash bylaws, guilds to maintain construction integrity. The best solution IRW to fight fires it seems is good responsible gov't and enforceable well thought out laws and by-laws.

    Alas, a little boring  but really, the wise here on earth seems to think the world of this thinking. (Screw that give me a Salamander to fight, violence is ALWAYS an option.

    5 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    Okay, pulverised reeds in adobe and thatched reed roofing instead of straw.  Good and likely points in New Pavis.  And theyll still go up like matches in a sufficiently hot conflagration, natural or spiritual.  Perhaps less so in Storm or Sea Seasons, moreso during Fire Season when they're thoroughly dry.


    a conflagration in Pavis might simply start with a sizzling hot day where the air shimmers like waves in the heat and the thermometer (what's a thermometer?) starts off at a leisurely and chill 50º and little kids stop to fry eggs on rocks.

    5 hours ago, Iskallor said:

    Pavis had it covered, he knew what he was doing.

    Interesting, what is your source for this Iskallor.

    4 hours ago, ChalkLine said:

    Yeah, I'd say your average hearth-spirit that is in every home will be on the lookout for fires at all times, day and night. (I think this actually features in Russian mythology)

    when ever I mention this name some one gives me poo for breaking  canon, so I already know, kay? :)

    Thunder Rebels (and old HW sartar background module)  has an interesting idea that a steads elder ladies (devotees of the 6 earth mothers) make their way around the house in the morning with bags of winds. Some chase out bad spirits and airs, some take care of smoke and ensure the fires are burning well and freely. Others bring freshness...

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    As a associate goddess of Ernalda, suppress oakfed will be much more common than expected (full cult writeup coming in GaGoG).

    Remind me, Lay worshippers in RQ G can sacrifice for Rune Spells, yes?

  6. 45 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    What, so you're on fire today?

    I would say we are. Yay! (and there was much rejoicing)

    42 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Given the current official rules for sorcery have Steal Breath, I think it'd be safe to imagine that a Steal Flame would be available, doing something similar - 3 cubic metres of fire (per round!) per level of intensity (2mps).



    13 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    I think we have to jump back further in time to the bronze age. Generally speaking many cities were devastated by fire and they just rebuilt on top. If there was fire fighting it seems it was generally ineffective if it caught hold. Regardless of leather bucket chains (if there were enough buckets) Bronze age fire seem devastating.


    alas, that's the problem. I found a couple of notes on the Egyptians but I did not get the sense of when. They seemed to have pumps and water engines, but not getting dates I could not say if this was .bronze or iron age, (I am betting Iron age.). Of course they have the Nile but the only fire I can think of is well within the common era, Alexandria. More devastating then many other conflagrations for the loss of the library.

    The point I was making using Rome is that in the real world it would be another age before organized fire elimination. Now I know the analogy of bronze age Glorantha and Iron age Earth breaks down vey easily but bear with me, The point I was making is one could assume something like Rome would be a pre-requisite for organized fire fighting.. Notchet, Glamour, an eastern metropolis or a western metropolis might qualify, perhaps?

    24 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Widespread Lay Member worship... not many would go up the ranks to have many points of this spell.

    True, but another tool in any case. Mahome and her (?) gifts are of major importance so there will be some devotees of low rank taking this blessing.


    9 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Supposing you would even start fighting against raging forest fires, Gustbran would be the pedestrian firefighter using well-controlled counter-fires to rob the flames of their fuel, and Storm magic can push the flames back onto already burnt territory.

    I am definitely of the opinion that one would have to roll a world lore or cult lore (fire knowledgeable cults) or the Insight skill to be able to grasp the paradox (again that modern man has no probs with but a Gloranthan..?) of fighting fire with fire as opposed to the obvious earth or water. Perhaps a forester might get it automatically or with a very easy idea roll INT x5 Or even a Battle roll cou;d be used here as someone pointed out—I really like that idea of using Battle skill to take the fight to the fire, sorry for not remembering and giving proper credit? Ahh there he is, Ian Absentia. Great call!

    What do you all think, is this wrong to think fighting fire with fire is not obvious?


    9 hours ago, Joerg said:

     Wildfires in the landscape are a catastrophic terror, and being pretty helpless in the face of that is normal. Praying for rain or going on an Aroka quest would be the normal reaction.

