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Bill the barbarian

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Posts posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. 4 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Some cities are built atop the remains of previous incarnations of those cities that may have been lost e.g. to dragonfire. In such cases, underground passages may have survived, and may have been integrated into trollkin or krarshtkid warrens.


    This was to be my thought but Joerg may have hit 'em all with that doozie! I would imagine thief warrens and travel paths underground and in passing walls, (this could be tunnels, bribable guards) as well.

  2. 15 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    Any good sources for a fairly generic, one shot fantasy adventure? Preferably the kind of thing travelling characters might get involves with on their way somewhere?

    Well, Gringle's Pawn Shop might be a good one off and has a uniquely RQ twist.


    The party becomes the dungeon dwellers and the NPCs are the adventures assaulting the dungeon (love it!)

    The village of Apple Lane is a nondescript gathering of buildings typical of borderland territories. Several days ride from the nearest large city it sits astride a well used road.
    Any travellers (from whom the settlement gets the larger share of its trade) are happy to stop at this rustic outpost, while farmers from the surrounding hills enjoy it's nearly-citified comforts. The Sheriff of Apple Lane has authority in the area; there is no other official security force. Apple orchards, from which the hamlet draws its name, surround it on every side.

    Just saying...


  3. 2 hours ago, Tywyll said:

    As much as I would like to assume the bonuses would apply to both hands, if that were the case, I see no reason to have an off-hand skill at all. If your culture provides +15 and your profession gives you +25%, which would follow the same arguement, you basically just end up with the same starting skill in both hands. That's clearly not RAI. 


    Leading us to the debate, and my question, however it has been proven as RAW. Alas.

  4. 3 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    "The player must keep track of the individual weapon expertise of the adventurer with each weapon as used in each hand. Training or experience in using a weapon left-handed does not help the right-handed attack or parry with the same weapon, except that the half effectiveness rule applies. For example, use of a dagger left-handed, allows the adventurer to use it right-handed at half the left-handed ability". (my emphasis)


    I believe the emphasis says it all. Thanx Shiningbrow and congrats and well played Kloster!


    33 minutes ago, Trifletraxor said:

    Major software update just completed. Please report if you find any bugs! 

    Well, I am sure that when I went to bed last night that I was green and now I seem to be in the pink, Could that be what you are talking about. And all this time I thought it was the troll drinks. 

    If you could good sir, I would love to be my usual sickly shade of green, all this healthy pink is scaring me.

    It's not easy being green!
    Kermit the barbarian

  6. 58 minutes ago, Sumath said:

    As Bill the barbarian says, I'd run them as is, apart from replacing old spells and adjusting HPs. The main issue is going to be that the standard RQG timeline is a generation later than RQ2 was, when the Lunars no longer occupy Dragon Pass. So you either have to base your RQG campaign earlier (which means handling CharGen backgrounds slightly differently) or try to update the old scenarios (which could be a lot of work).

    gordian knot my good man, gordian knot!

    and thanks PhilHibbs. Forgot that, but it is a major note!


  7. 1 minute ago, PhilHibbs said:

    A Humakti should be able to get it up to 90, even with a modest +10% Manipulation modifier. It also depends on how generously you interpret the bonuses. Sartarites get Broadsword +15, should you get that as well for off-hand use? I don't see why not. That allows you to get you up to 95% or 100% depending on your modifier and how you allocate your cult and elective choices. What more do you want? 


    I would assume only if it was culturally appropriate (that is, used culturally in regular practice).

    4 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Two swords is perfectly achievable. The only down side is the reduced HP for parrying, and the inferior damage taking mechanics. Get yourself an iron sword to parry with, and bless it for +50% HP.

    Even with the stringent limitations it seems I am using, I would agree that two weapon use is achievable.


  8. 26 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    Completely agreed. But the half skill is what I understand of the rules, not what I feel about real world. I have practiced fencing quite  a lot, and am completely unable to use a foil, sword or saber with my left hand. On the other hand, I have practiced archery with both hands, with quite similar results.

    Hmm, I am fairly sure that RW and rules actually correspond here.

    Just having  a quick  look and while I can find nothing proving your point I can also find nothing proving my point. Stand off (or in RQ terms a tie on the opposed roll). In the real world we both agree that you would have to start from a difficult base to relearn skill off-hand. Question is how is this resolved in the rules.Is an off-handed weapon a different weapon category or is it eligible for the 50% similar weapon skill modifier

     Anyone? Shall we thrash this about here or in a new thread before posting a rule question. Has this already been solved? Will Edna return to Cliff and what is this question from the Guiding Life doing here anyway?


    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    Sure, Base is 05% for off-hand weapon use, but you can still use half your normal score. After all, this is another weapon skill in the same category.

    I am not sure if off-handed weapon use is similar enough to qualify as being the same category. You really have to rethink your whole strategy here when changing hands, the muscles are different so even the weight will seem different. The angles you are used to are now backwards. You will not be able to rely on muscle memory (which is an incredibly important in any physical action).

     I play guitar quite well but have been handed guitars often enough by south paws which I have gamely tried to play. and found all my skills are now gone. I had to translate all my knowledge to a new situation (thankfully similar, but still backward) I would have to play with skills I did not have while translating my knowledge (easy translation with time) and playing all at the same time. 

    I think the existing penalties are quite fair. Hard weapon skill base at 5% and no similar weapon category bonuses...