    Good call. Hmm, Joerg,  would you in this case assume one need a passion roll to stand firm and not run or go fetal... Honour for instance, or Love (stead) if it's in danger of being burnt or some such appropriate passion. I could see wild fire being like a Dragon and HR such a thing.


    9 hours ago, Joerg said:

    As to the volunteering - if you are a guest in the city, you are obliged by hospitality laws to lend a hand in some way. If you are a resident, even more so. If your city is divided into neighborhoods like Pavis, cross-neighborhood solidarity will be less than intra-neighborhood solidarity, but you would help keeping the fire limited if your neighborhood is just one road away from the fire.


    Love hospitality! Though Pavis never struck me as a city of enlightened self interest. I could see Old side not really caring (to understate it, I believe the language might be a little more colourful) if Rich Hill was alight, but it the wind shifted...

    "to the buckets Our bothers (freudian slip?) need us," might be heard.


    9 hours ago, Joerg said:

     The worst firefighting cult would be Yinkin - the last rescuers always carry out rescuees and cats. Yinkini probably count twice.


    9 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    Off the cuff, I'd take a look at the Battle skill (RQG p.176) for an abstract approach to dealing with an urban fire, including the "Battle Results" table.  The "battlefront" would shift from district to district, with new sub-plots in each new neighborhood -- some quick 1D6 tables for obstacles and opportunities regarding people and events would be great.


    Cool, very cool!


    9 hours ago, Cultist of Sooty said:


    a story I like a lot!


    Wowsie, wowsie woo woo Pebbles


    Pretty darn cool dood

    As to Eurmal, I am going with Bootse's comment

    10 hours ago, Brootse said:

    And Eurmal worshippers could form a bucket chain to save the fire with Hide Fire. And maybe carry it to the fire station.

    and everything thing RHW says on Oakfed sounds pretty good! (you try to argue with the mis...nothing)



    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Mechashef said:

    However there is nothing wrong with playing BRPAiG  (Basic Role Playing - Adventures in Glorantha)

    Now where would you find this? I had thought that Adventures in Glorantha was abandoned when RQ 6 became Mythos (and long before that when the RQ 4 Adventures in Glorantha was abandoned). 


  9. 8 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Cities propagate fires well in the upper stories. The larger houses, especially the square ones with the light shaft in the middle, are basically furnaces waiting to be lit.


    Sounds kind of like the earth rune imitating homes of the Sartarites and kin. And really most of the buildings of Pavis.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

    Edit: this is honestly one of the most interesting threads we've had here imo. Talking about how people would deal with more real-world issues in Glorantha is really enlightening. And talking about how issues like this could be used in-game is even better.

    I am loving BRP central, myself 

    This Page is honestly some of the best experiences in the cyber realms I have had since  pre-net days of Stadtel BBSs run on the fabled atari 1040st-—Sherman, set the way back machine to the 80s. The Rrrock, and oh damn can't remember the name of the BBS (citadel?) but it was the best ever and the SYSOP was King of the Popes (Hey Bald Dwarf, are you out there? C'com Dimitrius, I know your here). The conversations were long, short, airy, eriudite, hilarious... and now a massage from the swedish prime minister... slap itty slap itty slap... heated and often helpful. Especially if help was asked for! And best of all from around the world (often on the SYSOPs and his slow friend's dime). Hell there was a thread about super-string theory was easily as long as the Pavis and the three billion questions thread found in the Glorantha Forum!

    Anyway should a praise thread be needed why doesn't some one do so and begin this anew there... You can quote me on that.

    Oh hell I think I will do that anyway...

    • Like 5
  11. 1 hour ago, Richard S. said:

    Edit: this is honestly one of the most interesting threads we've had here imo. Talking about how people would deal with more real-world issues in Glorantha is really enlightening. And talking about how issues like this could be used in-game is even better.

    I am loving BRP central, myself 

    This Page is honestly some of the best experiences in the cyber realms I have had since  pre-net days of Stadtel BBSs run on the fabled atari 1040st-—Sherman, set the way back machine to the 80s. The Rrrock, and oh damn can't remember the name of the BBS (citadel?) but it was the best ever and the SYSOP was King of the Popes (Hey Bald Dwarf, are you out there? C'com Dimitrius, I know your here). The conversations were long, short, airy, eriudite, hilarious... and now a massage from the swedish prime minister... slap itty slap itty slap... heated and often helpful. Especially if help was asked for! And best of all from around the world (often on the SYSOPs and his slow friend's dime). Hell there was a thread about super-string theory was easily as long as the Pavis and the three billion questions thread found in the Glorantha Forum!