    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Kevinrune said:

    I am thinking about taking RQ2 scenarios and updating NPC stats to RQG. If we cloud source  it we can get some real traction. I know RQG is great but the old scenarios were awesome. As a group we can pick a starting scenario and then divvey up the NPC'S. 


    Tell you the truth I have been using them as is. That the stats differ fractionally should not be a problem. I think for the most part the SRs and SRMs are very close. Hit locations are the same.  I seem to recall a very small change as to HPs but it isn't a common problem (high POW bonus? can not recall) and again it is slight.

    Spells are a little different  (cost and effects as well as casting... CHA vs INT) so make up some charts of Rune spells and their cults that you will encounter that evening, a list of common spells (seeing as many NPCs will have them) and then just have the rules near at hand for fast checks. I think that for the most part battle magic and spirit magics are similar,  Unfamiliar spells toss or replace or make it up,

     I am thinking the amount of work required to restat all the NPCs versus a little hard waving... The rules really and truly are very close between RQ2 and RQ RiG.

    Just remember to not decrease the NPCs numbers, or strengths. You may end up wanting to increase them instead as the main difference twixt the two games is power levels.. As this is impossible to create formulas for, you will have to scale according to your PCs abilities

    Of course, do not let me dissuade you. I thought the same thing myself at first. In the end though It's your hobby and the only way to do it wrong is to not enjoy it.


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  11. 2 hours ago, Bohemond said:

    What the cult really needs is a hero who can organize its libraries according to a standard system. 

    You have heard of L-Space theory,. yes? Pratchett developed it, and I would say that he is wise enough to speak for many different  worlds and if Glorantha is not a different world I don't know what is.

    L-space, short for library-space, is the ultimate portrayal of Pratchett's concept that the written word has powerful magical properties on the Discworld, and that in large quantities all books warp space and time around them. In other words rots of ruck in trying to organize a library in a magic rich world.

    • Like 2
  12. 34 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Because of a thing called an 'apprenticeship'. You get 4 years of practical and theoretical training. You come out at the end being capable of doing your job quite well. If a chef is asked to do a meal, they can do it well easily 80% of the time... A good blacksmith will make that sword 80% of the time with no issues (probably more often).

    4 years of military training, and you will be hitting that target most of the time.

    4 years of martial arts training will make you that competent.

    4 years of language training should (if you're not a lazy sh*t like a lot of the students I've had) make you near fluent in a language (ie, 80% or higher)... especially if you've lived in the country and actively tried to learn the language.

    I would add one more year beyond your four suggested years of apprenticeship. One year as a journeyman to have all the lessons make sense as you settle into your new profession, perhaps. That would coincidentally be five years at an average 2000 hours a year for that magic number that Paul McCartney and  many others  advocate to being necessary to become a professional... 10,000 hours!

  13. 5 hours ago, Kloster said:
    6 hours ago, kiryamo said:

    I think the system is not well balanced, and maybe it would be necessary to re-establish the RQ3-limit of 75% + modifier.


    I am sure I have said and read this often, but  suppose it is worth noting again that unless things have really changed at the Chaosium, they do not and never have said that  balance is required to make good games.  Life is not balanced so generally they have left that silly little concept to other games.

    David was not equal to Goliath, and thats the point!


    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, Joerg said:

    So basically, if you use Chaosium's old Thieves World box as Refuge in Glorantha for expeditions to the Machine Ruins, you cover almost the entire roleplayer fan base (as Chaosium was a Californian company at the time they produced the Thieves World box - though not southern).

    Not sure about that, but should you own a copy of Chaosium's coolest non-glorananthan product you would definitely qualify as not only a grognard but also a winner of a shiny new no-prize (yay!).

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, klecser said:

    I did not know that Robin Laws was involved in Runequest. Cool.

    And I do not know his work but know of his reputation both here and in the wider gamer community. So I look forward to his take on RQ's old default playground.

  16. 1 hour ago, Crel said:

    Hey now, considering y'all have a thirty-ish year head start on me I feel like I do alright for myself! :D

    Nah yer a piker, I'm a piker. Ya want grognard, just check out the last three posts ;)

    • Sad 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Crel said:



    Had you looked up Different Wyrmsthumbprints issue 23 the one with the purple cover (which was never actually published) in nine-teen hundred and seventy five in the 13th month you would have realized (nose high up in the air as he says) 

    GaGoG equals Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha

    Non-grognard, hmmphh.

    Ohh and Ochoa, Crel is perfectly correct in his comment about this thread. This is munchkinnery here is at its most egregious and I believe that there are some serious munchkins here abouts based on the past 4 pages. Mighty serious munchkins, indeed!


    • Haha 2
  18. 4 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Oh, he would be. But pity the poor Trickster who does so and finds that CA is no longer protecting him from Mallia... And Mallia just loves seeking out Disorder...

    and your average trickster utilizes his vast wisdom to parse this out to his advantage and lead a better life as a functioning member of his clan: 

    always yes/no
    usually yes/no
    on occasion yes/no
    What was the question yer honour My vast what..? 

  19. 58 minutes ago, Crel said:

    I guess it's worth pointing out that any of the cults noting CA as associated can get access at start of play to Sleep. Eurmal just stuck out in particular because Tricksters. And, I suppose any other cult would have some notion of "use this spell nicely, or else CA's gonna be pissed" whereas Tricksters are Tricksters. Other cults include Ernalda, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Orlanth, Storm Bull and Yelm.

    You know, if I had a trickster able to get it out of CA teacher (good enough story, correct rolls, yada yada), I would have to think the trickster was doing his job.Oh and thanx for the citations!

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