    Anyway should a praise thread be needed why doesn't some one do so and begin this anew there... You can quote me on that.

    Oh hell I think I will do that anyway...

    Done, a new thread has been created and it's meant to praise BRP central, head to the tavern, you can  ask anyone here for directions.


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    • Thanks 1
  12. On 4/29/2019 at 3:29 PM, JonL said:
    On 4/29/2019 at 1:38 PM, Rick Meints said:

    Chaosium has a long and storied history of announcing 'forthcoming" products that never end up making it into print.

    Refreshing to see senior management owning that. I also appreciate that you all have been taking concrete steps to improve the situation.

    Yay, go Rick!


    On 4/30/2019 at 10:07 AM, Oracle said:

    I think this 'long and storied history' is one of the main reasons, why Chaosium these days is so reluctant in announcing official release dates for new products - which looking at the last releases makes a lot of sense, because now you know, if they say a release is coming, then it is really avaiable in a relatively short time frame ...

    almost as storied as the poor edits... most before you I am sure,  Rick:)

    Sorry boys door was open, barbarians ya know... just wandered in. loving this thread


  13. 38 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

    Edit: this is honestly one of the most interesting threads we've had here imo. Talking about how people would deal with more real-world issues in Glorantha is really enlightening. And talking about how issues like this could be used in-game is even better.

    I do try my best to create good threads and then watch folk have at 'em!

    I learned some of the secrets to thread creation by having watched (read lurked) the best for a couple of years with very few posts to begin. Really, throw a good question in front of this lot, fan the flames ( ;vo ) a little and stand back and watch 'em go. It's quite entertaining, Really!


    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Nevun said:

    I can imaging a big fire growing - getting larger. Then salamanders forming, to 'frolic' in the blaze. Spreading it. Feeding it. Certainly opposing any undines summoned to try to control it. They have short attention spans so left to their own devices, they'll eventually leave when the fun is over - when all the 'food' is gone. But bring undines into the fun and it could become a battle. Not to mention any special interest groups that may rock up to add their 2l to the event.


  15. 4 minutes ago, g33k said:
    1 hour ago, Bill the barbarian said:

     Lady Blueberry (?)   


    Thank you.

    6 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I mean, they are still EARLY in their heroic journeys... But he has set their feet upon that road.


    True but note their next opponents are not ones that should be met early in the journey; 3 of the nine riders and I believe their king. Could they have survived with out the ritual rebirth?

  16. On 4/29/2019 at 10:59 PM, Shiningbrow said:

    (Kili and Tauriel). But then, people also complained about the lack of Tom Bombadil... Personally, I would think that was too "kid's stuff" (as written) for the movie. But, he could still have been there.

    Hmm, glad you would have been okay to see him there.

    I saw the Tom Bombadil Lady Blueberry (?) story as a bit of a heroquest myself. After being ate by Old Man Willow (and a trip to Bullfinches Mythologies or a google should pull up an incredible amount on Old Man Willow IRW) not to mention the forced and assisted birth at the hands of Tom to the Hobbits when he free them from OMW's maw and then brought them kicking and screaming into a new world in many ways. The child like simplicity for me had a nice celtic depth to it

     In fact I have always said that Peter Jackson boosted the Sex by taking a one sentence mention in the book and making it a continuing love scene with Liv Ulman. and removing the ancient celtic spirituality by removing Tom. So I guess I could be included in that ilk myself.


    • Like 1
  17. 10 hours ago, Brootse said:

    A city fire as a scenario sounds damn interesting!

    Yes it does and you can bet I will be inflicting it upon PCs at some point in time.


    4 minutes ago, Ian Absentia said:

    That's nice, but I'll lean into some communally-POWered Divine Intervention for something on this scale...


    A quick tip of the hat and a moment of silence if your into that kind of thing for the poor folk of Paradise.

    (was going to insert a sad emoji but the tears on my face will have to suffice)

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